A group sets up a barbecue grill and has a party, on your front lawn, what do you do?

All the cranky, Really Serious People are out in force this morning. Yawn.
It's Spring. Remember that? Maybe some of you were never young. I'm sorry for you.

Anyway, have any of you considered this: What if this group of kids are from the city and live in apartments where no one's got a 50 year old two bedroom ranch on a quarter acre to protect as if it were Fort Knox? Where the grassy places are public access? Probably they got told they couldn't set fires on the beach, so they walked a few feet up the street and settled on the first park-like place they saw. Not everyone is steeped in the tight assed LAWS of suburbia. LOL what a bunch of stiff necked old farts.
They showed up for a spring break festival all ready to BBQ and have a good time. The venue quickly filled up and the festival flowed over into surrounding neighborhoods

Not the end of the world, make the best of it

No.....they went onto the front lawns of privately owned homes without notice, permission or any courtesy...they just rolled up, set up....and didn't care about the owners of the home.....we aren't talking about a public park, or a public area...we are talking about someones home....

If they were all carrying AK-47s instead of barbecues you would be celebrating them
I see, you think blacks carry around bbq pits. LOL!

"Honey come quick! There's 15 black guys walking down the street carrying BBQ pits!" LOL
deannalw said:
And of course, you have never walked in any shoes but your own. We all have experiences that help to mold the opinions and perceptions we have.

But I lived in Chicago, and now the deep south, I partied with CEO's, Jewish lawyers, Pakistan doctors, south side of Chicago blacks, Mexicans , rednecks, Southern blacks..

I lived one hell of a life...

And know exactly what I am talking about.


You know exactly what you're talking about in your experience and perspective. I don't know why you don't wish to allow others their own.
I've lived all over this nation and have partied, been friends with or lived amongst all you mention and probably more I'll not throw n there cuz who cares. Maybe not the ceo's. Don't believe I partied with any.
The point being people are people wherever you go.
My feelings on the matter of a gaggle of people no matter what color or income invading my space are no less valid and no more offensive than yours.
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All the cranky, Really Serious People are out in force this morning. Yawn.
It's Spring. Remember that? Maybe some of you were never young. I'm sorry for you.

Anyway, have any of you considered this: What if this group of kids are from the city and live in apartments where no one's got a 50 year old two bedroom ranch on a quarter acre to protect as if it were Fort Knox? Where the grassy places are public access? Probably they got told they couldn't set fires on the beach, so they walked a few feet up the street and settled on the first park-like place they saw. Not everyone is steeped in the tight assed LAWS of suburbia. LOL what a bunch of stiff necked old farts.
Then by all means, invite them to turn YOUR yard into their picnic area/sewer/garbage heap!
Keep me drunk, fed and stoned and the party will last for two days when I politely say you got to go and find a new watering hole. My party pad is out in the woods, got the pig in the ground, beer on ice and Miss Mississippi is coming over tonight. Women have to keep their shirts on because that is lewd public behavior and an old biddy (old hen) will call the cops.
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There are no cops where you guys live?
In a situation of this kind you can call the cops and they will come and quote the law to the invaders, who will pack up and leave. Then your problems will begin, if not that night then the next night, or the next. But they will start.
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No.....they went onto the front lawns of privately owned homes without notice, permission or any courtesy...they just rolled up, set up....and didn't care about the owners of the home.....we aren't talking about a public park, or a public area...we are talking about someones home....

Some would see this as a form of terrorism and they'd be perfectly right to do so. I would take it as a threat. I'm armed and so are my friends. They would either leave walking or leave in body bags.
You reveal that you have nothing but contempt for the law and for your fellow white citizens TOO.

As I said, you, the left are the decline of our civilization.
Are you sure Rightwinger is a "fellow White citizen?
All the cranky, Really Serious People are out in force this morning. Yawn.

It's Spring. Remember that? Maybe some of you were never young. I'm sorry for you.

Anyway, have any of you considered this: What if this group of kids are from the city and live in apartments where no one's got a 50 year old two bedroom ranch on a quarter acre to protect as if it were Fort Knox? Where the grassy places are public access? Probably they got told they couldn't set fires on the beach, so they walked a few feet up the street and settled on the first park-like place they saw. Not everyone is steeped in the tight assed LAWS of suburbia. LOL what a bunch of stiff necked old farts.
I was born and raised on Columbia Street in the heart of the Brooklyn Waterfront of the 1930s and I lived in The Asphalt Jungle for most of my young life. But it would not have occurred to me or to any of my relatives and friends to do what you've suggested. Because being raised as a civilized human being imparts a natural inhibition against such contemptuous behavior.
All the cranky, Really Serious People are out in force this morning. Yawn.

It's Spring. Remember that? Maybe some of you were never young. I'm sorry for you.

Anyway, have any of you considered this: What if this group of kids are from the city and live in apartments where no one's got a 50 year old two bedroom ranch on a quarter acre to protect as if it were Fort Knox? Where the grassy places are public access? Probably they got told they couldn't set fires on the beach, so they walked a few feet up the street and settled on the first park-like place they saw. Not everyone is steeped in the tight assed LAWS of suburbia. LOL what a bunch of stiff necked old farts.
I was born and raised on Columbia Street in the heart of the Brooklyn Waterfront of the 1930s and I lived in The Asphalt Jungle for most of my young life. But it would not have occurred to me or to any of my relatives and friends to do what you've suggested. Because being raised as a civilized human being imparts a natural inhibition against such contemptuous behavior.
OK, lot of stuff here to digest. People need to turn on their truth feelers, think things though. Stop overvaluing one age group. Lack of respect and the harm that that brings, it's not restricted to one race, age or group.
That's fair. In a better mood, I would disagree with me too. But some days I just get so sick of this gun culture; any excuse will do to prove you're a big man with a loaded weapon. And then there are the racists jumping in. Patience is not my strong suit.
Are you suggesting the "gun culture" and a machismo inclination are behind the motivated reluctance to have a gang of contemptuous N!ggers throwing a party on one's front lawn? Or would you say the concept of racial integration is being carried a bit too far?
I got caught up in Freaknik once awhile back. That used to be the BSB spot held in ATL. I live in middle GA and was up there for something else. It was more like a riot than a party with looters, vandals, shootings, stabbings, everything. Thank God they've moved on.
If they're on your property without permission, tell em to get the hell off. Since we know that won't work, be prepared to call 5-0. Since they're sure not to show up, you can either try to ignore it, and hope for little damage as possible, or use ANY non lethal means available to get em to haul ass. Word travels quick in a crowd like that so get ready for a massive response. And guess who the racist trouble maker is gonna be? You my friend. It's a screwed up country we live in.
But all this comes from personal experience. *sigh*

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