A good week for Rights

Government school products have both an inordinate and incorrect bias against the free market and capitalism.

Absolutely. But I fail to see the correlation here. I mean, it probably escapes the LOLberals that the government created the ISP cartels in the first place, so their understanding is only about half the story. But at the same time, I find it appalling that supposed free market advocates would find this news as anything to do with free markets, or capitalism. This is pure unadulterated corporatism at its finest.


Far worse.

It is about controlling the dissemination of information.

That is what totalitarianism is about.

It is hidden in the well-noted hatred that the Left has of the free market.

But by supporting the abolishing of Net Neutrality, you are supporting the control of information.

You really don't understand this?
There isn't. Give a single reason why you would be against Net Neutrality other than you want big business to pad their bottom line even further.

Go ahead. I'm sure you'll produce an amazing numbered list of points in support of the downfall of Net Neutrality.

1. Answered in posts 20, 26, and 37.
Pay particular attention to 26.

2. Government school products have both an inordinate and incorrect bias against the free market and capitalism.

It is the basis of every thing you believe.

And...it is contrary to factual history.

Yet it indelibly colors your worldview.

Sad, but true.

More proof that fantical fundamentalist devotion to the free market is lunacy.

You have never been able to understand the big picture.

Perhaps that is why you are always happy to bow down to the dictates of government.

For you Leftists, 'trust' is more your style than 'thought.'

There is this interesting parallel:

In October 1919, Lenin paid a secret visit to the laboratory of the great physiologist I. P. Pavlov, a Russian physiologist known chiefly for the concept of the conditioned reflex.

In his classic experiment, he found that a hungry dog can be trained to associate the sound of a bell with food and will salivate at the sound even in the absence of food. Lenin wanted to find out if his work on the conditional reflexes of the brain might help the Bolsheviks control European behaviour.

“I want the masses of Russia to follow a Communistic pattern of thinking and reacting,” Lenin explained. Pavlov was astounded. It seemed that Lenin wanted him to do for humans what he had already done for dogs. “Do you mean that you would like to standardise the population of Russia? Make them all behave in the same way?” he asked. “Exactly” replied Lenin. “Man can be corrected. Man can be made what we want him to be.”…
Orlando Figes, "A People's Tragedy," p.732-733

Let me make you feel at home, I’ll speak to you in the language you are most familiar with: sit-stay-roll over.
I've been saying it for years,

all this free and really cheap content on the internet that we've all had so much access to for years,

it's simply too good to be true, if you think about it. And don't think that hasn't been driving the corporations crazy as well.

They're out there working around the clock to figure out how to squeeze more money out of you,

and eventually they will, or, you will go without.

They want to be able to earn money at both ends. They already charge us (the consumers) on the receiving end to access the internet. And they can charge based upon access speed. But now they want to double-dip and charge the providers. And this is where it gets dicey. They can cut deals with preferred content providers and retailers to all but eliminate the e-commerce capabilities and information sharing ability of those who don't pay their fee or produce content they object to.

Freedom lost.
Small business squashed.

All in the name of increased corporate profits. And some fools here actually support this....and the best part is they pretend to be about "freedom".

We need a public option in the ISP market.
Absolutely. But I fail to see the correlation here. I mean, it probably escapes the LOLberals that the government created the ISP cartels in the first place, so their understanding is only about half the story. But at the same time, I find it appalling that supposed free market advocates would find this news as anything to do with free markets, or capitalism. This is pure unadulterated corporatism at its finest.


Far worse.

It is about controlling the dissemination of information.

That is what totalitarianism is about.

It is hidden in the well-noted hatred that the Left has of the free market.

But by supporting the abolishing of Net Neutrality, you are supporting the control of information.

You really don't understand this?

You have things so backwards one almost has to be dyslexic to understand you.

Far worse.

It is about controlling the dissemination of information.

That is what totalitarianism is about.

It is hidden in the well-noted hatred that the Left has of the free market.

But by supporting the abolishing of Net Neutrality, you are supporting the control of information.

You really don't understand this?

You have things so backwards one almost has to be dyslexic to understand you.

PC - All bullshit aside, you really need to read up on what Net Neutrality is. You're obviously confused.

Let's start with the basics:
Up until now, has their been a bias in what sites you can access based upon who your ISP is?

Up until now, Have you ever been blocked from reaching a site that you wanted to access?
Methinks you're too logical for most of this crowd. Can't you downsize to a few carefully chosen partisan inflamed reason-defying hot-button cliches?
But by supporting the abolishing of Net Neutrality, you are supporting the control of information.

You really don't understand this?

You have things so backwards one almost has to be dyslexic to understand you.

PC - All bullshit aside, you really need to read up on what Net Neutrality is. You're obviously confused.

Let's start with the basics:
Up until now, has their been a bias in what sites you can access based upon who your ISP is?

Up until now, Have you ever been blocked from reaching a site that you wanted to access?

I keep trying to tell them that. This is one of these cases where the conservatives have been conditioned by propaganda to believe that net neutrality is something liberals like,

and therefore,

in what might be described as a form of Pavlovian response, so to speak,

conservatives are compelled to reflexively oppose it, despite having no idea substantively what they are opposing.
Government school products have both an inordinate and incorrect bias against the free market and capitalism.

Absolutely. But I fail to see the correlation here. I mean, it probably escapes the LOLberals that the government created the ISP cartels in the first place, so their understanding is only about half the story. But at the same time, I find it appalling that supposed free market advocates would find this news as anything to do with free markets, or capitalism. This is pure unadulterated corporatism at its finest.


Far worse.

It is about controlling the dissemination of information.

That is what totalitarianism is about.

It is hidden in the well-noted hatred that the Left has of the free market.

Well, yeah. But this repeal GIVES the ISP cartels Carte Blanche to raise, or set prices at their whims. Under the pretext that there was no ISP cartel (formed by government), then the meritocracy of competition would reign and this wouldn't be a problem. But hwen the government cartelizes a sector, then gives them the go-ahead to set prices however they decide (and in many cases that means the guy with the deepest pocket gets the best deal), you create syndicates. Where larger companies negotiate contracts that will squash their competition. And with no ISP competition where consumers can vote with their subscriptions, you create a corporatist climate, and nothing at all that resembles a free market.
You have things so backwards one almost has to be dyslexic to understand you.

PC - All bullshit aside, you really need to read up on what Net Neutrality is. You're obviously confused.

Let's start with the basics:
Up until now, has their been a bias in what sites you can access based upon who your ISP is?

Up until now, Have you ever been blocked from reaching a site that you wanted to access?

I keep trying to tell them that. This is one of these cases where the conservatives have been conditioned by propaganda to believe that net neutrality is something liberals like,

and therefore,

in what might be described as a form of Pavlovian response, so to speak,

conservatives are compelled to reflexively oppose it, despite having no idea substantively what they are opposing.

This is one topic that truly can separate the cons that actually think for themselves once in a while and those that are literally sheep.
What's that you say? You want to confuse every one multiple times? OK.
You said...
"No, you moron.....I want it very clear to readers when I rip one who is one a new one."
And I said "Huh?"
I've been saying it for years,

all this free and really cheap content on the internet that we've all had so much access to for years,

it's simply too good to be true, if you think about it. And don't think that hasn't been driving the corporations crazy as well.

They're out there working around the clock to figure out how to squeeze more money out of you,

and eventually they will, or, you will go without.

They want to be able to earn money at both ends. They already charge us (the consumers) on the receiving end to access the internet. And they can charge based upon access speed. But now they want to double-dip and charge the providers. And this is where it gets dicey. They can cut deals with preferred content providers and retailers to all but eliminate the e-commerce capabilities and information sharing ability of those who don't pay their fee or produce content they object to.

Freedom lost.
Small business squashed.

All in the name of increased corporate profits. And some fools here actually support this....and the best part is they pretend to be about "freedom".

We need a public option in the ISP market.

No, thats another band aid on previously failed "public" legislation. The key here is to open the door to all competition in ISP, instead of the cartel that government created. A public option means we pay for it anyway. With all the waste and nonsense that comes with using teh government for anything.
But by supporting the abolishing of Net Neutrality, you are supporting the control of information.

You really don't understand this?

You have things so backwards one almost has to be dyslexic to understand you.

PC - All bullshit aside, you really need to read up on what Net Neutrality is. You're obviously confused.

Let's start with the basics:
Up until now, has their been a bias in what sites you can access based upon who your ISP is?

Up until now, Have you ever been blocked from reaching a site that you wanted to access?

1. Julius Genachowski
Robert McChesney
Van Jones
Mark Lloyd
Barack Obama
George Soros

...just some of the names behind Net Neutrality.

2. The Founders had great faith in the ability of the people to self-govern, to constantly question the prerogatives of centralized authority, and, through grassroots diligence, limit the power of government. But, the ‘immense tutelary power,’ in Tocqueville’s words, will not give up that power.

By using the FCC, government could pull the strings. Losing the power of the broadcast band, the government is now in the process of applying same to the internet. Despite the fact that prices for internet services are falling, and consumer choice is booming, the FCC asserts the need to intervene in this actively functioning marketplace.

3. ...the FCC has rolled a censorship plan into its Net Neutrality scheme in a stealth attempt to impose Internet regulation. Under the FCC’s regulatory control consumers would be forced to buy an Internet/TV/Phone connectivity box that the government approves. “Everyone will pay rates for service that the government sets. And everything passing through your Internet, TV, or phone would become subject to the FCC’s consistent regulatory whim,” writes Americans for Tax Reform’s Kelly William Cobb.
Americans for Tax Reform : The FCC?s Grand Plan to Control Your Internet, TV, and Phone?

4. And then there’s Network Neutrality. Net Neutrality mandates that the government regulate the entire Web. Which means the government lords over every single website on the planet.... Net Neutrality is a constantly shifting, over-regulatory mess of an illegal imposition."
NSA, Net Neutrality, It?s All About Controlling the Internet ? and You | RedState
The Corporate Masters won, but don't despair...corporations have always considered the consumers best interest first and foremost.

'Net Neutrality' Thing For Dummies, And How It Affects You - Business Insider

I understand the training that has gone into the knee-jerk "corporations baaaaadddd" outlook....

...but no one told you that corporations are made up of folks just like you....and public corporations are guided by stock holders.....more people just like you.
You have things so backwards one almost has to be dyslexic to understand you.

PC - All bullshit aside, you really need to read up on what Net Neutrality is. You're obviously confused.

Let's start with the basics:
Up until now, has their been a bias in what sites you can access based upon who your ISP is?

Up until now, Have you ever been blocked from reaching a site that you wanted to access?

1. Julius Genachowski
Robert McChesney
Van Jones
Mark Lloyd
Barack Obama
George Soros

...just some of the names behind Net Neutrality.

2. The Founders had great faith in the ability of the people to self-govern, to constantly question the prerogatives of centralized authority, and, through grassroots diligence, limit the power of government. But, the ‘immense tutelary power,’ in Tocqueville’s words, will not give up that power.

By using the FCC, government could pull the strings. Losing the power of the broadcast band, the government is now in the process of applying same to the internet. Despite the fact that prices for internet services are falling, and consumer choice is booming, the FCC asserts the need to intervene in this actively functioning marketplace.

3. ...the FCC has rolled a censorship plan into its Net Neutrality scheme in a stealth attempt to impose Internet regulation. Under the FCC’s regulatory control consumers would be forced to buy an Internet/TV/Phone connectivity box that the government approves. “Everyone will pay rates for service that the government sets. And everything passing through your Internet, TV, or phone would become subject to the FCC’s consistent regulatory whim,” writes Americans for Tax Reform’s Kelly William Cobb.
Americans for Tax Reform : The FCC?s Grand Plan to Control Your Internet, TV, and Phone?

4. And then there’s Network Neutrality. Net Neutrality mandates that the government regulate the entire Web. Which means the government lords over every single website on the planet.... Net Neutrality is a constantly shifting, over-regulatory mess of an illegal imposition."
NSA, Net Neutrality, It?s All About Controlling the Internet ? and You | RedState

How about answering the questions I actually asked this time. A simple yes or no for each will do. Give it a shot.

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