A Man Spit On My Toddler And Called Her The N-Word.

I got called racist again from an idiotic race pimp for pointing out the obvious bullshit in his made up story...SCORE FOR ME.

I read your story that is I why I know that it is shit and full of holes...Your story is bullshit like most all the crap that you post. Not my fault idiot.

You dear are the racist, you lie and attack all that is white as you PROJECT (its a psychological term that you should RESEARCH) your own racism upon others. Whites aren't as racist and even the racist ones aren't as ignorant as you are. SEEK help Superbad---Truth is that RACIST BLACK MEN HAVE BEEN snagged several times attacking white children, you never say anything about them, but there hasn't been cases in the recent decades where some white racist has attacked any black kids.

I know you wear the label like a badge of honor because everyone who has read your post knows you are a racist POS. Funny how you can never post anything that backs up the lies that come out of your DS mouth. You have the nerve to post a video by boot lickin Jesse Lee Peterson another vile POS.
March 2018? Man Allegedly with 20-30 "guests" celebrating a birthday? So was the guy found guilty or he is always going to be allegedly bs? And why would a group of 20-30 which I assume wasn't white allow a grown man to attack a child as claim?
Why do you still doubt?
Hows this for a story? And I was witness AND involved as well, so it ain't no lie.

Most of you know I live in a senior apt complex that is 95% elderly who need caregivers. There are NO BLACKS in this building. Lots of asians and europeans, though. There is ONE black caregiver that helps a lady that is completely helpless in a wheelchair. Vicious bitch, too. Evil. Anyway...this caregiver, whom I shall call K, was downstairs having a cig when I came out to have one myself. That evil bitch patient called the cops on K, said "a tall black person is trying to harm me". So cops came to see what was going on. Actually, it was the CHP since the cops here couldn't make it due to whatever reason. Maybe cuz they were fed up with evil persons bullshit since she has done such shenanigans before. CHP was not aware.

Anyway, K said when she walked into the apt after her break (this was a few days before), the cops only saw a tall black WOMAN, pulled their gun and aimed it at her, then asked evil patient if she knew who this woman was. Evil one said she wasn't sure, and when K said "Miss ######!", evil one said oh yes..that is her caregiver.

Point is...K could have been shot right then and there. K was and is still upset about it. I told her to QUIT RIGHT NOW, that that bitch would get her killed. Finally, she is beginning to listen to me but she hesitates to go because Evil Bitch has nobody that will work for her. K is the only one that has lasted this long and she almost got her face blown off.

When I saw Evil Bitch, I told her everyone here loves K, and if anything happened to her, I would personally see to it that she paid for it in some form or another. The manager also went to Evil One and said one more bullshit crap happens again..out she goes. Evicted.

Point is? THIS SHIT HAPPENS. I SAW it. Witnessed it. It happens. So yeah..I believed SBB OP.
You are dealing with an old senile woman whose blood flow doesn't reach her brain well----she is imaging things and acts out probably in part because she also doesn't see or hear well. The cops don't take her seriously as there are hundreds of the evil bitches around...and oh assuming that she recognized the caregiver is based on your emotion not fact. Blow flow short ---she likely doesn't remember and doesn't see well enough to remember. She probably operates on the caregivers VOICE...

I know I have a senile grandmother---evil too at times. She called the cops on her neighbors for mowing her side of the lawn at one point. You have to remember that they aren't in a position to harm anyone really, that cops don't take them seriously but have to follow procedures, and that their caregivers know to not take them seriously when they pull stunts like this. They simply aren't getting enough blood flow as their bodies are giving out and they are slowly dying in parts--their brain included.
I'm sure if somebody black had done this to a white person nobody would be asking for all this excess proof. The lady should have found the nearest mop handle and proceed to beat the blood out of that person. I mean if he wants to spit and thangs, make it so he spits out something important like teeth or blood.
Your first sentence is another fine example of your inherent racism. The remainder of the short paragraph is exactly what should have happened, if true.
Frankly, if the scenarios were reversed, I would have still come to the conclusion based upon what is claimed.
How many stores have you seen that occur in?
Like I said..I don't go in stores that have bad employees. I have seen plenty of nastiness from blacks against whites, whites against blacks and in general, humanity being inhuman.

Doubt all you wish. This thread sucks. Not due to the OP, but due to the responses.
You are dealing with an old senile woman whose blood flow doesn't reach her brain well----she is imaging things and acts out probably in part because she also doesn't see or hear well. The cops don't take her seriously as there are hundreds of the evil bitches around...and oh assuming that she recognized the caregiver is based on your emotion not fact. Blow flow short ---she likely doesn't remember and doesn't see well enough to remember. She probably operates on the caregivers VOICE...

I know I have a senile grandmother---evil too at times. She called the cops on her neighbors for mowing her side of the lawn at one point. You have to remember that they aren't in a position to harm anyone really, that cops don't take them seriously but have to follow procedures, and that their caregivers know to not take them seriously when they pull stunts like this. They simply aren't getting enough blood flow as their bodies are giving out and they are slowly dying in parts--their brain included.
Wrong. I know this woman because she lives down the hall. She is 50 years old. Has MS. Been here for years. She speeds around in her chair, goes to walmart often, has been fired by all her doctors due to her nasty attitude, can hear just fine, sees just fine, and plots who she wants to fuck with next. You know nothing. You assume too much.
Why do you still doubt?
People lie---especially race pimps. And this isn't the same as the original story where a loan woman has her child attacked by a grown man with no one doing anything. This is something completely different. I am curious about the ruling------sounds like someone got very very annoyed with a large group of rude people------allowing their offspring to go harass other patrons while they were eating. I am thinking all charges dropped but in this day and age, facts don't matter to race pimps.

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