A free and independent press.

You guys have to make up your mind. First the press loves Obama and Obama loves the press. Then Obama really hates the press but loves them. And the Press is all liberal except Republicans really like them...or something.
You guys have to make up your mind. First the press loves Obama and Obama loves the press. Then Obama really hates the press but loves them. And the Press is all liberal except Republicans really like them...or something.

Please tell me you're smart enough to understand what was said in the OP. I can't stand people who resort to intentional ignorance to avoid an honest interchange of ideas.
Nothing was said in the OP except dribble. You mean the link to the daily beast?

Were you aware of Obama's latest antics or have you been living under a rock.

Here's the scoop in case the second option is true.
MOST of the media has given Obama a free pass----he loves them.
The media that doesn't give him a free pass is targeted.
The "Daily Beast" is not the sole source of this information.
Face it--you're a lying hack who would eat rocks to defend a democrat. Any democrat.
Nothing was said in the OP except dribble. You mean the link to the daily beast?

Were you aware of Obama's latest antics or have you been living under a rock.

Here's the scoop in case the second option is true.
MOST of the media has given Obama a free pass----he loves them.
The media that doesn't give him a free pass is targeted.
The "Daily Beast" is not the sole source of this information.
Face it--you're a lying hack who would eat rocks to defend a democrat. Any democrat.

AP suddenly doesn't give Obama a free pass? When did this happen? Repubs have been crying foul about AP and others for years...You mean all this time they were wrong?...but now...now they got it right, this time?

Love and Worship...turns to ...fear and loathe...Only when Repubs say so and don't remind them of their previous statements. They no longer apply
Not if America has anything to do with it.

MSNBC owned by G.E.
Fox Owned by Saudis.

"Free and Independent Press", what a joke!

Wrong on both counts, MSNBC is owed 100% by Comcast.

Unless Rupert Murdoch has changed his citizenship again he still owns FOX.

You are right on the Free and Independent Press being a joke as long as the government keep meddling with attempts to control with threats and wiretapping.
You guys have to make up your mind. First the press loves Obama and Obama loves the press. Then Obama really hates the press but loves them. And the Press is all liberal except Republicans really like them...or something.

uh the press loves Obama, which is why it isnt a big deal to them, Bush does it, they'd want impeachment, so quit being a partisan douche
Not if America has anything to do with it.

MSNBC owned by G.E.
Fox Owned by Saudis.

"Free and Independent Press", what a joke!

Wrong on both counts, MSNBC is owed 100% by Comcast.

Unless Rupert Murdoch has changed his citizenship again he still owns FOX.

You are right on the Free and Independent Press being a joke as long as the government keep meddling with attempts to control with threats and wiretapping.

(My bold)

Nope, not wiretapping. The Feds seized phone records, they didn't wiretap the actual calls themselves, TMK.

The Fox network also needs to make up its mind. As I recall, in a FL case a few years ago, they denied they could be held accountable for their news content, & their defense was that they were basically an entertainment network. The court agreed, & on that basis, Fox was not held accountable.

Now Fox beats its breast & claims that it is being singled out from all other news media. But as noted, they've already claimed & been upheld in court as being an entertainment outlet. More or less Comedy Channel, or even The Daily Show for those with button-down minds.

It doesn't help that Ailes (sp?), their manager in loco parentis for Sir Murdoch, says that Fox is an ideological counterweight to the main stream media. If that's the case, then by Fox's own reasoning, they should expect to be the Obama administration's whipping boy, blamed for everything from halitosis to tornados to erectile dysfunction. That is their self-chosen role, their reason for being.

If they truly believed any of their own rhetoric, they would have flunkies start their cars every morning before being chauffered off to the throne room. After all, an admin truly in bed with ninjas, drug cartels, slavers, Kenyans, Commies & so on would hardly draw some bright line @ maybe killing the wrong people by mistake, would they?

Nah, it's farcical. We - the Congress - should never have signed off on the PATRIOT Act, while the buildings were still smoldering & the remains were still being recovered. Once that kind of authority is given to the Executive, it would require a saint to return it. & just for the record, Prexy Obama is a man, with all the foibles that entails. No president has ever conceded one iota of power back to Congress or the Judiciary. I don't expect Prexy Obama to be the first.

If the Legislative or Judicial think that the Executive has overstepped its bounds, then it or they need to act. Logically, it's the Legislative that needs to rein in the Executive, if they care to make the argument & put the country back on the Constitutional track we jumped some decades ago.

Yah, Fox is being flailed by the Executive, but they invited the scorn. Fox is small potatoes - it's worth noting in passing that they're being scourged, but perhaps they'll learn something from the process. If they simply want to identify with the Tea Party & the more far-gone GOP extreme Right, then they're welcome to their eminence. Me, I'm waiting for the big finish to the auto-da-fe.
Obama hates the 1st Amendment just as much as he does the 2nd.

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