"A free thinker is Satan's slave"

Can you please connect your response with what you quoted? Honestly, I don't see the connection.

There is plenty of wiggle room, when you act on Purpose. Regardless of what you think either of what you think Traditional Christian Values are, or their limits. Acting on Conscience, in specific situation, for example, may have zero relationship with preconceived notion. When it's your energy being driven, are you focused more on the specifics of what you are doing, or on how others interpret what you are doing? Sometimes you need to make the choice between the two.

You don't seem to be describing traditional Christianity here at all. You seem in fact to be describing something mystical. However, I'm not entirely sure I understand you, so I am not sure how to respond.

True Religion is about Salvation, Positive Direction, For Each of us, It's a Matter of Conscience, and the Relationship through it with Our Maker. Try understanding Organized Religion as a Tool, like the Bible Even, like the Church or Churches. They are where we start out, at least most of us. They have Positive and Negative Influences, some even by design. A positive aspect is that they are always there, to be relied on, when the need arises. On the Negative, they have Limits, even Dogma, easily misconstrued. So what? We learn to distinguish the True Virtue from the Smoke Screen, the Myth. My only point to you would be to point you to searching your own being, conscience, Soul, in matters of Right and Wrong. What you come to determination on, You are Responsible for, the same holds for me, and Everyone Else. We each face the Consequences of our actions, words, and thoughts. There is no escape, there should not be, for how else do we come into realization? It all has meaning. There is nothing on your path that does not belong there by design. The lessons for Each of us, are unique, in some ways. So We Each are here tom work on our own lessons. Those that would attempt to use Religion to Enslave, miss the point, are actually at war with Something much Greater than what we can Comprehend. We are Each, a part of Something much Greater than Something that many try to package and wrap, and sell, as if we are the only one with a clue. It's not about Brand Name, but Transformation, a Transformation that Implies Growth, not finger pointing. We Each Matter. We Each at times are on point, and at times led astray. Where I personally find Agreement with Church or Churches, there is acceptance. Where there is conflict, Conscious Choice, is based on Conscience, not Stupidity. The Blind cannot lead the blind. When you don't know where you are headed, what you are doing, seek clarity of purpose before moving on.
As I said, you have zero objectivity -- and zero credibility -- on the subject of evolution. I will answer anyone else who is really curious. I will not answer you, because it would be a waste of time. You will simply stick your fingers in your ears and deny, as you have always done before.

Really no credibility, that is your argument agianst my arguments :lol:

You have no arguments. You have no idea what evolution is or how it works. All of your arguments, on this thread as on those directed towards evolution or creationism, are directed not towards the theory of evolution itself but towards a straw man of your own devising, created in ignorance and affirming that ignorance.

As I said, you have zero objectivity -- and zero credibility -- on the subject of evolution. I will answer anyone else who is really curious. I will not answer you, because it would be a waste of time. You will simply stick your fingers in your ears and deny, as you have always done before.

Oh please stop with the nonsense. I grew out of the theory of evolution after two years of being out of college. Once I entered the working world and saw it for myself the impossibility.

When I saw the true effects of mutations and the very limited number of beneficial mutations.
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As I said, you have zero objectivity -- and zero credibility -- on the subject of evolution. I will answer anyone else who is really curious. I will not answer you, because it would be a waste of time. You will simply stick your fingers in your ears and deny, as you have always done before.

Because your reasoning is built on nothing but your imagination.

You have no way to know this, because you are completely and stubbornly ignorant on what evolution is. You not only don't know, but you refuse to learn.

As I said, you have zero objectivity -- and zero credibility -- on the subject of evolution. I will answer anyone else who is really curious. I will not answer you, because it would be a waste of time. You will simply stick your fingers in your ears and deny, as you have always done before.

Trust me to get my degree i had to learn the nonsense to graduate.
Because your reasoning is built on nothing but your imagination.

You have no way to know this, because you are completely and stubbornly ignorant on what evolution is. You not only don't know, but you refuse to learn.

As I said, you have zero objectivity -- and zero credibility -- on the subject of evolution. I will answer anyone else who is really curious. I will not answer you, because it would be a waste of time. You will simply stick your fingers in your ears and deny, as you have always done before.

Sadly the only remedy to willfull ignorance is death. Fortunately for the human race those that are born into the world have access to better information than those that came before. Religion as we see it now and as it was in the past will eventually die with those that cling to myth and superstition. The best we can offer is better knowledge. We cannot force anyone think intelligently and make use of it.

For once you are correct. Unfortunately some of you will learn the hard way.
Huggy, I agree that superstition and ignorance are on the way out, and that those who affirm it are fighting a desperate rearguard action, doomed to failure. However, I don't agree that this describes all of religion. Religion is a blend of mysticism, myth, and make-believe. While make-believe will pass away, and myth be understood AS myth, mysticism is in no danger, and that means that, while it will certainly change, religion will not disappear.

When I have more time we can continue with this discussion if you wish to start another evolution thread.

I will show you the only real evolution and the one that you believe that is built on imagination.
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Oh please stop with the nonsense. I grew out of the theory of evolution after two years of being out of college.

It's not nonsense, and you cannot "grow out of" something you have never understood in the first place.

As I said, you have zero objectivity -- and zero credibility -- on the subject of evolution. I will answer anyone else who is really curious. I will not answer you, because it would be a waste of time. You will simply stick your fingers in your ears and deny, as you have always done before.
When I have more time we can continue with this discussion if you wish to start another evolution thread.

I have no wish to start another evolution thread, and even less interest in discussing the matter with you. As I said, you have zero objectivity -- and zero credibility -- on the subject of evolution. I will answer anyone else who is really curious. I will not answer you, because it would be a waste of time. You will simply stick your fingers in your ears and deny, as you have always done before.
Trust me to get my degree i had to learn the nonsense to graduate.

You clearly have no knowledge of it now. If you ever did, you have forgotten it since. More likely, you gained sufficient knowledge to parrot-talk, without understanding anything. In any case, your ignorance now, at this time, is painfully obvious. You have never yet presented a single argument against evolution, only against what you have mistakenly believed was evolution.

As I said, you have zero objectivity -- and zero credibility -- on the subject of evolution. I will answer anyone else who is really curious. I will not answer you, because it would be a waste of time. You will simply stick your fingers in your ears and deny, as you have always done before.
PS, you ignoramus..."Freethinker" is a term for "atheist".

Atheists are Satan's slaves, and anyone who has read Dragon's drivel knows it.

Frankly, I'm still trying to figure out which one was the bad guy again. Jehovah or Satan...

Jehovah murders every person in the world with a flood. He kills a guy for jerking off, touching his box, makes a guy sacrifice his daughter because he made a foolish oath, kills every first born baby in Egypt on a bet. Makes his followers wander around in a desert for 40 years until they all die, sends two bears to maul 42 kids because they made fun of a bald guy, kills a baby to teach David that having sex with another man's wife is wrong, and so on...

All Satan does is kill 10 people. On a bet with Jehovah...

But that's that "free thinking", actually reading your source material and making judgement rather than just thinking what your church leaders tell you to think about it.
Yes. These behaviors -- avoiding murder and theft and dishonesty -- are conducive to group survival. The evolution of these primate behaviors actually predates the human species, but we can think of it this way. Multiple groups try to survive in a hunting-gathering environment. Some groups tend to behave cooperatively. Others tend to behave in pure selfishness, killing each other, stealing from each other, and lacking the prerequisites for mutual support and trust. Who is more likely to survive as a group and pass on their genes to the next generation? Obviously the ones who can maintain at least a minimum standard of cooperation. We are all descended from people who did this, rather than from people who did not. As a result, we have the genes of those who did, rather than those who did not.

That's how evolution works.

Something else you can't prove is this dogma you are speaking of ?

It can be and has been proven; but it's also been proven (repeatedly) that you have zero objectivity on the subject of evolution and further explanations would be wasted on you.

You know, you devote a lot of airtime to stating "it's already been proven" "it's been proven over and over again" and "there is no point discussing this, I have decreed"...

but I never actually see this proof you are constantly referencing. Not in any of the threads or in any of the discussions where you claim the proof has "previously" been provided and that particular subject is now closed.

In other words, you're a liar. You don't provide anything of substance, which is pathetic enough...but then you lie and claim you have...which is beyond pathetic, it's just smarmy and stupid.
Something else you can't prove is this dogma you are speaking of ?

It can be and has been proven; but it's also been proven (repeatedly) that you have zero objectivity on the subject of evolution and further explanations would be wasted on you.

You know, you devote a lot of airtime to stating "it's already been proven" "it's been proven over and over again" and "there is no point discussing this, I have decreed"...

but I never actually see this proof you are constantly referencing. Not in any of the threads or in any of the discussions where you claim the proof has "previously" been provided and that particular subject is now closed.

In other words, you're a liar. You don't provide anything of substance, which is pathetic enough...but then you lie and claim you have...which is beyond pathetic, it's just smarmy and stupid.

I think given enough time, Genetic Engineering and Tampering with Our Food, we will see enough Mutation to make substantial claims in the Evolution of the Extinction Process. I so much want to thank the EPA Especially, for watching our backs here. :D :razz:

Nothing like Scientists on bad Acid, playing God..... Except for the Government Bureaucrats that enable them. :D
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Of course the power hungry control freaks that are religious dogmatists are against free thought.


They are not, free thought 24/7 of GOD is demanded. Plus Donations too. And if you got some young boy ass, See sign at the rectory.
PS. God you should not be focusing on killing man. Kill off your big named competition, Go for the win you big pussy. What don’t got the power? Hmmm
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It's called faith.

It's called dogma. Faith has nothing to do with intellectual beliefs.

If you have a dogma does that make you a son of a bitch?

LOL that belongs right up there with "my karma ran over your dogma." :)

Re something said above: the evidence in favor of evolution is available on line from several different sources. Anyone who hasn't seen it hasn't looked for it; it takes only a few seconds. When I refuse to look it up myself and display it when asked by a creationist, that's not because there's any difficulty about finding it, but only because I get tired of doing so only to have people stick their fingers in their ears and go into denial. There's no point in trying to prove something to the dogmatic and closed-minded.
God...God made us, He gave us free will, and God created evil, as well. That goes without saying. If God loves us, why do THAT? That confounds me. I can't accept free will is evil. There is a certain ambivalence to everything. In science, they call that "duality". It's striking that science and faith merge together in that concept.
Of course the power hungry control freaks that are religious dogmatists are against free thought.


They are not, free thought 24/7 of GOD is demanded. Plus Donations too. And if you got some young boy ass, See sign at the rectory.

You are a Jack Ass. I'm wondering if You are a Hypocrite too? What is your Position on NYC Teachers molesting Children? In Relation to staying on Payroll and also regarding Pensions?

Thought so. Have fun with your Profiling and false assumptions regarding Clergy.
Of course the power hungry control freaks that are religious dogmatists are against free thought.


They are not, free thought 24/7 of GOD is demanded. Plus Donations too. And if you got some young boy ass, See sign at the rectory.

You are a Jack Ass. I'm wondering if You are a Hypocrite too? What is your Position on NYC Teachers molesting Children? In Relation to staying on Payroll and also regarding Pensions?

Thought so. Have fun with your Profiling and false assumptions regarding Clergy.

Hey... What did I do. And it most be painful for you.
PS. God you should not be focusing on killing man. Kill off your big named competition, Go for the win you big pussy. What don’t got the power? Hmmm

You may be an ambassador to England or France
You may like to gamble, you might like to dance
You may be the heavyweight champion of the world
You may be a socialite with a long string of pearls.

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
It may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

Might be a rock'n' roll adict prancing on the stage
Might have money and drugs at your commands, women in a cage
You may be a business man or some high degree thief
They may call you Doctor or they may call you Chief.

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

You may be a state trooper, you might be an young turk
You may be the head of some big TV network
You may be rich or poor, you may be blind or lame
You may be living in another country under another name.

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

You may be a construction worker working on a home
You may be living in a mansion or you might live in a dome
You might own guns and you might even own tanks
You might be somebody's landlord you might even own banks.

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

You may be a preacher with your spiritual pride
You may be a city councilman taking bribes on the side
You may be working in a barbershop, you may know how to cut hair
You may be somebody's mistress, may be somebody's heir.

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

Might like to wear cotton, might like to wear silk
Might like to drink whiskey, might like to drink milk
You might like to eat caviar, you might like to eat bread
You may be sleeping on the floor, sleeping in a king-sized bed.

But you're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
It may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.

You may call me Terry, you may call me Jimmy
You may call me Bobby, you may call me Zimmy
You may call me R.J., you may call me Ray
You may call me anything but no matter what you say.

You're gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You're gonna have to serve somebody,
Well, it may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Quick question.....................why is it that God doesn't like free thinkers?

Many holy texts in many different religions prize new knowledge second only to God. It's reflected in the way things are written in Judaic theology, "ilm" the Arabic word for knowledge is the second most used word in the Koran, second only to Allah.

Oh wait..........that's right.............free thinkers are respected by all religions EXCEPT Christianity.
Maybe the reason that Christians hate free thinkers is that the last time someone challenged the dogma of the Catholic Church, they became Protestants, which is the genesis of Christianity as it currently is.

Guess they're afraid of splinter groups.

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