A Democrat Heroine As Proof There is a 'Far Left'

1. While there is no Far Right in this nation, there not only is a Far Left, but it is the controlling factor in the Democrat Party.
We'll prove that with the party's choice of poster-girl, Linda Sarsour

2. The mechanism that has proven so successful for the Left is 'Identity Politics,' singling out each and ever group as separate, and with distinct grievances against America and other Americans.
Blacks, the Democrat's ticket to national elections are constantly reminded of an extinct 'racism' that they haven't experienced in nearly seven generations. Remember Biden's "they want to put you back in chains'?

3. The growing Muslim population is one more of the Democrat's brass rings on the political carousel, and they fervently want to grow that particular constituency.

a. "Immigration To Swell Muslim Population to 6.2 Million
According to U.S. Census Data, the United States admits roughly 100,000 Muslim immigrants legally each year, representing the fastest growing block of immigration into the United States. Tennessee, in fact, is home to one of the fastest growing immigrant populations in the country, causing thePresident to give a recent speech there in favor of expansive immigration.

This demographic change is entirely the product of legal admissions–that is, it is a formal policy of the federal government adopted by Congress.

Another major source of Middle Eastern immigration into the United States is done through our nation’s refugee program. Every year the United Stated admits 70,000 asylees and refugees.Arabic is the most common language spoken by refugees, and 91.4 percent of refugees from the Middle East are on food stamps.

The importation of Middle Eastern immigrants through the nation’s refugee program has led to the development of pockets of radicalized communities throughout the United States." Immigration to Swell U.S. Muslim Population to 6.2 Million - Breitbart

b. "...Hillary Clinton wants to let 500 percent more Syrians into the U.S." Would Clinton boost Syrian refugees 500 percent?

Beyond the possible avalanche of votes for Democrats- the very same reason for their support of illegal immigration- it is difficult to overlook the conspicuous bond both Islam and Liberalism enjoy: the demand for submission.

".... Americans would once again die in their own country because of an ideology, and a faith, born of a region that most could not find on a map. The enemy could not be reasoned with or dismissed; it could not be appeased by an American withdrawal from the Islamic world. America could leave the Middle East... but the Middle East would follow it home. " The novel 'The Black Widow," by Daniel Silva, p.356

4. It is no accident that the Democrats have selected a Far Left Islamofascist, Linda Sarsour, as their iconic Muslim, the very sort that personifies Democrats today.

I'll document that, next.
Democrats are the only people in the world that can celebrate a house dress code change denied them by a dem speaker as a victory won when a republican speaker was the one to give it to them. Then in the same conversation wish for more sharia law.

You have to be retarded to be a democrat woman.
10. The brilliant Ben Shapiro crushes a Sarsour-apologist:

As pointed out by our pal, the Professor....." They say you can judge a man by the company he keeps"....and that is why we find radicals, terrorists, America-haters, and certifiable sociopaths among and leading the Democrat Party.

And murderers, too.


Your support for Trump is all we need to know about the company you keep.
10. The brilliant Ben Shapiro crushes a Sarsour-apologist:

As pointed out by our pal, the Professor....." They say you can judge a man by the company he keeps"....and that is why we find radicals, terrorists, America-haters, and certifiable sociopaths among and leading the Democrat Party.

And murderers, too.


Your support for Trump is all we need to know about the company you keep.

Worst case scenario: At least Trump is an American.

The beasts you profess, though born here, are not.
10. The brilliant Ben Shapiro crushes a Sarsour-apologist:

As pointed out by our pal, the Professor....." They say you can judge a man by the company he keeps"....and that is why we find radicals, terrorists, America-haters, and certifiable sociopaths among and leading the Democrat Party.

And murderers, too.


Your support for Trump is all we need to know about the company you keep.

Worst case scenario: At least Trump is an American.

The beasts you profess, though born here, are not.

Are you a tragic consequence of homeschooling?

Nope. First the Franciscans, then the Jesuits.
Liberals like yourself would've been hung back then. The founders actually had common sense. Just think if you would've told them a man should use the bathroom with a girl. Liberalism destroyed the black family all for a vote.

Setting aside the proportions of my manly endowment, why would I have been hanged in 1787?
So men used the bathroom with girls back then? You're an idiot.

They owned other humans "back then". You can't judge modern society by what the founders might think of it.
I cannot think of anything liberals stand for today. That the founding fathers would support.
Once again you don't know your assfrom a hole in the ground.
The democrats stand for giving everyone a chance to succeed, to live out the American dream no matter their race, religion, ethnic background or sociological place in society. ..... for starters.
Your kidding right? We just had the first black president, and blacks are worse off after the fact. What Johnson said through welfare we will have those nig#ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years. I guess the founders still agree with democrats today. Still own blacks.
Setting aside the proportions of my manly endowment, why would I have been hanged in 1787?
So men used the bathroom with girls back then? You're an idiot.

They owned other humans "back then". You can't judge modern society by what the founders might think of it.
I cannot think of anything liberals stand for today. That the founding fathers would support.
Once again you don't know your assfrom a hole in the ground.
The democrats stand for giving everyone a chance to succeed, to live out the American dream no matter their race, religion, ethnic background or sociological place in society. ..... for starters.
Your kidding right? We just had the first black president, and blacks are worse off after the fact. What Johnson said through welfare we will have those nig#ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years. I guess the founders still agree with democrats today. Still own blacks.

Wow...let's start with the fact that it isn't proven he ever said it and never was welfare mentioned.

Did LBJ Say 'I'll Have Those N*****s Voting Democratic for 200 Years'?
Setting aside the proportions of my manly endowment, why would I have been hanged in 1787?
So men used the bathroom with girls back then? You're an idiot.

They owned other humans "back then". You can't judge modern society by what the founders might think of it.
I cannot think of anything liberals stand for today. That the founding fathers would support.
Once again you don't know your assfrom a hole in the ground.
The democrats stand for giving everyone a chance to succeed, to live out the American dream no matter their race, religion, ethnic background or sociological place in society. ..... for starters.
Your kidding right? We just had the first black president, and blacks are worse off after the fact. What Johnson said through welfare we will have those nig#ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years. I guess the founders still agree with democrats today. Still own blacks.

So what? Johnson also said that passing the Civil Rights Act would lose Democrats the South for decades.

And he was right. White conservatives started voting Republican the very same year the Act was passed.
There's no 'far right' in America?

Then what does this rightwinger represent? Mainstream Conservatism? lol

Richard B. Spencer - Wikipedia
He is a leftist, moron.

The "alt-right" is nothing but a left wing group that is pro-white and agrees with some right wing social issues that further that end.

The alt-right is specifically just anti-contemporary left.

LOLOL. A Pro-white liberal who agrees with the Right on social issues? Goddam
It's standard practice of the OP to simply ignore any successful refutation of her claims.
I don't care what side of the aisle a person is on - I'm not going to accept posts not rooted in reality. And I have the highest respect for PoliticalChic. She's extremely bright. But it's just not rational to proclaim that if the Republican Party doesn't include something in their platform, then that something doesn't exist.

There is a radical right (Sovereign Citizens, Anarchists, and to a small degree - libertarians). Hell, Sovereign Citizens kill law enforcement officers. How can you claim something doesn't exist when it is taking the life of law enforcement officers?

See if you can find any radical positions endorsed by the Right.
There's a Far Left and a Far Right.

Not sure what the big drama is here.

What a perfect post by a fence sitter.

Well then....
See if you can find any radical positions, not in line with American history, tradition, and values, endorsed by the Right.
It's standard practice of the OP to simply ignore any successful refutation of her claims.
I don't care what side of the aisle a person is on - I'm not going to accept posts not rooted in reality. And I have the highest respect for PoliticalChic. She's extremely bright. But it's just not rational to proclaim that if the Republican Party doesn't include something in their platform, then that something doesn't exist.

There is a radical right (Sovereign Citizens, Anarchists, and to a small degree - libertarians). Hell, Sovereign Citizens kill law enforcement officers. How can you claim something doesn't exist when it is taking the life of law enforcement officers?

See if you can find any radical positions endorsed by the Right.

See? They've already been posted and she obstinately pretends she hasn't seen them.
There's a Far Left and a Far Right.

Not sure what the big drama is here.

What a perfect post by a fence sitter.

Well then....
See if you can find any radical positions, not in line with American history, tradition, and values, endorsed by the Right.
You wouldn't agree with any of my examples, because you're an obedient, blind, partisan.

That's how you folks are. On both ends.

Thanks for yet another example.
So men used the bathroom with girls back then? You're an idiot.

They owned other humans "back then". You can't judge modern society by what the founders might think of it.
I cannot think of anything liberals stand for today. That the founding fathers would support.
Once again you don't know your assfrom a hole in the ground.
The democrats stand for giving everyone a chance to succeed, to live out the American dream no matter their race, religion, ethnic background or sociological place in society. ..... for starters.
Your kidding right? We just had the first black president, and blacks are worse off after the fact. What Johnson said through welfare we will have those nig#ers voting Democrat for the next 200 years. I guess the founders still agree with democrats today. Still own blacks.

Wow...let's start with the fact that it isn't proven he ever said it and never was welfare mentioned.

Did LBJ Say 'I'll Have Those N*****s Voting Democratic for 200 Years'?

Of course he did.

This is the man you're attempting to shield:

He consistently voted against, and blocked Republican anti-lynching bills.
Prior to 1957, LBJ “had never supported civil rights legislation- any civil rights legislation. In the Senate and House alike, his record was an unbroken one of votes against every civil rights bill that had ever come to a vote: against voting rights bills; against bills that would have struck at job discrimination and at segregation in other areas of American life; even against bills that would have protected blacks from lynching.”
Robert Caro, “Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson, vol.3,” p. xv.

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