A few words on bigotry


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I have seen a lot of this. Liberals calling others bigots for disagreeing with them. Liberals are quick to unfriend people who express opposite views. A thread posted here a while back discussed a study which found that liberals are far less tolerant of those who don't agree with them than conservatives.

If you don't think Jenner is a hero or if you don't support same sex marriage, you are instantly labelled a bigot. If you disagree with Obama's liberal polices or even mention the high crime rate among minorities, you are quickly labelled a racist. Liberals are never willing to discuss any of those things or admit that discussing difficult realities is not wrong, but necessary. Instead, they quickly spout the usual accusations and close their minds to debate.

I do think liberals fail to see the irony when they show complete intolerance of dissenting views and call others bigots for disagreeing with them. We all know, or most of us anyway, that a bigot is one who has no tolerance for those with views or opinions that differ from their own. When a liberal unfriends me on FB for criticizing Obamacare, I realize it's no big deal to lose a bigot of a friend.

I came across this opinion piece and thought some good points were made here:

"I don’t know when the left decided to try to change the meaning of bigotry to intolerance towards liberal ideology and beliefs, but I’d love for them to know that it doesn’t mean what they think it means. More often than not, when that word slips out of their mouths or off their fingertips as they type a status about "intolerant" conservatives or Christians, they are displaying bigotry in its finest form.

If you are entitled to have and share your opinion, why are those who have a different mindset not entitled to do the same? To throw a virtual temper tantrum where you state that you will not tolerate a difference of opinion within your feed is not only bigotry, it’s also hypocrisy when you’re claiming that those on the other side are the intolerant bigots.

If you are so intolerant that you can’t scroll past a post where someone expressed thoughts different from your own, go ahead and delete them. Your publicized rant and the irony isn’t hurting anyone’s feelings. It’s only providing a chuckle for those of us who aren’t bigots and realize what you just did there.

The only disappointment I feel about these situations is that the true bigots are going to have a newsfeed full of agreement with their own thought process. Personally, I like a little diversity. Sometimes, it provides the opportunity to learn something from someone who thinks differently than I do. Yes, a Christian conservative just used the word diversity. It seems the liberal left is getting pretty good at using a lot of words that they don’t actually understand. Let’s help them out and spread the word with this vocabulary lesson for the left."

Before You Unfriend Your Facebook Pal There s Something You Should Know
I do think liberals fail to see the irony when they show complete intolerance of dissenting views and call others bigots for disagreeing with them. We all know, or most of us anyway, that a bigot is one who has no tolerance for those with views or opinions that differ from their own.

I've been saying this same exact thing in about three threads now. Mainly this one:

Tolerance and Bigotry What happens when the shoe is on the other foot US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Yep, Alinsky is alive and well in the leftist mind set, they use every name in the book to attempt to denigrate those with opposing views. It's really funny to watch them ratchet it up when you don't let them shut you down, but that's OK, liberal hissy fits are great entertainment.
We all know, or most of us anyway, that a bigot is one who has no tolerance for those with views or opinions that differ from their own.

That ain't what bigot means.

The rest of your rant has little or nothing to do with "Liberals" even though it keeps dropping the word, apparently without an understanding of what it's talking about.

I don't give a flying fuck about Bruce Jenner, never did. And I don't label people "racist" or anything else. And I damn sure discuss a lot of stuff, at least those topics that interest me. And I consider myself a Liberal.

In other words, not a damn thing here adds up.
We all know, or most of us anyway, that a bigot is one who has no tolerance for those with views or opinions that differ from their own.

That ain't what bigot means.

The rest of your rant has little or nothing to do with "Liberals" even though it keeps dropping the word, apparently without an understanding of what it's talking about.

I don't give a flying fuck about Bruce Jenner, never did. And I don't label people "racist" or anything else. And I damn sure discuss a lot of stuff, at least those topics that interest me. And I consider myself a Liberal.

In other words, not a damn thing here adds up.

Lighten the fuck up. :D Nobody called you out. As for liberal intolerance of dissenting views.....no brainer.


How liberalism became an intolerant dogma
We all know, or most of us anyway, that a bigot is one who has no tolerance for those with views or opinions that differ from their own.

That ain't what bigot means.

The rest of your rant has little or nothing to do with "Liberals" even though it keeps dropping the word, apparently without an understanding of what it's talking about.

I don't give a flying fuck about Bruce Jenner, never did. And I don't label people "racist" or anything else. And I damn sure discuss a lot of stuff, at least those topics that interest me. And I consider myself a Liberal.

In other words, not a damn thing here adds up.
For some reason I always agree with half the shit you say but the other half though...
We all know, or most of us anyway, that a bigot is one who has no tolerance for those with views or opinions that differ from their own.

That ain't what bigot means.

The rest of your rant has little or nothing to do with "Liberals" even though it keeps dropping the word, apparently without an understanding of what it's talking about.

I don't give a flying fuck about Bruce Jenner, never did. And I don't label people "racist" or anything else. And I damn sure discuss a lot of stuff, at least those topics that interest me. And I consider myself a Liberal.

In other words, not a damn thing here adds up.

Full Definition of BIGOT
: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices;especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
big·ot·ed \-gə-təd\ adjective
big·ot·ed·ly adverb

And I don't label people "racist" or anything else.

I implied YOU were/are racist, sure. For obvious reasons including, but not limited to, the DC law above.

You were saying?

We all know, or most of us anyway, that a bigot is one who has no tolerance for those with views or opinions that differ from their own.

That ain't what bigot means.

The rest of your rant has little or nothing to do with "Liberals" even though it keeps dropping the word, apparently without an understanding of what it's talking about.

I don't give a flying fuck about Bruce Jenner, never did. And I don't label people "racist" or anything else. And I damn sure discuss a lot of stuff, at least those topics that interest me. And I consider myself a Liberal.

In other words, not a damn thing here adds up.

Full Definition of BIGOT
: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices;especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
big·ot·ed \-gə-təd\ adjective
big·ot·ed·ly adverb

And I don't label people "racist" or anything else.

I implied YOU were/are racist, sure. For obvious reasons including, but not limited to, the DC law above.

You were saying?
You just got FUCKED UP! let me tell you Pogo
Inb4 'I can imply you're a racist without labeling you as one' or something to that effect probably put in an unnecessarily complex way
We all know, or most of us anyway, that a bigot is one who has no tolerance for those with views or opinions that differ from their own.

That ain't what bigot means.

The rest of your rant has little or nothing to do with "Liberals" even though it keeps dropping the word, apparently without an understanding of what it's talking about.

I don't give a flying fuck about Bruce Jenner, never did. And I don't label people "racist" or anything else. And I damn sure discuss a lot of stuff, at least those topics that interest me. And I consider myself a Liberal.

In other words, not a damn thing here adds up.

Full Definition of BIGOT
: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices;especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance
big·ot·ed \-gə-təd\ adjective
big·ot·ed·ly adverb

And I don't label people "racist" or anything else.

I implied YOU were/are racist, sure. For obvious reasons including, but not limited to, the DC law above.

You were saying?
You just got FUCKED UP! let me tell you Pogo

Yep, and it made both statements within a whole 4 minute time span. LMAO
Inb4 'I can imply you're a racist without labeling you as one' or something to that effect probably put in an unnecessarily complex way

That's true. Okie's all butthurt 'cause I whipped his ass in the pool party. Poor baby. :crybaby:
Inb4 'I can imply you're a racist without labeling you as one' or something to that effect probably put in an unnecessarily complex way

That's true. Okie's all butthurt 'cause I whipped his ass in the pool party. Poor baby. :crybaby:

LMAO, you're a liar and a pathetic one at that, as I proved in post #8. Only took 4 minutes for you to contradict yourself, good job alinskyite.
Inb4 'I can imply you're a racist without labeling you as one' or something to that effect probably put in an unnecessarily complex way

That's true. Okie's all butthurt 'cause I whipped his ass in the pool party. Poor baby. :crybaby:

LMAO, you're a liar and a pathetic one at that, as I proved in post #8. Only took 4 minutes for you to contradict yourself, good job alinskyite.

You didn't "prove" jack shit except that you're butthurt from the DC language.
Perhaps you should read the OP first. Like I did.
Inb4 'I can imply you're a racist without labeling you as one' or something to that effect probably put in an unnecessarily complex way

That's true. Okie's all butthurt 'cause I whipped his ass in the pool party. Poor baby. :crybaby:

LMAO, you're a liar and a pathetic one at that, as I proved in post #8. Only took 4 minutes for you to contradict yourself, good job alinskyite.

You didn't "prove" jack shit except that you're butthurt from the DC language.
Perhaps you should read the OP first. Like I did.
He did dude... Accept it...
Inb4 'I can imply you're a racist without labeling you as one' or something to that effect probably put in an unnecessarily complex way

That's true. Okie's all butthurt 'cause I whipped his ass in the pool party. Poor baby. :crybaby:

LMAO, you're a liar and a pathetic one at that, as I proved in post #8. Only took 4 minutes for you to contradict yourself, good job alinskyite.

You didn't "prove" jack shit except that you're butthurt from the DC language.
Perhaps you should read the OP first. Like I did.

Sorry, I'd have to misread it to do it like you did.
I do think liberals fail to see the irony when they show complete intolerance of dissenting views and call others bigots for disagreeing with them. We all know, or most of us anyway, that a bigot is one who has no tolerance for those with views or opinions that differ from their own.

I've been saying this same exact thing in about three threads now. Mainly this one:

Tolerance and Bigotry What happens when the shoe is on the other foot US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

You have??? Nobody knew!
Fuck dimocraps. Who cares what those scumbags think?

You're not going to change their minds and, even if you do, I wouldn't trust one as far as I could thrown it.

dimocraps are scum. I'm no more interested in befriending or changing a dimocrap than I am interested in changing a slug.

Young democrooks who are still learning about the world can change their minds. I do respect the efforts of those on this forum that endeavor to do so. After they get into their 30's though, moonbats become devoted to their ignorance. At that point we can only ridicule and marginalize them with their own alinskite tactics.

Since they're inherently stupid to begin with, ridiculing them is too easy. Like beating the computer at chess on level 1.


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