A Little From Pravda to Cheer you Bolsheviks


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
"Joe Biden leads Donald Trump in the four states likeliest to decide the presidency, according to the final Times/Siena surveys of the campaign Ariz.: Biden 49, Trump 43 Florida: Biden 47, Trump 44 Penn.: Biden 49, Trump 43 Wisc: Biden 52, Trump 42"


Bring this one back after Election Day if it is correct, and berate me with it....IF it turns out correct.

But, it is Propaganda. Pure Democratic B. S.---at which they do excel.

It's not even a mistake, or the margin of error. It's a Lie.
Of course its a lie.
Then again, Joe admitted that he has a "huge voter fraud organization", so maybe the polls are factoring in voter fraud.
"Pravda" has been the Dems' main source of comfort for the last four years.

Its digital subscriptions have been the wonder of the journalism business.

Let's see how many subscribers stay with "Pravda" after January 20, for they will no longer need that "news"paper's lies in order to face the day.
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Any body starting to think they watched a little too much CNN and MSNBC?

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