Zone1 A Church Taking Action & Fighting Back Against LGBTQ+Pedo

This church kicked out a "woke" weirdo who was disrupting the service. Good for them!!

nothing new ....


christians have been persecuting and victimizing the innocent since their phony beginning in the 4th century - action jack.
I don’t think the statement was sexual. It was the attack on Christians teach that there will be a Judgement Day and God would send His children to hell as punishment. In fact, these LGBTQ people can’t fathom they are sinning and doing anything wrong.

"The devil's greatest trick is to convince the world that he doesn't exist". Charles Baudelaire
Read Ezekiel....he explains what Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed over......

Ezekiel 16:49-50​

New International Version​

49 “‘Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen.

A lot on the Right are in trouble.


nothing new ....


christians have been persecuting and victimizing the innocent since their phony beginning in the 4th century - action jack.
1) Has nothing to do with kicking a queer out of church.
2) The KKK isn't a church.
Yes, imagine the love He holds for the J6 prisoners....Donald Trump and family....etc. God is all love and no judgment. Right? God is love.
God wanted him to lose.
God wanted them to be imprisoned.

God is love.

Not sure about that but I have loved her decisions in those two matters.
That's an interesting perspective.

So you don't believe in judgement.
Nope - since I am an atheist.
Therefore I believe and strongly support immediate punishment according to existing laws. - which in many countries and cases are handled far to lax.
My Motto and Moral is: Eye for an Eye and Tooth for a Tooth
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LGBTQ are pedo, but not people like this one:

And of course there are no Republicans who are part of the LGBTQ+ community.

Not a one.

First, the dude has the gayest haircut on earth. Secondly, I'm not a Republican. Nevertheless, political affiliation has nothing to do with immoral and amoral activities. Wrong is wrong whether you're a Demwit, RINO, Libertarian, or Greenie.
Nope - since I am an atheist.
Therefore I believe and strongly support immediate punishment according to existing laws. - which in many countries and cases are handled far to lax.
My motto is: Eye for an Eye and Tooth for a Tooth

You are entitled to your belief.

I like "an eye for an eye", but it can be avoided if we remember to "do unto others as we would have others do unto us".

And just and merciful. Completely and totally in all of those areas. Thus, sin MUST be punished, AND He made the way for it to be forgiven. Why is that so hard for you to understand?

It's the twisted logic that the devil teaches his children, disabling them from understanding real logic.


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