A Great American speaks on the Death of President Chavez


Mar 3, 2013

Statement From Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter
on the Death of Hugo Chavez

Rosalynn and I extend our condolences to the family of Hugo Chávez Frías. We met Hugo Chávez when he was campaigning for president in 1998 and The Carter Center was invited to observe elections for the first time in Venezuela. We returned often, for the 2000 elections, and then to facilitate dialogue during the political conflict of 2002-2004. We came to know a man who expressed a vision to bring profound changes to his country to benefit especially those people who had felt neglected and marginalized. Although we have not agreed with all of the methods followed by his government, we have never doubted Hugo Chávez's commitment to improving the lives of millions of his fellow countrymen.
President Chávez will be remembered for his bold assertion of autonomy and independence for Latin American governments and for his formidable communication skills and personal connection with supporters in his country and abroad to whom he gave hope and empowerment. During his 14-year tenure, Chávez joined other leaders in Latin America and the Caribbean to create new forms of integration. Venezuelan poverty rates were cut in half, and millions received identification documents for the first time allowing them to participate more effectively in their country's economic and political life.
At the same time, we recognize the divisions created in the drive towards change in Venezuela and the need for national healing. We hope that as Venezuelans mourn the passing of President Chávez and recall his positive legacies — especially the gains made for the poor and vulnerable — the political leaders will move the country forward by building a new consensus that ensures equal opportunities for all Venezuelans to participate in every aspect of national life.

Jimmy Carter Statement on Death of Hugo Chavez
Chavez died a billionaire, but didn't have a lot of money when he became dictator. I guess that doesn't bother some that socialist leaders live like kings. And the people there who mourn him are sheeple who were used to being taken care of. I think it's sad that people look at dictators like parents or keepers and feel lost without them. It's creepy to see people who have no understanding of freedom or liberty and are so benighted that they worship the one who made all the decisions for them and controlled their lives.
I wonder which of these three anti-imperialists wore the cheapest Rolex?

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I wonder which of these three anti-imperialists wore the cheapest Rolex?


But, you see, it's okay for dictators to be wealthy and be protected 24/7 by guns. It's okay for dictators to come to America for their healthcare when their own system doesn't have what they need. It's okay for dictators to live like kings in fancy mansions while the people live modestly. It's okay for dictators to have the best of everything while doling things out to the masses. Dictators are special people, not like the rest of us.
Jimmy Carter. Say it with me: The second worst president in American history.
How does running an economy that cannot supply food or medicine constitute "Venezuelan poverty rates were cut in half"

Carter, Useful Idiot
Chavez was a brutal dictator who murdered thousands, and stole as much as he could when he was ruler.

A left wing hero.
President Carter is a class act..and a great American.

:eusa_drool:Hope you follow in his foot steps very closely. Be careful not to trip on yourself.

Like most Democrats..Carter repaired the wreckage wrought to the economy by Conservative policies. 2 Conservative administration left the American economy saddled with something new, "Stagflation". Nixon's "solution" was to issue an executive order to "freeze wages" nationwide (imagine that..and you guys go on about "dictators".) Ford's "solution" was to issue buttons that said "(W)hip (I)nflation (N)ow". When the grown up entered the room, Carter, he appointed an actual economist to the Fed, Paul Volcker, and actually got the economy moving again. Additionally the wheat embargo set in motion the collapse of the Soviet Union. It showed to Russians that their economy was so screwed up, they couldn't even make bread without America's help.
Carter one term president.
Carter lost his 2nd term by a huge margin with the electoral votes.
Regan 2 term president.
President Carter is a class act..and a great American.

:eusa_drool:Hope you follow in his foot steps very closely. Be careful not to trip on yourself.

Like most Democrats..Carter repaired the wreckage wrought to the economy by Conservative policies. 2 Conservative administration left the American economy saddled with something new, "Stagflation". Nixon's "solution" was to issue an executive order to "freeze wages" nationwide (imagine that..and you guys go on about "dictators".) Ford's "solution" was to issue buttons that said "(W)hip (I)nflation (N)ow". When the grown up entered the room, Carter, he appointed an actual economist to the Fed, Paul Volcker, and actually got the economy moving again. Additionally the wheat embargo set in motion the collapse of the Soviet Union. It showed to Russians that their economy was so screwed up, they couldn't even make bread without America's help.

I'm convinced that leftist loons like yourself are completely incapable of taking blame for anything, and that my friend is clearly a form of mental illness.
:eusa_drool:Hope you follow in his foot steps very closely. Be careful not to trip on yourself.

Like most Democrats..Carter repaired the wreckage wrought to the economy by Conservative policies. 2 Conservative administration left the American economy saddled with something new, "Stagflation". Nixon's "solution" was to issue an executive order to "freeze wages" nationwide (imagine that..and you guys go on about "dictators".) Ford's "solution" was to issue buttons that said "(W)hip (I)nflation (N)ow". When the grown up entered the room, Carter, he appointed an actual economist to the Fed, Paul Volcker, and actually got the economy moving again. Additionally the wheat embargo set in motion the collapse of the Soviet Union. It showed to Russians that their economy was so screwed up, they couldn't even make bread without America's help.

I'm convinced that leftist loons like yourself are completely incapable of taking blame for anything, and that my friend is clearly a form of mental illness.

Sallow displays all of the classic symptoms of the defective liberal gene (DRD 4). That defective gene blocks rational thought and logical thinking processes. It causes its victims to repeat talking points like parrots in exchange for free food and a place to crap.

Someday medical science may find a cure-----------oops, forgot, we now have obamacare and medical research will cease because some evil rich guy might make a profit if he finds a cure for something.
:eusa_drool:Hope you follow in his foot steps very closely. Be careful not to trip on yourself.

Like most Democrats..Carter repaired the wreckage wrought to the economy by Conservative policies. 2 Conservative administration left the American economy saddled with something new, "Stagflation". Nixon's "solution" was to issue an executive order to "freeze wages" nationwide (imagine that..and you guys go on about "dictators".) Ford's "solution" was to issue buttons that said "(W)hip (I)nflation (N)ow". When the grown up entered the room, Carter, he appointed an actual economist to the Fed, Paul Volcker, and actually got the economy moving again. Additionally the wheat embargo set in motion the collapse of the Soviet Union. It showed to Russians that their economy was so screwed up, they couldn't even make bread without America's help.

I'm convinced that leftist loons like yourself are completely incapable of taking blame for anything, and that my friend is clearly a form of mental illness.

Actually, debates and analysis generally takes the form of constructive criticism of the points that are made.

It should be followed up by facts such as historical examples.

Failure to do that..shows a general weakness of your argument.

And the insult is the icing on the cake.

It also puts on display an extreme form of cowardice. I generally have two rules about posting. Don't issue personal insults, first. And don't post something you would not say to them in person.

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