a lot of serial killers are gay

The homosexual "Candy Man" killed an estimated 30 (maybe more) boys in Texas. The only female serial killer Aileen Wuornos was a lesbian.
a lot of serial killers are gay

OK, Harm, I'll tell you this: I have an old email buried somewhere with the info but when your data is measured in TB, it can be hard to find, and yes, it is several years old now, but years ago, someone sent me an email with a list of all the serial killers over a 30 year period or something like that and wherever it is lost in among three operating systems, I remember:
  1. NONE of the serial killers had ever been members of the NRA.
  2. NONE of the serial killers had been conservative republicans.
  3. ALL of them had been whackjob liberal-progressives (the families).
  4. ALL of them had come from progressive upscale homes.
  5. Some of them actually wore Obama tee shirts.
  6. I think NONE of them had previous criminal or gun violence records.
What does that tell you?
they are messed up
....5 of the most notorious serial killers are gay....this is a large percentage
....considering LGTBQ have a high suicide rate, this tells me they are more unstable per capita
The Teachers Unions who report to out and out communists in the Democrat ranks now require them to teach Democrat decrees to age-inappropriate children and abominational behaviors to young adults that destroy human future on this land on the unlikelihood they will be naturally heterosexual parents.
Oh yes dear I omitted petri dish children. How short-sighted of me. :lmao:
The homosexual "Candy Man" killed an estimated 30 (maybe more) boys in Texas. The only female serial killer Aileen Wuornos was a lesbian.
..Candyman was ''different'' etc in that he had 2 accomplices bring him boys and they participated ...so you had 3 people doing it
...plus he had the torture board
There have been medical personnel who had a skewed vision of helping humanity by killing the elderly (and the unborn) but they aren't in the same class as the homosexual mass killers like Gacy, Dahmer and the Candy Man who got a sexual thrill out of abducting, torturing and mutilating boys and young men. You have to wonder why schools today teach young kids to trust obviously disturbed men in dresses and others who preach sexual "diversity".
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