A man fatally shot his wife while he worked on his handgun, police say

More guns making people safer. Women sure take a beating for all this safety:
But Thursday night marked a new and unspeakable tragedy for the family. Eric Rosenbrock, 35, was “performing maintenance” on his handgun at their Corinth home when he discharged the weapon, authorities later said, and a round struck Ashley.

The mother of three later died at a hospital. She was 34.

A man fatally shot his wife while he worked on his handgun, police say

Accidental gun death doesn't even make the top 20 for deaths in this country doofus...

600 million guns in private hands. Over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense.

495 accidental gun deaths in 2016..... Accidental car deaths...38,748

Average number of times guns are used to save Americans from death, rape, and robbery.......? 1.1 million according to the Centers for Disease Control, or if you prefer, 1.5 million according to the Department of Justice...

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC







Other countries have all those except for the gun one. They have fixed that problem, we should too.


They simply replace gun homicides with knife homicides.

You destroyers of liberty know this.
Then knives must not be so effective because they homicide rate is 1/4 of ours.

Two years ago it was 1/10th.

Next year it will be half.

Our rate continues to rapidly decline, their's continue to rapidly increase.
Are you always so full of shit?
The number of murders rose 8.6 percent nationwide in 2016, according to the FBI’s newest round of crime statistics, released Monday. There were an estimated 17,250 murders last year, up from 15,883 in 2015.
The U.S. Murder Rate Is Up But Still Far Below Its 1980 Peak
So you lied because Cuba isn't stabled (under the same government for 48 years isn't stable in the Stalinist mind?????)

You want to crush our civil rights? Be prepared to pay the ultimate price.

He's just wriggling like the worm he is.
Yeah, wanting to lower the homicide rate is an awful thing.

Wanting to lower the homicide rate is one thing. Ignoring the fact that more deaths are caused by vehicle accidents and other causes is quite another.

Scores more people die every year in vehicle accidents that are directly attributable to someone else's negligence like the accidental shooting in this case; drunk driving; texting and driving; excessive speeds and just plain being stupid. Yet no one ever suggests we outlaw cars or enact stiffer "car control" laws.

No matter how many people get killed in accidents, the requirements to obtain a license has never been changed. We still let any idiot who can pass a basic driving test obtain a license.
Some kid takes the test and passes and then proceeds to text his friends on the way home from the DMV to give them the good news and plows head on into a Tahoe killing two kids and their mother. It's ridiculous.


The underlying story is that Brain357 creams his jeans dreaming of a jackboot government.

As history has shown, the first step to that is gun registration. Next comes confiscation.

Background checks = gun registration.
And next comes lower homicide rates, fewer cops gunned down, mass killing become rare. Wow, must sound awful to you.
Proof of the 4-5X higher homicide rate? I already know the facts, and that is not the case.

They don't let people have guns in Cuba, but their murder rate is higher than the US.

All countries compared for Crime > Violent crime > Murder rate per million people
Cuba is not economically or politically stable. Why would you choose to compare us to Cuba? Is that how little you think of the US?

So you lied because Cuba isn't stabled (under the same government for 48 years isn't stable in the Stalinist mind?????)

You want to crush our civil rights? Be prepared to pay the ultimate price.

He's just wriggling like the worm he is.
Yeah, wanting to lower the homicide rate is an awful thing.

Wanting to lower the homicide rate is one thing. Ignoring the fact that more deaths are caused by vehicle accidents and other causes is quite another.

Scores more people die every year in vehicle accidents that are directly attributable to someone else's negligence like the accidental shooting in this case; drunk driving; texting and driving; excessive speeds and just plain being stupid. Yet no one ever suggests we outlaw cars or enact stiffer "car control" laws.

No matter how many people get killed in accidents, the requirements to obtain a license has never been changed. We still let any idiot who can pass a basic driving test obtain a license.
Some kid takes the test and passes and then proceeds to text his friends on the way home from the DMV to give them the good news and plows head on into a Tahoe killing two kids and their mother. It's ridiculous.
And they die in auto accidents in other countries too. But they don't die from gun accidents in countries with strong gun control. So there is an answer to this gun problem.
More guns making people safer. Women sure take a beating for all this safety:
But Thursday night marked a new and unspeakable tragedy for the family. Eric Rosenbrock, 35, was “performing maintenance” on his handgun at their Corinth home when he discharged the weapon, authorities later said, and a round struck Ashley.

The mother of three later died at a hospital. She was 34.

A man fatally shot his wife while he worked on his handgun, police say

Accidental gun death doesn't even make the top 20 for deaths in this country doofus...

600 million guns in private hands. Over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense.

495 accidental gun deaths in 2016..... Accidental car deaths...38,748

Average number of times guns are used to save Americans from death, rape, and robbery.......? 1.1 million according to the Centers for Disease Control, or if you prefer, 1.5 million according to the Department of Justice...

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC







Other countries have all those except for the gun one. They have fixed that problem, we should too.


They simply replace gun homicides with knife homicides.

You destroyers of liberty know this.

Actually, they didn't have a lot of gun murder before they banned guns...their criminals do not commit murder as a matter of practice...they torture and rape, they just don't murder their victims...brain knows this which is why he focuses on gun murder.....in order to hide the fact that actual gun crime is going up in Britain after they banned and confiscated guns.....42% in London in 2016, 23% across England and Wales, up another 13% in 2017......there gun crime rate is going up, our gun crime rate is down 75%, gun murder down 49%, violent crime down 72%......brain doesn't want people to know that...
They have never had a lot of guns.
With gun ownership comes responsibility.
No one should ever do gun matinance with any gun loaded.
NO we are not you keep changing the goal post to cover your liberal ignorance. You ban firearms and ONLY cops and criminals will have them.
We have the highest incarceration rate in the world. If guns were banned there would be less of them. Our homicide rate would go down.
No it would not as most of the firearms deaths are criminals shooting other criminals in big cities and that would just continue.
Lots of countries with strong gun control have gangs. They aren't shooting and killing each other.
Again DUMB FUCK over 95 percent of all firearm homicides are criminals killing other criminals. Explain in great detail with links to the laws that apply how you plan to A) disarm the gangs, B) seal the borders and ports of entry so no illegal firearms get in the Country and C) prevent criminals from being violent.
Gun control. Countries with strong gun control don't have these problems.
Answer the questions. If you ban firearms you ENSURE that only criminals and cops will have firearms. And since 95 percent of all murders are committed by armed criminals killing other criminals you won't actually lower the murder rates at all.
He's just wriggling like the worm he is.
Yeah, wanting to lower the homicide rate is an awful thing.

Wanting to lower the homicide rate is one thing. Ignoring the fact that more deaths are caused by vehicle accidents and other causes is quite another.

Scores more people die every year in vehicle accidents that are directly attributable to someone else's negligence like the accidental shooting in this case; drunk driving; texting and driving; excessive speeds and just plain being stupid. Yet no one ever suggests we outlaw cars or enact stiffer "car control" laws.

No matter how many people get killed in accidents, the requirements to obtain a license has never been changed. We still let any idiot who can pass a basic driving test obtain a license.
Some kid takes the test and passes and then proceeds to text his friends on the way home from the DMV to give them the good news and plows head on into a Tahoe killing two kids and their mother. It's ridiculous.


The underlying story is that Brain357 creams his jeans dreaming of a jackboot government.

As history has shown, the first step to that is gun registration. Next comes confiscation.

Background checks = gun registration.
And next comes lower homicide rates, fewer cops gunned down, mass killing become rare. Wow, must sound awful to you.
Since criminals actually do most of the killing disarming law abiding citizens will not lower murder rates.
Cuba is not economically or politically stable. Why would you choose to compare us to Cuba? Is that how little you think of the US?

So you lied because Cuba isn't stabled (under the same government for 48 years isn't stable in the Stalinist mind?????)

You want to crush our civil rights? Be prepared to pay the ultimate price.

He's just wriggling like the worm he is.
Yeah, wanting to lower the homicide rate is an awful thing.

Wanting to lower the homicide rate is one thing. Ignoring the fact that more deaths are caused by vehicle accidents and other causes is quite another.

Scores more people die every year in vehicle accidents that are directly attributable to someone else's negligence like the accidental shooting in this case; drunk driving; texting and driving; excessive speeds and just plain being stupid. Yet no one ever suggests we outlaw cars or enact stiffer "car control" laws.

No matter how many people get killed in accidents, the requirements to obtain a license has never been changed. We still let any idiot who can pass a basic driving test obtain a license.
Some kid takes the test and passes and then proceeds to text his friends on the way home from the DMV to give them the good news and plows head on into a Tahoe killing two kids and their mother. It's ridiculous.
And they die in auto accidents in other countries too. But they don't die from gun accidents in countries with strong gun control. So there is an answer to this gun problem.

Here's the thing, there are two different approaches to reducing the number of vehicle fatalities and gun fatalities. The vehicle fatality approach is to make the vehicle safer by implementing safety features. This is good. The approach to gun fatalities is to exert more control over who can buy one, what type they can buy, what features it has or just doing away with firearms altogether. They are two entirely different approaches even though more die in vehicle accidents.

If they used the same approach with gun fatalities as they do with vehicle safety it would be tantamount to say, using marshmallows instead of lead. Or putting sensors on the gun to detect other human life in the area and disabling it, kinda like the automatic braking systems they have now.

If they used the same approach with vehicle safety as they do with gun fatalities, it would be like implementing background checks for car buyers or barring anyone under 21 from purchasing a crotch rocket, putting speed limiters on all vehicles or outlawing high powered or fast vehicles such as Porsches or Maseratis, or just doing away with vehicles altogether.

So the question is: Why is the approach to gun fatalities different even though vehicle fatalities are higher?
More guns making people safer. Women sure take a beating for all this safety:
But Thursday night marked a new and unspeakable tragedy for the family. Eric Rosenbrock, 35, was “performing maintenance” on his handgun at their Corinth home when he discharged the weapon, authorities later said, and a round struck Ashley.

The mother of three later died at a hospital. She was 34.

A man fatally shot his wife while he worked on his handgun, police say

Accidental gun death doesn't even make the top 20 for deaths in this country doofus...

600 million guns in private hands. Over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense.

495 accidental gun deaths in 2016..... Accidental car deaths...38,748

Average number of times guns are used to save Americans from death, rape, and robbery.......? 1.1 million according to the Centers for Disease Control, or if you prefer, 1.5 million according to the Department of Justice...

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC







Other countries have all those except for the gun one. They have fixed that problem, we should too.


They simply replace gun homicides with knife homicides.

You destroyers of liberty know this.

Actually, they didn't have a lot of gun murder before they banned guns...their criminals do not commit murder as a matter of practice...they torture and rape, they just don't murder their victims...brain knows this which is why he focuses on gun murder.....in order to hide the fact that actual gun crime is going up in Britain after they banned and confiscated guns.....42% in London in 2016, 23% across England and Wales, up another 13% in 2017......there gun crime rate is going up, our gun crime rate is down 75%, gun murder down 49%, violent crime down 72%......brain doesn't want people to know that...
They have never had a lot of guns.

They had guns and didn't have lots of gun murder, because their criminals didn't murder as a common practice......and now that they banned and confiscated guns....? Their gun crime rate is going up.....explain that.

Our gun crime rate is going down as more Americans own and carry guns...explain that.

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17.25 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
So you lied because Cuba isn't stabled (under the same government for 48 years isn't stable in the Stalinist mind?????)

You want to crush our civil rights? Be prepared to pay the ultimate price.

He's just wriggling like the worm he is.
Yeah, wanting to lower the homicide rate is an awful thing.

Wanting to lower the homicide rate is one thing. Ignoring the fact that more deaths are caused by vehicle accidents and other causes is quite another.

Scores more people die every year in vehicle accidents that are directly attributable to someone else's negligence like the accidental shooting in this case; drunk driving; texting and driving; excessive speeds and just plain being stupid. Yet no one ever suggests we outlaw cars or enact stiffer "car control" laws.

No matter how many people get killed in accidents, the requirements to obtain a license has never been changed. We still let any idiot who can pass a basic driving test obtain a license.
Some kid takes the test and passes and then proceeds to text his friends on the way home from the DMV to give them the good news and plows head on into a Tahoe killing two kids and their mother. It's ridiculous.
And they die in auto accidents in other countries too. But they don't die from gun accidents in countries with strong gun control. So there is an answer to this gun problem.

Here's the thing, there are two different approaches to reducing the number of vehicle fatalities and gun fatalities. The vehicle fatality approach is to make the vehicle safer by implementing safety features. This is good. The approach to gun fatalities is to exert more control over who can buy one, what type they can buy, what features it has or just doing away with firearms altogether. They are two entirely different approaches even though more die in vehicle accidents.

If they used the same approach with gun fatalities as they do with vehicle safety it would be tantamount to say, using marshmallows instead of lead. Or putting sensors on the gun to detect other human life in the area and disabling it, kinda like the automatic braking systems they have now.

If they used the same approach with vehicle safety as they do with gun fatalities, it would be like implementing background checks for car buyers or barring anyone under 21 from purchasing a crotch rocket, putting speed limiters on all vehicles or outlawing high powered or fast vehicles such as Porsches or Maseratis, or just doing away with vehicles altogether.

So the question is: Why is the approach to gun fatalities different even though vehicle fatalities are higher?

Because the anti-gunners have a phobia about guns...the facts, the truth and the reality do not back up anything they believe about guns, and if they were thinking rationally, they wouldn't have the anti gun positions that they do. They hate guns, irrationally, and because it is irrational, they simply want them gone..there is no debating the issue with them, there is no pointing out the truth and facts....they will do whatever they have to to ban guns, one at a time or in whole categories of guns...regardless of the effectiveness of those bans or new laws......which we keep showing them have no effect on actual gun crime, but they don't care.
Yeah, all those kids dying in vehicle deaths are tragic too. Yet they greatly outnumber deaths where HUMANS handle guns negligently.
Yes those are a problem in every country. This is the only civilized country with lots of gun deaths. Must be an answer to this problem...
If you consider the US a " civilized" country you're either brain dead or brainwashed.....same difference
If you consider the US a " civilized" country you're either brain dead or brainwashed.....same difference

Outside of pockets of Black, on Black violence in inner cities, yes, the U.S. is largely civilized. Stay out of those sections of the inner cities, and you don't see much violence.
More guns making people safer. Women sure take a beating for all this safety:
But Thursday night marked a new and unspeakable tragedy for the family. Eric Rosenbrock, 35, was “performing maintenance” on his handgun at their Corinth home when he discharged the weapon, authorities later said, and a round struck Ashley.

The mother of three later died at a hospital. She was 34.

A man fatally shot his wife while he worked on his handgun, police say

She was stupid. Period!
This guy either shot his wife intentionally, or did not clear his gun before he started working on it and didn't follow proper procedure.
Bet it was a Glock, or a Glock clone. Bad design when you have to pull the trigger to disassemble... I’ve heard more stories than I can count, of negligent discharges happening with Glocks. Definitely the handlers fault; but a bad design nonetheless...

That's why I don't like automatics. :dunno:

I'm not big into pistols, anyways. When I was 9, my cousin was messing with his dad's .45 and when he went to put it up, it went off. Just before, he had screwed up his face like Barney Fife and said "Oh, I always keep one in the chamber." Big bang and here he comes out the door looking all dazed and confused with smoke rolling out behind him.

With each shooting retards use it to attempt to take the guns..............

Your card is getting old as fk and we will NOT get rid of our 2nd amendment dumbasses.
And with a homicide rate 4-5X higher than countries with strong gun control it is time we get some strong gun control.
We love our high homicide rate.
We sure seem to since we ignore 70% of all murders because they occur in ultra-violent inner city neighborhoods and it's mostly young urban minorities murdering other young urban minorities
We dont need those minorities, so what?

That attitude is exactly why no one cares about those deaths but the murders in those relatively few urban areas skew the murder rate for the entire country so anyone who wants to push gun control to lower the murder rates without addressing this issue is more interested in control than in actually lowering the murder rates
He's just wriggling like the worm he is.
Yeah, wanting to lower the homicide rate is an awful thing.

Wanting to lower the homicide rate is one thing. Ignoring the fact that more deaths are caused by vehicle accidents and other causes is quite another.

Scores more people die every year in vehicle accidents that are directly attributable to someone else's negligence like the accidental shooting in this case; drunk driving; texting and driving; excessive speeds and just plain being stupid. Yet no one ever suggests we outlaw cars or enact stiffer "car control" laws.

No matter how many people get killed in accidents, the requirements to obtain a license has never been changed. We still let any idiot who can pass a basic driving test obtain a license.
Some kid takes the test and passes and then proceeds to text his friends on the way home from the DMV to give them the good news and plows head on into a Tahoe killing two kids and their mother. It's ridiculous.
And they die in auto accidents in other countries too. But they don't die from gun accidents in countries with strong gun control. So there is an answer to this gun problem.

Here's the thing, there are two different approaches to reducing the number of vehicle fatalities and gun fatalities. The vehicle fatality approach is to make the vehicle safer by implementing safety features. This is good. The approach to gun fatalities is to exert more control over who can buy one, what type they can buy, what features it has or just doing away with firearms altogether. They are two entirely different approaches even though more die in vehicle accidents.

If they used the same approach with gun fatalities as they do with vehicle safety it would be tantamount to say, using marshmallows instead of lead. Or putting sensors on the gun to detect other human life in the area and disabling it, kinda like the automatic braking systems they have now.

If they used the same approach with vehicle safety as they do with gun fatalities, it would be like implementing background checks for car buyers or barring anyone under 21 from purchasing a crotch rocket, putting speed limiters on all vehicles or outlawing high powered or fast vehicles such as Porsches or Maseratis, or just doing away with vehicles altogether.

So the question is: Why is the approach to gun fatalities different even though vehicle fatalities are higher?

Because the anti-gunners have a phobia about guns...the facts, the truth and the reality do not back up anything they believe about guns, and if they were thinking rationally, they wouldn't have the anti gun positions that they do. They hate guns, irrationally, and because it is irrational, they simply want them gone..there is no debating the issue with them, there is no pointing out the truth and facts....they will do whatever they have to to ban guns, one at a time or in whole categories of guns...regardless of the effectiveness of those bans or new laws......which we keep showing them have no effect on actual gun crime, but they don't care.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: For gun control advocates it's more a campaign against a way of life than it is against gun violence. Gun control advocates like their vehicles as much as anyone so they're not going to campaign against something that will deprive them of a luxury they enjoy. However, they don't share an enthusiasm for firearms and in fact view hunters and gun enthusiasts as ignorant yahoos.

The problem with this thinking is that the hunters and gun enthusiasts aren't the ones committing the murders. It's correlation vs. causation: Gun rights advocates have guns and murderers have guns, ergo, the gun is the problem. But an objective look at the situation reveals that guns, gun rights and gun ownership are not the problem.
Yeah, wanting to lower the homicide rate is an awful thing.

Wanting to lower the homicide rate is one thing. Ignoring the fact that more deaths are caused by vehicle accidents and other causes is quite another.

Scores more people die every year in vehicle accidents that are directly attributable to someone else's negligence like the accidental shooting in this case; drunk driving; texting and driving; excessive speeds and just plain being stupid. Yet no one ever suggests we outlaw cars or enact stiffer "car control" laws.

No matter how many people get killed in accidents, the requirements to obtain a license has never been changed. We still let any idiot who can pass a basic driving test obtain a license.
Some kid takes the test and passes and then proceeds to text his friends on the way home from the DMV to give them the good news and plows head on into a Tahoe killing two kids and their mother. It's ridiculous.
And they die in auto accidents in other countries too. But they don't die from gun accidents in countries with strong gun control. So there is an answer to this gun problem.

Here's the thing, there are two different approaches to reducing the number of vehicle fatalities and gun fatalities. The vehicle fatality approach is to make the vehicle safer by implementing safety features. This is good. The approach to gun fatalities is to exert more control over who can buy one, what type they can buy, what features it has or just doing away with firearms altogether. They are two entirely different approaches even though more die in vehicle accidents.

If they used the same approach with gun fatalities as they do with vehicle safety it would be tantamount to say, using marshmallows instead of lead. Or putting sensors on the gun to detect other human life in the area and disabling it, kinda like the automatic braking systems they have now.

If they used the same approach with vehicle safety as they do with gun fatalities, it would be like implementing background checks for car buyers or barring anyone under 21 from purchasing a crotch rocket, putting speed limiters on all vehicles or outlawing high powered or fast vehicles such as Porsches or Maseratis, or just doing away with vehicles altogether.

So the question is: Why is the approach to gun fatalities different even though vehicle fatalities are higher?

Because the anti-gunners have a phobia about guns...the facts, the truth and the reality do not back up anything they believe about guns, and if they were thinking rationally, they wouldn't have the anti gun positions that they do. They hate guns, irrationally, and because it is irrational, they simply want them gone..there is no debating the issue with them, there is no pointing out the truth and facts....they will do whatever they have to to ban guns, one at a time or in whole categories of guns...regardless of the effectiveness of those bans or new laws......which we keep showing them have no effect on actual gun crime, but they don't care.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: For gun control advocates it's more a campaign against a way of life than it is against gun violence. Gun control advocates like their vehicles as much as anyone so they're not going to campaign against something that will deprive them of a luxury they enjoy. However, they don't share an enthusiasm for firearms and in fact view hunters and gun enthusiasts as ignorant yahoos.

The problem with this thinking is that the hunters and gun enthusiasts aren't the ones committing the murders. It's correlation vs. causation: Gun rights advocates have guns and murderers have guns, ergo, the gun is the problem. But an objective look at the situation reveals that guns, gun rights and gun ownership are not the problem.

And there is a phobia about guns ..... they hate guns, and want them removed from society, even though those guns, in the hands of good people save the lives of more people than guns in the hands of killers take...
The OP, like most progressives, missed a few meetings along the way.
To them, you can eliminate tragedy via the proper use of government. There is never a consideration of necessary tradeoffs. Its known as advocating for dangerous safety. Ghey

Too....the OP is clearly gun phobic to the extreme.

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