A Civil War if Trump is not reinstated

While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
"Many of the supporters who gathered for the Saturday rally in Wellington, Ohio, wore memorabilia and carried signs with slogans like "Trump won" and "Biden sucks" displayed across them".

The orange grifter, still fleecing his gullible herd.

With biden fucking this country it can't happen soon enough.
Like everything else Trump and his cult try, it will be a clusterfuck from day one.
Like watching episodes of Wile E Coyote and Road Runner.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The Libtards in this country are cowards at heart that use the weakness of our Democracy to steal and intimidate.

They talk big in their Gay Pride parades, BLM marches and Democrat Party hate rallies but they have no real courage.

That will all fall apart when we Patriots have had enough of their destruction.

It won't be pretty.
You are the confused Trump humper.

October 8 2020
More than a dozen men were arrested on federal and state charges in connection with an alleged foiled plot to kidnap Michigan’s Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, authorities said Thursday.

Six were apprehended and charged with federal crimes, while another seven were picked up on state charges, officials in Michigan said.

The Trump cult tried and failed on January 6th.

Just like their moron, dear leader, they have an "excellent' track record.

Yeah, it won't be pretty but you can bet it will be funny.
Serious men don't do protests.

And when the serious men take to the streets, they won't be the ones needing protection.
I'm beginning to think that these "serious men" are simply a figment of RWers imagination. It's always those 'other guys' who are going to make me wish I'd never been born.

I used to be a little excited about RWers starting a civil war, until I realized that it's just a fantasy held by pussies like you.
They’re serious cowards and terrorists.
Serious men don't do protests.

And when the serious men take to the streets, they won't be the ones needing protection.
I'm beginning to think that these "serious men" are simply a figment of RWers imagination. It's always those 'other guys' who are going to make me wish I'd never been born.

I used to be a little excited about RWers starting a civil war, until I realized that it's just a fantasy held by pussies like you.
They’re serious cowards and terrorists.
I love seeing the way you hypocrites think; if they're trespassing and their white Trump supporters, then they're "terrorists".
If they're committing terroristic attacks and they're BLM or some flavor of antifa freaks, then you all treat them like nothing more than trespassers. (smh)

It's all about who you side with, with you folks..... you don't think about right and wrong at all.
Serious men don't do protests.

And when the serious men take to the streets, they won't be the ones needing protection.
I'm beginning to think that these "serious men" are simply a figment of RWers imagination. It's always those 'other guys' who are going to make me wish I'd never been born.

I used to be a little excited about RWers starting a civil war, until I realized that it's just a fantasy held by pussies like you.
They’re serious cowards and terrorists.
I love seeing the way you hypocrites think; if they're trespassing and their white Trump supporters, then they're "terrorists".
If they're committing terroristic attacks and they're BLM or some flavor of antifa freaks, then you all treat them like nothing more than trespassers. (smh)

It's all about who you side with, with you folks..... you don't think about right and wrong at all.

Why are Trumptards desperately trying to equate the two, totally different instances?
You are confusing protesters an rioters, like most Trumptards do.
15,000 rioters were arrested, so far and more to come.

"It's all about who you side with, with you folks..... you don't think about right and wrong at all".

As the Trumptards don't want any investigation into the capitol insurrection?
As Trumptards downplay the capital insurrection as any normal tourist guided tour?
As Trumptards claim the insurrectionist were "patriots"?
As Trumptards demand to know the name of the officer who shot the dumb bitch, trying to enter through a broken out window opening, so they can threaten him and his family?
Serious men don't do protests.

And when the serious men take to the streets, they won't be the ones needing protection.
I'm beginning to think that these "serious men" are simply a figment of RWers imagination. It's always those 'other guys' who are going to make me wish I'd never been born.

I used to be a little excited about RWers starting a civil war, until I realized that it's just a fantasy held by pussies like you.
They’re serious cowards and terrorists.
I love seeing the way you hypocrites think; if they're trespassing and their white Trump supporters, then they're "terrorists".
If they're committing terroristic attacks and they're BLM or some flavor of antifa freaks, then you all treat them like nothing more than trespassers. (smh)

It's all about who you side with, with you folks..... you don't think about right and wrong at all.

Why are Trumptards desperately trying to equate the two, totally different instances?
You are confusing protesters an rioters, like most Trumptards do.
15,000 rioters were arrested, so far and more to come.

"It's all about who you side with, with you folks..... you don't think about right and wrong at all".

As the Trumptards don't want any investigation into the capitol insurrection?
As Trumptards downplay the capital insurrection as any normal tourist guided tour?
As Trumptards claim the insurrectionist were "patriots"?
As Trumptards demand to know the name of the officer who shot the dumb bitch, trying to enter through a broken out window opening, so they can threaten him and his family?
Serious men don't do protests.

And when the serious men take to the streets, they won't be the ones needing protection.
I'm beginning to think that these "serious men" are simply a figment of RWers imagination. It's always those 'other guys' who are going to make me wish I'd never been born.

I used to be a little excited about RWers starting a civil war, until I realized that it's just a fantasy held by pussies like you.
They’re serious cowards and terrorists.
I love seeing the way you hypocrites think; if they're trespassing and their white Trump supporters, then they're "terrorists".
If they're committing terroristic attacks and they're BLM or some flavor of antifa freaks, then you all treat them like nothing more than trespassers. (smh)

It's all about who you side with, with you folks..... you don't think about right and wrong at all.

Why are Trumptards desperately trying to equate the two, totally different instances?
You are confusing protesters an rioters, like most Trumptards do.
15,000 rioters were arrested, so far and more to come.

"It's all about who you side with, with you folks..... you don't think about right and wrong at all".

As the Trumptards don't want any investigation into the capitol insurrection?
As Trumptards downplay the capital insurrection as any normal tourist guided tour?
As Trumptards claim the insurrectionist were "patriots"?
As Trumptards demand to know the name of the officer who shot the dumb bitch, trying to enter through a broken out window opening, so they can threaten him and his family?
More like Q, as in Q NUT.
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
"Many of the supporters who gathered for the Saturday rally in Wellington, Ohio, wore memorabilia and carried signs with slogans like "Trump won" and "Biden sucks" displayed across them".

The orange grifter, still fleecing his gullible herd.

With biden fucking this country it can't happen soon enough.
Like everything else Trump and his cult try, it will be a clusterfuck from day one.
Like watching episodes of Wile E Coyote and Road Runner.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The Libtards in this country are cowards at heart that use the weakness of our Democracy to steal and intimidate.

They talk big in their Gay Pride parades, BLM marches and Democrat Party hate rallies but they have no real courage.

That will all fall apart when we Patriots have had enough of their destruction.

It won't be pretty.
You are the confused Trump humper.

October 8 2020
More than a dozen men were arrested on federal and state charges in connection with an alleged foiled plot to kidnap Michigan’s Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, authorities said Thursday.

Six were apprehended and charged with federal crimes, while another seven were picked up on state charges, officials in Michigan said.

The Trump cult tried and failed on January 6th.

Just like their moron, dear leader, they have an "excellent' track record.

Yeah, it won't be pretty but you can bet it will be funny.
You do know that those that tried to kidnap Whitmer were anarchists that supported Blm and hated trump.....
While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
"Many of the supporters who gathered for the Saturday rally in Wellington, Ohio, wore memorabilia and carried signs with slogans like "Trump won" and "Biden sucks" displayed across them".

The orange grifter, still fleecing his gullible herd.

With biden fucking this country it can't happen soon enough.
Like everything else Trump and his cult try, it will be a clusterfuck from day one.
Like watching episodes of Wile E Coyote and Road Runner.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The Libtards in this country are cowards at heart that use the weakness of our Democracy to steal and intimidate.

They talk big in their Gay Pride parades, BLM marches and Democrat Party hate rallies but they have no real courage.

That will all fall apart when we Patriots have had enough of their destruction.

It won't be pretty.
You are the confused Trump humper.

October 8 2020
More than a dozen men were arrested on federal and state charges in connection with an alleged foiled plot to kidnap Michigan’s Democratic governor, Gretchen Whitmer, authorities said Thursday.

Six were apprehended and charged with federal crimes, while another seven were picked up on state charges, officials in Michigan said.

The Trump cult tried and failed on January 6th.

Just like their moron, dear leader, they have an "excellent' track record.

Yeah, it won't be pretty but you can bet it will be funny.
You do know that those that tried to kidnap Whitmer were anarchists that supported Blm and hated trump.....
Yeah, just like the the attempted insurrection at the capitol, Biden supporters and BLM.

On October 8, 2020, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) announced the arrests of 13 men suspected of orchestrating a domestic terror plot to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, the Governor of Michigan, and otherwise using violence to overthrow the state government.

Adam Fox, the alleged mastermind of the plot, was born Adam Waggoner but changed his last name to his mother's maiden name in 2014.
He had been living in the basement of his former employer, a vacuum repair shop in Grand Rapids. Fox received permission for that living arrangement from the shop's owner who felt empathy towards Fox, as Fox was homeless and had dogs. The basement was allegedly used to hold one of the group's meetings.
Fox posted a YouTube video in June, mentioning Whitmer's handling of the pandemic as one of his motives for the plot.
According to his employer, Fox espoused anti-police and anti-government views, along with support for the boogaloo movement, and had recently become worried about the U.S. becoming a communist country and Democratic politicians taking away his guns.
I am not even really a Trump supporter but I have never seen such arrogant gaslighting in my life as in the past year. Trump was way up in all swing states at 3a.m. I remember clearly, because I am insomniac. Then the statistically impossible batches for Biden start coming in and welcome to the new banana republic. I will never, ever forget what I saw with my own eyes.
Can you tell me the order of how ballots were processed and the partisan percent of mail in vs in person? Because if you can’t you are being a simplistic moron.
“A Civil War if Trump is not reinstated”

Still nothing from the treasonous, reprehensible right as to the mechanics of this ‘civil war.’

In 1861 the disloyal states that committed treason and fought to destroy America never had a chance against the United States and its far superior resources and military.

And that’s the case today, even more so – the United States would have no problem putting down another rebellion by the likely disloyal states and their cowardly act of treason to again destroy America.
I am not even really a Trump supporter but I have never seen such arrogant gaslighting in my life as in the past year. Trump was way up in all swing states at 3a.m. I remember clearly, because I am insomniac. Then the statistically impossible batches for Biden start coming in and welcome to the new banana republic. I will never, ever forget what I saw with my own eyes.
The Pa. GOP legislature prohibited the counting of mail in ballots until the polls were closed. The Democrats, understanding the meaning of the words contagious and asymptomatic, overwhelmingly used mail in ballots. The Republicans in Pa. being stunningly ignorant and relying on bleach and disinfectant to treat Covid, voted in person. The ballot counters stopped in the middle of the night to....get this, sleep. Statistically impossible your ass.
Its going to be a shame that so many of his people are going to be killed dying for such a pathetic excuse for a man.
I try to get my head around this, I ask them a lot of questions and try to understand, but I can only get so far. There is so much here that is just a mystery to me, and their devotion to that person, of all people, is at the heart of it.
It doesn't take a lot to confuse you does it?
.... and for the most part, what I get in response is anger and insults.
Because you're a fucking idiot!
When are you going to travel to Chicago's South Side?
You and your husband wouldn't last five minutes there. 'Bonobo' and Biden and Harris pretend hundreds of shootings a month in LIB controlled inner city shityholes don't exist.
Because they can't blame Trump they ignore the slaughter.
Its going to be a shame that so many of his people are going to be killed dying for such a pathetic excuse for a man.
I try to get my head around this, I ask them a lot of questions and try to understand, but I can only get so far. There is so much here that is just a mystery to me, and their devotion to that person, of all people, is at the heart of it.
It doesn't take a lot to confuse you does it?
.... and for the most part, what I get in response is anger and insults.
Because you're a fucking idiot!
When are you going to travel to Chicago's South Side?
You and your husband wouldn't last five minutes there. 'Bonobo' and Biden and Harris pretend hundreds of shootings a month in LIB controlled inner city shityholes don't exist.
Because they can't blame Trump they ignore the slaughter.
And another great example of my post.
I am not even really a Trump supporter but I have never seen such arrogant gaslighting in my life as in the past year. Trump was way up in all swing states at 3a.m. I remember clearly, because I am insomniac. Then the statistically impossible batches for Biden start coming in and welcome to the new banana republic. I will never, ever forget what I saw with my own eyes.
The Pa. GOP legislature prohibited the counting of mail in ballots until the polls were closed. The Democrats, understanding the meaning of the words contagious and asymptomatic, overwhelmingly used mail in ballots. The Republicans in Pa. being stunningly ignorant and relying on bleach and disinfectant to treat Covid, voted in person. The ballot counters stopped in the middle of the night to....get this, sleep. Statistically impossible your ass.
Except you know....... bullshit.


Will you all give it up already? It was a fraud, we all know it was a fraud, we know ya'll are never going to admit it or acknowledge any of the facts and evidence, but at least quit trying to bullshit us about it...... they cheated and you know it. And so do we.

If all you're going to do is keep on lying and denying, save it..... nobody wants to hear that weak shit.
Its going to be a shame that so many of his people are going to be killed dying for such a pathetic excuse for a man.
I try to get my head around this, I ask them a lot of questions and try to understand, but I can only get so far. There is so much here that is just a mystery to me, and their devotion to that person, of all people, is at the heart of it.
It doesn't take a lot to confuse you does it?
.... and for the most part, what I get in response is anger and insults.
Because you're a fucking idiot!
When are you going to travel to Chicago's South Side?
You and your husband wouldn't last five minutes there. 'Bonobo' and Biden and Harris pretend hundreds of shootings a month in LIB controlled inner city shityholes don't exist.
Because they can't blame Trump they ignore the slaughter.
And another great example of my post.
I'm not sure describing you as a "fucking idiot" is actually an insult; seems more like an observation.
And frustration from dealing with liars like yourself isn't the same as anger.
Trump will not be reinstated.
However when the audits show the world that the Democrats are liars and cheaters what do we do about having a fraud in office?
The Dems/Press are doing everything that they can to smear the audits.
But, the more that they deny the reality of their crimes the less credibility they have.
Biden could be impeached when the GOP takes back congress, but Kamala is also a fraud.
The bottom line is that everyone will know that the Democrats are totally corrupt, dishonest and untrustworthy.
Perhaps the Crazy Democrat Cult will shrink.
Maybe the Democrat Party will have to reform its self. LMAO
Maybe the Democrat Party will be abandoned and new more mainstream party will be formed.
One thing is for sure, the states will be demanding Voting Reforms while the Corrupt Democrats scream racism.
Either way the Dirty Democrats have lost their war on our democracy*.

Trump will not be reinstated.
However when the audits show the world that the Democrats are liars and cheaters what do we do about having a fraud in office?
The Dems/Press are doing everything that they can to smear the audits.
But, the more that they deny the reality of their crimes the less credibility they have.
Biden could be impeached when the GOP takes back congress, but Kamala is also a fraud.
The bottom line is that everyone will know that the Democrats are totally corrupt, dishonest and untrustworthy.
Perhaps the Crazy Democrat Cult will shrink.
Maybe the Democrat Party will have to reform its self. LMAO
Maybe the Democrat Party will be abandoned and new more mainstream party will be formed.
One thing is for sure, the states will be demanding Voting Reforms while the Corrupt Democrats scream racism.
Either way the Dirty Democrats have lost their war on our democracy*.

View attachment 511336
Maybe the People will withdraw their consent to be governed.

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