A good week for Rights

Read for yourself:

Appeals Court Strikes Down FCC's Net Neutrality Rules - WSJ.com

A federal court has tossed out the FCC's "open internet" rules, and now internet service providers are free to charge companies like Google and Netflix higher fees to deliver content faster. Gautham Nagesh reports on digits. Photo: Getty Images.

Do you support this? I dont..

Again, Do you support treating all internet traffic equally? Why not?

Support or not? I dont..

Though the FCC said it might appeal, the ruling for now means Internet-service providers are free to experiment with new types of pricing arrangements, such as charging content companies like Google Inc. GOOG +0.01% or Netflix higher fees to deliver Internet traffic faster. Or, they could choose to degrade the quality of certain online content unless its creators were willing to pay up.

Yea or Nay?
Gee freedom really does scare you fascists .

No point huh? Exactly
why do people always think something bad is going to happen when trade becomes more free?

You'll have a different view when Sony starts charging a monthly fee to access the network to cover the increases set forth by ISPs. OR, certain ISPs do not allow such networks at all and you find yourself not able to get on the network at all.

THAT is what is about to come down the pike. There is no freedom on top of authoritariansim. The ISP cartels have won the day.

Actually to play online with the PS4 you already have to pay for PlayStation plus and the other apps are a separate company Sony wont have to pay for them....Welcome to adulthood.
why do people always think something bad is going to happen when trade becomes more free?

You'll have a different view when Sony starts charging a monthly fee to access the network to cover the increases set forth by ISPs. OR, certain ISPs do not allow such networks at all and you find yourself not able to get on the network at all.

THAT is what is about to come down the pike. There is no freedom on top of authoritariansim. The ISP cartels have won the day.

Actually to play online with the PS4 you already have to pay for PlayStation plus and the other apps are a separate company Sony wont have to pay for them....Welcome to adulthood.

Another reason to not jump on the PS4 bandwagon. Thanks. Adulthood? :lmao:

yeah, every adult goes out of their way to play video games online. Or, more so, they never try to mitigate the amount they pay for services.

You'll have a different view when Sony starts charging a monthly fee to access the network to cover the increases set forth by ISPs. OR, certain ISPs do not allow such networks at all and you find yourself not able to get on the network at all.

THAT is what is about to come down the pike. There is no freedom on top of authoritariansim. The ISP cartels have won the day.

Actually to play online with the PS4 you already have to pay for PlayStation plus and the other apps are a separate company Sony wont have to pay for them....Welcome to adulthood.

Another reason to not jump on the PS4 bandwagon. Thanks. Adulthood? :lmao:

yeah, every adult goes out of their way to play video games online. Or, more so, they never try to mitigate the amount they pay for services.

Just like a liberaltarian. Always want things yet never wanting to pay for them.
Read for yourself:

Appeals Court Strikes Down FCC's Net Neutrality Rules - WSJ.com

A federal court has tossed out the FCC's "open internet" rules, and now internet service providers are free to charge companies like Google and Netflix higher fees to deliver content faster. Gautham Nagesh reports on digits. Photo: Getty Images.

Do you support this? I dont..

Again, Do you support treating all internet traffic equally? Why not?

Support or not? I dont..

Though the FCC said it might appeal, the ruling for now means Internet-service providers are free to experiment with new types of pricing arrangements, such as charging content companies like Google Inc. GOOG +0.01% or Netflix higher fees to deliver Internet traffic faster. Or, they could choose to degrade the quality of certain online content unless its creators were willing to pay up.

Yea or Nay?
Gee freedom really does scare you fascists .

Freedom for who? Whose freedom do you think you are protecting?
"Private ownership of the media" today means that only 7 massive corporations (two of which aren't even American) produce 80% of news, radio, television, movies, books, magazines, billboards, advertisements, and all other forms of mindless commercialistic gibberish that the American people see, hear and read on a daily basis.

7 corporations (Time-Warner, Disney, Viacom, News Corp, Bertlesmann, and Comcast/GE) produce 80% of American media. That is not Progressive. They are 1% billionaires who do not care about you. They feed you shit and tell you that it's delicious.

I've got news for you KNB - not only does Barack Obama not care about you - he's laughing all the way to the bank as he enslaves you as his minion.
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As we've already covered SW, gays have enjoyed every right that straights have since the begging of the U.S. They enjoyed free speech, right to bear arms, protection against seizure, and 100% of all other rights.

But, like all homosexuals and liberals, you believe you are special and entitled to more than the "little" people who are "beneath" you.

Now here is an idea - why don't you dodge that question again about how you plan to discriminate against (and I quote) "consenting adults" which happen to be muslim and want 17 wives. And I forget, what was your plan again when the muslim makes the claim that an employee not providing free healthcare for all 17 of those wives is "discrimination"? Yeah - ole [MENTION=24452]Seawytch[/MENTION] never wants to discuss these realities. Because she's smart enough to realize it exposes her as a deplorable hypocrite. She always ends with the evasive and nonsensical "I wish them luck". :eusa_whistle:

Well, Gee, Poodle, if we had a SANE system of universal health care like every other industrialized country, then a guy who could afford 17 wives wouldn't have an issue.

Frankly, as much as you go into hysterics about Polygamy or whatever, your side really has no argument against gays other than "My magic sky man thinks it's icky!"
The OP thought striking down Net Neutrality was a good idea just because Obama likes it...no other reason

As always, facts freak out the ultra ignorant [MENTION=25032]ClosedCaption[/MENTION].

First of all, since Obama proudly declares his love of government control, that fact that he "likes it" should be of grave concern to anyone with an ounce of common sense.

Second, and much more importantly, the fact that the entire thing has been driven by a self-professed Marxist who openly admits to hating free markets is glaring evidence again that the entire thing is a Dumbocrat wet-dream of taking over the internet.

Third, it addresses a "problem" that doesn't exist. Our internet is not censored at all. Our internet is not blocked at all. Why do you think (well, you clearly don't think - but if you did) Obama has been panting like a dog in heat over an internet "kill switch". He no sooner had taken his oath on the hill his first day that he started barking about an internet "kill switch".

I wonder CC - when you visit the ThinkProgress website on the day they finally close their doors and it says "this site no longer exists - please go think for yourself for once" - exactly how much panic will you endure at that moment?

I mean, Obama has literally salivated over the term "internet kill switch" and Net Neutrality is being driven by a self-professed Marxist who proudly proclaims his hatred of FREE MARKETS, and yet you still can't figure out that Net Neutrality is not about expanding the freedom of the internet... :eusa_doh:
why do people always think something bad is going to happen when trade becomes more free?


Derp because it's not more free. A bunch of companies who don't actually own something get to control it now. They have been given airline style carte blanche to charge you for everything from checking a bag to taking a shit.

But when the government gets to control it, then it will be truly "free" in the minds of Dumbocrats.... :eusa_doh:

The beauty of the "airline carte blance" is that if you don't like being charged for checking your bag or taking a shit, you can tell them to go fuck themselves. Better yet, you can get up off of your lazy ass and create your own airline which doesn't charge for checking bags and doesn't charge for "taking a shit". Gasp! Imagine that!

Now lets compare that to government. Can I tell the government to go fuck themselves over Obamacare? No. No, I cannot not. I will be fined on multiple occasions and then ultimately imprisoned. Well in that case, can I form my own government to avoid Obamacare? Nope! I would be executed for "treason".

How remarkable that ignorant Dumbocrats consider Verizon to be "oppressive" when they are free to not do business with them or to open their own business to compete with them (and ultimately put Verizon out of business), but considers oppressive, controlling government which you cannot refuse to do business with and cannot create a competing entity with to be "freedom". No wonder they are called "Dumbocrats".
I don't hear you bitching about ISP cartels formed by the government. Yet you want to toss consumers under the bus by defending government's carte Blanche approach after forming them?

I really do not get why that is. you're essentially cheering to have your internet content dictated by your ISP. AND you call it fuckin' freedom! Meanwhile you probably have, at best 2/3 ISP.

The Federal Communications Commission's open Internet rules, also known as net neutrality, required Internet service providers to give consumers equal access to all lawful content without restrictions or tiered charges.

U.S. appeals court strikes down FCC net neutrality rules | Reuters

I am for doing away the Monopolization of the internet. However since Comcast now own NBC and is still one of the far left propaganda sources, what does one expect.

I would love to see more competition for cell phone service and internet access.

[MENTION=42632]Kosh[/MENTION] - you must not have been paying attention to Net Neurtrality if you are for this:

The FCC is being inundated by a special interest group ironically named Free Press, whose goal it is to limit America's free press and freedom of speech. This special interest group also claims that it's due to special interest groups that it has become necessary for them to intervene on our behalf.

Free Press is an oxymoron started by an oxy-Marxist. His name is Robert McChesney. In addition to co-founding Free Press, he's also the former editor of The Monthly Review. This is a self-proclaimed, independent socialist magazine — I don't want to call names — an openly Marxist publication. It sounds like free press advocate so far, doesn't it?

McChesney, in his own words: "Any serious effort to reform the media system would have to necessarily be part of a revolutionary program to overthrow the capitalist system itself. There is no real answer but to remove brick by brick the capitalist system itself, rebuilding the entire society on socialist principles"."

Again, here's Free Press co-founder Robert McChesney in his words, quote: "We need to do whatever we can to limit capitalist propaganda, regulate it, minimalize it and perhaps even eliminate it."

It's about eliminating traditional, constitutional points of view from the public arena. But that's not the way it's being built. It is about stopping debate. But nobody will tell you that. It's about ending free speech. It is about Marxism.

Net Neutrality Pits Free Speech Against Free Press | Fox News

Oh, look everyone, Poodle is seeing Marxists under his bed again.

My big problem with the internet is that it is the biggest purveyor of bullshit out there.

And there's no one really fact checking it.

And, no, this is not a left-right issue.



That's the funniest fuckin' post I've read all week!!!


Great job!!

Poor little Poodle, such a frightened little dog… Love it!!
[MENTION=42632]Kosh[/MENTION] - you must not have been paying attention to Net Neurtrality if you are for this:

The FCC is being inundated by a special interest group ironically named Free Press, whose goal it is to limit America's free press and freedom of speech. This special interest group also claims that it's due to special interest groups that it has become necessary for them to intervene on our behalf.

Free Press is an oxymoron started by an oxy-Marxist. His name is Robert McChesney. In addition to co-founding Free Press, he's also the former editor of The Monthly Review. This is a self-proclaimed, independent socialist magazine — I don't want to call names — an openly Marxist publication. It sounds like free press advocate so far, doesn't it?

McChesney, in his own words: "Any serious effort to reform the media system would have to necessarily be part of a revolutionary program to overthrow the capitalist system itself. There is no real answer but to remove brick by brick the capitalist system itself, rebuilding the entire society on socialist principles"."

Again, here's Free Press co-founder Robert McChesney in his words, quote: "We need to do whatever we can to limit capitalist propaganda, regulate it, minimalize it and perhaps even eliminate it."

It's about eliminating traditional, constitutional points of view from the public arena. But that's not the way it's being built. It is about stopping debate. But nobody will tell you that. It's about ending free speech. It is about Marxism.

Net Neutrality Pits Free Speech Against Free Press | Fox News

Oh, look everyone, Poodle is seeing Marxists under his bed again.

My big problem with the internet is that it is the biggest purveyor of bullshit out there.

And there's no one really fact checking it.

And, no, this is not a left-right issue.



That's the funniest fuckin' post I've read all week!!!


Great job!!

Poor little Poodle, such a frightened little dog… Love it!!

In other words - the self-admitted communist wants to control what is placed on the internet. He wants to control content. He wants to control what the people see. And of course, he wants to be the one doing all of the filtering because his intentions are so pure and honest :eusa_whistle:
Well the problem obviously Rottweiler is you can't just start a new cable company. You're stuck with whomever owns the lines.
It's amazing how ignorant Rott, political chic and others are on this topic.
Oh, look everyone, Poodle is seeing Marxists under his bed again.

My big problem with the internet is that it is the biggest purveyor of bullshit out there.

And there's no one really fact checking it.

And, no, this is not a left-right issue.



That's the funniest fuckin' post I've read all week!!!


Great job!!

Poor little Poodle, such a frightened little dog… Love it!!

In other words - the self-admitted communist wants to control what is placed on the internet. He wants to control content. He wants to control what the people see. And of course, he wants to be the one doing all of the filtering because his intentions are so pure and honest :eusa_whistle:

Actually, it's the same standard that applies to print and broadcast media. you have to be able to prove it's true before you can print it. Otherwise, you aer subject to libel and slander laws.

If someone made a completely untrue claim about you and printed it in a newspaper, you have the right to sue that paper for slander. If they print it on the internet, not so much.

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