A Disturbing Union of Powers...Two Court Decisions Must Be Overturned

I have yet to see evidence of when lights were installed and if each light installed has the ability to change color..

The spotlights on the White House are permanent fixtures, as I understand it. The colors are simply celluloid filters put over them. Still, it does have to be planned out and pre-approved. One does not simply do it on the spur-of-the-moment.

With 'preplanning' consisting of 'if same sex marriage wins, then put in these gels'. It would take, what.....15 minutes to install? Less?

Sil's entire conspiracy is just more thoroughly irrational gibberish.
.... it's a religious extremist thing.

Contracts and minors re: necessities like a mother and father in marriage is not a religious extremist thing...

No law nor court recognizes the marriage of parents as a 'minor contract'. You made that up. And your imagination has no legal relevance.

It's a matter of established secular law. Unless now you're advocating that anyone who doesn't approve of stripping minors of their rights to contractual necessities is " a whacko idea". Next you'll be arguing that anyone who doesn't approve of lowering the age of sexual consent is "old fashioned, whacko, bigoted...etc. etc. etc."...

Nope. Its a matter of your imagination. No law nor court, not one of your own sources, nothing recognizes the marriage of parents as a 'minor contract'. Or recognizes a child as married to their parents.

That's just you citing yourself. And you're nobody.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court of the United States affirmed that same sex marriage is a constitutional right. That same sex marriage benefits children. And that states much issue marriage licenses to same sex couples.

Get used to the idea.
It's this fucking easy. "Hey go put some rainbow colored filters on the big bright white lights out side."

Clearly, you don't spend a lot of time working with bureaucracy. One does not simply decide on something like this and have it up in a five-minute span.

Not to mention that someone had to BUY the color filters for the spotlights in the first place. I'm not aware of any previous need that would require the White House to have them on hand.

Haven't they used red & green filters at Christmas for a while?

This I could not tell you.

I can, however, tell you that nothing moves that fast in a bureaucracy. Hell, it takes at least 24 hours where I work to get the elevator fixed when it breaks down, and that's actually essential.

I don't have any reason to believe the White House didn't plan for their little display well in advance, even if only on the possibility of the decision they wanted. And whether they did or not, it was divisive and inappropriate.
It's this fucking easy. "Hey go put some rainbow colored filters on the big bright white lights out side."

Clearly, you don't spend a lot of time working with bureaucracy. One does not simply decide on something like this and have it up in a five-minute span.

Not to mention that someone had to BUY the color filters for the spotlights in the first place. I'm not aware of any previous need that would require the White House to have them on hand.

Haven't they used red & green filters at Christmas for a while?

This I could not tell you.

I can, however, tell you that nothing moves that fast in a bureaucracy. Hell, it takes at least 24 hours where I work to get the elevator fixed when it breaks down, and that's actually essential.

I don't have any reason to believe the White House didn't plan for their little display well in advance, even if only on the possibility of the decision they wanted. And whether they did or not, it was divisive and inappropriate.

And where is the scarcity of necessary time? The simplest of 'if, then' plans solve the entire 'conspiracy'. If the Obergefell decision is in support of gay marriage, then put this handful of gels on our lights.

The Obergefell decision was hardly secret. It was one of the most eagerly anticipated rulings in years. And there were months and months to prepare. And could have been done in minutes.
It's this fucking easy. "Hey go put some rainbow colored filters on the big bright white lights out side."

Clearly, you don't spend a lot of time working with bureaucracy. One does not simply decide on something like this and have it up in a five-minute span.

Not to mention that someone had to BUY the color filters for the spotlights in the first place. I'm not aware of any previous need that would require the White House to have them on hand.

Haven't they used red & green filters at Christmas for a while?
And whether they did or not, it was divisive and inappropriate.

I am sure it felt that way to you.

It felt celebratory to me.
It's this fucking easy. "Hey go put some rainbow colored filters on the big bright white lights out side."

Clearly, you don't spend a lot of time working with bureaucracy. One does not simply decide on something like this and have it up in a five-minute span.

Not to mention that someone had to BUY the color filters for the spotlights in the first place. I'm not aware of any previous need that would require the White House to have them on hand.

Haven't they used red & green filters at Christmas for a while?

This I could not tell you.

I can, however, tell you that nothing moves that fast in a bureaucracy. Hell, it takes at least 24 hours where I work to get the elevator fixed when it breaks down, and that's actually essential.

I don't have any reason to believe the White House didn't plan for their little display well in advance, even if only on the possibility of the decision they wanted. And whether they did or not, it was divisive and inappropriate.

And where is the scarcity of necessary time? The simplest of 'if, then' plans solve the entire 'conspiracy'. If the Obergefell decision is in support of gay marriage, then put this handful of gels on our lights.

The Obergefell decision was hardly secret. It was one of the most eagerly anticipated rulings in years. And there were months and months to prepare. And could have been done in minutes.

Image of San Francisco City Hall after the Giants won the World Series- good planning? Or was the World Series fixed?

Won't you be surprised when you have been on the wrong side of this issue according to the "big guy in the sky."

Everyone should not know what Decision is coming from the United States Supreme Court. Yes. But it's not an "argument". I don't feel the need to argue the basic foundations of the charges and duties of the US Supreme Court and the Judicial Branch of government to maintain its one tenet of Office: THE APPEARANCE OF REMAINING IMPARTIAL UNTIL ALL DELIBERATIONS HAVE ENDED.

Might try retaking American Goverment, the Jr High level course..

Hello, real world, guy. One could tell from the arguments which way the court was likely to rule. The fact was, nearly every lower court that had heard this issue struck down gay marriage bans as unconstitutional. The Judicial Branch had pretty much weighed in on this issue well before Obergefell.

The point is, this issue IS over. Done. It isn't going to change. Even the Republican candidates aren't talking about this anymore because it makes them look like assholes.
No need to talk about it. I'm counting on the Big Guy In The Sky to put things right.
Won't you be surprised when you have been on the wrong side of this issue according to the "big guy in the sky."

Everyone should not know what Decision is coming from the United States Supreme Court. Yes. But it's not an "argument". I don't feel the need to argue the basic foundations of the charges and duties of the US Supreme Court and the Judicial Branch of government to maintain its one tenet of Office: THE APPEARANCE OF REMAINING IMPARTIAL UNTIL ALL DELIBERATIONS HAVE ENDED.

Might try retaking American Goverment, the Jr High level course..

Hello, real world, guy. One could tell from the arguments which way the court was likely to rule. The fact was, nearly every lower court that had heard this issue struck down gay marriage bans as unconstitutional. The Judicial Branch had pretty much weighed in on this issue well before Obergefell.

The point is, this issue IS over. Done. It isn't going to change. Even the Republican candidates aren't talking about this anymore because it makes them look like assholes.
No need to talk about it. I'm counting on the Big Guy In The Sky to put things right.

Won't you be surprised when you find out there IS a "Big Guy In The Sky", and He's none too terribly pleased with you cynically misrepresenting Him for your purposes?
It's this fucking easy. "Hey go put some rainbow colored filters on the big bright white lights out side."

Clearly, you don't spend a lot of time working with bureaucracy. One does not simply decide on something like this and have it up in a five-minute span.

Not to mention that someone had to BUY the color filters for the spotlights in the first place. I'm not aware of any previous need that would require the White House to have them on hand.

Haven't they used red & green filters at Christmas for a while?

This I could not tell you.

I can, however, tell you that nothing moves that fast in a bureaucracy. Hell, it takes at least 24 hours where I work to get the elevator fixed when it breaks down, and that's actually essential.

I don't have any reason to believe the White House didn't plan for their little display well in advance, even if only on the possibility of the decision they wanted. And whether they did or not, it was divisive and inappropriate.

And where is the scarcity of necessary time? The simplest of 'if, then' plans solve the entire 'conspiracy'. If the Obergefell decision is in support of gay marriage, then put this handful of gels on our lights.

The Obergefell decision was hardly secret. It was one of the most eagerly anticipated rulings in years. And there were months and months to prepare. And could have been done in minutes.

Image of San Francisco City Hall after the Giants won the World Series- good planning? Or was the World Series fixed?


I think we're missing the greater conspiracy.


Yeah, they just *happened* to know our national anthem, huh?

The fix is in!
Clearly, you don't spend a lot of time working with bureaucracy. One does not simply decide on something like this and have it up in a five-minute span.

Not to mention that someone had to BUY the color filters for the spotlights in the first place. I'm not aware of any previous need that would require the White House to have them on hand.

Haven't they used red & green filters at Christmas for a while?

This I could not tell you.

I can, however, tell you that nothing moves that fast in a bureaucracy. Hell, it takes at least 24 hours where I work to get the elevator fixed when it breaks down, and that's actually essential.

I don't have any reason to believe the White House didn't plan for their little display well in advance, even if only on the possibility of the decision they wanted. And whether they did or not, it was divisive and inappropriate.

And where is the scarcity of necessary time? The simplest of 'if, then' plans solve the entire 'conspiracy'. If the Obergefell decision is in support of gay marriage, then put this handful of gels on our lights.

The Obergefell decision was hardly secret. It was one of the most eagerly anticipated rulings in years. And there were months and months to prepare. And could have been done in minutes.

Image of San Francisco City Hall after the Giants won the World Series- good planning? Or was the World Series fixed?


I think we're missing the greater conspiracy.


Yeah, they just *happened* to know our national anthem, huh?

The fix is in!

Not only that- did you notice the subtle rainbow colors in that photo?
Won't you be surprised when you have been on the wrong side of this issue according to the "big guy in the sky."

Everyone should not know what Decision is coming from the United States Supreme Court. Yes. But it's not an "argument". I don't feel the need to argue the basic foundations of the charges and duties of the US Supreme Court and the Judicial Branch of government to maintain its one tenet of Office: THE APPEARANCE OF REMAINING IMPARTIAL UNTIL ALL DELIBERATIONS HAVE ENDED.

Might try retaking American Goverment, the Jr High level course..

Hello, real world, guy. One could tell from the arguments which way the court was likely to rule. The fact was, nearly every lower court that had heard this issue struck down gay marriage bans as unconstitutional. The Judicial Branch had pretty much weighed in on this issue well before Obergefell.

The point is, this issue IS over. Done. It isn't going to change. Even the Republican candidates aren't talking about this anymore because it makes them look like assholes.
No need to talk about it. I'm counting on the Big Guy In The Sky to put things right.

Won't you be surprised when you find out there IS a "Big Guy In The Sky", and He's none too terribly pleased with you cynically misrepresenting Him for your purposes?

Won't you be surprised when there is a "Big Guy in the Sky" and he is really pissed off at Christians?
Kim Davis and Matt Staver will attend tonight's SOTU but whichever member of Congress invited them are too chicken shit to speak up. :lol:
so this is the argument? That the White House had a light display ready in solidarity with a decision everyone new was coming?
The light show was nothing. The entire Obama regime is an abhorent display of politics for the sake of political gain.
Last time I checked, the office of POTUS is representative of ALL of the people. Not just the ones with which agree with the administration's political views and vice versa.
In other words, the POTUS is barred BY LAW from picking sides and choosing winners and losers.
Of course since you and the Placeholder in the WH are in lockstep agreement, there is no discussion here.
No need for you to respond. You will believe what you will believe.
I'm done( puts on noise cancelling headphones, looks straight ahead)
so this is the argument? That the White House had a light display ready in solidarity with a decision everyone new was coming?
The light show was nothing. The entire Obama regime is an abhorent display of politics for the sake of political gain.
Last time I checked, the office of POTUS is representative of ALL of the people. Not just the ones with which agree with the administration's political views and vice versa.
In other words, the POTUS is barred BY LAW from picking sides and choosing winners and losers.
Of course since you and the Placeholder in the WH are in lockstep agreement, there is no discussion here.
No need for you to respond. You will believe what you will believe.
I'm done( puts on noise cancelling headphones, looks straight ahead)

The lightshow was the 'evidence' of a batshit conspiracy that Obama must have 'known' ahead of time what the ruling was going to be.

When any 'if then' plan would cover it just as well.

And as far as the 'law' preventing the president from picking sides in legal disputes.......can you quote that law saying that? Or are you just citing your imagination as law?
Won't you be surprised when you have been on the wrong side of this issue according to the "big guy in the sky."

Everyone should not know what Decision is coming from the United States Supreme Court. Yes. But it's not an "argument". I don't feel the need to argue the basic foundations of the charges and duties of the US Supreme Court and the Judicial Branch of government to maintain its one tenet of Office: THE APPEARANCE OF REMAINING IMPARTIAL UNTIL ALL DELIBERATIONS HAVE ENDED.

Might try retaking American Goverment, the Jr High level course..

Hello, real world, guy. One could tell from the arguments which way the court was likely to rule. The fact was, nearly every lower court that had heard this issue struck down gay marriage bans as unconstitutional. The Judicial Branch had pretty much weighed in on this issue well before Obergefell.

The point is, this issue IS over. Done. It isn't going to change. Even the Republican candidates aren't talking about this anymore because it makes them look like assholes.
No need to talk about it. I'm counting on the Big Guy In The Sky to put things right.
Wrong side, my ass.
Won't you be surprised when you have been on the wrong side of this issue according to the "big guy in the sky."

Everyone should not know what Decision is coming from the United States Supreme Court. Yes. But it's not an "argument". I don't feel the need to argue the basic foundations of the charges and duties of the US Supreme Court and the Judicial Branch of government to maintain its one tenet of Office: THE APPEARANCE OF REMAINING IMPARTIAL UNTIL ALL DELIBERATIONS HAVE ENDED.

Might try retaking American Goverment, the Jr High level course..

Hello, real world, guy. One could tell from the arguments which way the court was likely to rule. The fact was, nearly every lower court that had heard this issue struck down gay marriage bans as unconstitutional. The Judicial Branch had pretty much weighed in on this issue well before Obergefell.

The point is, this issue IS over. Done. It isn't going to change. Even the Republican candidates aren't talking about this anymore because it makes them look like assholes.
No need to talk about it. I'm counting on the Big Guy In The Sky to put things right.
Wrong side, my ass.

Yes, your ass is on the wrong side of history.
Won't you be surprised when you have been on the wrong side of this issue according to the "big guy in the sky."

Everyone should not know what Decision is coming from the United States Supreme Court. Yes. But it's not an "argument". I don't feel the need to argue the basic foundations of the charges and duties of the US Supreme Court and the Judicial Branch of government to maintain its one tenet of Office: THE APPEARANCE OF REMAINING IMPARTIAL UNTIL ALL DELIBERATIONS HAVE ENDED.

Might try retaking American Goverment, the Jr High level course..

Hello, real world, guy. One could tell from the arguments which way the court was likely to rule. The fact was, nearly every lower court that had heard this issue struck down gay marriage bans as unconstitutional. The Judicial Branch had pretty much weighed in on this issue well before Obergefell.

The point is, this issue IS over. Done. It isn't going to change. Even the Republican candidates aren't talking about this anymore because it makes them look like assholes.
No need to talk about it. I'm counting on the Big Guy In The Sky to put things right.
Wrong side, my ass.

Yes, your ass is on the wrong side of history.
We'll see, Buttercup.
so this is the argument? That the White House had a light display ready in solidarity with a decision everyone new was coming?
The light show was nothing. The entire Obama regime is an abhorent display of politics for the sake of political gain.
Last time I checked, the office of POTUS is representative of ALL of the people. Not just the ones with which agree with the administration's political views and vice versa.
In other words, the POTUS is barred BY LAW from picking sides and choosing winners and losers.
Of course since you and the Placeholder in the WH are in lockstep agreement, there is no discussion here.
No need for you to respond. You will believe what you will believe.
I'm done( puts on noise cancelling headphones, looks straight ahead)

Typical RWNJ response- posts and runs away.
Won't you be surprised when you have been on the wrong side of this issue according to the "big guy in the sky."

Hello, real world, guy. One could tell from the arguments which way the court was likely to rule. The fact was, nearly every lower court that had heard this issue struck down gay marriage bans as unconstitutional. The Judicial Branch had pretty much weighed in on this issue well before Obergefell.

The point is, this issue IS over. Done. It isn't going to change. Even the Republican candidates aren't talking about this anymore because it makes them look like assholes.
No need to talk about it. I'm counting on the Big Guy In The Sky to put things right.
Wrong side, my ass.

Yes, your ass is on the wrong side of history.
We'll see, Buttercup.

We don't have to wait. You'll notice the numbers keep going up, not down.

Gallup: Marriage Trends

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