a blow to our Constitution

We could care less about your hysterics punk. You are running around here like an estrogen filled monkey screaming that sky is falling.

And you know he is posting from his Mom's basement wearing his Vagina hat with posters of Obama, Castro, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Hillary, Marx, and Kaitlynn Jenner covering the walls
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We all know it's a last desperate grab by white males to keep that patriarchal control.

*tisk**tisk* You forgot the rules gipper…

… hating white people isn't racist, it's just the en vogue thing to do this decade.

Don't fret though, in the 2020's it's those wascally Asians that get to take the wrap for all the worlds ills.
We all know it's a last desperate grab by white males to keep that patriarchal control.

It's worked so far ...


Shouldn't you be out doing your patriotic duty?

… get that video camera setup, I want to see some post Kavanaugh Confirmation left wing dingbat freak out videos on YouTube tomorrow.

You folks did such a great job after the 2016 election, I'm expecting you to up the ante with this one.

Get crackin'.

And make sure they are wearing those vagina hats when they lecture us about dignity

You are one hurt puppy. I read the opinion piece that you cited, and it is pure intellectual garbage, unworthy of a university professor. It is devoid of any evidence, or even a hint of evidence, that Trump and/or Kavanaugh have intentions to, or have taken action to, subvert democratic government. Your Utopian pipe dream is not reality, and being opposed to it is not treason.
When Obama destroyed the fabric of the Constitution by FORCING the rest of US into Obamacare, you didn't give a rats ass. When he had the IRS attack US citizens for their political beliefs you had no issue with that. When Obama's FBI investigated a US citizens background for opposition research, you didn't have an issue with that, but when the Joe Biden rule is enforced by the Republicans, now you whine like a little bitch girl who has her panties in a wad.. Well time for ole reliable again.


He thinks a Potus is above the law. He thinks the Potus can fire anyone he wants for whatever reason he wants.
Actually ANY appointed position in the Federal Government the President CAN fire them for ANY reason he wants, to include cause he farted last night.

I have proof right here , and Trump took the bait, wonder why Obama didn't. Obama believed in Separation of Powers. He didn't feel that way when he worked for Starr.


He thinks a Potus is above the law. He thinks the Potus can fire anyone he wants for whatever reason he wants.
Actually ANY appointed position in the Federal Government the President CAN fire them for ANY reason he wants, to include cause he farted last night.

I have proof right here , and Trump took the bait, wonder why Obama didn't. Obama believed in Separation of Powers.

Is that why he had the IRS target opposition opponents? Because of the separation of powers? Is that why he had the FBI investigate an opponent running for President because he believed in separation of powers?

He thinks a Potus is above the law. He thinks the Potus can fire anyone he wants for whatever reason he wants.
Actually ANY appointed position in the Federal Government the President CAN fire them for ANY reason he wants, to include cause he farted last night.

I have proof right here , and Trump took the bait, wonder why Obama didn't. Obama believed in Separation of Powers. He didn't feel that way when he worked for Starr.

"I've got my pen and my phone."

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