A convicted felon / President?

Which powerful men did she sleep with?

Which job was a result of this?
Mr. Brown. $400,000 patronage jobs, and DA in SF.

You should spend less time hating on Trump and educating yourself about the candidate your cult's leaders have saddled you with
You clicked those dersh and Turley link didn't you?
Nope, but they are both highly distinguished legal scholars from highly distinguished Law school. You?
Mr. Brown. $400,000 patronage jobs, and DA in SF.

Which job? When? Be specific please.

You should spend less time hating on Trump and educating yourself about the candidate your cult's leaders have saddled you with

She isn't a convicted felon adjudicated sexual assaulter and fraudster so there is that.

Nope, but they are both highly distinguished legal scholars from highly distinguished Law school. You?
I'm an electrical worker who doesn't get paid to lie to dupes.
Which job? When? Be specific please.
California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the California Medical Assistance Commission. 1994
She isn't a convicted felon adjudicated sexual assaulter and fraudster so there is that.
not yet. AS I said, she sleeps with powerful men to advance her career. You seem Ok with that. Have you done that? Would you?
I'm an electrical worker who doesn't get paid to lie to dupes.
You claim Professors Dershowitz and Turley are liars. What lies? be specific.
California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board and the California Medical Assistance Commission. 1994

He appointed Gavin newsome and several Democrats to these positions as it was his job.

He has stated it was done on Harris's merit and since then she has worked hard and climbed the ladder.

You are making assumptions you cant prove regarding her appointment.

not yet. AS I said, she sleeps with powerful men to advance her career. You seem Ok with that. Have you done that? Would you?

You have no proof of that. It's just your narrative.

Who else did she sleep with besides brown?

You claim Professors Dershowitz and Turley are liars. What lies? be specific.
You got me there.

I can not prove that they are lying.

It is a conclusion drawn by the fact that they are supposedly constitutional scholars who say things about Trump's case that are completely wrong.

So yes, they may not be liers but if not, they are the biggest constitutional idiots to ever grace fox news...and they make a lot of money doing it.
And proud of it.

That's outrageous!

All the smart people know Russians are icky and can't be trusted.

Since Donald Trump was convicted of 34 felony counts earlier this year, I was wondering:

Has America ever had a convicted felon / President?

Maybe some of you history buffs can tell me, because I can't recall one.
Does it count if the convictions were trumped up charges which were politically motivated by a democrat weaponized justice system?
Does it count if the convictions were trumped up charges which were politically motivated by a democrat weaponized justice system?
Of course it would count.

But the charges were real. Being a candidate is irrelevant unless you are in a banana Republic. Convicting people of crimes isn't weaponization, it's justice.

Let me know when your legal challenges succeed.

Until then, it's just your, I have the sadz for Trump, narrative.
Of course it would count.

But the charges were real. Being a candidate is irrelevant unless you are in a banana Republic. Convicting people of crimes isn't weaponization, it's justice.

Let me know when your legal challenges succeed.

Until then, it's just your, I have the sadz for Trump, narrative.
But when you convict only one side of crimes and not the other due to weaponizing the justice system for your own political advantage, it is a banana republic.

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