A Civil War if Trump is not reinstated

Trump a pervert of a man???
Interesting. Perhaps you haven't been paying attention to the past and present Joe Biden. The true pervert of a man.
If you are referring to Trump's comment about "grabbing women by the p***y" comment. That is indeed "locker-room" talk, or "toned-down" language bantered about by enlisted personnel in the engine rooms and decks of Navy's ships. In short, he's just a male New Yorker.
If you are referring to the fact that he's had multiple wives.....so what?! At least his wife comes across publicly as more refined than Obama's.
As to the OP, if there is a Civil War, it will be because the left is continually trying to dismantle our Constitutional freedoms.

More refined? You must be kidding. Trump degraded and humiliated Melania as if she was a common call girl on Howard Stern after they were married just a month.

How much douchebaaggery can you tolerate?
I dunno...if we try long and hard enough we might reach the level of Obama or Bill C the master letch and rapist....but that's a stretch.

Serious men don't do protests.

And when the serious men take to the streets, they won't be the ones needing protection.
And those serious men will be the loyal first responders and guardsmen playing whack a mole with a bunch of lobotomized hillbilly LARPers in their princess soldier costumes. If any of the Trump cult retards peel their fat asses off their couches to try anything, which they almost certainly will not do.
Sure thing, guy.

While we try to find any possible humor in this insane "rigged election" circus, we also have to remember that a very real threat of violence over the scam remains. We see various degrees of threats regularly on this board, and we're seeing more and more of them in real life. This, after that little tour that got a bit frisky on January 6th, leaving over 140 cops injured.

Included in this news item is a person who thinks that Trump won the election "by over 80 percent". This isn't funny.

"He's coming back soon, and you guys are going down," a Trump supporter in Wellington identified as Ron told O'Sullivan, sparking laughter from others in his group. "The military already knows it was a fraud. He won by over 80 percent."

Ron continued: "He's coming back before the middle of August."

"And what if that doesn't happen?" O'Sullivan asked.

"We're going to be in a civil war because the militia will be taking over," the man responded.
"Many of the supporters who gathered for the Saturday rally in Wellington, Ohio, wore memorabilia and carried signs with slogans like "Trump won" and "Biden sucks" displayed across them".

The orange grifter, still fleecing his gullible herd.

With biden fucking this country it can't happen soon enough.
Like everything else Trump and his cult try, it will be a clusterfuck from day one.
Like watching episodes of Wile E Coyote and Road Runner.

You are confused Moon Bat.

The Libtards in this country are cowards at heart that use the weakness of our Democracy to steal and intimidate.

They talk big in their Gay Pride parades, BLM marches and Democrat Party hate rallies but they have no real courage.

That will all fall apart when we Patriots have had enough of their destruction.

It won't be pretty.

Sounds like you reject the US Constitution and the 3 branches of government ..

Will you join the Trump mob for this "civil war"?
More Trump douchebaggery on display. Send money.

Well, say what you will ... Fredo Rump Jr came by it honestly. ;)

More Trump douchebaggery on display. Send money.

Well, say what you will ... Fredo Rump Jr came by it honestly. ;)

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What an awful situation. Since Weisellberg was indicted maybe Ivanka will be next. Then the Trump groupies will really be impressed with Trump.
Serious men don't do protests.

And when the serious men take to the streets, they won't be the ones needing protection.
And those serious men will be the loyal first responders and guardsmen playing whack a mole with a bunch of lobotomized hillbilly LARPers in their princess soldier costumes. If any of the Trump cult retards peel their fat asses off their couches to try anything, which they almost certainly will not do.
Sure thing, guy.

Go ahead and roll your eyes, delusional freak. We saw the sampling of your ranks at the Capitol. Looks like they sent the entire Diabetes division.
Serious men don't do protests.

And when the serious men take to the streets, they won't be the ones needing protection.
And those serious men will be the loyal first responders and guardsmen playing whack a mole with a bunch of lobotomized hillbilly LARPers in their princess soldier costumes. If any of the Trump cult retards peel their fat asses off their couches to try anything, which they almost certainly will not do.
Sure thing, guy.

Go ahead and roll your eyes, delusional freak. We saw the sampling of your ranks at the Capitol. Looks like they sent the entire Diabetes division.
No you didn't.

Nobody serious went anywhere near that.

We know we don't have to.
Serious men don't do protests.

And when the serious men take to the streets, they won't be the ones needing protection.
I'm beginning to think that these "serious men" are simply a figment of RWers imagination. It's always those 'other guys' who are going to make me wish I'd never been born.

I used to be a little excited about RWers starting a civil war, until I realized that it's just a fantasy held by pussies like you.
You are confused Moon Bat.

The Libtards in this country are cowards at heart that use the weakness of our Democracy to steal and intimidate.

They talk big in their Gay Pride parades, BLM marches and Democrat Party hate rallies but they have no real courage.

That will all fall apart when we Patriots have had enough of their destruction.

It won't be pretty.
At least you included yourself. But, never underestimate your enemy.
Serious men don't do protests.

And when the serious men take to the streets, they won't be the ones needing protection.
I'm beginning to think that these "serious men" are simply a figment of RWers imagination. It's always those 'other guys' who are going to make me wish I'd never been born.

I used to be a little excited about RWers starting a civil war, until I realized that it's just a fantasy held by pussies like you.

Keep thinking that
"the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it's natural manure." Thomas Jefferson
I am not even really a Trump supporter but I have never seen such arrogant gaslighting in my life as in the past year. Trump was way up in all swing states at 3a.m. I remember clearly, because I am insomniac. Then the statistically impossible batches for Biden start coming in and welcome to the new banana republic. I will never, ever forget what I saw with my own eyes.
This for the Trump sycophants parked here - those who say they love America, trust our way of life, our democracy, and law and order - our legal justice system, then remember this and STFU about reinstating Trump to the presidency:


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