A fascinating new detail about the attempted coup is revealed.

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What MAGA Had Planned For Pence On Jan. 6

Per the plan, swing states that Biden won were supposed to submit pro-Trump electors — a key part of a broader plan to subvert the election results by presenting Pence on Jan. 6 with a supposed choice between competing interpretations of who swing states selected for president.

By submitting those alternate slates of electors, Chesebro wrote, states would give whoever was in charge of the process the authority not only to “open” and “count” the electoral votes, but to “mak[e] judgments about what to do if there are conflicting votes.”

From there, key Senate Republicans were supposed to hold high-profile hearings from Jan. 3 to Jan. 5 about allegations of “widespread violations of law” in the election. Chesebro referenced one hearing scheduled by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) during that week.

On Jan. 6 itself, Pence was to immediately announce that, as a candidate running for office, he had a “conflict of interest” and thereby recuse himself from counting the votes. The responsibility for counting the votes would then fall to the president pro tempore of the Senate — at that time, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).

So the plan called for Pence to recuse himself from the vote counting and allow Chuckles Grassley to take over. Then....

“He then opens the two envelopes from Arizona, and announced that he cannot and will not, at least as of that date, count any electoral votes from Arizona because there are two slates of votes, and it is clear that the Arizona courts did not give a full and fair opportunity for review of election irregularities, in violation of due process.”

One hopes the level of knowledge and participation in the plan by Individual 1 will be revealed during the public hearings coming soon to a TV near you. Then we can get a clearer picture of.......

At her behest, members of Hillary Clinton's campaign staff, members of Obama's Justice Department, the Democratic Party at large, Democratic members of Congress, the mainstream media, agents of the FBI and the CIA attempted the only actual coup of recent years against the Trump Administration.

In several key states, democratic governors and judges usurped the state legislatures' power to regulate the "Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives" (Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 of the Constitution) and summarily altered those regulations in 2020 ahead of the election. This should have been stopped by the Supreme Court before the election. The result of the Court's failure was widespread confusion and corruption.

That's the real takeaway of resent years on top of the general lawlessness perpetrated on this country especially in the last six years by Democrats in government and by their brownshirts in the streets.
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But....your....facts aren't facts.....they are just more scrambled babble that you lemmings slurp up like its the Gospel. Think for yourself, for a rare change. The real facts are there for anyone to see.
Are you saying Exhibit A in the Eastman case, the filing that appears at the bottom of the article I provided a link to, is a fabrication? Wait........what am I saying.......you haven't looked at it. Cuz if you did it would blow up the entire horseshit narrative you have been duped in to believing.
At her behest, members of Hillary Clinton's campaign staff, members of Obama's Justice Department, the Democratic Party at large, Democratic members of Congress, the mainstream media, agents of the FBI and the CIA attempted the only actual coup of recent years against the Trump Administration.

In several key states, governors and judges usurped the state legislatures' power to regulate the "Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives" (Article I, Section 4, Clause 1 of the Constitution) and summarily altered those regulations in 2020. This should have been stopped by the Supreme Court before the election. The result of the Court's failure was confusion and corruption.

That's the real story.
Yikes, you guys are lost in a sea of bullshit.
Are you saying Exhibit A in the Eastman case, the filing that appears at the bottom of the article I provided a link to, is a fabrication? Wait........what am I saying.......you haven't looked at it. Cuz if you did it would blow up the entire horseshit narrative you have been duped in to believing.
Actually, I would liken it to, lets say......baloney.

What MAGA Had Planned For Pence On Jan. 6

Per the plan, swing states that Biden won were supposed to submit pro-Trump electors — a key part of a broader plan to subvert the election results by presenting Pence on Jan. 6 with a supposed choice between competing interpretations of who swing states selected for president.

By submitting those alternate slates of electors, Chesebro wrote, states would give whoever was in charge of the process the authority not only to “open” and “count” the electoral votes, but to “mak[e] judgments about what to do if there are conflicting votes.”

From there, key Senate Republicans were supposed to hold high-profile hearings from Jan. 3 to Jan. 5 about allegations of “widespread violations of law” in the election. Chesebro referenced one hearing scheduled by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) during that week.

On Jan. 6 itself, Pence was to immediately announce that, as a candidate running for office, he had a “conflict of interest” and thereby recuse himself from counting the votes. The responsibility for counting the votes would then fall to the president pro tempore of the Senate — at that time, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).

So the plan called for Pence to recuse himself from the vote counting and allow Chuckles Grassley to take over. Then....

“He then opens the two envelopes from Arizona, and announced that he cannot and will not, at least as of that date, count any electoral votes from Arizona because there are two slates of votes, and it is clear that the Arizona courts did not give a full and fair opportunity for review of election irregularities, in violation of due process.”

One hopes the level of knowledge and participation in the plan by Individual 1 will be revealed during the public hearings coming soon to a TV near you. Then we can get a clearer picture of.......

JOE BIDEN must really be doing bad, to keep resurrecting this shit for 1 1/2 years ago.

See video below.
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