A Compton, CA city councilman and 5 others were charged with ‘conspiracy to commit election fraud’

They are being warned that they had better watch how they treat the ballots. Cases were brought as high as the Supreme Court and dismissed. Courts begged Trump to provide his evidence and he came up with nothing.
Not just came up with noting, but the lawyers involved, from Giuliani, to Sydney Powell are now facing sanctions for bringing such bogus claims before the court.
You have it backwards, the IAEA inspectors said they found nothing. But Bush didn't believe them. So he sent in 350,000 troops, and after Trillions of dollars spent. They too found the inspectors report was right all along. No WMD's.
You're the one who claim the IAEA inspectors proved there were no WMDs. The fact that the U.S. military later proved their unsupported claims correct doesn't support your claim.

However, it's obvious that you're too stupid to even get your own points, let alone mine.
That's what I just said.

No it isn't. You're too fucking stupid to follow your own argument.

Proving the claim:
They sent hundreds of thousands of troops to search Iraq, and the CIA spent $1 billion looking.
And after searching everywhere, they found virtually no WMD's.

This is an exact parallel to the current election fraud claim.
Inother words, the UN inspections proved nothing.
So your argument is that the entire country is out to get you. Argue that. Have at it. If that is the case you have absolutely no chance, right?
His argument is that republicans don't know how to run an election, and that republicans don't know how to run an audit.

The gang that couldn't vote straight.
You're the one who claim the IAEA inspectors proved there were no WMDs. The fact that the U.S. military later proved their unsupported claims correct doesn't support your claim.
Actually it does.

It's like when I claim something, and you ask me to "prove it". And then I prove it by an independent credible source saying exactly what I said.

It proves I was right
No it isn't. You're too fucking stupid to follow your own argument.

Inother words, the UN inspections proved nothing.
They proved it. It was Bush who refused to accept the proof.
So Bush by sending in 350,000 troops and spending Trillions of dollars, independently proved the UN inspectors were right.
Actually it does.

It's like when I claim something, and you ask me to "prove it". And then I prove it by an independent credible source saying exactly what I said.

It proves I was right

Wrong. You claimed the insectors proved there were no WMDs. They did nothing of the sort. Invading Iraq is what proved it, but you're too stupid to understand the difference.
They proved it. It was Bush who refused to accept the proof.
So Bush by sending in 350,000 troops and spending Trillions of dollars, independently proved the UN inspectors were right.

It's impossible to state with mere words how fucking stupid you are.
Wrong. You claimed the insectors proved there were no WMDs. They did nothing of the sort. Invading Iraq is what proved it, but you're too stupid to understand the difference.
You confuse being able to prove and being able to convince.

The inspectors proved there were no WMD's. But it took boots on the ground searching for months to convince Bush that there were no WMD's in Iraq.
Like Bush, you do not accept proof.
You confuse being able to prove and being able to convince.

The inspectors proved there were no WMD's. But it took boots on the ground searching for months to convince Bush that there were no WMD's in Iraq.
Like Bush, you do not accept proof.
I'm done arguing with you about this because you are immune to logic and facts.
The inspectors discovered nothing.

Right, just the same as the military.

This is just like when somebody delivers ransom suitcase that's supposed to have $250K in it. And he counts it in front of them.

But the crooks don't believe him, and have one of their guys count it. Of course his count comes to exactly $250K.

The guy delivering the money proved it, it's just that he couldn't convince them of that proof.

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