a classic message restored

Mike A while ago I used to think you were one of the smart ones ,,,No more ,You belong with cell sassy bri prog, blues etc etc in the dotard category
Then I couldn't be in better company!
I see you're a comedian too Thanks I need that BTW did you know telling someone to go back to their country is unacceptable and possibly illegal in most companies?

So is most of the language you use here, do you have a point?

Yes but I'm not a politician degrading others using racial terms
Trump never used racial terms when he told those whores off. again you are a liar.

Yes he did. In fact race and national origins were the only things he attacked them on.
Lowest unemployment in 60 years lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history! Yeah your statement is pure shit.

Perhaps learn the characters of the comics
Lowest unemployment rate for blacks is thanks to trump and Obama...

(Seas) Unemployment Rate - Black or African American

Your chart ends at 1901, I don't think either Trump or maobama were in politics then.

Actually, the chart ends with "01/19."

That means, January, 2019. Amazingly, I have to explain even such simple things because there are rightards on this forum as dumb as you.


Perhaps you should have provided a link, year before month is not a normal US date format. And they are usually divided by a - or /, ie 01-19 or 01/19.


looks who's tripling down on dumb ^^^

Moron, it IS using the MM/YY format. That's why it reads "01/19." Who the fuck knows where you see, "1901?" Shit, "1901" doesn't even appear anywhere on there. :cuckoo:

And dumbfuck, I did include a link. It's neither my fault you're too ignorant to read a date nor my fault you're too stupid to navigate a link. :eusa_naughty:

At this point, I'm just embarrassed for you.

View attachment 270396

And it's not my fault they didn't space the dates to make them more clear. Now, FOAD.

Earlier this year, our intrepid art team here at the DC office digitally restored the poster, offering a much larger and clearer image of this classic piece of art that embodies a core value that we as Americans hold so dear.

/—-/ libtards need to tone down their attacks on Jews and Christians,

Don't you know, when the commies do it, it's justified criticism, when we do it, IT'S RACIST. Racist is a term so over used it no longer has any meaning.

But Tex If the shoe fits??

More fucking propaganda, it fits you commies much better than anyone I can think of.

Then I couldn't be in better company!
I see you're a comedian too Thanks I need that BTW did you know telling someone to go back to their country is unacceptable and possibly illegal in most companies?

So is most of the language you use here, do you have a point?

Yes but I'm not a politician degrading others using racial terms
Trump never used racial terms when he told those whores off. again you are a liar.

Yes he did. In fact race and national origins were the only things he attacked them on.
You're liar.
Lowest unemployment rate for blacks is thanks to trump and Obama...

(Seas) Unemployment Rate - Black or African American

Your chart ends at 1901, I don't think either Trump or maobama were in politics then.

Actually, the chart ends with "01/19."

That means, January, 2019. Amazingly, I have to explain even such simple things because there are rightards on this forum as dumb as you.


Perhaps you should have provided a link, year before month is not a normal US date format. And they are usually divided by a - or /, ie 01-19 or 01/19.


looks who's tripling down on dumb ^^^

Moron, it IS using the MM/YY format. That's why it reads "01/19." Who the fuck knows where you see, "1901?" Shit, "1901" doesn't even appear anywhere on there. :cuckoo:

And dumbfuck, I did include a link. It's neither my fault you're too ignorant to read a date nor my fault you're too stupid to navigate a link. :eusa_naughty:

At this point, I'm just embarrassed for you.

View attachment 270396

And it's not my fault they didn't space the dates to make them more clear. Now, FOAD.


It's your fault you think you see "9001" even though "9001" does not appear anywhere on there.

Typical brain-dead con.... shirk personal responsibility and blame others for your own G-d given short comings.
Donald Trump will come and go BUT how can anyone trust republicans in the future? Repubs who kissed the ass of the Trump POS ?
You get more stupid with each post. The media are proven liars.
Mike A while ago I used to think you were one of the smart ones ,,,No more ,You belong with cell sassy bri prog, blues etc etc in the dotard category
Then I couldn't be in better company!
I see you're a comedian too Thanks I need that BTW did you know telling someone to go back to their country is unacceptable and possibly illegal in most companies?

So is most of the language you use here, do you have a point?

Yes but I'm not a politician degrading others using racial terms

Neither is Trump, hell he didn't even mention any names initially. I guess they felt the shoe fit them and cried about it.

Trump is no Superman More like the Joker only more evil People are supposed to look up to our President No one of right mind can look at this imbecile and agree with the vile claptrap that comes out of his mouth
Lowest unemployment in 60 years lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history! Yeah your statement is pure shit.

Perhaps learn the characters of the comics

It was already both of those things BEFORE Trump was elected. Trump just hasn't fucked it up yet, but he's trying really, really hard, and he's almost there.
BTW dragon I got that superman post from a Canadian friend who lives in Montreal

Superman was the Canadian creation of a Toronto Star cartoonist.

…..ever wonder why we don't hear much about racial protests, looting, etc in the last few years????

…….ever wonder how he is blamed for the division when it's the Dems that keep blocking everything he does??????

kinda changes the perspective, doesn't it????
WHO T F is blocking help for 9/11 responders ?? Give you one guess,,,,,

Why can’t we cut the budget to help out our 911 responders? Why do we keep adding to our national debt. There is going to come a day when all our drunken spending creates a depression so bad we won’t be able to dig ourselves out. Our children and grandchildren are going to pay big.
We or our children will pay the piper in the future But IF we can give tax cuts to the 1% we can't give 1st responders all the help they need? What does the AH who's holding it up want?? SS cuts ??

Enough with the propaganda already, first responders are a small part of the people getting money form the VCF. They are just the public face of it for propaganda purposes.

Man You republicans sure know how to make crap out of something good

Poor little commie, do facts trigger you?

I see you're a comedian too Thanks I need that BTW did you know telling someone to go back to their country is unacceptable and possibly illegal in most companies?

So is most of the language you use here, do you have a point?

Yes but I'm not a politician degrading others using racial terms
Trump never used racial terms when he told those whores off. again you are a liar.

Yes he did. In fact race and national origins were the only things he attacked them on.
You're liar.

Here are the tweets:

So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly.....and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how........it is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

Trump claims they weren't born in the USA, says they have no right to tell the people of the United States, how "our government" is to be run. Trump igored that they are American citizens, fully endowed with the right of free speech, under the Costitution, and that as elected members of Congress, their Constituents asked them to go to Washington, and help run the government.

These tweets mention nothing about the policies these women espouse, just simply that immigrant women from shithole countries have no right to tell real Americans how to run their government. And you say it's not racist.

Then I couldn't be in better company!
I see you're a comedian too Thanks I need that BTW did you know telling someone to go back to their country is unacceptable and possibly illegal in most companies?

So is most of the language you use here, do you have a point?

Yes but I'm not a politician degrading others using racial terms
Trump never used racial terms when he told those whores off. again you are a liar.

Yes he did. In fact race and national origins were the only things he attacked them on.

Here's a hint for ya commie, national origin is not a race.

I see you're a comedian too Thanks I need that BTW did you know telling someone to go back to their country is unacceptable and possibly illegal in most companies?

So is most of the language you use here, do you have a point?

Yes but I'm not a politician degrading others using racial terms
Trump never used racial terms when he told those whores off. again you are a liar.

Yes he did. In fact race and national origins were the only things he attacked them on.
You're liar.
Just remember miketex ""I'm proud ta be Merican at least I knows I'm free ""
I see you're a comedian too Thanks I need that BTW did you know telling someone to go back to their country is unacceptable and possibly illegal in most companies?

So is most of the language you use here, do you have a point?

Yes but I'm not a politician degrading others using racial terms
Trump never used racial terms when he told those whores off. again you are a liar.

Yes he did. In fact race and national origins were the only things he attacked them on.

Here's a hint for ya commie, national origin is not a race.

It was Race AND national origin
Trump is a bigot and racist – a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

You are a bigot and a racist, a fact beyond dispute. That is easy, label away, simpleton.
Come on pap you can't see that trump has been a racist NOT just now but all his life ?? Surely you're bright enough to see that

Before 2015 no one considered Trump racist. The hip hop world adored Trump. He partied with them, yet now he isn’t. That is because before he was a Democrat and now he is a Republican,

But in 1927 his father attended a Klan rally, so that makes Trump a racist. Al Gore’s father was a racist, is Gore a racist? Byrd was a KKK member and the Democrats claim he wasn’t.

Trump is a dumb shock radio DJ, nothing more. It’s a real dumb approach but he is a politician.
Donald Trump will come and go BUT how can anyone trust republicans in the future? Repubs who kissed the ass of the Trump POS ?
Why should people trust you liars exactly? Every one knows trump didn’t say what you lied about
Trump is a bigot and racist – a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

You are a bigot and a racist, a fact beyond dispute. That is easy, label away, simpleton.
Come on pap you can't see that trump has been a racist NOT just now but all his life ?? Surely you're bright enough to see that

Before 2015 no one considered Trump racist. The hip hop world adored Trump. He partied with them, yet now he isn’t. That is because before he was a Democrat and now he is a Republican,

But in 1927 his father attended a Klan rally, so that makes Trump a racist. Al Gore’s father was a racist, is Gore a racist? Byrd was a KKK member and the Democrats claim he wasn’t.

Trump is a dumb shock radio DJ, nothing more. It’s a real dumb approach but he is a politician.
I agree with most of what you said except trump has always been a racist since not letting blacks into his buildings and wanting death penalties on innocent blacks accused of rape
No one is being honest, not many white people objected to black brown red or yellow people being here as long as they knew there place,& continued to be the minority. now that they are starting to get numbers & voice they are a threat to white people, its as simple as that. younger Americans worry less about color church or your sex life. there worry is condition & care of our planet & being the 1st generation too not do better than there parents. there is plenty of blame for everyone to share. us white people need to get real we have been running it from the start
So is most of the language you use here, do you have a point?

Yes but I'm not a politician degrading others using racial terms
Trump never used racial terms when he told those whores off. again you are a liar.

Yes he did. In fact race and national origins were the only things he attacked them on.

Here's a hint for ya commie, national origin is not a race.

It was Race AND national origin
It was? Which quote? Post that one about race, ready?
So is most of the language you use here, do you have a point?

Yes but I'm not a politician degrading others using racial terms
Trump never used racial terms when he told those whores off. again you are a liar.

Yes he did. In fact race and national origins were the only things he attacked them on.
You're liar.
Just remember miketex ""I'm proud ta be Merican at least I knows I'm free ""
And a liar
Trump is a bigot and racist – a fact settled, accepted, and beyond dispute.

You are a bigot and a racist, a fact beyond dispute. That is easy, label away, simpleton.
Come on pap you can't see that trump has been a racist NOT just now but all his life ?? Surely you're bright enough to see that

Before 2015 no one considered Trump racist. The hip hop world adored Trump. He partied with them, yet now he isn’t. That is because before he was a Democrat and now he is a Republican,

But in 1927 his father attended a Klan rally, so that makes Trump a racist. Al Gore’s father was a racist, is Gore a racist? Byrd was a KKK member and the Democrats claim he wasn’t.

Trump is a dumb shock radio DJ, nothing more. It’s a real dumb approach but he is a politician.
I agree with most of what you said except trump has always been a racist since not letting blacks into his buildings and wanting death penalties on innocent blacks accused of rape
You’re a liar, but it’s you

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