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A call for mass exodus from public schools

Camera is ok long as each student have a sign in where the parents can view the camera anytime they want remotely and get playback far back as 7 days.

And no they won't get the message. They will just say the parents are conservative racists for taking their kids out and will blame "the system" or some other such nonsense. They won't ever think for a second they are wrong and start demanding action from the government and so on. Accepting responsibility is not a common trait anymore.

As I have tried to explain to Mac, and have failed: the problem with this is the other children in the class have a right to privacy. So this will never fly, and it should not. You cannot guarantee that someone's creepy boyfriend will not be using that camera for nefarious reasons either

I mean, come on. We're talking about minors here. The public schools should be disbanded before we allow this

People are waking up. The indoctrination centers may let you protest the garbage they want to teach your children, as the FBI investigates you for doing so, but they will never hear those voices that are not welcome.

The public schools belong to the Federal government, not you, much like the entire government. It is a government by and for the DNC and not you

You are either part of the opposition or willingly work their plantations

It is that simple.

Yeah. Okay.

No, I mean that. Okay.

I work in a very good upscale suburban school. Even so, a few weeks ago I had a room clear for three days running. For kindergarten students who threw things around my room and/or got violent with other children.

We are in such a crisis with behavior that we have to call the "Crisis Intervention Team" multiple times a day because we have children running out of the building into the street, throwing things, attacking other students and staff.

So okay. I don't know what you think will become of these kids. But this will become your problem to solve. So, you solve it.
Well Sue I'm thankful there are teachers like you still fighting to educate our kids. The vast majority of critics here are armchair quarterbacks who truly believe that kids today just come into school, act perfectly, and just sit and absorb everything. We shall wait on them to fix all the behavior issues.
Well Sue I'm thankful there are teachers like you still fighting to educate our kids. The vast majority of critics here are armchair quarterbacks who truly believe that kids today just come into school, act perfectly, and just sit and absorb everything. We shall wait on them to fix all the behavior issues.

My fellow conservatives are usually huge dunderheads when it comes to school

It boils down to this:

1. I hated school when I was a kid but also

2. School should be just like it was when I was a kid

....not kidding.

And yes, they are completely out of touch for the most part. They want to go back to an Ozzie and Harriet situation, but we no longer live in an Ozzie and Harriet world and we have no magic wand to make it happen
Well Sue I'm thankful there are teachers like you still fighting to educate our kids. The vast majority of critics here are armchair quarterbacks who truly believe that kids today just come into school, act perfectly, and just sit and absorb everything. We shall wait on them to fix all the behavior issues.
Got a cause for all those behavioral issues?
Well Sue I'm thankful there are teachers like you still fighting to educate our kids. The vast majority of critics here are armchair quarterbacks who truly believe that kids today just come into school, act perfectly, and just sit and absorb everything. We shall wait on them to fix all the behavior issues.
Most of this is about discipline. We have eliminated it in an extreme feminist prog women controlled western world who controls all else as authoritarians. The unelected law enforcements in all ways enforces this and many other ways of the growing shadow on the land.

People are waking up. The indoctrination centers may let you protest the garbage they want to teach your children, as the FBI investigates you for doing so, but they will never hear those voices that are not welcome.

The public schools belong to the Federal government, not you, much like the entire government. It is a government by and for the DNC and not you

You are either part of the opposition or willingly work their plantations

It is that simple.
/——/ This is the Swamp President Trump wanted to drain.
Disturbing what they teach children now. If they spent the effort they spend on indoctrination and shifted back to Science, Math etc. we would lead the world in education.
/——/ These public school teachers can’t teach what they, themselves, don’t know.
Not only that but you have to compete with YouTube, tik tok, Twitter, the list goes on. Kids are on devices incessantly outside of school. I wonder if this doesn't help.
Most of this is about discipline. We have eliminated it in an extreme feminist prog women controlled western world who controls all else as authoritarians. The unelected law enforcements in all ways enforces this and many other ways of the growing shadow on the land.

In the aggregate, maybe. These extreme cases, no. These extreme cases are not about "discipline". There is something very, very wrong with these children, tragically. In the wiring, in the biology--something. I say this with much sadness.

People do not realize. They don't know. But imagine when you and I went to school, having to have a Crisis Intervention Team in every single elementary school basically in America.


People are waking up. The indoctrination centers may let you protest the garbage they want to teach your children, as the FBI investigates you for doing so, but they will never hear those voices that are not welcome.

The public schools belong to the Federal government, not you, much like the entire government. It is a government by and for the DNC and not you

You are either part of the opposition or willingly work their plantations

It is that simple.
Once the Marxist Democrat politicians see this occurring, they will direct the DOJ to take the children out of their homes and ensure they get the appropriate Marxist indoctrination.
Maybe we see a mass Exodus of people quitting their jobs to help fix the problem by becoming teachers. Although their paychecks will be plummeting.
Not only that but you have to compete with YouTube, tik tok, Twitter, the list goes on. Kids are on devices incessantly outside of school. I wonder if this doesn't help.

It is a huge problem, indeed. It has impacted attention span and many things. But most children can overcome this and want to do well, so this can be, for lack of a better term, "managed".

But it seems every classroom has at least one child in it with very extreme behaviors now.
Maybe we see a mass Exodus of people quitting their jobs to help fix the problem by becoming teachers. Although their paychecks will be plummeting.

I say this nearly with tears.

It's not worth it.

I never thought I would say that.

I love my job and my profession to my baby toenail. I can't imagine doing anything else with my life. I will retire only because I have run out of steam....NOT because I have run out of passion.

But no one can do this. No one. It's unsustainable. No one can do it.

It's why we have the teacher shortage.

So you all can bash all you want; there's no need. It's over at any rate. It's not that the schools or teachers are so broken.

It's society. It's families.

Ask. The. Teachers.
Hard to argue Sue. Well said. Perhaps parenting and such is failing. Notice how no posters ever believe in kids having any responsibility in their learning. If a child refuses to complete assignments, refuses to take any instruction, disrupts the classroom, it's all the teachers fault. Never one ounce of responsibility goes to the kids. A trend I'm noticing.
I didn't used to believe it. I do now. Something is very, very wrong here.
I think it is all pretty obvious but hey that is just me.

Did you listen to the adults who described the reactions they had to the covid vaccines who described how their heads felt like they were exploding? Now we can imagine what many of the children feel like when they started crying and screaming after they get vaccines. With every passing year they have made these vaccines more and more invasive. Top that with lack of nutrition due to the chemical damages or desiccated foods and this is what we have. Not only that but there is also an iodine deficiency throughout which affects intelligence. Even adults get very frustrated when they cannot understand or are told they must learn or do something that they feel is beyond them to do; twenty times worse for a child in that position with no life experience. Simple common sense which we are sorely lacking today in many areas.
Hard to argue Sue. Well said. Perhaps parenting and such is failing. Notice how no posters ever believe in kids having any responsibility in their learning. If a child refuses to complete assignments, refuses to take any instruction, disrupts the classroom, it's all the teachers fault. Never one ounce of responsibility goes to the kids. A trend I'm noticing.

Thank you, yes. A big problem is we have lost all sense of community. So if a classroom teacher has 25 children, there is no acknowledgement that the teacher is teaching 25 children. No, she is customer service for *your* child and that is all that matters. And the expectations are ridiculous, and they really include not just academically supporting children but raising them.

I repeat


And now, in this very thread, while we do this we are to be live recorded and viewed and all the children, too. Of course. We are rearing 25 children, some with extreme behaviors, and most of us getting paid MAYBE $50K a year. And while this is happening we are viewed live every moment at work.

SIGN UP everyone!!!
Instead of wasting the money by on guns and cameras in the classrooms, why don’t you raise teachers’ wages, provide enough money for computers and texts for every student.

It’s not the teacher unions who set the curriculum or buy the textbooks - that would be the states. And please note that it’s the reddest states with the lowest scores in the nation as well as the lowest paid teachers.

Republicans have been defunding education since Reagan was in office. They want to end the public education system. They want to ensure that future generations of American children are too ignorant of their own history to vote anything but Republican.

They want their children to deny climate change, evolution, science and technology. This is why American manufacturing and production continues to fall further and further behind the rest of the industrialized world.

Republicans would rather see their children broke, unemployed, and lacking in any opportunities whatsoever, rather see them vote Democrat.

Private and homeschooled kids fair far better on standardized tests than public school kids. There is that. Need I mention the better discipline, far less violence and drugs? Public schools are indoctrination centers. Free thought is not accepted nor encouraged. If a child dares to challenge the theory of AGW, for example, their sources and any information they could provide to support their case is quickly dismissed.

The Party and its agenda above all. This continues throughout college, which is exactly why we see generations of sheep who vote for people like Biden. Sorry, to break the news, but you may just be one of the victims.

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