A call for resistance to our "Child King" by an honest republican...

when Obama and Clinton go to a shelter,say and do the shit Trump did, 'll be more than happy to ridicule them just like I do Don Cheeto.

After years of lying bought and paid for political hacks who lie out their filthy lying mouths every damn election to get elected then do the opposite of what they said they would do. After years of getting shit on by these so called professional politicians, the people told the political establishment to eat shit and elected president Trump. :eusa_clap:
I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like what we're learning about you from your posts.

Actually, ask me if I care what moronic, Trump-cult members "think" of my posts....Go on, ask me...LOL

Pretty sure he's way out of your league ...

Peter Wehner, is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, who has served in the previous three Republican administrations......

This article by him summarizes rather well the need for republicans (NOT democrats) to rid us of this child-like demagogue that does not belong in such an important position.

If you have the time, please read the entire article; well worth the few minutes.
Here are a couple of key points that Wehner makes that both reflect the frustration felt by most of us, and the call to resist this cult-like devotion of Trump acolytes.....

  • The more offensive Mr. Trump is to the rest of America, the more popular he becomes with his core supporters.
  • Much of this mess is of the Republican Party’s own making. Let’s not forget that Mr. Trump’s political rise began with his promulgation of the racist conspiracy theory that President Obama was not a natural-born American citizen..................[Republicans] need to accept, finally, the reality — evident from the moment he declared his candidacy — that Mr. Trump is unfit to govern. He will prove unable to salvage his presidency. As the failures pile up, he’ll act in an even more erratic fashion.
Opinion | Behold Our ‘Child King’
you start too many threads.

That's his job.
Trump doesn't even have a path to the White House! How many AltRight, Fascist, racist, Nazi KKKers are even in America in the first place?

Not many, but there's quite a few morons.....like you.....that sympathize with the above ilk.....
Professor Wehner is part of the establishment and there is little difference between republicans and democrats in establishment politics. There is only money and power and damn the Country. The last thing people like Wehner want is a president who jeopardizes the cozy relationship and cushy appointments and lucrative grants the power brokers have established for themselves through the years with both sides of the isle. Drain the freaking swamp.
“What’s required now is a comprehensive, consistent case by Republican leaders at the state and national levels that signals their opposition to the moral ugliness and intellectual incoherence of Mr. Trump. Rather than standing by the president, they should consider themselves liberated and offer a constructive, humane and appealing alternative to him. They need to think in terms of a shadow government during the Trump era, with the elevation of alternative leaders on a range of matters.” ibid

Wehner is correct, of course.

But there are two problems with what he proposes:

Far too many Republicans are blind partisans, adherents to the 11th Commandment, and loath to be critical of a Republican president – any Republican president – to be seen as undermining a Republican administration, where Republicans perceive the WH as their ‘birthright.’

And there are far too few Republicans in office capable of proposing constructive, humane policies for the GOP to advocate, the consequence of rightwing extremism, wrongheaded conservative dogma, and Republican politicians of good faith primaried out of office by those rightwing extremists.

So what you REALLY mean is that they need to be more like you. How very intellectual of you.
Trump's comments yesterday at NRG center--that the victims at the shelter were very happy and that this was a great thing for our country--were so childlike. He forgot the reason for all this back slapping and God Bless us talk. He was too wrapped up in thinking of his awesome response to the disaster.

I watched the coverage of his interactions with folks there and the kids, and he was very friendly, yes. But his comments were so off base. Watching it was like watching an 8 year old. Take him to a shelter where everyone has lost their home and their possessions and probably their jobs, and watch him say Cool beans, how friendly everyone is. It's fun!

Child, child, child.

With sufficient malice and plenty of ill will one can turn Mother Teresa a whore.

You are dripping with ill will and malice toward your president.

Yeah, that is very adult-like

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