"A free thinker is Satan's slave"

You know.........an open mind allows you to look for truth no matter where it is, or who said it.

Closed minds (like many in the Christian communities) are what allows you to be bigoted and allows you to think that you're somehow "better" than others.

Open minds (i.e. free thinkers) educate and teach, closed ones run away from anything contrary to their current beliefs.

I thought an "open mind" allowed a logical or reasonable explanation to present a point of view, an idea, a theory or even a fact. It seems many on this board want to condemn "Christians" because they are unwilling to take some "intellectuals" ramblings, seriously, when there is evidence that those ideas end in catastrophic results.

Who is more "open-minded": the person that continues to put failed methods in place (without even changing a thing), or those that use history to make society work?

Well, Christians keep telling us that we have to believe as they do, because somehow they're more "moral", but when I look at things like the Inquisition and Crusades from history, I don't really think they're more "moral" than anyone else.

And........if you used history to make society work, then you'd probably want to follow the model set up by God's Chosen People, i.e. the Jews. Christians like to use Leviticus to prove that being gay is a sin, but they also choose to ignore many of the rules (which make sense) because they aren't Jewish.

Impressive response....
They are not, free thought 24/7 of GOD is demanded. Plus Donations too. And if you got some young boy ass, See sign at the rectory.

You are a Jack Ass. I'm wondering if You are a Hypocrite too? What is your Position on NYC Teachers molesting Children? In Relation to staying on Payroll and also regarding Pensions?

Thought so. Have fun with your Profiling and false assumptions regarding Clergy.

Hey... What did I do. And it most be painful for you.
PS. God you should not be focusing on killing man. Kill off your big named competition, Go for the win you big pussy. What don’t got the power? Hmmm

So how many drugs are in your cocktail??? How do you take it again, Anally? I thought so. Don't stand so close, huh. ;) No offense.
Quick question.....................why is it that God doesn't like free thinkers?

Many holy texts in many different religions prize new knowledge second only to God. It's reflected in the way things are written in Judaic theology, "ilm" the Arabic word for knowledge is the second most used word in the Koran, second only to Allah.

Oh wait..........that's right.............free thinkers are respected by all religions EXCEPT Christianity.

Your Bias is showing.
Maybe the reason that Christians hate free thinkers is that the last time someone challenged the dogma of the Catholic Church, they became Protestants, which is the genesis of Christianity as it currently is.

Guess they're afraid of splinter groups.

Christians have hundreds of splinter groups now. Assembly of God, Methodists, Presebyterians, church of god, moremoans, mennoites, amish, etc.. And god only knows how many varieties of Baptists.

And every single group is absolutely sure that their splinter is the only correct one.
Maybe the reason that Christians hate free thinkers is that the last time someone challenged the dogma of the Catholic Church, they became Protestants, which is the genesis of Christianity as it currently is.

Guess they're afraid of splinter groups.

Christians have hundreds of splinter groups now. Assembly of God, Methodists, Presebyterians, church of god, moremoans, mennoites, amish, etc.. And god only knows how many varieties of Baptists.

And every single group is absolutely sure that their splinter is the only correct one.

I so wish I knew as much about the Study of Christianity as You, oh Great One. :lol: You are too much. Thanks for the comedy.
Maybe the reason that Christians hate free thinkers is that the last time someone challenged the dogma of the Catholic Church, they became Protestants, which is the genesis of Christianity as it currently is.

Guess they're afraid of splinter groups.

Christians have hundreds of splinter groups now. Assembly of God, Methodists, Presebyterians, church of god, moremoans, mennoites, amish, etc.. And god only knows how many varieties of Baptists.

And every single group is absolutely sure that their splinter is the only correct one.

I so wish I knew as much about the Study of Christianity as You, oh Great One. :lol: You are too much. Thanks for the comedy.

Where was I incorrect in that post?

Ever been to a Primitive Baptist service? Hard Shell baptist? Southern Baptist? I have.

Also methodist, presbyterian, Assembly Of God( was raised up in that one), Unitarian, and several I forget right now.
Last edited:
Well, Christians keep telling us that we have to believe as they do, because somehow they're more "moral", but when I look at things like the Inquisition and Crusades from history, I don't really think they're more "moral" than anyone else.
Most free from superstition are as ‘moral’ as Christians, if not more so.

If you do not believe and trust in God whether you call him Yeshua, Jesus, God,or YAHWEH your chances of eternal life are not good according to the scriptures.

And there we go: the authoritarianism of the Christian right, the ancient threat of ‘damnation’ for failure to conform.

I can say for sure.

Of course you can, motivated by your Christian arrogance and conservative authoritarianism, you’re quite comfortable dictating to others how they must live and what they must believe.

The Constitutional principle of separation of church and State was clearly put into place with individuals such as you in mind; Christian fundamentalism is the bane of individual liberty.

Where are Christians "dictating" how you live your life? I have not met them. I do not know them.

I have many people come to me and tell me how I should live my life; they are M A N I P U L A T O R S. What they call themselves does not matter.

I speak regularly with "Christians" (of many different faiths), most of the time we talk about Biblical things we think we understand. A few will be open to hear my interpretation, and like-wise, I will listen to theirs. Very rarely, do I not learn something.

I speak to people occasionally of different faiths. They are very guarded about their "faith", but more open about their culture.

The "faithful" do not tell me how to live my life. It seems the miserable (those that practice sinful ways) think it is their duty in life to tell everyone else how to live their lives (maybe they work for evil, or maybe they just want everyone to be miserable)?
I see most here are not seeing the difference between those who are real Christians and thos who just use religion for their own purposes.
It can be and has been proven; but it's also been proven (repeatedly) that you have zero objectivity on the subject of evolution and further explanations would be wasted on you.

You can't point to any group of humans that did not possess laws to govern them. You only offer spectulation which consider your dogma.

As I said, you have zero objectivity -- and zero credibility -- on the subject of evolution. I will answer anyone else who is really curious. I will not answer you, because it would be a waste of time. You will simply stick your fingers in your ears and deny, as you have always done before.

Is that you, Charles Manson? Are you still looking for disciples to sit at your feet and worship you?
Because your reasoning is built on nothing but your imagination.

You have no way to know this, because you are completely and stubbornly ignorant on what evolution is. You not only don't know, but you refuse to learn.

As I said, you have zero objectivity -- and zero credibility -- on the subject of evolution. I will answer anyone else who is really curious. I will not answer you, because it would be a waste of time. You will simply stick your fingers in your ears and deny, as you have always done before.

Sadly the only remedy to willfull ignorance is death. Fortunately for the human race those that are born into the world have access to better information than those that came before. Religion as we see it now and as it was in the past will eventually die with those that cling to myth and superstition. The best we can offer is better knowledge. We cannot force anyone think intelligently and make use of it.

I hope that people are capable of learning because socialists, communists, leftists, radical islamists, homosexual activists, environmentalists, progressives (choose one they all use the same methods and try to re-write history) are all using ideas that have failed every single time it was tried for a society. Hopefully, those willfully ignorant will open their eyes and see that society based on Christian/Judeo morals are the societies that prosper, have a higher standard of living for ALL their citizens (there are still poor in every society, but comparitively speaking...), and live more peacefully than any society based on the above ideals. Just sayin' ......
I see most here are not seeing the difference between those who are real Christians and thos who just use religion for their own purposes.

With You to guide us, how could we possibly fail to see, Oh Great One. Thank You again for pointing out who is genuine. :cuckoo:
You are a Jack Ass. I'm wondering if You are a Hypocrite too? What is your Position on NYC Teachers molesting Children? In Relation to staying on Payroll and also regarding Pensions?

Thought so. Have fun with your Profiling and false assumptions regarding Clergy.

Hey... What did I do. And it most be painful for you.
PS. God you should not be focusing on killing man. Kill off your big named competition, Go for the win you big pussy. What don’t got the power? Hmmm

So how many drugs are in your cocktail??? How do you take it again, Anally? I thought so. Don't stand so close, huh. ;) No offense.

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Thanks Buddy!
Quick question.....................why is it that God doesn't like free thinkers?

Many holy texts in many different religions prize new knowledge second only to God. It's reflected in the way things are written in Judaic theology, "ilm" the Arabic word for knowledge is the second most used word in the Koran, second only to Allah.

Oh wait..........that's right.............free thinkers are respected by all religions EXCEPT Christianity.

Where in the quran did anyone question Allah for his decision to destroy a city? How many times did Abraham question the Lord? The Lord agreed if there were JUST ten (10) good people in the city, that he would not destroy it. Where did Allah tolerate being questioned? Where did Allah demonstrate "his" power to destroy evil (we know he encouraged sinful ways in Mohammed)?
Maybe the reason that Christians hate free thinkers is that the last time someone challenged the dogma of the Catholic Church, they became Protestants, which is the genesis of Christianity as it currently is.

Guess they're afraid of splinter groups.

Christians have hundreds of splinter groups now. Assembly of God, Methodists, Presebyterians, church of god, moremoans, mennoites, amish, etc.. And god only knows how many varieties of Baptists.

And every single group is absolutely sure that their splinter is the only correct one.

Everyone learns differently, maybe the Lord is using the different ways to reach more people?
Hey... What did I do. And it most be painful for you.
PS. God you should not be focusing on killing man. Kill off your big named competition, Go for the win you big pussy. What don’t got the power? Hmmm

So how many drugs are in your cocktail??? How do you take it again, Anally? I thought so. Don't stand so close, huh. ;) No offense.

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Thanks Buddy!

Sorry that I can't help you work towards those Big Negative Reps you want so badly. I will do everything I can to keep you close to Zero, though. Let me know if you need help packing. Don't be late for your convention. ;)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5ObycvN3DA]Village Idiot's Convention - YouTube[/ame]
Village Idiot's Convention
So how many drugs are in your cocktail??? How do you take it again, Anally? I thought so. Don't stand so close, huh. ;) No offense.

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Thanks Buddy!

Sorry that I can't help you work towards those Big Negative Reps you want so badly. I will do everything I can to keep you close to Zero, though. Let me know if you need help packing. Don't be late for your convention. ;)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5ObycvN3DA]Village Idiot's Convention - YouTube[/ame]
Village Idiot's Convention

That is not a Tea Party gathering???
I'm a free thinker and a christian. I do believe in sin and certain behaviors are bad. Doesnt mean humans dont do bad things or good things, it's up to the person, it's free will. If you're saying that those who believe in monogamy and are opposed to homosexuality are not free thinkers, than I disagree with that. Free thinkers dont have to be absent morality or standards of conduct. Humans are smarter than animals and we should act like it.
Quick question.....................why is it that God doesn't like free thinkers?

Many holy texts in many different religions prize new knowledge second only to God. It's reflected in the way things are written in Judaic theology, "ilm" the Arabic word for knowledge is the second most used word in the Koran, second only to Allah.

Oh wait..........that's right.............free thinkers are respected by all religions EXCEPT Christianity.

Where in the quran did anyone question Allah for his decision to destroy a city? How many times did Abraham question the Lord? The Lord agreed if there were JUST ten (10) good people in the city, that he would not destroy it. Where did Allah tolerate being questioned? Where did Allah demonstrate "his" power to destroy evil (we know he encouraged sinful ways in Mohammed)?

You DO realize that Islam accepts (and writes of) the stories of both Abraham and Jesus, right?
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Thanks Buddy!

Sorry that I can't help you work towards those Big Negative Reps you want so badly. I will do everything I can to keep you close to Zero, though. Let me know if you need help packing. Don't be late for your convention. ;)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5ObycvN3DA]Village Idiot's Convention - YouTube[/ame]
Village Idiot's Convention

That is not a Tea Party gathering???

I drink INDia ICEtea all day long...

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