A Jew Only Jerusalem?


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"Families in Sheikh Jarrah, a Palestinian village in East Jerusalem, are being evicted from their homes and replaced by Jewish settlers. The al Kurd family, whose 94 year-old matriarch was displaced from her Haifa home in the 1948 war and has resided in Sheikh Jarrah for nearly 60 years, lost half of its home to an Israeli settler family in 2008—and is currently under threat of being evicted from the rest."

East Jerusalem refers to parts of the ancient city annexed by Jordan in 1948 and then taken by force of arms by Israel in 1967. In 1988 the Palestinian Declaration of Independence claimed East Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine.

Israel believes all of Jerusalem is its undivided eternal capital, but most of the world disagrees. Regardless of issues of state sovereignty, how does one justify displacing a 94 year-old victim of al-Nakba from the home she's lived in for seven decades...Jewish Exceptionalism?

A Story Your Reps Should Hear: House Evictions in Sheikh Jarrah
"Families in Sheikh Jarrah, a Palestinian village in East Jerusalem, are being evicted from their homes and replaced by Jewish settlers. The al Kurd family, whose 94 year-old matriarch was displaced from her Haifa home in the 1948 war and has resided in Sheikh Jarrah for nearly 60 years, lost half of its home to an Israeli settler family in 2008—and is currently under threat of being evicted from the rest."

East Jerusalem refers to parts of the ancient city annexed by Jordan in 1948 and then taken by force of arms by Israel in 1967. In 1988 the Palestinian Declaration of Independence claimed East Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine.

Israel believes all of Jerusalem is its undivided eternal capital, but most of the world disagrees. Regardless of issues of state sovereignty, how does one justify displacing a 94 year-old victim of al-Nakba from the home she's lived in for seven decades...Jewish Exceptionalism?

A Story Your Reps Should Hear: House Evictions in Sheikh Jarrah

So George, I'm curious. At what age did you start hating Jews and at what age did you become obsessed with Jews? No matter what subject in this forum it turns into a rant against Jews. Not one of your thousands of posts is going to gain one inch of ground for your precious Palestinians.
Why is discussing facts and making observations about a racist cult that according to the Talmud hates everyone but their own race "hating" on anyone?
Excuse me .. Do you live in America?

For my entire life.

Before you demand Jews give up their home and land.. YOU FIRST HYPOCRITE. This land belonged to the Native American prior to the many wars and confiscation of their lands.. So let's see it.. Go and give your home and land to a Native American.. Then come back and talk smack. I'll wait.
Why is discussing facts and making observations about a racist cult that according to the Talmud hates everyone but their own race "hating" on anyone?

Good question: 'discussing facts and making observations' has nothing to do with the racist lying filth in color in the quote above.

http://religioustolerance.org/judaism.htm <= This is a good site for reliable and accurate information on very many religious topics - including the actual contents of the actual Talmud. Before rejecting this site as 'biased', I suggest anyone do a read of the section on their own religious sect.

http://www.beliefnet.com/Faiths/Jud...ngs-You-Didnt-Know-About-Judaism.aspx?b=1&p=1 And here's a quick link.

Every time an Arab is evicted in Israel, it is not automatically 'ethnic cleansing' - just as every time negativity is directed at a Black person, or a Jew, it is not automatically because they are Black or Jewish.
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"Families in Sheikh Jarrah, a Palestinian village in East Jerusalem, are being evicted from their homes and replaced by Jewish settlers. The al Kurd family, whose 94 year-old matriarch was displaced from her Haifa home in the 1948 war and has resided in Sheikh Jarrah for nearly 60 years, lost half of its home to an Israeli settler family in 2008—and is currently under threat of being evicted from the rest."

East Jerusalem refers to parts of the ancient city annexed by Jordan in 1948 and then taken by force of arms by Israel in 1967. In 1988 the Palestinian Declaration of Independence claimed East Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine.

Israel believes all of Jerusalem is its undivided eternal capital, but most of the world disagrees. Regardless of issues of state sovereignty, how does one justify displacing a 94 year-old victim of al-Nakba from the home she's lived in for seven decades...Jewish Exceptionalism?

A Story Your Reps Should Hear: House Evictions in Sheikh Jarrah

So George, I'm curious. At what age did you start hating Jews and at what age did you become obsessed with Jews? No matter what subject in this forum it turns into a rant against Jews. Not one of your thousands of posts is going to gain one inch of ground for your precious Palestinians.

I don't hate Jews; however, I don't apologize for the crimes some greedy Jews have committed in Palestine:

"Zionist forces committed 33 massacres and destroyed 531 Palestinian towns. Author Norman Finkelstein states: 'According to the former director of the Israeli army archives, "in almost every village occupied by us during the War... acts were committed which are defined as war crimes, such as murders, massacres, and rapes"...Uri Milstein, the authoritative Israeli military historian of the 1948 war, goes one step further, maintaining that ‘every skirmish ended in a massacre of Arabs.’”9

"Count Folke Bernadotte, a former official of the Swedish Red Cross who saved thousands of Jews during World War II and was appointed U.N. mediator in Palestine, said of the refugees: 'It would be an offence against the principles of elemental justice if these innocent victims of the conflict were denied the right to return to their homes.'10

" Bernadotte was assassinated by a Zionist organization led by future Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir."

Why do you?

The Catastrophe - Al Nakba
I'm still waiting.. Have you contacted any Native American PAC or charity and offered to sign over your land and home(s)?
The Jews have been unbelievably kind and patient with palestine. There are still palestinians there when they deserve to be wiped out to the last.
"Families in Sheikh Jarrah, a Palestinian village in East Jerusalem, are being evicted from their homes and replaced by Jewish settlers. The al Kurd family, whose 94 year-old matriarch was displaced from her Haifa home in the 1948 war and has resided in Sheikh Jarrah for nearly 60 years, lost half of its home to an Israeli settler family in 2008&#8212;and is currently under threat of being evicted from the rest."

East Jerusalem refers to parts of the ancient city annexed by Jordan in 1948 and then taken by force of arms by Israel in 1967. In 1988 the Palestinian Declaration of Independence claimed East Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine.

Israel believes all of Jerusalem is its undivided eternal capital, but most of the world disagrees. Regardless of issues of state sovereignty, how does one justify displacing a 94 year-old victim of al-Nakba from the home she's lived in for seven decades...Jewish Exceptionalism?

A Story Your Reps Should Hear: House Evictions in Sheikh Jarrah

So George, I'm curious. At what age did you start hating Jews and at what age did you become obsessed with Jews? No matter what subject in this forum it turns into a rant against Jews. Not one of your thousands of posts is going to gain one inch of ground for your precious Palestinians.

I don't hate Jews; however, I don't apologize for the crimes some greedy Jews have committed in Palestine:

Right, you don't hate them greedy Jews. Why, I'll bet some of your best friend are greedy Jews. 14,000 posts...all about greedy Jews.
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Excuse me .. Do you live in America?

For my entire life.

Before you demand Jews give up their home and land.. YOU FIRST HYPOCRITE. This land belonged to the Native American prior to the many wars and confiscation of their lands.. So let's see it.. Go and give your home and land to a Native American.. Then come back and talk smack. I'll wait.

For longer than you think since I have never "owned" any land, a concept most American Indians found incomprehensible. Have you noticed how many conservative Americans automatically support Israel's settler-colonialist mentality in Palestine?
The Jews have been unbelievably kind and patient with palestine. There are still palestinians there when they deserve to be wiped out to the last.

There's no such thing as a Palestinian. These people fled from Jordan mostly as Jordan denied them a home along with all of the other arab nations and made Israel the bad guy regarding their own citizens.. It's all a lie, a big hoax..
This is really the fault of the Jordanians, who over-ran East Jerusalem in '48-'49 and subsequently engaged in ethnic cleansing of Jewish Jerusalemites (with no compensation, of course!)
Israel Matzav: Life Magazine pics of Arab army removing Jews in 1948 from Jerusalem

As per the Wiki article, this is the result of a property dispute where the tenants have refused to pay the rent:

"Jewish groups have sought to regain property in Sheikh Jarrah they say were once owned by Jews, including the Shepherd Hotel compound, the Mufti's Vineyard, the building of the el-Ma'amuniya school, the Simeon the Just/Shimon HaTzadik compound, and the Nahlat Shimon neighborhood. At the same time, according to Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, foreign investors from Arab states, particularly the Persian Gulf, are actively seeking to purchase properties to further Palestinian interests.[15] Many offers have been made to families in the neighborhood to sell their property to Jewish and Saudi groups.[citation needed]

In 2001, Israeli settlers moved into a sealed section of the al-Kurd family's house and refused to leave, claiming the property was owned by Jews.[23] In 2008, the Jerusalem District Court ruled that the Shimon Hatzadik property belonged to the Sephardi Community Committee. The Arab families had protected tenant status as long as they paid rent but several families refused to pay, ending in their eviction. The al-Kurds were evicted in November 2008. Muhammad al-Kurd, the head of the family, died eleven days later. The court ruling was based on an Ottoman-era bill of sale whose authenticity was challenged in 2009 on the grounds that the building had only been rented to the Sephardi group.[24] Fawzieh al-Kurd continued to protest the eviction, moving into an encampment in East Jerusalem.[23][25]

Lawyers for the Jewish families argued that documents from the Ottoman Empire originally used to prove that a Jewish Sephardic organization had purchased the land in question in the 19th century are indeed valid, while Palestinian lawyers brought with them documents from Istanbul's Ottoman archives indicating that the Jewish organization that claims to own the land only rented it, and as such was not the rightful owner, the Kurd family claims that when they pressed the court to look at the new evidence, they were told "it's too late".[26] Moreover, the Palestinian families and their supporters maintained that Ottoman documents that Israel's Supreme Court had validated were in fact forgeries, and that the original ruling and therefore evictions relating to that ruling should be reversed.[27][28] The lawyer for the Israeli families emphasized that the land deeds were authentic, according to many Israeli courts[26] The Israeli court decision (resulting in the aforementioned evictions) stated that the document presented by the Palestinian families was a forgery, while the document of Jewish ownership was authentic.[29]

In August 2009, the court evicted the al-Hanoun and al-Ghawi families from two homes in Sheikh Jarrah and Jewish families moved in based on a Supreme Court ruling that the property was owned by Jews. The United Nations coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Robert H. Serry condemned the decision: "These actions heighten tensions and undermine international efforts to create conditions for fruitful negotiations to achieve peace."[30] The US State Department called it a violation of Israel's obligations under the Road map for peace.[31] Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said "Tonight, while these new settlers from abroad will be accommodating themselves and their belongings in these Palestinian houses, 19 newly homeless children will have nowhere to sleep."[30] Yakir Segev of the Jerusalem municipal council responded: "This is a matter of the court. It is a civil dispute between Palestinian families and those of Israeli settlers, regarding who is the rightful owner of this property... Israeli law is the only law we are obliged to obey."[32]"
For my entire life.

Before you demand Jews give up their home and land.. YOU FIRST HYPOCRITE. This land belonged to the Native American prior to the many wars and confiscation of their lands.. So let's see it.. Go and give your home and land to a Native American.. Then come back and talk smack. I'll wait.

For longer than you think since I have never "owned" any land, a concept most American Indians found incomprehensible. Have you noticed how many conservative Americans automatically support Israel's settler-colonialist mentality in Palestine?

Sorry..no dice George.. you can run but you can't hide. You are accusing and demanding something of the Israeli's that you, yourself have done and continue to do.. That makes you a fucking hypocrite.. So-- Go sell all of your property ... give the money to a Native American.. then we can talk.
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

Who built Jerusalem?

"Actually, Jerusalem predates that the founding of the first temple significantly, and most secular sources claim the founding of the temple was at approximately 960 BCE.

"The first historical mention of Jerusalem is in a correspondence letter letter to pharaoh Amenhotep around 1330 BCE from his client king Abdi-Heba who was ruler of Jerusalem at the time.

"The ethnicity of Abdi-Heba is unknown though his name derives from Hurrian culture (though it is unlikely he was Hurrian) meaning that exactly who founded Jerusalem remains unknown.

"Though many Jewish traditions say the city was founded by Shem and Eber (descendants of Noah) and that the city of Salem mentioned in bible may be a present day Jerusalem however none of this has been given any historical credence."

Who built Jerusalem
Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

Who built Jerusalem?

"Actually, Jerusalem predates that the founding of the first temple significantly, and most secular sources claim the founding of the temple was at approximately 960 BCE.

"The first historical mention of Jerusalem is in a correspondence letter letter to pharaoh Amenhotep around 1330 BCE from his client king Abdi-Heba who was ruler of Jerusalem at the time.

"The ethnicity of Abdi-Heba is unknown though his name derives from Hurrian culture (though it is unlikely he was Hurrian) meaning that exactly who founded Jerusalem remains unknown.

"Though many Jewish traditions say the city was founded by Shem and Eber (descendants of Noah) and that the city of Salem mentioned in bible may be a present day Jerusalem however none of this has been given any historical credence."

Who built Jerusalem

n the late 1940'2 the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in caves at Qumran on the Dead Sea. Within this trove was a manuscript of Samuel, dating to ca 200 BC. It is the oldest manuscript of I and II Samuel discovered to date. It was a very important book to the Hebrews and Jews of antiquity. Scholars have pointed out that a literary analysis of I and II Samuel indicate the events were likely written during the reigns of either David or Solomon.

King David of Israel
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