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A Hypothetical Blasting Scenario

I read a little bit and then had to stop because I was laughing so hard. Exploding ceiling tiles? :lol: What would that do besides make noise?

But the main problem is the spray on therm*. Here is the problem. Therm* cuts through the creation of superheated molten iron. It cuts down. It does not cut across. It takes a BUTTLOAD of thermite to cut through steel of any size, and paint just isn't going to "cut" it.

Nice concept. Professional looking. But totally batshit looney! :cuckoo:

I am sure you will ignore these blatant problems with the "theory".
I read a little bit and then had to stop because I was laughing so hard. Exploding ceiling tiles? :lol: What would that do besides make noise?

But the main problem is the spray on therm*. Here is the problem. Therm* cuts through the creation of superheated molten iron. It cuts down. It does not cut across. It takes a BUTTLOAD of thermite to cut through steel of any size, and paint just isn't going to "cut" it.

Nice concept. Professional looking. But totally batshit looney! :cuckoo:

I am sure you will ignore these blatant problems with the "theory".

You OCTAss all seem to have a convenient lack of memory , which is astounding since your ass got schooled on this matter recently.
It has been proven that the substance can cut in any direction...this was proven..in a UTUBE video by a guy doing it in his own backyard even.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d5iIoCiI8g&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - 9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate[/ame]

Mr. Hoffman has presented a well thought out hypothesis using available technology, that is more plausible then the BS NIST and you would have people believe. It also answers almost all of your OCTA arguments, but then you've admitted you haven't even read it all..just goes to show you are just here to vomit propaganda like a good little boot licker.
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:lol: Man, I have to hand it to you retards. You sure are gullible! First off, you can't put explosive charges INSIDE the box columns of the towers. They are a continuous column from top to bottom. Second, your retarded theory you're now pretending is real said it was thermite PAINT, not thermite charges. Third, most of the steel columns in the towers at the floors hit by the aircraft were two inches thick by 3' by 1'. The rest were LARGER. Your shithead is cutting what.... quarter inch steel and can't quite manage it? :lol: And fourth, the shithead in the video can't even tell the difference between the outer lattice and the core columns as he calls the lattice on the outside the columns! :lol: You sure pick good videos to prove you're an ignorant fuck, Mr. Jones. Thanks for the laughs!

Just for giggles, can you tell us what the exploding ceiling tiles are suppose to do and why people who actually SURVIVED the collapse IN THE CORE didn't hear the explosions? Come on. You actually believe these retarded theories, so you have answers for all the questions, right?
:lol: Man, I have to hand it to you retards. You sure are gullible! First off, you can't put explosive charges INSIDE the box columns of the towers. They are a continuous column from top to bottom. Second, your retarded theory you're now pretending is real said it was thermite PAINT, not thermite charges. Third, most of the steel columns in the towers at the floors hit by the aircraft were two inches thick by 3' by 1'. The rest were LARGER. Your shithead is cutting what.... quarter inch steel and can't quite manage it? :lol: And fourth, the shithead in the video can't even tell the difference between the outer lattice and the core columns as he calls the lattice on the outside the columns! :lol: You sure pick good videos to prove you're an ignorant fuck, Mr. Jones. Thanks for the laughs!

Just for giggles, can you tell us what the exploding ceiling tiles are suppose to do and why people who actually SURVIVED the collapse IN THE CORE didn't hear the explosions? Come on. You actually believe these retarded theories, so you have answers for all the questions, right?

The man in the video proves you wrong again shithead! In a home made back yard production no less!
Fact is nano thermite was found in the dust, by credible people, the compound can cut in all directions, he proves it albeit on a smaller scale. What do you expect him to have some actual WTC steel??
That's right there is none, as it was conveniently hauled away in trucks with GPSs, proving value of the steel to SOMEONE.
You are such a traitor to the nation by not even showing the slightest bit of concern over what the credible people have found and proposed. Your job is to stick to the party line like the good little commie loving scumbag that you are.
The NIST theory is BS, The 9-11 commission is BS, Nano thermite found, straight down collapse of 7 with NIST admitting 2.25. secs,
of free fall, and not one bit of concern from your traitorous scumbag self?
The man in the video proves you wrong again shithead! In a home made back yard production no less!
Wrong yet again. The man proves you can break shit with thermite by making it violently explode by containing it. Whoopdefuckingdo. That isn't a two to six inch thick steel box column now is it.

Mr. Jones said:
Fact is nano thermite was found in the dust, by credible people, the compound can cut in all directions, he proves it albeit on a smaller scale. What do you expect him to have some actual WTC steel??
Wrong yet again. They didn't find "nano thermite". The best they could actually claim is they found some kind of "active thermitic compound". A bunch of degenerate media whores like Steven Jones (remember Cold Fusion?) aren't credible scientists.

Mr. Jones said:
That's right there is none, as it was conveniently hauled away in trucks with GPSs, proving value of the steel to SOMEONE.
Actually there is quite a bit of WTC steel left. But it doesn't have to be WTC steel. Any piece of 2" x 1' x 3' length of box column would have worked.

Mr. Jones said:
You are such a traitor to the nation by not even showing the slightest bit of concern over what the credible people have found and proposed.
I'm the traitor? I'm not the dumbfuck who is going around blaming others while trying to let the guys all the evidence points to go free. That puts you square in the traitors AND the terrorists' camp. Welcome to reality, asshole! Produce some evidence your bullshit is real and we can talk. Until then, you're doing nothing but pretending.

Mr. Jones said:
Your job is to stick to the party line like the good little commie loving scumbag that you are.
Commie?!? :lol: That's rich! BTW, what party line is it I am suppose to be sticking to? All I am here for is the truth. You want to convince me your bullshit is golden? Produce some actual fucking evidence! Right now all you have is paranoid delusions and a bunch of known, proven liars jerking each other off pretending they actually know something when they don't know shit.

Mr. Jones said:
The NIST theory is BS
According to you, a known, proven liar. :lol: And your credentials for calling the NIST theory BS is what, exactly? Oh, that's right. You're a professional retard! Wow! You're still going to need more than the claims of a professional retard to convince anyone the NIST theory is BS.

Mr. Jones said:
The 9-11 commission is BS
According to you, a known, proven liar. :lol: And your credentials for calling the 9/11 commission findings BS is what, exactly? Oh, that's right. You're a professional retard! Wow! You're still going to need more than the claims of a professional retard to convince anyone the 9/11 commission findings are BS.

Mr. Jones said:
Nano thermite found
Wrong yet again, known proven liar. Active thermitic material is not nano thermite.

Mr. Jones said:
straight down collapse of 7 with NIST admitting 2.25. secs of free fall
Gravity pulls down. That is something you professional retards STILL don't get. Unless you have no support on one side of the building and the supports on the other side of the building can take the weight of the entire building IN MOTION, the building is going to come straight down. Even if you get the building to lean a little, it is still going to come straight down when the supports fail and they WILL fail. Unless, of course, you're stupid enough to try and pretend the supports on one side of the WTC 7 could take the entire weight of the building all by themselves irregardless of any damage done. Oh wait. Sorry. Forgot the level of ignorance I was talking to. Go right ahead and pretend the support structures on one side of the building could take the entire weight and the other side was gone. :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
and not one bit of concern from your traitorous scumbag self?
Why should I be concerned about the lunatic ravings of a paranoid delusional professional retard? :lol: Seriously dude. Who would take a prick like you at his word? Certainly nobody sane. You would have to get someone as retarded as you like 911 inside job.

So until you actually come up with some real evidence, I'm just going to sit here and debunk your bullshit theories and make fun of retards like you. :lol: It is fun AND educational!
The man in the video proves you wrong again shithead! In a home made back yard production no less!
Wrong yet again. The man proves you can break shit with thermite by making it violently explode by containing it. Whoopdefuckingdo. That isn't a two to six inch thick steel box column now is it.
He proves you wrong when you say it can not cut in the directions you've said it couldn't, asswipe!

Mr. Jones said:
Fact is nano thermite was found in the dust, by credible people, the compound can cut in all directions, he proves it albeit on a smaller scale. What do you expect him to have some actual WTC steel??
Wrong yet again. They didn't find "nano thermite". The best they could actually claim is they found some kind of "active thermitic compound". A bunch of degenerate media whores like Steven Jones (remember Cold Fusion?) aren't credible scientists.
Read the paper and the studies done on this discovery, it wasn't just Steven Jones either, you fucking liar.
Here read this--

Explosives Found in
World Trade Center Dust
Scientists Discover Both Residues
And Unignited Fragments
Of Nano-Engineered Thermitic Pyrotechnics
In Debris From the Twin Towers

Explosive Residues: Energetic Materials and the World Trade Center Destruction

Actually there is quite a bit of WTC steel left. But it doesn't have to be WTC steel. Any piece of 2" x 1' x 3' length of box column would have worked.
Where is all this leftover steel then you lying POS? Now you say "any piece of steel" can be used after complaining about was used in the video?? You really are a disingenuous lying POS, your arguments are fucking nothing more then a dog chasing his tail, and full of hypocrisy.

I'm the traitor? I'm not the dumbfuck who is going around blaming others while trying to let the guys all the evidence points to go free. That puts you square in the traitors AND the terrorists' camp. Welcome to reality, asshole! Produce some evidence your bullshit is real and we can talk. Until then, you're doing nothing but pretending.
You are a traitor, you side with the criminals who hijacked your own nation fool! Evidence that points to who? OBL? Obtained by torture? You approve of this tactic, that goes against what we stand for in this country? The 9-11 commission wasn't even allowed to question it, that's part of why they now REJECT THEIR OWN REPORT, or haven't you heard?

Commie?!? :lol: That's rich! BTW, what party line is it I am suppose to be sticking to? All I am here for is the truth.
The truth is not to be found in the NIST report.
You stick to the OCT that belongs to the party of global warmongers.
You aren't here for the truth as the truth according to those you worship has been destroyed by siting all the many ridiculous claims of that day, why did the 9-11 commission reject the report again? That's right they did because they were being mislead and lied to, but you don't care about getting to the truth for the sake of the nation and the people who live here, you are nothing but a lying troll
that side with the criminals and liars..you saying you're here for the truth is a joke, just like you you fucking clown :lol:

You want to convince me your bullshit is golden? Produce some actual fucking evidence! Right now all you have is paranoid delusions and a bunch of known, proven liars jerking each other off pretending they actually know something when they don't know shit.
It is on the NIST and others to convince us that what they say is legit, many have PROVEN there is a lot to doubt about it and proof of that doubt has been presented to your sorry ass, yet you refuse to acknowledge it, displaying your willful ignorance and disdain for the actual truth.

According to you, a known, proven liar. :lol: And your credentials for calling the NIST theory BS is what, exactly? Oh, that's right. You're a professional retard! Wow! You're still going to need more than the claims of a professional retard to convince anyone the NIST theory is BS.
Site where I have lied..I have shown you many instances of where NIST has failed by passing along links that you don't read, and information that answers your stupid party line and outdated arguments. Your lack of interest in the matter is false, and you are only here to help spread disinformation and lies.
Again show me where I lied to you asswipe?

According to you, a known, proven liar. :lol: And your credentials for calling the 9/11 commission findings BS is what, exactly? Oh, that's right. You're a professional retard! Wow! You're still going to need more than the claims of a professional retard to convince anyone the 9/11 commission findings are BS.
My credentials in calling the 9-11 report BS is being a concerned citizen, and by going by what the actual people in the commission have said, that it is a BS report. You only can come here and try to defend your position by calling me a liar? What about all the people who have openly pointed out the many lies of the OCT, I suppose they ALL lied huh? For what reason asshole?

Wrong yet again, known proven liar. Active thermitic material is not nano thermite.

Ok you're right it states here nano thermite is---
"...potentially misleading because it doesn't capture the complexity and sophistication of this material or its known analogs. Perhaps a better term is energetic nanocomposites, a class of materials that has been used by the military for some time in applications spanning propellants, armor-piercing munitions, and reactive armor. In their diverse roles, energetic nanocomposites fulfill a range of requirements including: "high density, good mechanical properties, low sensitiveness, good stability, low cost, ease of manufacturing, and environmental acceptability." [4] To achieve these requirements, scientists developing advanced aluminothermic materials have learned to embed the fine powders in a carbon- and silicon-rich matrix. Kevin Ryan explains:

The mixing [of ultra fine grain (UFG) aluminum and UFG metal oxides] is accomplished by adding these reactants to a liquid solution where they form what are called "sols", and then adding a gelling agent that captures these tiny reactive combinations in their intimately mixed state (LLNL 2000). The resulting "sol-gel" is then dried to form a porous reactive material that can be ignited in a number of ways.

Energetic materials such as aluminothermic sol-gels have been an active area of research in the US national labs since the mid-1990s or earlier, including under the auspices of NIST itself --

The Top Ten Connections Between
NIST and Nano-Thermites

The Top Ten Connections Between NIST and Nano-Thermites

Still want to deny its existence you coincitard BS spewing traitor?
You are a weak disinfo troll dude, you have nothing but outdated BS arguments that have been disregarded long ago.

Gravity pulls down. That is something you professional retards STILL don't get.
Hey then why didn't the rigid part of 7 resist coming down? Why no partial collapse towards the side that was "thermally expanded"? Do you not see the exposed lie of your argument? A Gravity collapse will slow down when it is met with resistance, why the 2.25 secs. of free fall then? After NIST said in its report that in order for this to happen there would have to be no resistance UNDERNEATH? How do you make all the resistance disappear?

Unless you have no support on one side of the building and the supports on the other side of the building can take the weight of the entire building IN MOTION, the building is going to come straight down. Even if you get the building to lean a little, it is still going to come straight down when the supports fail and they WILL fail.
Not at the same time you imbecile!! Not all the steel was heated up to the same exact temps in an office fire to cause this you moron! One would indeed expect it to lean towards the weakest side and collapse the same way, in a stagger....not so symmetrically producing free fall you ignorant twat!

Unless, of course, you're stupid enough to try and pretend the supports on one side of the WTC 7 could take the entire weight of the building all by themselves irregardless of any damage done. Oh wait. Sorry. Forgot the level of ignorance I was talking to. Go right ahead and pretend the support structures on one side of the building could take the entire weight and the other side was gone. :lol:
NIST and you have not proven AT ALL 7 SHOULD HAVE COLLAPSED LIKE IT DID. It is your level of ignorance about even that which you speak of that is astounding!!
You don't even take into account that NIST had to change its theory to that of one that DID produce free fall. You OCTasses are in a class of denial all to yourselves.
The high lighted part of your response shows you are brain dead--the other side of 7 was not gone, the entire structure stood until at the moment of collapse it fell straight down-we did not see any part that was gone it stood until it fell at free fall speed
all this talk about the building parts on one side being gone are a fantasy you are making up you liar, and I suppose you will lie and not agree that buildings aren't built to withstand double or triple their load capacity? Or that in order for it to fall straight down in free fall all the supports have to vanish in order to produce such symmetry?
You live in an alternate reality.

Mr. Jones said:
and not one bit of concern from your traitorous scumbag self?
Why should I be concerned about the lunatic ravings of a paranoid delusional professional retard? :lol: Seriously dude. Who would take a prick like you at his word? Certainly nobody sane. You would have to get someone as retarded as you like 911 inside job.
If you call yourself a "patriot 9-11" you would think that you would have some semblance of concern with all the new information credible people from all walks of life have produced. You are a sad joke you treasonous POS, and an ignorant one to boot.
You act as though all this information comes from me, and we all know it does not, it has been presented to you from experts...so then are all these experts liars?

So until you actually come up with some real evidence, I'm just going to sit here and debunk your bullshit theories and make fun of retards like you. :lol: It is fun AND educational!
But you don't debunk anything that is what is so laughable about you, you simply use tired old tactics and pretend in your distorted little mind that you actually make any sense or have any knowledge on this topic! All you do respond with is by making insults and jokes, even though it is you who looks like the fool and the retard! :lol:
Every single thread you participate in on this topic you get hammered, and then you resort to lies and ignorance, and this you call debunking?? You are right that you should find this educational as you sorely need to educate yourself on the matter. :lol:

"Never mind that NIST explains WTC7's destruction as the first-ever fire-induced collapse of a steel-frame high-rise building with the refreshingly novel failure mechanism -- supported by no physical evidence whatsoever -- that thermally induced expansion of a huge beam caused it to break loose of its connections and crash down, taking the rest of the skyscraper with it."

"The chief apologists for the official story seem to want it both ways. On the one hand, they stigmatize anyone who questions the official version of events as a "conspiracy theorist". On the other, they fault the same intellectual dissidents for not articulating a detailed theory of the crime, as Ryan Mackey does here.
Collapse Versus Demolition: Burden of Proof

Critique of Ryan Mackey

"How interesting that the conspiracy theorist label remains the first line of defense against the consideration of alternative hypotheses, while the main arguments against controlled demolition of the Twin Towers appeal to alleged difficulties in implementation -- arguments that can only be answered through postulating hypothetical scenarios."
Hypothetical Blasting Scenario

So NIST has no proof but you want proof from everybody else? That's your hypocrisy at work again.

There is
plenty of new evidence you fuck wad! You just deny it cause it proves you are wrong and mentally disturbed in your flawed detached way of thinking and have to rely on an alter reality.

Substantial proof that there is reason to doubt the OCT has been submitted to you and others, and a good hypothesis of how it could have been done presented also.
What do you have, but a worn out highly unlikely version that you parrot like it's gospel coming from proven liars :lol:
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The man in the video proves you wrong again shithead! In a home made back yard production no less!
Wrong yet again. The man proves you can break shit with thermite by making it violently explode by containing it. Whoopdefuckingdo. That isn't a two to six inch thick steel box column now is it.
He proves you wrong when you say it can not cut in the directions you've said it couldn't, asswipe!
It didn't cut. It broke a weld. Learn the difference, asswipe!

Mr. Jones said:
Read the paper and the studies done on this discovery, it wasn't just Steven Jones either, you fucking liar.
I have. And I've never said it was just Steven Jones. Who's the fucking liar? Look in a mirror you dishonest piece of shit!

And I've read the paper. Look at the title for yourself. It says exactly what I've been saying. It isn't nano-thermite. It is a thermitic material. That's it. They can't even define what material it is.

Where is all this leftover steel then you lying POS? Now you say "any piece of steel" can be used after complaining about was used in the video?? You really are a disingenuous lying POS, your arguments are fucking nothing more then a dog chasing his tail, and full of hypocrisy.
Wrong yet again. I said the SIZE of steel being used wasn't the same. Said it over and over again. Even gave you the dimensions. And you sit there and lie that I said it had to be the same KIND of steel? Wow! Once more I present anyone reading this with the fact Mr. Jones is a known, proven liar.

As for steel still existing from the towers.... Here you go

So who is the liar? The one telling the truth and proving he is telling the truth? Or the one calling him a liar? :lol: Fucking lying piece of shit!

Mr. Jones said:
You are a traitor, you side with the criminals who hijacked your own nation fool!
Yet the only "evidence" I have that you are telling the truth is your "good word". No thank you! You are a known proven liar and your claims are not backed up by ANYTHING. One would have to be an idiot of epic proportions to believe you over everything else.

Mr. Jones said:
Evidence that points to who? OBL? Obtained by torture? You approve of this tactic, that goes against what we stand for in this country? The 9-11 commission wasn't even allowed to question it, that's part of why they now REJECT THEIR OWN REPORT, or haven't you heard?
Wow. All this time and you don't know who was behind 9/11? Amazing! More proof you are a moron and yet another reason you are not to be believed. Al Qaeda was behind the attacks. And if you're stupid enough to believe the only evidence we have was "obtained under torture", you're even dumber than I thought. Hard to believe, isn't it!

Mr. Jones said:
The truth is not to be found in the NIST report. You stick to the OCT that belongs to the party of global warmongers.
Well, let's see. You claim the NIST is lying. You also claim I am lying. I know for a fact I am not lying. Why wouldn't I also disbelieve you about the NIST? You have yet to produce evidence they are lying. You have guesses and what you call facts that are really your retarded opinion. That's not evidence.

Mr. Jones said:
You aren't here for the truth as the truth according to those you worship has been destroyed by siting all the many ridiculous claims of that day, why did the 9-11 commission reject the report again? That's right they did because they were being mislead and lied to, but you don't care about getting to the truth for the sake of the nation and the people who live here, you are nothing but a lying troll
that side with the criminals and liars..you saying you're here for the truth is a joke, just like you you fucking clown :lol:
More bullshit from the king of bullshit. You still want to stick to the lie the authors of the 9/11 commission report have rejected it AFTER the fact? Wow. OK, link it. There is no doubt the didn't receive the truth from some agencies during the investigation. The evidence proved the lies and they got the truth. This is all verifiable information. Your bullshit is a lie. The constant demands for you to back up your claims that go unanswered proves that not only can you not produce the evidence, but that you KNOW you can't produce it. Thus you are knowingly and willfully lying your pathetic ass off about it.

Mr. Jones said:
It is on the NIST and others to convince us that what they say is legit
God himself couldn't convince a retarded fool like you that the sky is blue on a clear day if you think it is green. That is the problem. Fuckups like you pretending you're smart when you're ignorant.

Mr. Jones said:
many have PROVEN there is a lot to doubt about it and proof of that doubt has been presented to your sorry ass, yet you refuse to acknowledge it, displaying your willful ignorance and disdain for the actual truth.
Ah, but DOUBT isn't the same as the NIST being WRONG. There will always be doubt the NIST got it 100% right because there is no way for them to know with absolute certainty what happened. But we know from the evidence it wasn't controlled demolition. Your retarded opinion is not evidence. It's a joke. I laugh at it often.

Mr. Jones said:
Site where I have lied..I have shown you many instances of where NIST has failed by passing along links that you don't read, and information that answers your stupid party line and outdated arguments.
Pretending truthtard sites are credible is your first mistake. And you've lied numerous times in your last post as I've pointed out.

Mr. Jones said:
Your lack of interest in the matter is false, and you are only here to help spread disinformation and lies.
So which is it? I lack interest in which case I wouldn't be here, or I am here to spread disinformation which you can't rebut and lies you can't seem to refute? :lol: News flash, genius. You just claiming I lie doesn't mean I am a liar. It means you're a dumbfuck who can't tell the difference.

Mr. Jones said:
Again show me where I lied to you asswipe?
Read above.

Mr. Jones said:
My credentials in calling the 9-11 report BS is being a concerned citizen, and by going by what the actual people in the commission have said, that it is a BS report.
Another lie. If they thought it was a BS report when they were done with it, they wouldn't have signed their names to it. Still waiting for you to show the authors claiming it was wrong after the report came out.

And again, you lie your ass off when you pretend that if the authors have anything bad to say, that the entire report has to be wrong and that your bullshit theories, if you could ever decide on just one, are right. It doesn't work like that. Everyone, including you, knows this, yet you lie about it.

Mr. Jones said:
You only can come here and try to defend your position by calling me a liar?
Yet another easily proven lie. I respond to each of your points with far more than just calling you a liar. You know it. I know it. Anyone who has read one of my responses knows it. When are you going to stop proving yourself a liar so much? This is getting embarassing for you!

Mr. Jones said:
What about all the people who have openly pointed out the many lies of the OCT, I suppose they ALL lied huh? For what reason asshole?
For the same reasons you're here lying your ass off trying to pass OPINIONS off as FACT. Paranoid delusions. Begging for attention. Pathetic little trolls hoping someone finally notices them. Pick a reason.

And why is it anyone who pretends the OCT is wrong is automatically right while the vast majority who agree with the OCT are wrong? :lol:

Mr. Jones said:
Ok you're right it states here nano thermite is---
"...potentially misleading because it doesn't capture the complexity and sophistication of this material or its known analogs. Perhaps a better term is energetic nanocomposites, a class of materials that has been used by the military for some time in applications spanning propellants, armor-piercing munitions, and reactive armor.

Yet they still can't actually IDENTIFY the substance. They're guessing.

Mr. Jones said:
In their diverse roles, energetic nanocomposites fulfill a range of requirements including: "high density, good mechanical properties, low sensitiveness, good stability, low cost, ease of manufacturing, and environmental acceptability." [4] To achieve these requirements, scientists developing advanced aluminothermic materials have learned to embed the fine powders in a carbon- and silicon-rich matrix. Kevin Ryan explains:
You do realize things like "aluminothermitic materials" just means aluminum dust and rust, right? :lol:

As for Kevin Ryan, the supposed expert, it turns out he is none other than the Kevin Ryan who was a lab manager for a UL health laboratoy. So a truthtard is the expert. :lol: Small world, isn't it!

Mr. Jones said:
Still want to deny its existence you coincitard BS spewing traitor?
Deny the existance of aluminum powder and rust in the samples? Nope. I fully expect there to be those materials in the dust. They're not exactly rare. The "scientists" had to refine the shit out of the dust to get anything that would react, and when it did react, it reacted at the wrong temperature. Thus their claim it was a "thermitic material" which is correct. It ignited. Wheeee! Still isn't nano-thermite or a high explosive. Thermitic material simply means it gets hot. High explosives work through pressure, not heat. Keep wiggling, little worm!

Mr. Jones said:
You are a weak disinfo troll dude, you have nothing but outdated BS arguments that have been disregarded long ago.
Really? Then why are you having such a hard time now? Make up all the excuses you want. The readers will decide. ;-)

Mr. Jones said:
Hey then why didn't the rigid part of 7 resist coming down? Why no partial collapse towards the side that was "thermally expanded"? Do you not see the exposed lie of your argument? A Gravity collapse will slow down when it is met with resistance, why the 2.25 secs. of free fall then? After NIST said in its report that in order for this to happen there would have to be no resistance UNDERNEATH? How do you make all the resistance disappear?
Because the support columns failed. It wasn't 2.25 seconds of immediate freefall. There was significant resistance, then little resistance and then resistance again. Those are the facts, and they're not that hard to understand. Which means you are either dumber than dirt or you are purposefully ignoring the truth to push your anti-American agenda.

Mr. Jones said:
Not at the same time you imbecile!! Not all the steel was heated up to the same exact temps in an office fire to cause this you moron! One would indeed expect it to lean towards the weakest side and collapse the same way, in a stagger....not so symmetrically producing free fall you ignorant twat!
And there goes the dipshit re-stating the same tired bullshit. I didn't say anything at all about heat, did I. Nope. This is irregardless of heat. The FACT remains that in order for a building to topple over, one side has to completely give way and the other side has to completely resist the entire weight of the building (which it will NEVER be designed to do). WTC 7 didn't have this issue to begin with. One side was damaged, but not so much as to make the building collapse. Thus, one can correctly deduce that the south face of the building was structurally able to hold up until destroyed in the collapse.

Mr. Jones said:
To who? An ignorant little fuck like you who doesn't know SHIT? :lol: You're right. Nobody can prove anything to a sick shit who won't listen to anything he doesn't want to hear. Doesn't change the truth, does it. Nope. Not at all.

Mr. Jones said:
It is your level of ignorance about even that which you speak of that is astounding!!
Wrong yet again. I have the evidence on my side. What do you have? A whole shitload of ignorance and opinion, but no evidence. Sucks to be you!

Mr. Jones said:
You don't even take into account that NIST had to change its theory to that of one that DID produce free fall. You OCTasses are in a class of denial all to yourselves.
So, what you're trying to say is that the NIST should have come up with a theory and stuck by it no matter what and no matter what evidence came to light. Well, that makes sense since that is the truthtard way. Unfortunately for your little conspiracy theory, the NIST is a true scientific body. When the evidence changes, the theory changes to fit the evidence. That is the way it is suppose to work, as opposed to the truthtard method of dreaming up a theory and then making bullshit up to justify the theory while ignoring EVERYTHING that would refute the theory.

Mr. Jones said:
Why should I be concerned about the lunatic ravings of a paranoid delusional professional retard? :lol: Seriously dude. Who would take a prick like you at his word? Certainly nobody sane. You would have to get someone as retarded as you like 911 inside job.
If you call yourself a "patriot 9-11" you would think that you would have some semblance of concern with all the new information credible people from all walks of life have produced.
Which, as I've correctly stated before, has ZERO EVIDENDCE to back it up. In other words, you have the OPINIONS of a bunch of assholes like you who want to try and convict a bunch of innocent people based on the collective paranoid delusions of a bunch of seriously fucked up psychopaths! You fucks can't even decide who is to blame or what really happened! :lol: Yet we're all just suppose to suspend common sense, logic, the evidence, and science in order to believe you deranged loons. Hmmm. Nope. Ain't gonna happen. I'm not traitorous enough I guess.

Mr. Jones said:
You are a sad joke you treasonous POS, and an ignorant one to boot.
If I am ignorant, why am I always having to explain shit to you that you can't seem to understand?

Mr. Jones said:
So until you actually come up with some real evidence, I'm just going to sit here and debunk your bullshit theories and make fun of retards like you. :lol: It is fun AND educational!

"Never mind that NIST explains WTC7's destruction as the first-ever fire-induced collapse of a steel-frame high-rise building with the refreshingly novel failure mechanism -- supported by no physical evidence whatsoever -- that thermally induced expansion of a huge beam caused it to break loose of its connections and crash down, taking the rest of the skyscraper with it."
And there the ignorant fuck goes with the lies again. No physical evidence whatsoever? Wrong yet again loony toons! No physical evidence? Really? So all the video tape doesn't count as physical evidence? They had the video tapes to show them what it could of what happened. Then they had to rule out causes and come up with theories for how it could have collapsed. One such cause that was ruled out was controlled demolition. NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER exists that would exist in a controlled demolition. None of the sounds. None of the hard evidence. None of the residue. None of the seismic activity. NOTHING. So it was ruled out. Nobody to date has been able to produce one lick of evidence that it could have been a controlled demolition. Some retards over in Europe getting some refined dust to ignite for a second doesn't constitute anything other than bad science.

Mr. Jones said:
"The chief apologists for the official story seem to want it both ways. On the one hand, they stigmatize anyone who questions the official version of events as a "conspiracy theorist". On the other, they fault the same intellectual dissidents for not articulating a detailed theory of the crime, as Ryan Mackey does here.
Collapse Versus Demolition: Burden of Proof
The difference is that our theory fits the evidence while all the truthtard crackpot theories do NOT fit the evidence. And do you really expect people to believe truthtard conspiracrap sites? :lol: Come on. Give us SOME credit! We're not nearly as stupid or as gullible as you are.

Mr. Jones said:
"How interesting that the conspiracy theorist label remains the first line of defense against the consideration of alternative hypotheses, while the main arguments against controlled demolition of the Twin Towers appeal to alleged difficulties in implementation -- arguments that can only be answered through postulating hypothetical scenarios."
That isn't my first line of "defense" as you put it. More lies from you. My first line of defense is, was and always will be the complete lack of real, hard evidence to prove your points. Paranoid delusions are NOT evidence.

Mr. Jones said:
So NIST has no proof but you want proof from everybody else? That's your hypocrisy at work again.
Wrong yet again, chucklehead! The NIST's theory fits all available evidence. Your bullshit theories do not. This is such an easy equation. Why can you not understand it? Oh yeah. Truthtard.

Mr. Jones said:
There is plenty of new evidence you fuck wad! You just deny it cause it proves you are wrong and mentally disturbed in your flawed detached way of thinking and have to rely on an alter reality.
Wrong yet again, chuckles! Show us one real piece of hard evidence. Go ahead. Mind you, opinion is not evidence. Give us something that would hold up in a court of law. Go ahead! Truthtards LOVE to claim they just have LOADS of evidence, but when asked to produce said evidence, they run like the cockroaches they are when someone turns on the light.

Mr. Jones said:
Substantial proof that there is reason to doubt the OCT has been submitted to you and others, and a good hypothesis of how it could have been done presented also.
Yeah, exploding ceiling tiles and thermite paint. :lol: Science fiction is not fact nor proof, chuckles! It's bullshit!

Mr. Jones said:
What do you have, but a worn out highly unlikely version that you parrot like it's gospel coming from proven liars :lol:
The working theory still fits all available evidence. That is why it hasn't changed, unlike truthtard theories that change more often than the wind changes direction in a tornado. And, just like a tornado that spins in circles, so do the truthtard theories. As soon as one gets debunked to the point it looks like raw hamburger on the freeway, truthtards drop it and pick up another theory that has been through the ringer. But don't worry, the truthtard theory that took such a beating will be back in a little while. They always do, and usually by the same truthtards who apparently think everyone has a really short memory. :lol:
:lol: Man, I have to hand it to you retards. You sure are gullible! First off, you can't put explosive charges INSIDE the box columns of the towers. They are a continuous column from top to bottom. Second, your retarded theory you're now pretending is real said it was thermite PAINT, not thermite charges. Third, most of the steel columns in the towers at the floors hit by the aircraft were two inches thick by 3' by 1'. The rest were LARGER. Your shithead is cutting what.... quarter inch steel and can't quite manage it? :lol: And fourth, the shithead in the video can't even tell the difference between the outer lattice and the core columns as he calls the lattice on the outside the columns! :lol: You sure pick good videos to prove you're an ignorant fuck, Mr. Jones. Thanks for the laughs!

Just for giggles, can you tell us what the exploding ceiling tiles are suppose to do and why people who actually SURVIVED the collapse IN THE CORE didn't hear the explosions? Come on. You actually believe these retarded theories, so you have answers for all the questions, right?

I found the fact the moron couldn't even spell THERMITE (he uses THERMATE) in the title of his little movie to be quite telling.
I read a little bit and then had to stop because I was laughing so hard. Exploding ceiling tiles? :lol: What would that do besides make noise?

But the main problem is the spray on therm*. Here is the problem. Therm* cuts through the creation of superheated molten iron. It cuts down. It does not cut across. It takes a BUTTLOAD of thermite to cut through steel of any size, and paint just isn't going to "cut" it.

Nice concept. Professional looking. But totally batshit looney! :cuckoo:

I am sure you will ignore these blatant problems with the "theory".

You OCTAss all seem to have a convenient lack of memory , which is astounding since your ass got schooled on this matter recently.
It has been proven that the substance can cut in any direction...this was proven..in a UTUBE video by a guy doing it in his own backyard even.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d5iIoCiI8g&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - 9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate[/ame]

Mr. Hoffman has presented a well thought out hypothesis using available technology, that is more plausible then the BS NIST and you would have people believe. It also answers almost all of your OCTA arguments, but then you've admitted you haven't even read it all..just goes to show you are just here to vomit propaganda like a good little boot licker.
Better a boot licker than an ass licker like you assholes.:lol::lol:
I read a little bit and then had to stop because I was laughing so hard. Exploding ceiling tiles? :lol: What would that do besides make noise?

But the main problem is the spray on therm*. Here is the problem. Therm* cuts through the creation of superheated molten iron. It cuts down. It does not cut across. It takes a BUTTLOAD of thermite to cut through steel of any size, and paint just isn't going to "cut" it.

Nice concept. Professional looking. But totally batshit looney! :cuckoo:

I am sure you will ignore these blatant problems with the "theory".

You OCTAss all seem to have a convenient lack of memory , which is astounding since your ass got schooled on this matter recently.
It has been proven that the substance can cut in any direction...this was proven..in a UTUBE video by a guy doing it in his own backyard even.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d5iIoCiI8g&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - 9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate[/ame]

Mr. Hoffman has presented a well thought out hypothesis using available technology, that is more plausible then the BS NIST and you would have people believe. It also answers almost all of your OCTA arguments, but then you've admitted you haven't even read it all..just goes to show you are just here to vomit propaganda like a good little boot licker.
Better a boot licker than an ass licker like you assholes.:lol::lol:

You fucks know very well that the 9-11 events as told to the American people are filled with lies and obfuscations, and huge inconsistencies, you lack the balls and backbone to acknowledge these facts, and continue to pass along the OCT as though there is nothing wrong with it like the delusional fucks you are, and admitting you would rather lick the boots of the criminals then stand up for your country, the victims of 9-11 and speak out on the atrocities the false flag attack has caused.
There will come a day when you will have to answer for your deeds, and I truly hope you pay in the worst way for your treason.
You all have not ever debunked any of the information that the patriots who speak out on the issue have presented throughout the years, from the steel, and thermal expansion BS, to the free fall to the stand downs by the nations defenses...nothing..you even go so far as to accuse these people of making all of this up as if they have something to gain, when it is the criminals who have lied to cover their tracks who have gained the most.
You have failed, and will continue to do so.

P.S "All of the material — a hangar-full of it — still represents less than one percent of the rubble at ground zero."--

More evidence of disingenuous rhetoric.
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You OCTAss all seem to have a convenient lack of memory , which is astounding since your ass got schooled on this matter recently.
It has been proven that the substance can cut in any direction...this was proven..in a UTUBE video by a guy doing it in his own backyard even.

YouTube - 9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate

Mr. Hoffman has presented a well thought out hypothesis using available technology, that is more plausible then the BS NIST and you would have people believe. It also answers almost all of your OCTA arguments, but then you've admitted you haven't even read it all..just goes to show you are just here to vomit propaganda like a good little boot licker.
Better a boot licker than an ass licker like you assholes.:lol::lol:

You fucks know very well that the 9-11 events as told to the American people are filled with lies and obfuscations, and huge inconsistencies, you lack the balls and backbone to acknowledge these facts, and continue to pass along the OCT as though there is nothing wrong with it like the delusional fucks you are, and admitting you would rather lick the boots of the criminals then stand up for your country, the victims of 9-11 and speak out on the atrocities the false flag attack has caused.
There will come a day when you will have to answer for your deeds, and I truly hope you pay in the worst way for your treason.
You all have not ever debunked any of the information that the patriots who speak out on the issue have presented throughout the years, from the steel, and thermal expansion BS, to the free fall to the stand downs by the nations defenses...nothing..you even go so far as to accuse these people of making all of this up as if they have something to gain, when it is the criminals who have lied to cover their tracks who have gained the most.
You have failed, and will continue to do so.

P.S "All of the material — a hangar-full of it — still represents less than one percent of the rubble at ground zero."--
9/11: Remains of the day - Nightly News - msnbc.com

More evidence of disingenuous rhetoric.

We've failed? Look around batman, no one cares what you have to say. Just because a few of you jump and shout doesn't mean a thing. There have been, and will not be any arrests or even a second investigation. You are certainly going to continue to bleat away and guess what...there are people who really believe the world is flat too, no one cares about them either.
You fucks know very well that the 9-11 events as told to the American people are filled with lies and obfuscations, and huge inconsistencies, you lack the balls and backbone to acknowledge these facts, and continue to pass along the OCT as though there is nothing wrong with it like the delusional fucks you are, and admitting you would rather lick the boots of the criminals then stand up for your country, the victims of 9-11 and speak out on the atrocities the false flag attack has caused.

Awww. Look a the pathetic little fucktard throwing a temper tantrum over the fact nobody gives a shit about his theories! :lol: What a fucking pussy!

Why is it you whine like a little bitch about supposed inconsistancies in the OCT when you can't even BEGIN to explain the MASSIVE inconsistancies in your own theories? Like the fact no audio equipment picked up any kind of explosion from WTC 7 even though you can clearly hear the collapse. What the hell? It is YOUR claim it HAD to be a CD because ALL the columns were collapsed at one time. You've come up with a bunch of seriously retarded excuses, but none of them are believable because they don't fit what you claim had to have happened.

What is that quote about the log in your own eye?

Mr. Jones said:
There will come a day when you will have to answer for your deeds, and I truly hope you pay in the worst way for your treason.
Naw. We've got the truth on our side. We're not trying to accuse innocent people of mass murder like you sick fucks. We're not trying to get known terrorists off the hook so they can go back to killing people.

See, here in America, it is innocent until PROVEN guilty. I've asked you repeatedly for evidence of the guilt of the people you claim are guilty, yet you've never been able to produce any. Why, I believe that is called bearing false witness against thy neighbor, something God has specifically asked you NOT to do. Hmmm. Guess you truthtards are going to be the one all toasty in the afterlife. Wouldn't it be ironic if you were sent there by the same Al Qaeda terrorists you want freed? Not that I would wish that on anyone....

Mr. Jones said:
You all have not ever debunked any of the information that the patriots who speak out on the issue have presented throughout the years, from the steel, and thermal expansion BS, to the free fall to the stand downs by the nations defenses...nothing..you even go so far as to accuse these people of making all of this up as if they have something to gain, when it is the criminals who have lied to cover their tracks who have gained the most.
More pathetic whining and false bragging by the known, proven liar that can't respond to the debunking, so just pretends he's never been debunked. :lol: How fucking pathetic is that? I usually see that kind of whining on the grade school playground.

Mr. Jones said:
You have failed, and will continue to do so.
I dunno...... seems like all you have left is crying like a little bitch. I would call that a win! Tell us again how exploding ceiling tiles is a viable theory! Tell us again how a thin coat of thermite paint is suppose to shatter two inch thick steel! Brag all you want, but I don't think anyone is believing you.

Mr. Jones said:
P.S "All of the material — a hangar-full of it — still represents less than one percent of the rubble at ground zero."--
9/11: Remains of the day - Nightly News - msnbc.com

More evidence of disingenuous rhetoric.
Really? I claimed there was still steel to test. You called me a liar. I showed you there was still steel left to test. NOW, instead of admitting you were wrong and apologizing for falsely accusing me of being a liar, you pretend me proving you wrong yet again is "disingenuous rhetoric". Fucking loser! No WONDER nobody likes you! :lol:
:lol: Man, I have to hand it to you retards. You sure are gullible! First off, you can't put explosive charges INSIDE the box columns of the towers. They are a continuous column from top to bottom. Second, your retarded theory you're now pretending is real said it was thermite PAINT, not thermite charges. Third, most of the steel columns in the towers at the floors hit by the aircraft were two inches thick by 3' by 1'. The rest were LARGER. Your shithead is cutting what.... quarter inch steel and can't quite manage it? :lol: And fourth, the shithead in the video can't even tell the difference between the outer lattice and the core columns as he calls the lattice on the outside the columns! :lol: You sure pick good videos to prove you're an ignorant fuck, Mr. Jones. Thanks for the laughs!

Just for giggles, can you tell us what the exploding ceiling tiles are suppose to do and why people who actually SURVIVED the collapse IN THE CORE didn't hear the explosions? Come on. You actually believe these retarded theories, so you have answers for all the questions, right?

I found the fact the moron couldn't even spell THERMITE (he uses THERMATE) in the title of his little movie to be quite telling.

Thermate is a variation of thermite and is an incendiary pyrotechnic composition that can generate short bursts of very high temperatures. Screw the spelling try to understand what is being talked about, and how this video trumps what the other poster said.

Frequently Asked Questions: Controlled Demolition

9-11 Research: Frequently Asked Questions: Controlled Demolition
Better a boot licker than an ass licker like you assholes.:lol::lol:

You fucks know very well that the 9-11 events as told to the American people are filled with lies and obfuscations, and huge inconsistencies, you lack the balls and backbone to acknowledge these facts, and continue to pass along the OCT as though there is nothing wrong with it like the delusional fucks you are, and admitting you would rather lick the boots of the criminals then stand up for your country, the victims of 9-11 and speak out on the atrocities the false flag attack has caused.
There will come a day when you will have to answer for your deeds, and I truly hope you pay in the worst way for your treason.
You all have not ever debunked any of the information that the patriots who speak out on the issue have presented throughout the years, from the steel, and thermal expansion BS, to the free fall to the stand downs by the nations defenses...nothing..you even go so far as to accuse these people of making all of this up as if they have something to gain, when it is the criminals who have lied to cover their tracks who have gained the most.
You have failed, and will continue to do so.

P.S "All of the material — a hangar-full of it — still represents less than one percent of the rubble at ground zero."--
9/11: Remains of the day - Nightly News - msnbc.com

More evidence of disingenuous rhetoric.

We've failed? Look around batman, no one cares what you have to say. Just because a few of you jump and shout doesn't mean a thing. There have been, and will not be any arrests or even a second investigation. You are certainly going to continue to bleat away and guess what...there are people who really believe the world is flat too, no one cares about them either.
It looks like you all care what we say, that's why you come here and fight so hard on the criminals behalf, there are millions who share our views, it is you traitors that will be in the minority soon.
Some people are willing to hold on to hope that justice will prevail, and die trying instead of rolling over and giving up. This is a struggle against a domestic enemy, with global connections that must be exposed. BTW your sig- "He who asserts must also prove". Apparently does not apply to NIST or the government, because they haven't proven shit.
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It looks like you all care what we say, that's why you come here and fight so hard on the criminals behalf, there are millions who share our views, it is you traitors that will be in the minority soon.
:lol: As usual, the pathetic truthtards try to pretend they are a much larger bowel movement than they actually are. Millions? :lol: Keep it up, loser! We all know you're a pathetic loser who can't win.

Mr. Jones said:
Some people are willing to hold on to hope that justice will prevail, and die trying instead of rolling over and giving up.
Right. And the real evidence you have that you are right and everyone else is wrong is.... what again? What??!? You have no evidence? You are going off your own opinion and the opinions of your fellow retards? Wow. I don't think that is worth dick. Oh wait. I don't think! I know!

Mr. Jones said:
This is a struggle against a domestic enemy, with global connections that must be exposed.
No, this is a struggle between the truth and pissant losers like you. You wish to push the truth to try and overthrow the government. We're here to see you fail by exposing your lies and showing the truth. You can't handle that, so you put anyone you can't actually fool on your ignore list. :lol: How pathetic is that?

Mr. Jones said:
BTW your sig- "He who asserts must also prove". Apparently does not apply to NIST or the government, because they haven't proven shit.
According to a seriously big time loser like you! :lol: You lie as often as you breath and that has been proven time and time again. Your claims that the NIST and government are wrong has been disproven already. Here in America, things are decided in a court of law. Al Qaeda has already been convicted of the crimes of 9/11 due to the overwhelming evidence you continually lie about trying to claim it doesn't exist. :lol: So who are we to believe? A known proven piece of shit liar like you? Or the decision of normal people who found Moussaoui and Al Qaeda guilty of the crimes of 9/11? Shit, that isn't even a hard decision! Only a fucking retard would believe a piece of shit liar like you!
You fucks know very well that the 9-11 events as told to the American people are filled with lies and obfuscations, and huge inconsistencies, you lack the balls and backbone to acknowledge these facts, and continue to pass along the OCT as though there is nothing wrong with it like the delusional fucks you are, and admitting you would rather lick the boots of the criminals then stand up for your country, the victims of 9-11 and speak out on the atrocities the false flag attack has caused.
There will come a day when you will have to answer for your deeds, and I truly hope you pay in the worst way for your treason.
You all have not ever debunked any of the information that the patriots who speak out on the issue have presented throughout the years, from the steel, and thermal expansion BS, to the free fall to the stand downs by the nations defenses...nothing..you even go so far as to accuse these people of making all of this up as if they have something to gain, when it is the criminals who have lied to cover their tracks who have gained the most.
You have failed, and will continue to do so.

P.S "All of the material — a hangar-full of it — still represents less than one percent of the rubble at ground zero."--
9/11: Remains of the day - Nightly News - msnbc.com

More evidence of disingenuous rhetoric.

We've failed? Look around batman, no one cares what you have to say. Just because a few of you jump and shout doesn't mean a thing. There have been, and will not be any arrests or even a second investigation. You are certainly going to continue to bleat away and guess what...there are people who really believe the world is flat too, no one cares about them either.
It looks like you all care what we say, that's why you come here and fight so hard on the criminals behalf, there are millions who share our views, it is you traitors that will be in the minority soon.
Some people are willing to hold on to hope that justice will prevail, and die trying instead of rolling over and giving up. This is a struggle against a domestic enemy, with global connections that must be exposed. BTW your sig- "He who asserts must also prove". Apparently does not apply to NIST or the government, because they haven't proven shit.

How am I fighting you? I am MOCKING YOU! If you really had millions who shared your view you would actually be getting somewhere, people in power would HAVE to do something, the fact that nothing is happening is yet another proof of your fibbing.

In reference to Aristotle, it is YOU who must prove. You have made the extraordinary claim, you must prove it. You havn't.
We've failed? Look around batman, no one cares what you have to say. Just because a few of you jump and shout doesn't mean a thing. There have been, and will not be any arrests or even a second investigation. You are certainly going to continue to bleat away and guess what...there are people who really believe the world is flat too, no one cares about them either.
It looks like you all care what we say, that's why you come here and fight so hard on the criminals behalf, there are millions who share our views, it is you traitors that will be in the minority soon.
Some people are willing to hold on to hope that justice will prevail, and die trying instead of rolling over and giving up. This is a struggle against a domestic enemy, with global connections that must be exposed. BTW your sig- "He who asserts must also prove". Apparently does not apply to NIST or the government, because they haven't proven shit.

How am I fighting you? I am MOCKING YOU! If you really had millions who shared your view you would actually be getting somewhere, people in power would HAVE to do something, the fact that nothing is happening is yet another proof of your fibbing.

In reference to Aristotle, it is YOU who must prove. You have made the extraordinary claim, you must prove it. You havn't.

TPTB have the resources and money they run the show they keep the truth and criminals out of the jails, they control the media, the courts, the judges, attorney general. How many million around the world are suppressed? People in power are preventing the exposure and legal proceedings, here is an example of just one occurrance recently-
April Gallop, Military Officer, Pentagon 911 Victim, Sued Cheney, Was In Court Today~News BLACKOUT-

Ms. Gallop’s attorneys were first notified last Thursday of the opportunity to appeal the dismissal of the complaint, they were informed that if the appeal were successful that the case would be assigned to Judge John Walker, and he definitely throw out the case. If that name sounds familiar, you guessed it: It’s George W. Bush’s cousin!
April Gallop, Military Officer, Pentagon 911 Victim, Sued Cheney, Was In Court Today~News BLACKOUT : Welcome the Light

Some people are indeed trying the best they can with what they have
to fight for the truth-
Extraordinary Conflict of Interest: Bush Cousin Presides Over Federal Court Case Against Former Bush Administration Officials - 911truth.org

Gravel is now backing a California ballot initiative for a new 9/11 investigation. The text of the initiative is below.

The initiative would actually help support the 9/11 Commission and fulfill the desire of the 9/11 Commissioners. Specifically, the Commission was severely underfunded:

* The government spent $175 million investigating the Challenger space shuttle disaster.

* It spent $152 million on the the Columbia disaster investigation.

* It spent $30 million investigating the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

* But the government only authorized $15 million for the 9/11 Commission.

Moreover, many 9/11 Commissioners said they never completed the investigation:

* 9/11 Commission co-chair Lee Hamilton himself says "I don't believe for a minute we got everything right", that the Commission was set up to fail, that people should keep asking questions about 9/11, and that the 9/11 debate should continue.

* Similarly, 9/11 Commissioner Bob Kerrey said "There are ample reasons to suspect that there may be some alternative to what we outlined in our version . . . We didn't have access . . . ." . He also says that he had long feared that the investigation depended too heavily on the accounts of Al Qaeda detainees who were physically coerced into talking, and that it might take "a permanent 9/11 commission" to end the remaining mysteries of September 11.

* And 9/11 Commissioner Max Cleland resigned from the Commission, stating: "One of these days we will have to get the full story because the 9-11 issue is so important to America."

The initiative would allow deeper questions to be asked about 9/11, allow the 9/11 debate to continue, investigate the remaining mysteries of 9/11, and help to get to the full story, as the 9/11 Commissioners themselves want. (The Commissioners haven't yet read the initiative).

Pentagon Papers Whistleblowers, Congressman Who Saved Headwaters Forest, and 9/11 Commissioners Themselves Call for a New 9/11 Investigation - 911truth.org

Support your nation and those willing to stand up to the criminals who have taken over the country.
BTW..NIST and the government asserts that 9-11 was done by AlQaeda, and the buildings fell by fire...they haven't proven either one of these assertions beyond a reasonable doubt.
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