A couple questions about DC statehood

Without senators, the DC citizens have no representation when it comes to judges, the president's cabinet pics, trade agreements, and treaties etc...

cutting out of the D.C. 10 BY 10 MILE TERRITORY, the area where the public lives... and giving it to Mayland would be easiest...

That way the federal government area can still be autonomous.... NOT ANSWER to a State...

And the DC citizens get senate representation thru Maryland.
That makes more sense.
How come it didn't make sense when I said it, ya brat?
Okay, so some Dem will probably slam me for this, but I wish the Dems would stop playing partisan games like investigating the same stuff the Mueller report covered (in a creative attempt to get Donald's bank records) and cooking up a scheme to get themselves two extra Senate seats. Both involve a lot of time and energy they should be spending on useful legislation and figuring out a way to get it passed. Like the infrastructure and immigration stuff that truly needs to be done.

And they can back off Susan Collins, too. Dems are campaigning against her all over the country, the fuckers. Ain't their business.
If the partisan games stopped, the duopoly would stop. Tis a pipe dream, my dear
Well, some is expected. They've gone over the top the past decade or so. I guess most people like it though or they wouldn't keep electing them.
Without senators, the DC citizens have no representation when it comes to judges, the president's cabinet pics, trade agreements, and treaties etc...

cutting out of the D.C. 10 BY 10 MILE TERRITORY, the area where the public lives... and giving it to Mayland would be easiest...

That way the federal government area can still be autonomous.... NOT ANSWER to a State...

And the DC citizens get senate representation thru Maryland.
That makes more sense.
How come it didn't make sense when I said it, ya brat?
Lmao my bad OL. I guess I went into argument mode about it being a territory and overlooked it.
My apologies
Okay, so some Dem will probably slam me for this, but I wish the Dems would stop playing partisan games like investigating the same stuff the Mueller report covered (in a creative attempt to get Donald's bank records) and cooking up a scheme to get themselves two extra Senate seats. Both involve a lot of time and energy they should be spending on useful legislation and figuring out a way to get it passed. Like the infrastructure and immigration stuff that truly needs to be done.

And they can back off Susan Collins, too. Dems are campaigning against her all over the country, the fuckers. Ain't their business.
If the partisan games stopped, the duopoly would stop. Tis a pipe dream, my dear
Well, some is expected. They've gone over the top the past decade or so. I guess most people like it though or they wouldn't keep electing them.
Its a "wasted" vote if it isnt for the duopoly. Isnt that what they always say?
I think the corrupt bought and paid for DC area already has over the top representation within the Federal government so NO on making it a state.
I think the corrupt bought and paid for DC area already has over the top representation within the Federal government so NO on making it a state.
by them being cut out of the federal DC territory, would no longer give the federal government over the top representation...
I think the corrupt bought and paid for DC area already has over the top representation within the Federal government so NO on making it a state.

They only get to vote for President

The Constitution gives Congress full authority over DC, yet residents don’t get to vote for anyone in Congress
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Okay, so some Dem will probably slam me for this, but I wish the Dems would stop playing partisan games like investigating the same stuff the Mueller report covered (in a creative attempt to get Donald's bank records) and cooking up a scheme to get themselves two extra Senate seats. Both involve a lot of time and energy they should be spending on useful legislation and figuring out a way to get it passed. Like the infrastructure and immigration stuff that truly needs to be done.

And they can back off Susan Collins, too. Dems are campaigning against her all over the country, the fuckers. Ain't their business.
If the partisan games stopped, the duopoly would stop. Tis a pipe dream, my dear
Well, some is expected. They've gone over the top the past decade or so. I guess most people like it though or they wouldn't keep electing them.
Its a "wasted" vote if it isnt for the duopoly. Isnt that what they always say?
But there are primaries, right? Well, sometimes they run the local dog catcher if the incumbent is popular. Yeah, I think we need more choices. The number of independents is growing, which just goes to show ya that a lot of people reject the concept of party politics as they stand. More choices that would count is better. The far left and far right are so out there, they should split off and form their own parties; then we'd have four, at least. Of course, I'd like to see a more moderate party, but I think with the extremists gone, the Dems and Repubs would return to sanity. I could be wrong.

In Maine we usually have Independents on the ballot, and that's why we had to go to ranked choice voting. If there are more than two highly popular parties, straight majority vote doesn't cut it. So if we had more parties, we'd have to go to ranked choice voting. It took awhile, but it is being used for electing the President in November, too.
I think the corrupt bought and paid for DC area already has over the top representation within the Federal government so NO on making it a state.
by them being cut out of the federal DC territory, would no longer give the federal government over the top representation...
Or give Congress the right to "step in" to D.C. politics when they want?
I think the corrupt bought and paid for DC area already has over the top representation within the Federal government so NO on making it a state.
by them being cut out of the federal DC territory, would no longer give the federal government over the top representation...
Or give Congress the right to "step in" to D.C. politics when they want?
i think congress or the executive branch would no longer have a meaningful say, if they no longer owned the citizen area of the city of DC.... it would then belong to Maryland.... might I add..... if Maryland even wants to own them....?
Split CA, NY and IL into 3 separate States each: Southern CA and San Fran are 1 state, northern CA make up 2 States; NYC makes up one State, upstate NY makes up 2 new States; Chicago one States, rural IL 2 new States.
Split CA, NY and IL into 3 separate States each: Southern CA and San Fran are 1 state, northern CA make up 2 States; NYC makes up one State, upstate NY makes up 2 new States; Chicago one States, rural IL 2 new States.
Wouldn't it be a lot simpler for those states to just allocate electors based on the votes in each district?
I think the corrupt bought and paid for DC area already has over the top representation within the Federal government so NO on making it a state.

They only get to vote for President

The Constitution gives Congress full authority over DC, yet residents don’t get to vote for anyone in Congress
I thought someone said they have a Rep in the House?
I think the corrupt bought and paid for DC area already has over the top representation within the Federal government so NO on making it a state.

They only get to vote for President

The Constitution gives Congress full authority over DC, yet residents don’t get to vote for anyone in Congress
I thought someone said they have a Rep in the House?
that made me look it up!

District of Columbia

The District of Columbia (DC) is the nation’s capital district. Although DC has a larger population than some states, the District is not one of the fifty states and so has no senators and its representative in the House of Representatives is a delegate with limited voting privileges. Delegates have a marginalized role in Congress and their constituents are not represented in Congress in the same manner as most citizens
I think the corrupt bought and paid for DC area already has over the top representation within the Federal government so NO on making it a state.

They only get to vote for President

The Constitution gives Congress full authority over DC, yet residents don’t get to vote for anyone in Congress
I thought someone said they have a Rep in the House?
I think the corrupt bought and paid for DC area already has over the top representation within the Federal government so NO on making it a state.

They only get to vote for President

The Constitution gives Congress full authority over DC, yet residents don’t get to vote for anyone in Congress
I thought someone said they have a Rep in the House?
They do but not in the general sense. They cant vote on the floor. Only in committees and how they run the house.
I think the corrupt bought and paid for DC area already has over the top representation within the Federal government so NO on making it a state.

They only get to vote for President

The Constitution gives Congress full authority over DC, yet residents don’t get to vote for anyone in Congress
I thought someone said they have a Rep in the House?
that made me look it up!

District of Columbia

The District of Columbia (DC) is the nation’s capital district. Although DC has a larger population than some states, the District is not one of the fifty states and so has no senators and its representative in the House of Representatives is a delegate with limited voting privileges. Delegates have a marginalized role in Congress and their constituents are not represented in Congress in the same manner as most citizens
Yep. They are basically there to voice an opinion
1. Article 4 section 3 states a new state can't be made from the territory of an existing state without the state's permission.
2. Article 1 section 8 clause 17 states that the federal capitol is a federal district. So does that mean DC would be a "federal state?" Or would the Capitol have to be moved?

IMO an amendment is needed. Its so obvious it slaps you in the face.
It means the Democrats want to ignore / violate the Constitution again to do whatever the hell they want to do ... again.

If DC were to become a state it would immediately become the most corrupt, criminal state in the US.
Split CA, NY and IL into 3 separate States each: Southern CA and San Fran are 1 state, northern CA make up 2 States; NYC makes up one State, upstate NY makes up 2 new States; Chicago one States, rural IL 2 new States.
Wouldn't it be a lot simpler for those states to just allocate electors based on the votes in each district?

No one likes cook county/Chicago area they bankrupt/run the state and now have a billionaire liberal as govenor
well with no real representation for these citizens of the USA.... something has to be done!

going to Maryland, seems like a good compromise.... no two new senators that the Repubs dont want cuz they would have maryland's, and their delegate would become a full fledged congress critter....
1. Article 4 section 3 states a new state can't be made from the territory of an existing state without the state's permission.
2. Article 1 section 8 clause 17 states that the federal capitol is a federal district. So does that mean DC would be a "federal state?" Or would the Capitol have to be moved?

IMO an amendment is needed. Its so obvious it slaps you in the face.
Since D.C. is a is a federal district, not a state, it doesn't need permission from a state because it isn't part of a state. At least that's how I read it. I don't see why they don't just ask to get taken into VA or MD though. Why go to all the effort to create a state, a state legislature, a state constitution, the whole apparatus when it's nothing but a city. It already has a city government, although Congress can override it if it feels it must. If it becomes a state, Congress couldn't do that, either. It would be on state ground.

Interesting. How did the vote go?

The left wants two senators ...

Exactly, the commies want more power, if anything the district should be returned to the States that ceded territory to form it in the first place. No worries, neither will happen.


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