A large order of McDonald's fries costs about $126 in Venezuela

You gravely underestimate the misery South American nations have suffered for a couple hundred years if you only speak of left wing governments. Right wing dictatorships and "democratic" rulers have inflicted as much (or more?) pain than have the so-called socialists. The common thread of evil woven into the fabric of South American lives is the virulent corruption that seems to be endemic amongst the powerful of that region.
I say "or more?" because for decades the U.S. supported brutal right wing "juntas" for the usual cold war reasons. The Monroe Doctrine has always been a buffer for the U.S. from communism or unwanted European influence, it was never meant to improve or protect the lives of other western hemisphere peoples.

No, that's commie propaganda. The left wing governments have all sent their economies into the toilet and impoverished their nations. Argentina was one of the richest nations in the world until the Peron's took over. I know you're going to claim Peron was a right-winger, but that's pure horseshit. He pursued all the same policies Obama endorses.
Don't you just love the way socialism does so much for the working man and the poor? How much do you want to bet that this thread will bring down a hail of abuse against McDonald's from the resident forum commies?

The good news is McDonald's is finally bringing back fries in Venezuela, after getting rid of them last year, according to the AP. The bad news is the regular will cost about $79 (500 bolivars), according to the country's strongest exchange rate.

Worse, a large will cost about $126 (800 bolivars).

The exchange rates were calculated at the time of publication.

Still, at Venezuela's black market rate, these prices would be $0.64 for the regular, and $1.15 for the large, according to Fusion.

However, at the black market exchange rate, Venezuela's minimum wage is only about $13 per month.

So, with those numbers, one large fries would cost nearly 9% of a person's monthly wage.

And a liter of gasoline's like 3 cents so it probably averages out ok.

No, it doesn't average out. Haven't you seen the pictures of long lines people waiting to get into a grocery store? Haven't you read about all the shortages? Haven't you seen pictures of the empty shelves in grocery stores?

Right, with nothing else to spend money on it averages out ok :)

So you mean that on "average" everything sucks.
Don't you just love the way socialism does so much for the working man and the poor? How much do you want to bet that this thread will bring down a hail of abuse against McDonald's from the resident forum commies?

The good news is McDonald's is finally bringing back fries in Venezuela, after getting rid of them last year, according to the AP. The bad news is the regular will cost about $79 (500 bolivars), according to the country's strongest exchange rate.

Worse, a large will cost about $126 (800 bolivars).

The exchange rates were calculated at the time of publication.

Still, at Venezuela's black market rate, these prices would be $0.64 for the regular, and $1.15 for the large, according to Fusion.

However, at the black market exchange rate, Venezuela's minimum wage is only about $13 per month.

So, with those numbers, one large fries would cost nearly 9% of a person's monthly wage.

And a liter of gasoline's like 3 cents so it probably averages out ok.

No, it doesn't average out. Haven't you seen the pictures of long lines people waiting to get into a grocery store? Haven't you read about all the shortages? Haven't you seen pictures of the empty shelves in grocery stores?

Right, with nothing else to spend money on it averages out ok :)

So you mean that on "average" everything sucks.

For them. Not our problem. Chavez is a corrupt dictator and history shows how to handle this. Get rid of the dictator...
Don't you just love the way socialism does so much for the working man and the poor? How much do you want to bet that this thread will bring down a hail of abuse against McDonald's from the resident forum commies?

The good news is McDonald's is finally bringing back fries in Venezuela, after getting rid of them last year, according to the AP. The bad news is the regular will cost about $79 (500 bolivars), according to the country's strongest exchange rate.

Worse, a large will cost about $126 (800 bolivars).

The exchange rates were calculated at the time of publication.

Still, at Venezuela's black market rate, these prices would be $0.64 for the regular, and $1.15 for the large, according to Fusion.

However, at the black market exchange rate, Venezuela's minimum wage is only about $13 per month.

So, with those numbers, one large fries would cost nearly 9% of a person's monthly wage.

And a liter of gasoline's like 3 cents so it probably averages out ok.

No, it doesn't average out. Haven't you seen the pictures of long lines people waiting to get into a grocery store? Haven't you read about all the shortages? Haven't you seen pictures of the empty shelves in grocery stores?

Right, with nothing else to spend money on it averages out ok :)

So you mean that on "average" everything sucks.

For them. Not our problem. Chavez is a corrupt dictator and history shows how to handle this. Get rid of the dictator...

It's not our problem so long as we don't follow their example. That's the point of this thread.

The problem is that he's a socialist. Pinochet was also a dictator, but the Chilean economy has boomed as a result of Pinochet's policies. Dictatorship isn't causing Venezuela's economic problems. Socialism is.
Conservatives whining about McDonald's trying to earn a profit.

You socialist, anti-capitalist commies. Let McDonald's charge whatever they want. The free market will decide if they sell many fries. If people buy them they will be successful, if they don't then McDonald's will sell something else.

Why are conservatives such whining little socialists opposed to capitalism!? Some restaurants around the world charge $10,000 for one meal. Don't like it? Can't pay it? Go somewhere else.

Its called T H E F R E E M A R K E T.

For some reason you dopes think the free market is supposed to work exactly the same everywhere on Earth at all times.

Price for one share of McDonald's stock, $113.00.
Price for one share of Berkshire-Hathaway stock, $205,000.

Waaaaaa, why are Warren Buffet stocks so expensive!? It must be socialism!

Conservatives whining about McDonald's trying to earn a profit.

You socialist, anti-capitalist commies. Let McDonald's charge whatever they want. The free market will decide if they sell many fries. If people buy them they will be successful, if they don't then McDonald's will sell something else.

Why are conservatives such whining little socialists opposed to capitalism!? Some restaurants around the world charge $10,000 for one meal. Don't like it? Can't pay it? Go somewhere else.

Its called T H E F R E E M A R K E T.

For some reason you dopes think the free market is supposed to work exactly the same everywhere on Earth at all times.

Price for one share of McDonald's stock, $113.00.
Price for one share of Berkshire-Hathaway stock, $205,000.

Waaaaaa, why are Warren Buffet stocks so expensive!? It must be socialism!


Another leftwing moron who doesn't get the point or know the facts.

Venezuela has a socialist government. There is no free market in Venezuela. The government controls the price of everything. That's exactly what stupid socialist turds like you want to impose here.
Don't you just love the way socialism does so much for the working man and the poor? How much do you want to bet that this thread will bring down a hail of abuse against McDonald's from the resident forum commies?

The good news is McDonald's is finally bringing back fries in Venezuela, after getting rid of them last year, according to the AP. The bad news is the regular will cost about $79 (500 bolivars), according to the country's strongest exchange rate.

Worse, a large will cost about $126 (800 bolivars).

The exchange rates were calculated at the time of publication.

Still, at Venezuela's black market rate, these prices would be $0.64 for the regular, and $1.15 for the large, according to Fusion.

However, at the black market exchange rate, Venezuela's minimum wage is only about $13 per month.

So, with those numbers, one large fries would cost nearly 9% of a person's monthly wage.

Here is what tourists are saying:

Cost of Living in Venezuela. Prices in Venezuela. Updated Nov 2015
Don't you just love the way socialism does so much for the working man and the poor? How much do you want to bet that this thread will bring down a hail of abuse against McDonald's from the resident forum commies?

The good news is McDonald's is finally bringing back fries in Venezuela, after getting rid of them last year, according to the AP. The bad news is the regular will cost about $79 (500 bolivars), according to the country's strongest exchange rate.

Worse, a large will cost about $126 (800 bolivars).

The exchange rates were calculated at the time of publication.

Still, at Venezuela's black market rate, these prices would be $0.64 for the regular, and $1.15 for the large, according to Fusion.

However, at the black market exchange rate, Venezuela's minimum wage is only about $13 per month.

So, with those numbers, one large fries would cost nearly 9% of a person's monthly wage.

Here is what tourists are saying:

Cost of Living in Venezuela. Prices in Venezuela. Updated Nov 2015

CNBC claims otherwise:

How much things cost in Venezuela now
Conservatives whining about McDonald's trying to earn a profit.

You socialist, anti-capitalist commies. Let McDonald's charge whatever they want. The free market will decide if they sell many fries. If people buy them they will be successful, if they don't then McDonald's will sell something else.

Why are conservatives such whining little socialists opposed to capitalism!? Some restaurants around the world charge $10,000 for one meal. Don't like it? Can't pay it? Go somewhere else.

Its called T H E F R E E M A R K E T.

For some reason you dopes think the free market is supposed to work exactly the same everywhere on Earth at all times.

Price for one share of McDonald's stock, $113.00.
Price for one share of Berkshire-Hathaway stock, $205,000.

Waaaaaa, why are Warren Buffet stocks so expensive!? It must be socialism!


Another leftwing moron who doesn't get the point or know the facts.

Venezuela has a socialist government. There is no free market in Venezuela. The government controls the price of everything. That's exactly what stupid socialist turds like you want to impose here.

You are one angry peck who has given up on society. Only pity for you dimbledore.
Don't you just love the way socialism does so much for the working man and the poor? How much do you want to bet that this thread will bring down a hail of abuse against McDonald's from the resident forum commies?

The good news is McDonald's is finally bringing back fries in Venezuela, after getting rid of them last year, according to the AP. The bad news is the regular will cost about $79 (500 bolivars), according to the country's strongest exchange rate.

Worse, a large will cost about $126 (800 bolivars).

The exchange rates were calculated at the time of publication.

Still, at Venezuela's black market rate, these prices would be $0.64 for the regular, and $1.15 for the large, according to Fusion.

However, at the black market exchange rate, Venezuela's minimum wage is only about $13 per month.

So, with those numbers, one large fries would cost nearly 9% of a person's monthly wage.

Here is what tourists are saying:

Cost of Living in Venezuela. Prices in Venezuela. Updated Nov 2015

CNBC claims otherwise:

How much things cost in Venezuela now
From February, not November.
Weird, all of europe uses social-democracy and has some of the highest living standards on the planet. Venezuela is just a shit hole so can you please stop using it for why we shouldn't educating our children or help people?? Thank you
Case ya havent noticed EU is on fast train to shitholedom

You haven't noticed anything. I can tell this, because you're so damn ignorant.

First of all, there is a major difference between Venezuela and, for example, Denmark. Second, there are significant differences between various European countries. There are countries where the economy is strong, and countries where the economy is weak. Then there's Greece, which is pretty much a stand alone catastrophe.

The main problems in Venezuela are that the government has tried to control and manipulate its currency value, in an ill-advised and futile attempt to inflate the economy. By contrast, Denmark has long been exactly the kind of example that Bernie Sanders talks about. Inequality is low, the business climate is highest in the world, social safety nets are extremely generous, taxes are high, but government services are also high. What Sanders says is true. What is also true is that Denmark has had increased struggles in recent years. Inequality is rising, etc. Finally, what is also true is that Denmark has been making reforms in the past few years that are beginning to approach things more like what the US does. There are plenty of things to correlate, but it would be foolish to jump to conclusions about causation based only on that.

The real lesson to be learned is that the one dimensional dumb-think mentality that has supposed patriots punching their chests and grunting about "Fuck yeah for 'Merica" is that economies are not fueled by idealism. There are many different approaches that can be executed successfully, if managed properly. Ultimately, success will stem from flexibility and a willingness to implement responses to new developments, while restricting things based on pie-in-the-sky idealism will tend to yield negative results. Denmark and the US have both achieved massive success with very different approaches to managing their economies. Meanwhile, both have, and continue to, encounter similar struggles despite some very poignant differences in the structure of their economies.
Don't you just love the way socialism does so much for the working man and the poor? How much do you want to bet that this thread will bring down a hail of abuse against McDonald's from the resident forum commies?

The good news is McDonald's is finally bringing back fries in Venezuela, after getting rid of them last year, according to the AP. The bad news is the regular will cost about $79 (500 bolivars), according to the country's strongest exchange rate.

Worse, a large will cost about $126 (800 bolivars).

The exchange rates were calculated at the time of publication.

Still, at Venezuela's black market rate, these prices would be $0.64 for the regular, and $1.15 for the large, according to Fusion.

However, at the black market exchange rate, Venezuela's minimum wage is only about $13 per month.

So, with those numbers, one large fries would cost nearly 9% of a person's monthly wage.

Nicolás Maduro in English is Bernard Sanders.

Why would Big Mac "bring back fries after getting rid of them last year" according to the A.P. Is the A.P. the source for the entire convoluted story? Why would MacDonald establish itself in South America if nobody could afford to spend a week's wages on a order of large fries? Nothing makes sense in the story. Doesn't South America produce cooking oil and freaking potatoes?
In Brazil a Big Mac is $5.54. Venezuela's economy has gone from bad to worst with the fall in oil prices. 95% of their exports are petroleum products and petroleum sales account over half of the countries GDP.

Their economic problems Are almost entirely the result of socialism. It's the poorest country in South American even though it sits on top of an ocean of oil.
Being that 95% of all exports and 45% of all revenues are due to petroleum products, I would say that most of their economic problems resulted from from a 67% fall in oil prices over the last 5 years.

The fact that 95% of all exports and 45% of all revenues are due to petroleum products shows that their economy was already fucked before the drop in oil prices. Venezuela has no industry. That's because socialism has destroyed it all. Even their oil production is dropping. Smart countries in the Middle East have diversified their economies. Dubai is no longer dependent on oil revenues.
Venezuela has been a boom and bust economy since oil was discoveries in early 20th century. Long before Hugo Chavez took over the country with his social democratic reform policies, the Venezuela economy would cave with every major fall in oil prices. The 1980s oil glut led to a debt crisis followed by years of hyperinflation very similar to what is going on now.

For most of the 20th century, Venezuela was ruled by corrupt despots aligned with foreign oil companies who bought oil at less than $1 a barrel while half the country lived in abject poverty. Social reforms which began late in 20th century improved the lives of the poor and low income workers but did little to widen the economic base.
Why would Big Mac "bring back fries after getting rid of them last year" according to the A.P. Is the A.P. the source for the entire convoluted story? Why would MacDonald establish itself in South America if nobody could afford to spend a week's wages on a order of large fries? Nothing makes sense in the story. Doesn't South America produce cooking oil and freaking potatoes?
In Brazil a Big Mac is $5.54. Venezuela's economy has gone from bad to worst with the fall in oil prices. 95% of their exports are petroleum products and petroleum sales account over half of the countries GDP.

Their economic problems Are almost entirely the result of socialism. It's the poorest country in South American even though it sits on top of an ocean of oil.
Being that 95% of all exports and 45% of all revenues are due to petroleum products, I would say that most of their economic problems resulted from from a 67% fall in oil prices over the last 5 years.

The fact that 95% of all exports and 45% of all revenues are due to petroleum products shows that their economy was already fucked before the drop in oil prices. Venezuela has no industry. That's because socialism has destroyed it all. Even their oil production is dropping. Smart countries in the Middle East have diversified their economies. Dubai is no longer dependent on oil revenues.
Venezuela has been a boom and bust economy since oil was discoveries in early 20th century. Long before Hugo Chavez took over the country with his social democratic reform policies, the Venezuela economy would cave with every major fall in oil prices. The 1980s oil glut led to a debt crisis followed by years of hyperinflation very similar to what is going on now.

For most of the 20th century, Venezuela was ruled by corrupt despots aligned with foreign oil companies who bought oil at less than $1 a barrel while half the country lived in abject poverty. Social reforms which began late in 20th century improved the lives of the poor and low income workers but did little to widen the economic base.

What utter horseshit. Venezuela's problems are the result of socialism. if the government had driven away all foreign and domestic investment, it would not be totally dependent on the price of oil. There haven't been any major falls in the price of oil since the Reagan administration. However, you didn't hear about grocery stores with no food and hyperinflation during the Reagan administration.

The claim that foreign oil companies purchase oil for $1/bbl is utter hogwash. That may be the cost of pumping a barrel, but that doesn't mean the oil companies have to pay the government almost the market rate for oil. In fact, Venezuela has nationalized all oil production, so your claim is obvious horseshit.

The "social reforms" you referred to consist of expropriating private property, controlling prices and driving private companies out of business, debasing the currency, foreign exchange controls and countless other class leftist policies that always drive the economy into the crapper. The grocery store shelves are empty because of price controls imposed by the government, not because of the price of oil.

Of course, socialists will never admit that their schemes produce disaster, so I'm not expecting you to admit the truth. I expect you to continue dancing and deflecting.
In Brazil a Big Mac is $5.54. Venezuela's economy has gone from bad to worst with the fall in oil prices. 95% of their exports are petroleum products and petroleum sales account over half of the countries GDP.

Their economic problems Are almost entirely the result of socialism. It's the poorest country in South American even though it sits on top of an ocean of oil.
Being that 95% of all exports and 45% of all revenues are due to petroleum products, I would say that most of their economic problems resulted from from a 67% fall in oil prices over the last 5 years.

The fact that 95% of all exports and 45% of all revenues are due to petroleum products shows that their economy was already fucked before the drop in oil prices. Venezuela has no industry. That's because socialism has destroyed it all. Even their oil production is dropping. Smart countries in the Middle East have diversified their economies. Dubai is no longer dependent on oil revenues.
Venezuela has been a boom and bust economy since oil was discoveries in early 20th century. Long before Hugo Chavez took over the country with his social democratic reform policies, the Venezuela economy would cave with every major fall in oil prices. The 1980s oil glut led to a debt crisis followed by years of hyperinflation very similar to what is going on now.

For most of the 20th century, Venezuela was ruled by corrupt despots aligned with foreign oil companies who bought oil at less than $1 a barrel while half the country lived in abject poverty. Social reforms which began late in 20th century improved the lives of the poor and low income workers but did little to widen the economic base.

What utter horseshit. Venezuela's problems are the result of socialism. if the government had driven away all foreign and domestic investment, it would not be totally dependent on the price of oil. There haven't been any major falls in the price of oil since the Reagan administration. However, you didn't hear about grocery stores with no food and hyperinflation during the Reagan administration.

The claim that foreign oil companies purchase oil for $1/bbl is utter hogwash. That may be the cost of pumping a barrel, but that doesn't mean the oil companies have to pay the government almost the market rate for oil. In fact, Venezuela has nationalized all oil production, so your claim is obvious horseshit.

The "social reforms" you referred to consist of expropriating private property, controlling prices and driving private companies out of business, debasing the currency, foreign exchange controls and countless other class leftist policies that always drive the economy into the crapper. The grocery store shelves are empty because of price controls imposed by the government, not because of the price of oil.

Of course, socialists will never admit that their schemes produce disaster, so I'm not expecting you to admit the truth. I expect you to continue dancing and deflecting.
I never claimed socialism worked in Venezuela, only that capitalism did not work either. During the Democratic period from 1958 to 1998, there was a huge increases in revenue from oil, yet very little of that revenue trickled down to the poor. Their was little growth of the middle class and the country became even more dependent on oil exports than it is today.

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