A Disturbing Union of Powers...Two Court Decisions Must Be Overturned

You're not the law, shit stain. You're why we have laws. As your ilk would just start killing by the millions if given the chance.
What would me and my ilk want to kill for? You been drinking bedbug spray?

You're asking me to tell your YOUR motivations for writing hateful batshit like this?

hossfly said:
Given the chance, they should be stripped of their heads, Skylark.

I can't think of why any rational person would think that gays should be beheaded. So you'll have to ask the fanatic head job who told us it should happen as to why he thinks it should be so.
The fanatic head job said: Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

So is that why you think gays should be beheaded?
That's what the fanatic head job said. Who am I to argue?

A person with your own capacity for moral reasoning who can comprehend that its wrong to murder millions of Americans because of their sexual orientation?
What would me and my ilk want to kill for? You been drinking bedbug spray?

You're asking me to tell your YOUR motivations for writing hateful batshit like this?

hossfly said:
Given the chance, they should be stripped of their heads, Skylark.

I can't think of why any rational person would think that gays should be beheaded. So you'll have to ask the fanatic head job who told us it should happen as to why he thinks it should be so.
The fanatic head job said: Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

So is that why you think gays should be beheaded?
That's what the fanatic head job said. Who am I to argue?

A person with your own capacity for moral reasoning who can comprehend that its wrong to murder millions of Americans because of their sexual orientation?
O.K.then. I won't have them killed.
You're asking me to tell your YOUR motivations for writing hateful batshit like this?

I can't think of why any rational person would think that gays should be beheaded. So you'll have to ask the fanatic head job who told us it should happen as to why he thinks it should be so.
The fanatic head job said: Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

So is that why you think gays should be beheaded?
That's what the fanatic head job said. Who am I to argue?

A person with your own capacity for moral reasoning who can comprehend that its wrong to murder millions of Americans because of their sexual orientation?
O.K.then. I won't have them killed.

More accurately, you *can't* have them killed. But you've told us you think they should be.

An elegant demonstration of why we have laws: to keep your ilk from killing millions of their fellow citizens.
The fanatic head job said: Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

So is that why you think gays should be beheaded?
That's what the fanatic head job said. Who am I to argue?

A person with your own capacity for moral reasoning who can comprehend that its wrong to murder millions of Americans because of their sexual orientation?
O.K.then. I won't have them killed.

More accurately, you *can't* have them killed. But you've told us you think they should be.

An elegant demonstration of why we have laws: to keep your ilk from killing millions of their fellow citizens.
I'm done playing tonight.
so this is the argument? That the White House had a light display ready in solidarity with a decision everyone new was coming?
No, rather, that the White House engaged in a display of solidarity with sexual deviants and perverts - a.k.a. homosexuals.

AKA....American citizens who had their rights protected. Something sure to infuriate many a republican who would strip American of rights, given the chance.
Given the chance, they should be stripped of their heads, Skylark.

Wanting to murder gays and lesbians for committing no crime is also a very conservative thing to desire. At least at the movement's fanatical fringes.
I'm just repeating what preachers preach about. You don't have to believe it.

Don't blame preachers for your own murderous desires.
Just so I'm sure I'm understanding, now a rainbow light-show = tyranny?

Quite literally, according to Sil.

Oh not just tyranny- lets not forget- to Silhouette- it is another sign of the vast LGBT conspiracy- a conspiracy that controls what the Supreme Court does, can remove Popes and causes Global Warming!

Okay maybe not the last one- yet.
Just so I'm sure I'm understanding, now a rainbow light-show = tyranny?

Quite literally, according to Sil.

Oh not just tyranny- lets not forget- to Silhouette- it is another sign of the vast LGBT conspiracy- a conspiracy that controls what the Supreme Court does, can remove Popes and causes Global Warming!

Okay maybe not the last one- yet.

Lol. I don't even think its tyranny when the put up religion specific holiday displays...
You're a scofflaw then.

You're not the law, shit stain. You're why we have laws. As your ilk would just start killing by the millions if given the chance.
What would me and my ilk want to kill for? You been drinking bedbug spray?

You're asking me to tell your YOUR motivations for writing hateful batshit like this?

hossfly said:
Given the chance, they should be stripped of their heads, Skylark.

I can't think of why any rational person would think that gays should be beheaded. So you'll have to ask the fanatic head job who told us it should happen as to why he thinks it should be so.
The fanatic head job said: Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
It also says not to drink booze and then in another chapter says it's okay to drink booze, the Bible contradicts itself...
The Bible also tells us to love our enemies and pray for them, yet Christians today want to kill and hate homersexuals...Not in the Bible..
actually if you want to go that way, the Bible makes reference to drinking in moderation on many occasions, what it is against is drinking in excess. To equate the two I would say that it would be ok to suck a small dick now and again, but never a big dick on a regular basis... sorry black dudes, you aint getting no gay loving.
honestly though, the mosaic laws found in leviticus told how to handle the sins, however in the New Testament once Jesus came along, the job of judgement was taken from man and left to God. at that point, it was no longer mans job to determine if gay was right or wrong. Im guessing that gays have just as good of a chance to get to heaven as anyone else.
so this is the argument? That the White House had a light display ready in solidarity with a decision everyone new was coming?
No, rather, that the White House engaged in a display of solidarity with sexual deviants and perverts - a.k.a. homosexuals.

AKA....American citizens who had their rights protected. Something sure to infuriate many a republican who would strip American of rights, given the chance.
No... sexual perverts and deviants... a.k.a. homosexuals...

Licentious, corrupting, degenerate practices which America has had the good sense to hold at arms length at-law throughout the vast majority of its 230 year-long history.
Im all for gay marriage, support it 100%, but I have to say that you really are one offensive arrogant piece of shit arent you?

given how bad the Sky-Pixie Worshipers manage to fuck things up in their quest to impose their superstitions and sexual hangups on the rest of us, maybe they deserve to be offended?

Case in Point. If not for the Gay marriage thing in 2004, Bush would have lost, and we might have had a chance to undo a lot of the damage he did. But he demagogued that issue and got the Sky Pixie Followers to show up for him in Iowa and Florida, and he got another four years to really fuck things up. Oddly, he did nothing about gay marriage, and today it's legal.
so this is the argument? That the White House had a light display ready in solidarity with a decision everyone new was coming?
No, rather, that the White House engaged in a display of solidarity with sexual deviants and perverts - a.k.a. homosexuals.

AKA....American citizens who had their rights protected. Something sure to infuriate many a republican who would strip American of rights, given the chance.
Given the chance, they should be stripped of their heads, Skylark.
Nahhhhhh... too Muslim... just shove the little wankers back in the closet.
so this is the argument? That the White House had a light display ready in solidarity with a decision everyone new was coming?
No, rather, that the White House engaged in a display of solidarity with sexual deviants and perverts - a.k.a. homosexuals.

AKA....American citizens who had their rights protected. Something sure to infuriate many a republican who would strip American of rights, given the chance.
Given the chance, they should be stripped of their heads, Skylark.

Wanting to murder gays and lesbians for committing no crime is also a very conservative thing to desire. At least at the movement's fanatical fringes.
Horseshit. It's a Muslim thing. Care to see the pictures?
No... sexual perverts and deviants... a.k.a. homosexuals...

Licentious, corrupting, degenerate practices which America has had the good sense to hold at arms length at-law throughout the vast majority of its 230 year-long history.

As opposed to slavery and genocide, which were halmarks of our 230 year history we proudly embraced.

Kill that Indian, whip that slave... but two chicks making out... that's icky!
No... sexual perverts and deviants... a.k.a. homosexuals...

Licentious, corrupting, degenerate practices which America has had the good sense to hold at arms length at-law throughout the vast majority of its 230 year-long history.

As opposed to slavery and genocide, which were halmarks of our 230 year history we proudly embraced.

Kill that Indian, whip that slave... but two chicks making out... that's icky!
By Jove, I think you've got it... fun, isn't it?
so this is the argument? That the White House had a light display ready in solidarity with a decision everyone new was coming?
No, rather, that the White House engaged in a display of solidarity with sexual deviants and perverts - a.k.a. homosexuals.

AKA....American citizens who had their rights protected. Something sure to infuriate many a republican who would strip American of rights, given the chance.
Given the chance, they should be stripped of their heads, Skylark.

Wanting to murder gays and lesbians for committing no crime is also a very conservative thing to desire. At least at the movement's fanatical fringes.
Horseshit. It's a Muslim thing. Care to see the pictures?

Nope, it's a religious extremist thing.

Ted Cruz and the Anti Gay Pastor

EARLIER this month, in Des Moines, the prominent home-schooling advocate and pastor Kevin Swanson again called for the punishment of homosexuality by death. To be clear, he added that the time for eliminating America’s gay population was “not yet” at hand. We must wait for the nation to embrace the one true religion, he suggested, and gay people must be allowed to repent and convert.
Case in Point. If not for the Gay marriage thing in 2004, Bush would have lost, and we might have had a chance to undo a lot of the damage he did. But he demagogued that issue and got the Sky Pixie Followers to show up for him in Iowa and Florida, and he got another four years to really fuck things up. Oddly, he did nothing about gay marriage, and today it's legal.

Not in Alabama ...
...Nope, it's a religious extremist thing...

In the Real World, that's purely a Muslim thing...


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