a classic message restored

On seeing a mental health professional.
If I need mental health help what kind of help do all you folks who can't admit this pos in our WH is a racist and a divider?? That's his election plan Divide America

…..ever wonder why we don't hear much about racial protests, looting, etc in the last few years????

…….ever wonder how he is blamed for the division when it's the Dems that keep blocking everything he does??????

kinda changes the perspective, doesn't it????
WHO T F is blocking help for 9/11 responders ?? Give you one guess,,,,,

Why can’t we cut the budget to help out our 911 responders? Why do we keep adding to our national debt. There is going to come a day when all our drunken spending creates a depression so bad we won’t be able to dig ourselves out. Our children and grandchildren are going to pay big.
We or our children will pay the piper in the future But IF we can give tax cuts to the 1% we can't give 1st responders all the help they need? What does the AH who's holding it up want?? SS cuts ??

Cut corporate welfare. Amtrak is a joke, dump the damn thing. Four billion right there. I don’t mind paying more in taxes as long as we cut spending but that isn’t what happens. We just keep spending with no end in sight. If we cut waste and duplicate programs we could fund the first responders and also keep the tax rates the same. This isn’t what Dems want they want to raise taxes.
Trump is no Superman More like the Joker only more evil People are supposed to look up to our President No one of right mind can look at this imbecile and agree with the vile claptrap that comes out of his mouth
Lowest unemployment in 60 years lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history! Yeah your statement is pure shit.

Perhaps learn the characters of the comics
Lowest unemployment rate for blacks is thanks to trump and Obama...

(Seas) Unemployment Rate - Black or African American

Your chart ends at 1901, I don't think either Trump or maobama were in politics then.

Actually, the chart ends with "01/19."

That means, January, 2019. Amazingly, I have to explain even such simple things because there are rightards on this forum as dumb as you.


Perhaps you should have provided a link, year before month is not a normal US date format. And they are usually divided by a - or /, ie 01-19 or 01/19.


looks who's tripling down on dumb ^^^

Moron, it IS using the MM/YY format. That's why it reads "01/19." Who the fuck knows where you see, "1901?" Shit, "1901" doesn't even appear anywhere on there. :cuckoo:

And dumbfuck, I did include a link. It's neither my fault you're too ignorant to read a date nor my fault you're too stupid to navigate a link. :eusa_naughty:

At this point, I'm just embarrassed for you.

Trump is no Superman More like the Joker only more evil People are supposed to look up to our President No one of right mind can look at this imbecile and agree with the vile claptrap that comes out of his mouth

compared to the vile crap coming out of the democrats trump is a saint,,,and I dont even like the guy,,,
So what you're saying Prog is the racist crap coming out of our leaders mouth isn't worse than the idiocy coming out of a very few Dems? Trump is the cancer on America and needs to be removed

…… a very few Dems …… :auiqs.jpg:

pretty much every one of em, which is ALOT.

atleast you admitted Dems are idiots
Some are but most of repubs are including Trump and McConnell
You cant stop obsessing about Trump can you? You need to see a doctor before you hurt somebody.
He spanks his monkey while obsessing over trump
Trump is no Superman More like the Joker only more evil People are supposed to look up to our President No one of right mind can look at this imbecile and agree with the vile claptrap that comes out of his mouth
Lowest unemployment in 60 years lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history! Yeah your statement is pure shit.

Perhaps learn the characters of the comics
We'll sell our souls, abandon our political ideology, accept racism, sexism, and polarization for low unemployment! For, you see, we're Trumpians! We play a short game.

The ironic thing is your party is the party of overt racism.
He still doesn’t understand the kkk is demolosers! His grip on history evades him
Last edited:
Keep America all American...

That means stopping illegals of foreign nationalities and interest.

Promoting America and American made babies. All of which the lefties such as the op hates.
Well that all depends on the situation. Are we murdering, lynching and raping them? Do they have freedom and rights?

Maybe, maybe not... but we’re saving lives and providing opportunity… what percentage were raped murdered and lynched?
You wouldn’t want to stereotype or paint with a broad brush would you?

Flip the script Slade3200 … You’re willing to take in millions of thirdworlders knowing the collateral damage will be the murder of Molly Tibbetts… Right?
Right... what’s your point

We’ll there you have it folks...Slade’s admission that he is a disgusting unAmerican piece of shit. Wetbacks first he says....FUCK Mollie Tibbetts he says.
Haha, as if we have an audience of people who really care! You’re funny.

And no I didn’t say “wetbacks first” you idiot. I just don’t think the actions of a few people should effect the whole. How do you feel about guns? People get murdered with guns every day. Are you choosing guns over the lives of all the Americans that have lost their lives because of gun violence? How about cars, how many die per year on the road. Are you picking cars over their lives? What about tourist? How many deaths per year occur by the hands of travelers. Should we cut off all travel? You see the ridiculous rabbit hole we go down when you frame these situations like a tard.

Haha..see how far gone you weirdos are...your twisted fucked up minds can’t make the simple distinctions between the constitutional rights granted to Americans, our usage of technology (autos) and a wetback invasion. FUCKING WEIRD!
It’s like you refuse to realize that we don’t owe Mexico SHIT!
Earlier this year, our intrepid art team here at the DC office digitally restored the poster, offering a much larger and clearer image of this classic piece of art that embodies a core value that we as Americans hold so dear.

/—-/ libtards need to tone down their attacks on Jews and Christians,

Don't you know, when the commies do it, it's justified criticism, when we do it, IT'S RACIST. Racist is a term so over used it no longer has any meaning.

Earlier this year, our intrepid art team here at the DC office digitally restored the poster, offering a much larger and clearer image of this classic piece of art that embodies a core value that we as Americans hold so dear.

/—-/ libtards need to tone down their attacks on Jews and Christians,

Don't you know, when the commies do it, it's justified criticism, when we do it, IT'S RACIST. Racist is a term so over used it no longer has any meaning.

But Tex If the shoe fits??
Keep American schools all American...

... and let our schools be run overrun by foreign nationalities?

Can the OP explain how this works?

This is left-wing nonsense.
That's right because guesses are all you filth have since you aren't involved in any of it, and all you know is what the media blows up your ass.
Yes and who can believe the evil media ? The media that's been part of the backbone of America for over 100 years Lets all believe that lying POS in our WH now
You get more stupid with each post. The media are proven liars.
Mike A while ago I used to think you were one of the smart ones ,,,No more ,You belong with cell sassy bri prog, blues etc etc in the dotard category
Then I couldn't be in better company!
I see you're a comedian too Thanks I need that BTW did you know telling someone to go back to their country is unacceptable and possibly illegal in most companies?

So is most of the language you use here, do you have a point?

Maybe, maybe not... but we’re saving lives and providing opportunity… what percentage were raped murdered and lynched?
You wouldn’t want to stereotype or paint with a broad brush would you?

Flip the script Slade3200 … You’re willing to take in millions of thirdworlders knowing the collateral damage will be the murder of Molly Tibbetts… Right?
Right... what’s your point

We’ll there you have it folks...Slade’s admission that he is a disgusting unAmerican piece of shit. Wetbacks first he says....FUCK Mollie Tibbetts he says.
Haha, as if we have an audience of people who really care! You’re funny.

And no I didn’t say “wetbacks first” you idiot. I just don’t think the actions of a few people should effect the whole. How do you feel about guns? People get murdered with guns every day. Are you choosing guns over the lives of all the Americans that have lost their lives because of gun violence? How about cars, how many die per year on the road. Are you picking cars over their lives? What about tourist? How many deaths per year occur by the hands of travelers. Should we cut off all travel? You see the ridiculous rabbit hole we go down when you frame these situations like a tard.

Haha..see how far gone you weirdos are...your twisted fucked up minds can’t make the simple distinctions between the constitutional rights granted to Americans, our usage of technology (autos) and a wetback invasion. FUCKING WEIRD!
It’s like you refuse to realize that we don’t owe Mexico SHIT!
I’m not talking about human or citizen rights. I know that’s your programmed response but my statement was directed at cause and effect and the simplistic way you paint a situation to be on one side or the other. It was a dishonest tactic that you used which is what I addressed. Care to respond to that?
On seeing a mental health professional.
If I need mental health help what kind of help do all you folks who can't admit this pos in our WH is a racist and a divider?? That's his election plan Divide America

…..ever wonder why we don't hear much about racial protests, looting, etc in the last few years????

…….ever wonder how he is blamed for the division when it's the Dems that keep blocking everything he does??????

kinda changes the perspective, doesn't it????
WHO T F is blocking help for 9/11 responders ?? Give you one guess,,,,,

Why can’t we cut the budget to help out our 911 responders? Why do we keep adding to our national debt. There is going to come a day when all our drunken spending creates a depression so bad we won’t be able to dig ourselves out. Our children and grandchildren are going to pay big.
We or our children will pay the piper in the future But IF we can give tax cuts to the 1% we can't give 1st responders all the help they need? What does the AH who's holding it up want?? SS cuts ??

Enough with the propaganda already, first responders are a small part of the people getting money form the VCF. They are just the public face of it for propaganda purposes.

Yes and who can believe the evil media ? The media that's been part of the backbone of America for over 100 years Lets all believe that lying POS in our WH now
You get more stupid with each post. The media are proven liars.
Mike A while ago I used to think you were one of the smart ones ,,,No more ,You belong with cell sassy bri prog, blues etc etc in the dotard category
Then I couldn't be in better company!
I see you're a comedian too Thanks I need that BTW did you know telling someone to go back to their country is unacceptable and possibly illegal in most companies?

So is most of the language you use here, do you have a point?

Yes but I'm not a politician degrading others using racial terms
If I need mental health help what kind of help do all you folks who can't admit this pos in our WH is a racist and a divider?? That's his election plan Divide America

…..ever wonder why we don't hear much about racial protests, looting, etc in the last few years????

…….ever wonder how he is blamed for the division when it's the Dems that keep blocking everything he does??????

kinda changes the perspective, doesn't it????
WHO T F is blocking help for 9/11 responders ?? Give you one guess,,,,,

Why can’t we cut the budget to help out our 911 responders? Why do we keep adding to our national debt. There is going to come a day when all our drunken spending creates a depression so bad we won’t be able to dig ourselves out. Our children and grandchildren are going to pay big.
We or our children will pay the piper in the future But IF we can give tax cuts to the 1% we can't give 1st responders all the help they need? What does the AH who's holding it up want?? SS cuts ??

Enough with the propaganda already, first responders are a small part of the people getting money form the VCF. They are just the public face of it for propaganda purposes.

Man You republicans sure know how to make crap out of something good
Trump is no Superman More like the Joker only more evil People are supposed to look up to our President No one of right mind can look at this imbecile and agree with the vile claptrap that comes out of his mouth
Lowest unemployment in 60 years lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history! Yeah your statement is pure shit.

Perhaps learn the characters of the comics

It was already both of those things BEFORE Trump was elected. Trump just hasn't fucked it up yet, but he's trying really, really hard, and he's almost there.
Trump is no Superman More like the Joker only more evil People are supposed to look up to our President No one of right mind can look at this imbecile and agree with the vile claptrap that comes out of his mouth
Lowest unemployment in 60 years lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history! Yeah your statement is pure shit.

Perhaps learn the characters of the comics

It was already both of those things BEFORE Trump was elected. Trump just hasn't fucked it up yet, but he's trying really, really hard, and he's almost there.
BTW dragon I got that superman post from a Canadian friend who lives in Montreal
Trump is no Superman More like the Joker only more evil People are supposed to look up to our President No one of right mind can look at this imbecile and agree with the vile claptrap that comes out of his mouth
Lowest unemployment in 60 years lowest unemployment for blacks in recorded history! Yeah your statement is pure shit.

Perhaps learn the characters of the comics

It was already both of those things BEFORE Trump was elected. Trump just hasn't fucked it up yet, but he's trying really, really hard, and he's almost there.
BTW dragon I got that superman post from a Canadian friend who lives in Montreal

Superman was the Canadian creation of a Toronto Star cartoonist.
You get more stupid with each post. The media are proven liars.
Mike A while ago I used to think you were one of the smart ones ,,,No more ,You belong with cell sassy bri prog, blues etc etc in the dotard category
Then I couldn't be in better company!
I see you're a comedian too Thanks I need that BTW did you know telling someone to go back to their country is unacceptable and possibly illegal in most companies?

So is most of the language you use here, do you have a point?

Yes but I'm not a politician degrading others using racial terms
Trump never used racial terms when he told those whores off. again you are a liar.

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