A man in texas today became the first person in the US to die from the new Omicron variant. Two things are true about him;

It’s really not. You just look at the vaccination status of people who are dying from COVID.
The people who die from Covid are countable but that math fact does not transfer onto how many have not died that theoretically would have died
The people who die from Covid are countable but that math fact does not transfer onto how many have not died that theoretically would have died
Why not? We notice that a lot of people dying are unvaccinated. It perfectly logical that many vaccinated people would have likewise died if not for the vaccine.
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There's no proof that he could have survived a vaccination.

You don't realize just how you're getting screwed on this one: there is no such thing as "fully vaccinated." Neither in any particular H. sapiens nor in all H. sapiens as a collective. It's a stick-and-carrot concept that does not exist.
Most of these 14,000 patients in Indiana hospitals with Covid are not fully vaccinated. I seriously doubt they want to hear what you have to say right now.
You missed the the third thing that was true about him, he had an
underlying health condition
Lots of people do. But fuck them, right?

Why do you righty nutters think this talking point accomplishes ANYTHING but to make you look like failed humans?
So this guy is the first recorded person to get COVID twice and all you people depending on the vax to save you should be super worried.
That is not what the article states. It states that he died from the variant and that Omicron now accounts for 73% of new cases.

WRONG. That number is a “revised estimate”.

The actual sequencing data done on Dec 11th showed only 3% of cases were Omicron.

But we’re supposed to believe it’s magically “73%” after a week.
Doesn't matter. He got COVID..again.
Kinda blows the whole "natural immunity" argument out of the water.
If you take a jab for the Flu from 3 years ago will you be surprised if you got the Flu this year.

Let me see here.............
#3 He had an underlying health condition dealing with his immune and cardiac systems.

This guy died from a heart attack. Because he contracted Omicron, they are blaming it rather than the suppressed immune system and his heart conditions which made him high risk.

Like a bunch of idiots told to look here at the shiny object...

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