A few words on bigotry

Young democrooks who are still learning about the world can change their minds. I do respect the efforts of those on this forum that endeavor to do so. After they get into their 30's though, moonbats become devoted to their ignorance. At that point we can only ridicule and marginalize them with their own alinskite tactics.

Since they're inherently stupid to begin with, ridiculing them is too easy. Like beating the computer at chess on level 1.

It's fairly easy to tell who's young and who's a dedicated apparatchik, dimocrap scumbag. I take it relatively easy on the younger ones unless they seriously lead with their chin.

You know how they say the way to teach a young one how to swim, right?

As to the older ones? Fuck them. I wouldn't piss in their face if their hair was on fire.

And no, I am NOT kidding.

dimocraps are scum. That simple.

Want a nice comparison.....?


Texas Mom Writes Grateful Letter To ‘Stranger Next To Us At Rodeo.’ The Next Day, She Realizes Who He Is…

America without the current racial divide.


What began as a family outing to the rodeo turned into a story that has touched thousands of lives.

When her young son approached a man in a cowboy hat at the local rodeo, Charity Stewart Robinson posted about the miracle she witnessed on Facebook.

IJReview reached out to Robinson, who revealed that the story didn’t end there. Several people commented on Facebook that the mystery cowboy was actually a preacher at a nearby church:

Through the post we were able to reconnect with that stranger and attended his sweet church this morning and hear his preaching and he actually shared the story about meeting Linc and had him up on stage with him![…]

Robinson also shared her advice for other parents with children who have similar challenges as Lincoln. They include early intervention and being involved in the therapy process in a way that the tasks can be repeated with the child throughout the week, in-between appointments.

As for her thoughts on this story going viral? “The thing that has touched me so much is the outpouring of love and support from all over the country! We are humbled that God is using our story to touch others!”

Contrast that to dimocrap scum:

LGBT News Outlets Defend Video Of Young Boy Twerking At Gay Pride Parade


BRAZIL, June 16, 2015 — Homosexual news outlets are defending a sexually suggestive video of a young boy grinding and twerking — to the applause of drag queens and LGBTQ revelers — at a ‘Gay Pride’ parade that allegedly took place this summer in Brazil.

The video, viewed over 270,000 times, shows a young boy clad in nothing but a clinging pair of cut-off jeans gyrating sexually to RuPaul’s song “Sissy That Walk.” At one point he drops to the ground with his legs apart pounding the asphalt with his groin to the beat of the music.

The unidentified boy, thought to be between 8 and 12 years old, was praised by PinkNews for “upset[ting] homophobes” and byGayStarNews for using sexually explicit “dance moves” to “fight homophobia.” GayStarNews has since amended its story after the YouTube restricted video went viral this week when it was picked up by conservative outlets.

Matt Barber of BarbWire called the video “extremely disgusting and troubling.”

“It is, however, where we are headed as a nation. The sexual anarchist agenda steamrolls ahead and children are in the cross-hairs. The organized ‘LGBT’ lobby has long lusted for the abolition of all age of consent laws. While not all ‘gays’ are child abusers, pederasty has been a central aspect of the homosexual lifestyle since the days of the Greek bathhouse,” he said.

And the scum in here will defend it to the last
Good lord...

A little kid twerking to the delight of perverts is a way to "fight homophobia"?

How about "encourage pedophilia"?

These people are sick, I already knew that of course.

Good lord...

A little kid twerking to the delight of perverts is a way to "fight homophobia"?

How about "encourage pedophilia"?

These people are sick, I already knew that of course.

People think I'm being obnoxious or playing a 'persona' when I call dimocraps scum.

I'm not.

They are.
If someone has a deeply held religious belief that interracial marriage is against the will of god...we still called them racist bigots.

If you are trying to deny people their rights based on their status as gay or transgendered, you ARE a bigot.
Marriage isn't a right. The word isn't mentioned ONCE in the constitution, neither is gay.

Since you refuse too accept that fact, you're the bigot.

Marriage isn't a right. The word isn't mentioned ONCE in the constitution, neither is gay.

Since you refuse too accept that fact, you're the bigot.

So marriage is not a right, yet it has been in practice all over the world and you claim exclusive hold on it's sanctity.....rights do not just belong in a document written in one place at one time..There are other rights that humans use and abuse everyday that are not written in the Constitution....
Marriage isn't a right. The word isn't mentioned ONCE in the constitution, neither is gay.

Since you refuse too accept that fact, you're the bigot.

We're going to find out very soon if Marriage is a 'right' or not.

If it is, then butt rangers and bean flickers can't be denied the 'right' to marry.

But as of now, there is no 'right' to marry.

I wouldn't put a plug nickel on which way the SCOTUS is going to come down on this.

If I were to opine on it, I think they come down with some mealy-mouthed bullshit compromise that satisfies no one.

Gays are pushing too hard. They're going to really pay for this bullshit if they're not careful.

In the ME, where ISIS is offering free Flying Lessons to Gays, there wasn't much to do about Gays for decades -- Centuries, even....... Millennia

In fact, half the Goat Fuckers in that God-Forsaken sand pit were/are boy lovers.

"A woman for children, a boy for pleasure......."

One of their most famous Poems extols the virtues and ecstasy of gay sex.......

But now, with all the noise Western butt rangers are making, the Sharia radicals are making a point of murdering gays. And not just ISIS..... Iran is doing it on a lesser scale.

Oh well. I tried to warn them. This is going to end badly for Gays. Not now. Maybe not even in the next 20 years. But it's going to end badly for them.

And the sad part is, it's not necessary. They just went too far.
We all know, or most of us anyway, that a bigot is one who has no tolerance for those with views or opinions that differ from their own.

That ain't what bigot means.

The rest of your rant has little or nothing to do with "Liberals" even though it keeps dropping the word, apparently without an understanding of what it's talking about.

I don't give a flying fuck about Bruce Jenner, never did. And I don't label people "racist" or anything else. And I damn sure discuss a lot of stuff, at least those topics that interest me. And I consider myself a Liberal.

In other words, not a damn thing here adds up.

Add up? They dont do math they do predictions and hypotheticals.

You see when someone is offended by a position that person isnt being sensitive or a pussy....NOOOOO that person is being a representitive for the Democratic Party!!!

Because you have to lie to make a point shows that your point is a good one.

I have seen a lot of this. Liberals calling others bigots for disagreeing with them. Liberals are quick to unfriend people who express opposite views. A thread posted here a while back discussed a study which found that liberals are far less tolerant of those who don't agree with them than conservatives.

If you don't think Jenner is a hero or if you don't support same sex marriage, you are instantly labelled a bigot. If you disagree with Obama's liberal polices or even mention the high crime rate among minorities, you are quickly labelled a racist. Liberals are never willing to discuss any of those things or admit that discussing difficult realities is not wrong, but necessary. Instead, they quickly spout the usual accusations and close their minds to debate.

I do think liberals fail to see the irony when they show complete intolerance of dissenting views and call others bigots for disagreeing with them. We all know, or most of us anyway, that a bigot is one who has no tolerance for those with views or opinions that differ from their own. When a liberal unfriends me on FB for criticizing Obamacare, I realize it's no big deal to lose a bigot of a friend.

I came across this opinion piece and thought some good points were made here:

"I don’t know when the left decided to try to change the meaning of bigotry to intolerance towards liberal ideology and beliefs, but I’d love for them to know that it doesn’t mean what they think it means. More often than not, when that word slips out of their mouths or off their fingertips as they type a status about "intolerant" conservatives or Christians, they are displaying bigotry in its finest form.

If you are entitled to have and share your opinion, why are those who have a different mindset not entitled to do the same? To throw a virtual temper tantrum where you state that you will not tolerate a difference of opinion within your feed is not only bigotry, it’s also hypocrisy when you’re claiming that those on the other side are the intolerant bigots.

If you are so intolerant that you can’t scroll past a post where someone expressed thoughts different from your own, go ahead and delete them. Your publicized rant and the irony isn’t hurting anyone’s feelings. It’s only providing a chuckle for those of us who aren’t bigots and realize what you just did there.

The only disappointment I feel about these situations is that the true bigots are going to have a newsfeed full of agreement with their own thought process. Personally, I like a little diversity. Sometimes, it provides the opportunity to learn something from someone who thinks differently than I do. Yes, a Christian conservative just used the word diversity. It seems the liberal left is getting pretty good at using a lot of words that they don’t actually understand. Let’s help them out and spread the word with this vocabulary lesson for the left."

Before You Unfriend Your Facebook Pal There s Something You Should Know

What aspects of liberalism are you tolerant of?
I want the right to remember this the next time they want a comedian silenced for their retard jokes
I have seen a lot of this. Liberals calling others bigots for disagreeing with them. Liberals are quick to unfriend people who express opposite views. A thread posted here a while back discussed a study which found that liberals are far less tolerant of those who don't agree with them than conservatives.

If you don't think Jenner is a hero or if you don't support same sex marriage, you are instantly labelled a bigot. If you disagree with Obama's liberal polices or even mention the high crime rate among minorities, you are quickly labelled a racist. Liberals are never willing to discuss any of those things or admit that discussing difficult realities is not wrong, but necessary. Instead, they quickly spout the usual accusations and close their minds to debate.

I do think liberals fail to see the irony when they show complete intolerance of dissenting views and call others bigots for disagreeing with them. We all know, or most of us anyway, that a bigot is one who has no tolerance for those with views or opinions that differ from their own. When a liberal unfriends me on FB for criticizing Obamacare, I realize it's no big deal to lose a bigot of a friend.

I came across this opinion piece and thought some good points were made here:

"I don’t know when the left decided to try to change the meaning of bigotry to intolerance towards liberal ideology and beliefs, but I’d love for them to know that it doesn’t mean what they think it means. More often than not, when that word slips out of their mouths or off their fingertips as they type a status about "intolerant" conservatives or Christians, they are displaying bigotry in its finest form.

If you are entitled to have and share your opinion, why are those who have a different mindset not entitled to do the same? To throw a virtual temper tantrum where you state that you will not tolerate a difference of opinion within your feed is not only bigotry, it’s also hypocrisy when you’re claiming that those on the other side are the intolerant bigots.

If you are so intolerant that you can’t scroll past a post where someone expressed thoughts different from your own, go ahead and delete them. Your publicized rant and the irony isn’t hurting anyone’s feelings. It’s only providing a chuckle for those of us who aren’t bigots and realize what you just did there.

The only disappointment I feel about these situations is that the true bigots are going to have a newsfeed full of agreement with their own thought process. Personally, I like a little diversity. Sometimes, it provides the opportunity to learn something from someone who thinks differently than I do. Yes, a Christian conservative just used the word diversity. It seems the liberal left is getting pretty good at using a lot of words that they don’t actually understand. Let’s help them out and spread the word with this vocabulary lesson for the left."

Before You Unfriend Your Facebook Pal There s Something You Should Know

Well, at the end of the day Clementine, the use of the word "Bigot", is... by definition, a demonstration OF: Bigotry.

So, good point.
I have seen a lot of this. Liberals calling others bigots for disagreeing with them. Liberals are quick to unfriend people who express opposite views. A thread posted here a while back discussed a study which found that liberals are far less tolerant of those who don't agree with them than conservatives.

If you don't think Jenner is a hero or if you don't support same sex marriage, you are instantly labelled a bigot. If you disagree with Obama's liberal polices or even mention the high crime rate among minorities, you are quickly labelled a racist. Liberals are never willing to discuss any of those things or admit that discussing difficult realities is not wrong, but necessary. Instead, they quickly spout the usual accusations and close their minds to debate.

I do think liberals fail to see the irony when they show complete intolerance of dissenting views and call others bigots for disagreeing with them. We all know, or most of us anyway, that a bigot is one who has no tolerance for those with views or opinions that differ from their own. When a liberal unfriends me on FB for criticizing Obamacare, I realize it's no big deal to lose a bigot of a friend.

I came across this opinion piece and thought some good points were made here:

"I don’t know when the left decided to try to change the meaning of bigotry to intolerance towards liberal ideology and beliefs, but I’d love for them to know that it doesn’t mean what they think it means. More often than not, when that word slips out of their mouths or off their fingertips as they type a status about "intolerant" conservatives or Christians, they are displaying bigotry in its finest form.

If you are entitled to have and share your opinion, why are those who have a different mindset not entitled to do the same? To throw a virtual temper tantrum where you state that you will not tolerate a difference of opinion within your feed is not only bigotry, it’s also hypocrisy when you’re claiming that those on the other side are the intolerant bigots.

If you are so intolerant that you can’t scroll past a post where someone expressed thoughts different from your own, go ahead and delete them. Your publicized rant and the irony isn’t hurting anyone’s feelings. It’s only providing a chuckle for those of us who aren’t bigots and realize what you just did there.

The only disappointment I feel about these situations is that the true bigots are going to have a newsfeed full of agreement with their own thought process. Personally, I like a little diversity. Sometimes, it provides the opportunity to learn something from someone who thinks differently than I do. Yes, a Christian conservative just used the word diversity. It seems the liberal left is getting pretty good at using a lot of words that they don’t actually understand. Let’s help them out and spread the word with this vocabulary lesson for the left."

Before You Unfriend Your Facebook Pal There s Something You Should Know

Are you tolerant of Roe v Wade being the law of the land? Are you tolerant of gays having each and every right you have?

Are you tolerant of a mosque being built near ground zero? are you tolerant of mosques being built anywhere?

Can you name ANYTHING you are tolerant of that you otherwise disagree with?
And the sad part is, it's not necessary. They just went too far.


They couldn't be happy with the fact that people tolerated them and didn't care what they did in private.

We didn't even care when they had their perverse parades all over the place and their festivals in the parks.

We simply stayed away.

That wasn't good enough. They demand that no one ever says a word they don't like, or they can be fired, run out of business and threatened with violence. They demand that we celebrate their deviance with them, or we will be ostracized.

They demand that private businesses engage in their sick celebrations by catering to them and memorializing it on film. If a business owner declines the state fines them out of business.

They got tolerance and acceptance, but that wasn't the objective. They're demanding that every normal person in the country pretend their deviant lifestyles are just as normal. They can identify as perverts and get special treatment. Normal people aren't so consumed by their sexuality that every issue becomes all about them and what they like to fuck. For the queers it's the center of their conscious, it defines them.

So I went from not caring about gay marriage to opposing it out of spite for their thuggish tactics.

If I was a woman I'd be a dyke myself, but I damn sure wouldn't make it the axis on which the rest of my life revolves around, and I damn sure wouldn't demand everyone was aware of it and either assure me how brave I am, or keep their oppinions to themselves or face some sort of consequence.

I have seen a lot of this. Liberals calling others bigots for disagreeing with them. Liberals are quick to unfriend people who express opposite views. A thread posted here a while back discussed a study which found that liberals are far less tolerant of those who don't agree with them than conservatives.

If you don't think Jenner is a hero or if you don't support same sex marriage, you are instantly labelled a bigot. If you disagree with Obama's liberal polices or even mention the high crime rate among minorities, you are quickly labelled a racist. Liberals are never willing to discuss any of those things or admit that discussing difficult realities is not wrong, but necessary. Instead, they quickly spout the usual accusations and close their minds to debate.

I do think liberals fail to see the irony when they show complete intolerance of dissenting views and call others bigots for disagreeing with them. We all know, or most of us anyway, that a bigot is one who has no tolerance for those with views or opinions that differ from their own. When a liberal unfriends me on FB for criticizing Obamacare, I realize it's no big deal to lose a bigot of a friend.

I came across this opinion piece and thought some good points were made here:

"I don’t know when the left decided to try to change the meaning of bigotry to intolerance towards liberal ideology and beliefs, but I’d love for them to know that it doesn’t mean what they think it means. More often than not, when that word slips out of their mouths or off their fingertips as they type a status about "intolerant" conservatives or Christians, they are displaying bigotry in its finest form.

If you are entitled to have and share your opinion, why are those who have a different mindset not entitled to do the same? To throw a virtual temper tantrum where you state that you will not tolerate a difference of opinion within your feed is not only bigotry, it’s also hypocrisy when you’re claiming that those on the other side are the intolerant bigots.

If you are so intolerant that you can’t scroll past a post where someone expressed thoughts different from your own, go ahead and delete them. Your publicized rant and the irony isn’t hurting anyone’s feelings. It’s only providing a chuckle for those of us who aren’t bigots and realize what you just did there.

The only disappointment I feel about these situations is that the true bigots are going to have a newsfeed full of agreement with their own thought process. Personally, I like a little diversity. Sometimes, it provides the opportunity to learn something from someone who thinks differently than I do. Yes, a Christian conservative just used the word diversity. It seems the liberal left is getting pretty good at using a lot of words that they don’t actually understand. Let’s help them out and spread the word with this vocabulary lesson for the left."

Before You Unfriend Your Facebook Pal There s Something You Should Know

Are you tolerant of Roe v Wade being the law of the land? Are you tolerant of gays having each and every right you have?

Are you tolerant of a mosque being built near ground zero? are you tolerant of mosques being built anywhere?

Can you name ANYTHING you are tolerant of that you otherwise disagree with?

They just like to label things. They make sure to break all the mirrors before they do.
And the sad part is, it's not necessary. They just went too far.


They couldn't be happy with the fact that people tolerated them and didn't care what they did in private.

We didn't even care when they had their perverse parades all over the place and their festivals in the parks.

We simply stayed away.

That wasn't good enough. They demand that no one ever says a word they don't like, or they can be fired, run out of business and threatened with violence. They demand that we celebrate their deviance with them, or we will be ostracized.

They demand that private businesses engage in their sick celebrations by catering to them and memorializing it on film. If a business owner declines the state fines them out of business.

They got tolerance and acceptance, but that wasn't the objective. They're demanding that every normal person in the country pretend their deviant lifestyles are just as normal. They can identify as perverts and get special treatment. Normal people aren't so consumed by their sexuality that every issue becomes all about them and what they like to fuck. For the queers it's the center of their conscious, it defines them.

So I went from not caring about gay marriage to opposing it out of spite for their thuggish tactics.

If I was a woman I'd be a dyke myself, but I damn sure wouldn't make it the axis on which the rest of my life revolves around, and I damn sure wouldn't demand everyone was aware of it and either assure me how brave I am, or keep their oppinions to themselves or face some sort of consequence.

I know you don't read my posts in here as I post them. Even I bore myself once in a while but here's the deal.....

Most Gays can't form a relationship with the Opposite Sex for one reason or another. Don't care what that reason is, they just can't seem to do it.

Fine. Let them form homosexual relationships. Who am I to say they can't? If it makes them happy, who are any of us to deny them the right to happiness (which IS a right)

But that relationship, IMO, is NOT the same as a heterosexual, Man-Woman, Love and Affection relationship.

It just isn't. I don't care how much they stamp their feet and wail and pull out their hair. It just isn't the same.

Now, I understand that as people grow together, become financially and emotionally entangled that they rely on one another a great deat and that the Law prevents them from many of the benefits and perqs of a Couple in a Relationship such as Survivors benefits, inheritance, Hosptial visits, decision making, etc.

Cool, says I. I propose a Civil Union....... No wait a sec....... We DID propose a Civil Union with ALL the rights of a Marriage but not called a 'Marriage'

Nope, not good enough for butt rangers. They demand we change 6,000 years of history and call a butt ranger union a marriage when -- It is not.

They could have had it all. They could have been recognized as a couple, had all the benefits of marriage in a legal sense but nope......

They're in the scum of the earth dimocrap camp and nothing is ever good enough for those scumbags.

And, listen up, homos......... You're gonna pay for this.

If the Court rules in your favor, it's only a matter of time before get really sick of your bullshit.

Mark my words. And it isn't just your starched collar white guys that will be behind it -- Minorities are more against gay butt ranger marriage, by a WIDE margin, then are Whites.

You're gonna pay for your arrogance. Believe it

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