A court that doesn't represent the poeple

The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
The court no longer is just. Lady liberty is crushed and repukes are glowing in the rejection of truth.


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The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis

You do realize the Left isn't the only people in this country????

Whether you do or not doesn't really matter. What does matter is that the Supreme Court's job is to uphold and represent the LAW.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the people.

:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: The American people elected Trump in a landslide, he won 30 states outright, over 300 EC votes, the overall popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes. Then nominated Kavanaugh who was confirmed in a bi-partisan vote of the Senate. So much for your thread I destroyed it.

See what I'm saying? What a stupid argument by this conservative. Losing the popular vote is being elected by the people in a landslide?
The "popular vote" doesn't exist, moron.
The OP presents ideas that border on idiotic. That the fuckedup opinions are based on an NYT article explains a lot.
1. The USSC is not supposed to uphold the "will of the people", they are only supposed to interpret the Laws and the Constitution
2. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say "majorities". That is a nonsensical argument regarding the election of the President.
3. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say "the wishes of the majority".
4. If you don't like the outcomes of the elected officials, vote them out. If you can't, then stop whining, or keep whining, but stop posting nonsense.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
It was never meant or designed to represent the people.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
The court no longer is just. Lady liberty is crushed and repukes are glowing in the rejection of truth.

How so, what changed? The supreme Court has been right leaning since I learned how to ride a bicycle ..

The supreme Court has been right leaning since I learned how to ride a bicycle ..

Thought you were still working on that

Bicycle yes, motorcycle no.

The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
The supreme Court is the highest court it is not the people's court.

No court should represent the will of the people regardless of how high or low it is in the judicial system.

We see many examples of mobs or even orderly protestors demanding something from the courts.

But the courts should never consider what the people want.

They should consider the law and the evidence to arrive at just decisions regardless of popularity. This duty applies to the USSC more than any other.

Your op is a massive fail.
The Supreme Court has over ruled the voters many times. This has been the tactic used by the left for decades. The people vote, the Dems lose, then they take it to the court and the Libs get their way regardless.

The left is worried, because those days are now over.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

The Supreme Court was never intended to represent The People. It was always intended to represent the Constitution and the ideals/values of the Founding Fsthers.

Just as the Presidential election is not determined by the popular vote, and for the same reason.
Liberal stupidity is flowing today.

Trump ran a platform to deny Crooked Hillary Supreme Court nominees. That was the main reason the people said they voted for him.

The people also elected a Republican majority Senate to confirm Trump's appointees just like they did yesterday. God bless the people.

Suck it up Moon Bats. Stop your whining. You got your two Libtard asshole dingbats from Obama. You don't get any more. Next time don't have a nominee as filthy and corrupt as that Crooked Hillary asshole and maybe you have a better chance at winning.

In the meantime it is good to see Liberal tears flowing and there will be more in the future:




The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the people.

:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: The American people elected Trump in a landslide, he won 30 states outright, over 300 EC votes, the overall popular vote in 49 states by 1 million votes. Then nominated Kavanaugh who was confirmed in a bi-partisan vote of the Senate. So much for your thread I destroyed it.

See what I'm saying? What a stupid argument by this conservative. Losing the popular vote is being elected by the people in a landslide?

Are you really this stupid? How many Presidents have been elected by the "popular vote"? Yes Rump was elected in an electoral landslide.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis

The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis

The Supreme Court has NEVER represented the people. The Supreme Court represents the Constitution and the law.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis

It never was supposed to represent the people, if it did gay marriage would still be OUTLAWED.

Schools would be segregated and blacks would have their own lunch counters.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
It does represent the people and the constitution.
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
Well never, the president is voted in with the electoral college
The supreme Court no longer represents the will of the poeple.

Test your Supreme Court knowledge: In the entire history of the court, exactly one justice has been

a) nominated by a president who didnā€™t win the popular vote and

b) confirmed by a majority of senators who collectively won fewer votes in their last election than did the senators who voted against that justiceā€™s confirmation......

Donald Trump won just under 46 percent of the popular vote and 2.8 million fewer votes than Hillary Clinton. And Judge Gorsuch was confirmed by a vote of 54-45. According to Kevin McMahon of Trinity College, who wrote all this up this year in his paper ā€œWill the Supreme Court Still ā€˜Seldom Stray Very Farā€™?: Regime Politics in a Polarized America,ā€ the 54 senators who voted to elevate Judge Gorsuch had received around 54 million votes, and the 45 senators who opposed him got more than 73 million. Thatā€™s 58 percent to 42 percent......

And it gets worse, Thomas and Alito were both confirmed by senators who got less votes than the opposition. That mean 4 out of 9 judges were appointed against the wishes of the majority.

The Supreme Court no longer represents the people.

Opinion | The Supreme Courtā€™s Legitimacy Crisis
It does represent the people and the constitution.
Is he saying we arenā€™t people?

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