A Deep Cleansing of the Deep State Is Coming

Dear weirdos who believe that a powerful “deep state” he’ll bent on destroying Donald Trump exists....

What is THE FIRST thing such a deep state would do if it existed?

Any guesses?
I'm no deep state stooge, but I'll bite and ask. What is the first thing a deep state would do to destroy DJT?

Only the membership of this mythical deep state would know. What is, is an open criticism and an open investigation of DJT. A Duty Imposed on The Congress by the Constitution of the United States.
The best way to Drain the swamp is to impeach Trump and remove his cabinet.

I repeat, "Here is no other choice, as there is so much actual fact out there proving otherwise, that you are either incredible unintelligent, or you will say anything to keep our nation headed towards ruin by becoming a socialist nation. My view is you are not un intelligent".

The United States has been a socialist country since it’s inception: public schools, public libraries, public parks, a government owned post office and a government run militia are “socialist concepts”, as is the idea that “All men are created equal with certain inalienable rights”.
second best joke I’ve heard all day, Socialism having any sort of freedom… Shut the fuck up you loopy kunt
Quick! Someone throw a set of steer gonads so rustic, the USMB Trump Twat Troll will leave!
The OP is a joke because it muses about upcoming "sedition" charges. I mean Trump's toady Bill Barr might really be planning politically motivated prosecutions of people no longer in govt … but if you're worried about corruption look no further:

Arrest of Giuliani associates ensnares 'Congressman 1'
Dear weirdos who believe that a powerful “deep state” he’ll bent on destroying Donald Trump exists....

What is THE FIRST thing such a deep state would do if it existed?

Any guesses?
I'm no deep state stooge, but I'll bite and ask. What is the first thing a deep state would do to destroy DJT?
Release his tax returns. Simple. That would finish him.

Moron, what's simple is your simple mind. You're a
drooling leftist idiot with no ability to think, reason or apply logic.
Dear weirdos who believe that a powerful “deep state” he’ll bent on destroying Donald Trump exists....

What is THE FIRST thing such a deep state would do if it existed?

Any guesses?
I'm no deep state stooge, but I'll bite and ask. What is the first thing a deep state would do to destroy DJT?

Only the membership of this mythical deep state would know. What is, is an open criticism and an open investigation of DJT. A Duty Imposed on The Congress by the Constitution of the United States.
As used on this board "deep state" seems to refer to a "conspiracy theory" where "a hybrid association of elements of government and parts of top-level finance and industry that is effectively able to govern the United States without reference to the consent of the governed as expressed through the formal political process",
Deep state in the United States - Wikipedia

But now the Trumpstettes cry "deep state" when the investigation is about Trump misusing his powers for pollical and perhaps personal financial gain.

A week after Parnas and Fruman visited Sessions in Washington, a company controlled by the pair, Global Energy Producers, gave $325,000 to a political action committee supporting Trump's re-election bid, according to the committee's financial disclosure reports
Arrest of Giuliani associates ensnares 'Congressman 1'

Did the election of Trump give Trump the power to misuse the govt to promote his own political and financial benefit, and is any questioning of his actions now sedition?
Dear weirdos who believe that a powerful “deep state” he’ll bent on destroying Donald Trump exists....

What is THE FIRST thing such a deep state would do if it existed?

Any guesses?
I'm no deep state stooge, but I'll bite and ask. What is the first thing a deep state would do to destroy DJT?
Release his tax returns. Simple. That would finish him.

Moron, what's simple is your simple mind. You're a
drooling leftist idiot with no ability to think, reason or apply logic.

Seems every post you've written is thoughtless. Your litany of work is not only repetitious, but built on logical fallacies and framed by echoes of RW Propaganda. You are one of the biddable fools.
I gotta tell ya, my deep state pals in DC are doing a bang up job slowly rolling out our sinister plans!

I mean....actually letting Trump become president AND THEN framing him for all these corrupt actions that he could only do as president is some deep devious shit!

Well can Ya tell em to knock it off ,,,,cause that would be swell.
Maybe put the american people before everything else ....it would be a nice change of pace and they'd appreciate that...also can you tell the white nordic aliens I wanna hitch a ride ?that be cool..

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Don’t forget the IRS and EPA the... FDA Along with about two dozen other fucked up agencies

Yeah!! The IRS hates Trump! That’s why we have all seen his taxes. Right?

IRS is unconstitutional...
Dear weirdos who believe that a powerful “deep state” he’ll bent on destroying Donald Trump exists....

What is THE FIRST thing such a deep state would do if it existed?

Any guesses?
I'm no deep state stooge, but I'll bite and ask. What is the first thing a deep state would do to destroy DJT?
Release his tax returns. Simple. That would finish him.
If his his tax returns shows that he fucked over the IRS that would probably help him
Dear weirdos who believe that a powerful “deep state” he’ll bent on destroying Donald Trump exists....

What is THE FIRST thing such a deep state would do if it existed?

Any guesses?
I'm no deep state stooge, but I'll bite and ask. What is the first thing a deep state would do to destroy DJT?
Release his tax returns. Simple. That would finish him.
If his his tax returns shows that he fucked over the IRS that would probably help him

Nah. It shows that he’s not a billionaire and that he needs this gig for the $$.
Dear weirdos who believe that a powerful “deep state” he’ll bent on destroying Donald Trump exists....

What is THE FIRST thing such a deep state would do if it existed?

Any guesses?
I'm no deep state stooge, but I'll bite and ask. What is the first thing a deep state would do to destroy DJT?
Release his tax returns. Simple. That would finish him.
If his his tax returns shows that he fucked over the IRS that would probably help him

Nah. It shows that he’s not a billionaire and that he needs this gig for the $$.
He’s getting paid nothing, and he’s losing money in the private sector every day.
Before Trump the criticism of whatever passed for "deep state" was they protected multi-nationals, and the US had become essentially an oligarchy in which both parties, and the govt careerists, worked to preserve the oligarchy's econ interests. I wasn't totally buying in, but it was pretty clear that aside from Clinton-Obama pressing for education aid and money to support workers, who used to have unions, healthcare …. there wasn't much.

But until the great recession, workers' lives were still improving … on the whole. That's changed and our kids now face having declining econ prospects.

Whatever deep state Trump is bloating about … it has nothing to do with that. Rather, his admin is a mixture of grievances of people who are rich, envy, ego, personal vendettas and economic incompetence.

Way back when I studies Political Science that was just the nature of the Federal Bureaucracy.
it all started when the left went crazy because the right said they didn't want to work with obama. WAH UNFAIR.

i can't think of too many times in the past any losing party in a presidential election ever said "hey, we lost but let's dive right in and help the other guy out even though it will seriously piss off our side!"

never happened. yet after obama, it was huge and must be paid back in spades.

and here we are.

trump is far from a saint. most presidents can only wave at said sainthood from a distance. but all the attack / revenge politics isn't par for the course. it is new ground and having to satisfy our emotional turmoil is tearing the foundation out from under the country.

if that's what the left wants, to work the constitution out of here, good luck with that. if not, then stop all this shit and build a better platform for where to take this country in 2020 and beyond and run on that.

Oh, I think that riff started way before Obama. Until then though the opposition party was assumed to be the loyal opposition. One that everyone would join to defend if our nation was attacked. That all changed in 2012 when the Republican candidate for President attacked the Commander in Chief for a tweet sent out by a frightened embassy employee, while the attacks against us were just beginning. The attack / revenge politics by the GOP were also just beginning.
Dear weirdos who believe that a powerful “deep state” he’ll bent on destroying Donald Trump exists....

What is THE FIRST thing such a deep state would do if it existed?

Any guesses?
I'm no deep state stooge, but I'll bite and ask. What is the first thing a deep state would do to destroy DJT?
Release his tax returns. Simple. That would finish him.
If his his tax returns shows that he fucked over the IRS that would probably help him

Nah. It shows that he’s not a billionaire and that he needs this gig for the $$.
He’s getting paid nothing, and he’s losing money in the private sector every day.

You really believe him when he says something don’t you? It surreal.
I'm no deep state stooge, but I'll bite and ask. What is the first thing a deep state would do to destroy DJT?
Release his tax returns. Simple. That would finish him.
If his his tax returns shows that he fucked over the IRS that would probably help him

Nah. It shows that he’s not a billionaire and that he needs this gig for the $$.
He’s getting paid nothing, and he’s losing money in the private sector every day.

You really believe him when he says something don’t you? It surreal.
Only Fools believe he’s making any money while in office…
Release his tax returns. Simple. That would finish him.
If his his tax returns shows that he fucked over the IRS that would probably help him

Nah. It shows that he’s not a billionaire and that he needs this gig for the $$.
He’s getting paid nothing, and he’s losing money in the private sector every day.

You really believe him when he says something don’t you? It surreal.
Only Fools believe he’s making any money while in office…

His name is now shit, so you may be right. But he’s working his position hard for hotel nights. And you fucking know it. Ya dumb shit.
If his his tax returns shows that he fucked over the IRS that would probably help him

Nah. It shows that he’s not a billionaire and that he needs this gig for the $$.
He’s getting paid nothing, and he’s losing money in the private sector every day.

You really believe him when he says something don’t you? It surreal.
Only Fools believe he’s making any money while in office…

His name is now shit, so you may be right. But he’s working his position hard for hotel nights. And you fucking know it. Ya dumb shit.
The sole purpose I see of Trump is to destroy the GOP establishment which deserves to be destroyed.
I don’t give two shits about him personally, but the way he governs it’s chaos and that’s good for the country… Not so much for DC though. Lol
Before Trump the criticism of whatever passed for "deep state" was they protected multi-nationals, and the US had become essentially an oligarchy in which both parties, and the govt careerists, worked to preserve the oligarchy's econ interests. I wasn't totally buying in, but it was pretty clear that aside from Clinton-Obama pressing for education aid and money to support workers, who used to have unions, healthcare …. there wasn't much.

But until the great recession, workers' lives were still improving … on the whole. That's changed and our kids now face having declining econ prospects.

Whatever deep state Trump is bloating about … it has nothing to do with that. Rather, his admin is a mixture of grievances of people who are rich, envy, ego, personal vendettas and economic incompetence.

Way back when I studies Political Science that was just the nature of the Federal Bureaucracy.
it all started when the left went crazy because the right said they didn't want to work with obama. WAH UNFAIR.

i can't think of too many times in the past any losing party in a presidential election ever said "hey, we lost but let's dive right in and help the other guy out even though it will seriously piss off our side!"

never happened. yet after obama, it was huge and must be paid back in spades.

and here we are.

trump is far from a saint. most presidents can only wave at said sainthood from a distance. but all the attack / revenge politics isn't par for the course. it is new ground and having to satisfy our emotional turmoil is tearing the foundation out from under the country.

if that's what the left wants, to work the constitution out of here, good luck with that. if not, then stop all this shit and build a better platform for where to take this country in 2020 and beyond and run on that.

Oh, I think that riff started way before Obama. Until then though the opposition party was assumed to be the loyal opposition. One that everyone would join to defend if our nation was attacked. That all changed in 2012 when the Republican candidate for President attacked the Commander in Chief for a tweet sent out by a frightened embassy employee, while the attacks against us were just beginning. The attack / revenge politics by the GOP were also just beginning.
Something weird happened in 92. Older gopers couldn't stand to see a pot smoking Vietnam protesting draft dodger in the WH, but it morphed into a desire to just impeach a guy cause they couldn't beat him. And it's gotten worse, mostly on the gop side. No one was seriously going to impeach W over Iraq. Then Obama and not one of those mfering McConnells raised a peep about the birthers.

And now anyone wonder why at least 30% of America will never rest until Trump is retired, and possibly tried. LOL
Nah. It shows that he’s not a billionaire and that he needs this gig for the $$.
He’s getting paid nothing, and he’s losing money in the private sector every day.

You really believe him when he says something don’t you? It surreal.
Only Fools believe he’s making any money while in office…

His name is now shit, so you may be right. But he’s working his position hard for hotel nights. And you fucking know it. Ya dumb shit.
The sole purpose I see of Trump is to destroy the GOP establishment which deserves to be destroyed.
I don’t give two shits about him personally, but the way he governs it’s chaos and that’s good for the country… Not so much for DC though. Lol

So fucking stupid.
He’s getting paid nothing, and he’s losing money in the private sector every day.

You really believe him when he says something don’t you? It surreal.
Only Fools believe he’s making any money while in office…

His name is now shit, so you may be right. But he’s working his position hard for hotel nights. And you fucking know it. Ya dumb shit.
The sole purpose I see of Trump is to destroy the GOP establishment which deserves to be destroyed.
I don’t give two shits about him personally, but the way he governs it’s chaos and that’s good for the country… Not so much for DC though. Lol

So fucking stupid.
There should be no GOP establishment, These people get paid for doing nothing and are the very definition of corruption. Much like professors career politicians can’t make it in the real world, and it is impossible for them to be conservative... Their voting records are proof… Every single one of them
Before Trump the criticism of whatever passed for "deep state" was they protected multi-nationals, and the US had become essentially an oligarchy in which both parties, and the govt careerists, worked to preserve the oligarchy's econ interests. I wasn't totally buying in, but it was pretty clear that aside from Clinton-Obama pressing for education aid and money to support workers, who used to have unions, healthcare …. there wasn't much.

But until the great recession, workers' lives were still improving … on the whole. That's changed and our kids now face having declining econ prospects.

Whatever deep state Trump is bloating about … it has nothing to do with that. Rather, his admin is a mixture of grievances of people who are rich, envy, ego, personal vendettas and economic incompetence.

Way back when I studies Political Science that was just the nature of the Federal Bureaucracy.
it all started when the left went crazy because the right said they didn't want to work with obama. WAH UNFAIR.

i can't think of too many times in the past any losing party in a presidential election ever said "hey, we lost but let's dive right in and help the other guy out even though it will seriously piss off our side!"

never happened. yet after obama, it was huge and must be paid back in spades.

and here we are.

trump is far from a saint. most presidents can only wave at said sainthood from a distance. but all the attack / revenge politics isn't par for the course. it is new ground and having to satisfy our emotional turmoil is tearing the foundation out from under the country.

if that's what the left wants, to work the constitution out of here, good luck with that. if not, then stop all this shit and build a better platform for where to take this country in 2020 and beyond and run on that.

Oh, I think that riff started way before Obama. Until then though the opposition party was assumed to be the loyal opposition. One that everyone would join to defend if our nation was attacked. That all changed in 2012 when the Republican candidate for President attacked the Commander in Chief for a tweet sent out by a frightened embassy employee, while the attacks against us were just beginning. The attack / revenge politics by the GOP were also just beginning.
Something weird happened in 92. Older gopers couldn't stand to see a pot smoking Vietnam protesting draft dodger in the WH, but it morphed into a desire to just impeach a guy cause they couldn't beat him. And it's gotten worse, mostly on the gop side. No one was seriously going to impeach W over Iraq. Then Obama and not one of those mfering McConnells raised a peep about the birthers.

And now anyone wonder why at least 30% of America will never rest until Trump is retired, and possibly tried. LOL
George Bush Senior was a fucking one world government piece of shit, and his read my lips fiasco fuck over millions of Americans for life...

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