A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming

Dear weirdos who believe that a powerful “deep state” he’ll bent on destroying Donald Trump exists....

What is THE FIRST thing such a deep state would do if it existed?

Any guesses?
I'm no deep state stooge, but I'll bite and ask. What is the first thing a deep state would do to destroy DJT?

Release his tax returns. Simple. That would finish him.
If his his tax returns shows that he fucked over the IRS that would probably help him

Nah. It shows that he’s not a billionaire and that he needs this gig for the $$.

Only trump would be dumb enough to pay Rustic to be an agent provocateur, he's way to dumb. Though, trump does or must pay Rudy, who seem to put his foot in his mouth as only a senile buffoon can do.
Dear weirdos who believe that a powerful “deep state” he’ll bent on destroying Donald Trump exists....

What is THE FIRST thing such a deep state would do if it existed?

Any guesses?
I'm no deep state stooge, but I'll bite and ask. What is the first thing a deep state would do to destroy DJT?

Release his tax returns. Simple. That would finish him.
If his his tax returns shows that he fucked over the IRS that would probably help him

Nah. It shows that he’s not a billionaire and that he needs this gig for the $$.

Only trump would be dumb enough to pay Rustic to be an agent provocateur, he's way to dumb. Though, trump does or must pay Rudy, who seem to put his foot in his mouth as only a senile buffoon can do.
good god dude, you're the one deep throating your own ankle these days.
I'm no deep state stooge, but I'll bite and ask. What is the first thing a deep state would do to destroy DJT?

Release his tax returns. Simple. That would finish him.
If his his tax returns shows that he fucked over the IRS that would probably help him

Nah. It shows that he’s not a billionaire and that he needs this gig for the $$.

Only trump would be dumb enough to pay Rustic to be an agent provocateur, he's way to dumb. Though, trump does or must pay Rudy, who seem to put his foot in his mouth as only a senile buffoon can do.

good god dude, you're the one deep throating your own ankle these days.

I'd say to you, I'm rubber you are glue, anything you say to me, sticks on you. But, I'm not a child, and my thoughts on issues are well thought out opinions generally supported by evidence. Sadly, your opinions are based on hot air, that expelled every time trump speaks.
Dear weirdos who believe that a powerful “deep state” he’ll bent on destroying Donald Trump exists....

What is THE FIRST thing such a deep state would do if it existed?

Any guesses?
I'm no deep state stooge, but I'll bite and ask. What is the first thing a deep state would do to destroy DJT?

Release his tax returns. Simple. That would finish him.
If his his tax returns shows that he fucked over the IRS that would probably help him

Nah. It shows that he’s not a billionaire and that he needs this gig for the $$.

Only trump would be dumb enough to pay Rustic to be an agent provocateur, he's way to dumb. Though, trump does or must pay Rudy, who seem to put his foot in his mouth as only a senile buffoon can do.
When will you realize political correctness can only work in the clown show... Socialism
Release his tax returns. Simple. That would finish him.
If his his tax returns shows that he fucked over the IRS that would probably help him

Nah. It shows that he’s not a billionaire and that he needs this gig for the $$.

Only trump would be dumb enough to pay Rustic to be an agent provocateur, he's way to dumb. Though, trump does or must pay Rudy, who seem to put his foot in his mouth as only a senile buffoon can do.

good god dude, you're the one deep throating your own ankle these days.

I'd say to you, I'm rubber you are glue, anything you say to me, sticks on you. But, I'm not a child, and my thoughts on issues are well thought out opinions generally supported by evidence. Sadly, your opinions are based on hot air, that expelled every time trump speaks.
heh - except i never mentioned trump. you keep projecting him cause he's living in your head and you assume everyone is as mental as you.
A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming
All thanks to the Democrats in their crazed state.

A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming | The American Spectator
2 Oct 19 ~ By Brandon J. Weichert
First, it is likely that President Donald Trump violated some cockamamie administrative rule when he recently spoke with the new Ukrainian president about the potential corrupt dealings of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, in Ukraine. Fine. Can’t Trump just pay a fine or something? Yes, he should’ve been more careful (and he needs to tell Rudy Giuliani to calm down, as the former mayor risks perjuring himself before not one, but three Congressional committees). What Trump did was the equivalent of going 15 mph over the speed limit in rural Georgia: it happens. Rarely does anyone notice. Ignorance is still not a viable legal defense. But, usually, the state is lenient, given that the violation is minor. More importantly, though, can we not acknowledge, that — charges of “whataboutism” notwithstanding — what Trump did was nowhere near as bad as what his predecessor, the sainted Barack Obama, blatantly did to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign?
Don’t you dare get offended by the fact that President Trump may have spoken too openly about the Biden family’s corruption in Ukraine if you’re not seething about the numerous, grotesque violations that the Obama administration undertook to ensure their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, succeeded the milksop Barack Obama as president. The Democrats, not the Republicans, are the ones who should truly be investigated — and face hard jail time for their illegal acts. Further, part of any such investigation must include the detailed disclosure of all documents related to the involvement of the aforementioned Five Eyes. Not only would this destroy the ongoing transnational coup against all right-leaning populists, such as Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, and even Benjamin Netanyahu, but it would also further cleanse the intelligence community of the odious corruption that has long pervaded it. Civil war is not coming. But, thankfully, a deep cleansing of our “Deep State” is underway. If it doesn’t happen, Trump will be wrongly removed from office, and our republic will be dead.

AG Barr is setting the table for a broad Conspiracy to Commit Sedition case against several top "elected leaders." Will the conspiracy of Obama, Biden, Clinton, Comey, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Powers, McCabe, Strzok, Page or Rice come to any consequence for each of them?
So far investigations have exposed that the Obama and his key appointees were deeply involved in a failed coup d' etat against the duly elected 45th president of the United States of America. One has to question just how deeply the "Deep State" is embedded within our government. Our Republic is in danger, and not from global warming.
Please note how the double standard is at work here. Democrats and most of the press corps want to impeach Mr. Trump for inviting foreign help to investigate Joe Biden and his son’s role in Ukraine. But at the same time they want everyone to forget that the Clinton campaign in 2016 paid for foreign dirt that the FBI used to justify a secret surveillance warrant against the Trump campaign.
If you buy into the conspiracy theory claims that the left wing media is pushing, you are either so far left that you will claim anything, and keep lying, for your team (like Schiff) because all you care about is power, and getting rid of anyone that would derail the Obama Socialism train wreck that he started our nation on, and had Hillary won, we would be speeding towards Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist cliff of doom right now, or you are so incredible ignorant of the truth that you must be the laughing stock of your circle of friends and family. There is no other choice, as there is so much actual fact out there proving otherwise, that you are either incredible unintelligent, or you will say anything to keep our nation headed towards ruin by becoming a socialist nation. My view is you are not un intelligent.

I sure hope so.
Release his tax returns. Simple. That would finish him.
If his his tax returns shows that he fucked over the IRS that would probably help him

Nah. It shows that he’s not a billionaire and that he needs this gig for the $$.

Only trump would be dumb enough to pay Rustic to be an agent provocateur, he's way to dumb. Though, trump does or must pay Rudy, who seem to put his foot in his mouth as only a senile buffoon can do.

good god dude, you're the one deep throating your own ankle these days.

I'd say to you, I'm rubber you are glue, anything you say to me, sticks on you. But, I'm not a child, and my thoughts on issues are well thought out opinions generally supported by evidence. Sadly, your opinions are based on hot air, that expelled every time trump speaks.
So you agree that named Calling is not racism, Only a child would think it is. Lol
If his his tax returns shows that he fucked over the IRS that would probably help him

Nah. It shows that he’s not a billionaire and that he needs this gig for the $$.

Only trump would be dumb enough to pay Rustic to be an agent provocateur, he's way to dumb. Though, trump does or must pay Rudy, who seem to put his foot in his mouth as only a senile buffoon can do.

good god dude, you're the one deep throating your own ankle these days.

I'd say to you, I'm rubber you are glue, anything you say to me, sticks on you. But, I'm not a child, and my thoughts on issues are well thought out opinions generally supported by evidence. Sadly, your opinions are based on hot air, that expelled every time trump speaks.

heh - except i never mentioned trump. you keep projecting him cause he's living in your head and you assume everyone is as mental as you.

YOU dumb shit, in context of the chain you sure as hell did.
Nah. It shows that he’s not a billionaire and that he needs this gig for the $$.

Only trump would be dumb enough to pay Rustic to be an agent provocateur, he's way to dumb. Though, trump does or must pay Rudy, who seem to put his foot in his mouth as only a senile buffoon can do.

good god dude, you're the one deep throating your own ankle these days.

I'd say to you, I'm rubber you are glue, anything you say to me, sticks on you. But, I'm not a child, and my thoughts on issues are well thought out opinions generally supported by evidence. Sadly, your opinions are based on hot air, that expelled every time trump speaks.

heh - except i never mentioned trump. you keep projecting him cause he's living in your head and you assume everyone is as mental as you.

YOU dumb shit, in context of the chain you sure as hell did.
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
So why hasn't AG Barr indicted McCabe or Comey or Mueller? He's had plenty of time to put the documentation together and have these left wing Deep State criminals arrested. i'm worried that Barr doesn't have the balls to get this done. McCabe, Comey, and Mueller should have been indicted and arrested by now.
Holy shit! The deep state forced Trump to send 2000 troops to defend a murderous dictator’s regime in exchange for payment. Fuck that deep state!
A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming
All thanks to the Democrats in their crazed state.

A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming | The American Spectator
2 Oct 19 ~ By Brandon J. Weichert
First, it is likely that President Donald Trump violated some cockamamie administrative rule when he recently spoke with the new Ukrainian president about the potential corrupt dealings of former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter, in Ukraine. Fine. Can’t Trump just pay a fine or something? Yes, he should’ve been more careful (and he needs to tell Rudy Giuliani to calm down, as the former mayor risks perjuring himself before not one, but three Congressional committees). What Trump did was the equivalent of going 15 mph over the speed limit in rural Georgia: it happens. Rarely does anyone notice. Ignorance is still not a viable legal defense. But, usually, the state is lenient, given that the violation is minor. More importantly, though, can we not acknowledge, that — charges of “whataboutism” notwithstanding — what Trump did was nowhere near as bad as what his predecessor, the sainted Barack Obama, blatantly did to Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign?
Don’t you dare get offended by the fact that President Trump may have spoken too openly about the Biden family’s corruption in Ukraine if you’re not seething about the numerous, grotesque violations that the Obama administration undertook to ensure their preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, succeeded the milksop Barack Obama as president. The Democrats, not the Republicans, are the ones who should truly be investigated — and face hard jail time for their illegal acts. Further, part of any such investigation must include the detailed disclosure of all documents related to the involvement of the aforementioned Five Eyes. Not only would this destroy the ongoing transnational coup against all right-leaning populists, such as Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, and even Benjamin Netanyahu, but it would also further cleanse the intelligence community of the odious corruption that has long pervaded it. Civil war is not coming. But, thankfully, a deep cleansing of our “Deep State” is underway. If it doesn’t happen, Trump will be wrongly removed from office, and our republic will be dead.

AG Barr is setting the table for a broad Conspiracy to Commit Sedition case against several top "elected leaders." Will the conspiracy of Obama, Biden, Clinton, Comey, Lynch, Brennan, Clapper, Powers, McCabe, Strzok, Page or Rice come to any consequence for each of them?
So far investigations have exposed that the Obama and his key appointees were deeply involved in a failed coup d' etat against the duly elected 45th president of the United States of America. One has to question just how deeply the "Deep State" is embedded within our government. Our Republic is in danger, and not from global warming.
Please note how the double standard is at work here. Democrats and most of the press corps want to impeach Mr. Trump for inviting foreign help to investigate Joe Biden and his son’s role in Ukraine. But at the same time they want everyone to forget that the Clinton campaign in 2016 paid for foreign dirt that the FBI used to justify a secret surveillance warrant against the Trump campaign.
If you buy into the conspiracy theory claims that the left wing media is pushing, you are either so far left that you will claim anything, and keep lying, for your team (like Schiff) because all you care about is power, and getting rid of anyone that would derail the Obama Socialism train wreck that he started our nation on, and had Hillary won, we would be speeding towards Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftist cliff of doom right now, or you are so incredible ignorant of the truth that you must be the laughing stock of your circle of friends and family. There is no other choice, as there is so much actual fact out there proving otherwise, that you are either incredible unintelligent, or you will say anything to keep our nation headed towards ruin by becoming a socialist nation. My view is you are not un intelligent.

I sure hope so.

Why? Are you doubting that you are not "un intelligent"?
I'm no deep state stooge, but I'll bite and ask. What is the first thing a deep state would do to destroy DJT?
Release his tax returns. Simple. That would finish him.
If his his tax returns shows that he fucked over the IRS that would probably help him

Nah. It shows that he’s not a billionaire and that he needs this gig for the $$.
He’s getting paid nothing, and he’s losing money in the private sector every day.

You really believe him when he says something don’t you? It surreal.
IKR? I've never seen such unabashed gloating and pride about swallowing every bit of misinformation and stupidity from a politician. Inexpensive mobile devices and internet connections for all Americans was supposed to make us more informed and educated. Looks like the opposite is happening.
The best way to Drain the swamp is to impeach Trump and remove his cabinet.
That’s the opposite of draining the swamp. Of course I consider the swamp the Deep State and the corrupt ruling class. You probably don’t think the Deep State exists. LOL.

Define the Deep State. Who is apart of it?
Agency, politial and propaganda operatives who are working together to overthrow our form of government.
Release his tax returns. Simple. That would finish him.
If his his tax returns shows that he fucked over the IRS that would probably help him

Nah. It shows that he’s not a billionaire and that he needs this gig for the $$.
He’s getting paid nothing, and he’s losing money in the private sector every day.

You really believe him when he says something don’t you? It surreal.
IKR? I've never seen such unabashed gloating and pride about swallowing every bit of misinformation and stupidity from a politician. Inexpensive mobile devices and internet connections for all Americans was supposed to make us more informed and educated. Looks like the opposite is happening.
Only people who hate it when other people share information (i.e., anti free speech goons)believe that.
The best way to Drain the swamp is to impeach Trump and remove his cabinet.
That’s the opposite of draining the swamp. Of course I consider the swamp the Deep State and the corrupt ruling class. You probably don’t think the Deep State exists. LOL.

Define the Deep State. Who is apart of it?
It is all of the intelligence agencies including first and foremost the CIA. It also includes much of the military industrial complex.

Have you ever heard of a president named Ike? Way way way back in 1961 he warned about the deep state.

please get informed and stop all consumption of MSM media. They are controlled by the deep state. It makes one fat headed.
The best way to Drain the swamp is to impeach Trump and remove his cabinet.
That’s the opposite of draining the swamp. Of course I consider the swamp the Deep State and the corrupt ruling class. You probably don’t think the Deep State exists. LOL.

Define the Deep State. Who is apart of it?
Agency, politial and propaganda operatives who are working together to overthrow our form of government.

.... hidden down in the WH basement then....?


The best way to Drain the swamp is to impeach Trump and remove his cabinet.
That’s the opposite of draining the swamp. Of course I consider the swamp the Deep State and the corrupt ruling class. You probably don’t think the Deep State exists. LOL.

Define the Deep State. Who is apart of it?
Agency, politial and propaganda operatives who are working together to overthrow our form of government.

.... hidden down in the WH basement then....?


No, walking around like free men and women..for now.

PS, the gaslighting is no longer effective, everybody knows when you're doing it.
The best way to Drain the swamp is to impeach Trump and remove his cabinet.
That’s the opposite of draining the swamp. Of course I consider the swamp the Deep State and the corrupt ruling class. You probably don’t think the Deep State exists. LOL.

Define the Deep State. Who is apart of it?
It is all of the intelligence agencies including first and foremost the CIA. It also includes much of the military industrial complex.

Have you ever heard of a president named Ike? Way way way back in 1961 he warned about the deep state.

please get informed and stop all consumption of MSM media. They are controlled by the deep state. It makes one fat headed.

Ok, i'll play Gip

who do you think these sorts all work for?


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