A Man Spit On My Toddler And Called Her The N-Word.

Like I said..I don't go in stores that have bad employees. I have seen plenty of nastiness from blacks against whites, whites against blacks and in general, humanity being inhuman.

Doubt all you wish. This thread sucks. Not due to the OP, but due to the responses.
How do you know they have bad employees?
Wrong. I know this woman because she lives down the hall. She is 50 years old. Has MS. Been here for years. She speeds around in her chair, goes to walmart often, has been fired by all her doctors due to her nasty attitude, can hear just fine, sees just fine, and plots who she wants to fuck with next. You know nothing. You assume too much.

Then by all means, if you are sure that she knows what she is doing and she is truly evil---just push her off the balcony and end it.
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In the 1980's America all but eliminated involuntary committal for mental patients.

There are a host of people so mentally aberrant that they cannot function in society. They cannot hold jobs, or even take the required steps to obtain assistance.

These people make up a large percentage of our homeless and regularly commit assaults like the one you describe.

Unfortunately, people have become immured to their presence and either won't engage with them at all or call for police assistance that may, or may not, be available.

I'm sorry you went through this.

On this we agree. On the timeline and the cause.

In the 1980’s, in one of the moves I seriously disagreed with. Reagan slashed federal funding for psych hospitals. I agree with Reagan on many issues and policies. This was one I did not. The predictable results are what we are enduring now.

Sadly it would take a generation to even get started repairing that error.
We actually have rights now. If you want to call it special privileges that's on you. Just remember that every time you get the urge to spit on a Black child. There will be consequences that will end up with you either dead or your ass in a body cast. :laugh:
And yet you say nothing when adult black males attack black children and white children.
People lie---especially race pimps. And this isn't the same as the original story where a loan woman has her child attacked by a grown man with no one doing anything. This is something completely different. I am curious about the ruling------sounds like someone got very very annoyed with a large group of rude people------allowing their offspring to go harass other patrons while they were eating. I am thinking all charges dropped but in this day and age, facts don't matter to race pimps.
omg. SERIOUSLY????

This story...whether recent or back in 1950 is THE SAME. It happens. Often. Often enough to where it is "oh well, SSDD" mentality.

If anything, this thread proves it with all the doubts.
How do you know they have bad employees?
Why are you fixated on this? Walmart is scumville. I will not step foot inside one. Most of the businesses I participated in as a customer were small business owners. Black, white, asian, hispanic, etc.

And now I am done discussing employees. Stay on topic. Or is this your way to deflect? Don't bother to answer. I'm done with ya.
Why are you fixated on this? Walmart is scumville. I will not step foot inside one. Most of the businesses I participated in as a customer were small business owners. Black, white, asian, hispanic, etc.

And now I am done discussing employees. Stay on topic. Or is this your way to deflect? Don't bother to answer. I'm done with ya.

We use the newer Walmart Neighborhood stores. Entire different class of people.
You see it all the time?
Not much anymore. I have moved away from a predominantly mixed community, to a predominantly white community.

In predominantly white communities, where whites don't feel threatened by minorities, minorities are treated much, MUCH better. In fact, whites go out of their way to treat them better than the other white folks. . . maybe to prove they aren't racists? Upper class conservatives, and rural conservatives get a good feeling from that I guess? Minorities in farming country are DEFINITELY treated much better these days, at least in most places, than they are in urban places.

But? Where the ratio of minorities to whites is closer to equal? Yeah, the lower class whites tend to have much more friction with the minorities. I think this also has to do with the perceived benefits in working with OUT-GROUPS, as the state and social offered benefits of inter-groups benefits has changed. Intelligent cost/benefits of inter-group cooperation of IN-GROUP/OUT-GROUP cooperation dynamics has changed, so inter-group cohesion in those areas has definitely increased. So? If you live in one of those areas, perhaps that is why your personal experience does not reflect that larger national trends.
This study sort of addresses that phenomenon if you are interested.
". . .Unlike previous models, we do not pre-suppose that players never cooperate with out-group members. Instead, we determine the conditions under which preferential in-group cooperation emerges and also explore situations where preferential out-group helping could evolve. Our approach is not based on explicit intergroup conflict, but instead uses evolutionary set theory. People can move between sets. Successful sets attract members and successful strategies gain imitators. Individuals can employ different strategies when interacting with in-group versus out-group members.. . . "

Evolution of in-group favoritism​

This is not to say that the minorities aren't clear of hatred, but they don't have the tacit approval of the Po-Po and the courts to back them up. . . so they have gangs to back them up.

I just had an interesting conversation with a black fellow today who was born down in the metro area, but grew up around here. . . interesting perspective. Very enlightened.

Nothing like a liberal influenced by the thinking of the Mackinaw Center.

It was at a local barbecue joint in downtown Lexington, Kentucky, when a tall man approached the table where I was sitting with my two daughters, 4 and 2. He lingered there long enough, just looking at us, that I’d begun to hatch an escape plan. I’d already broken into a full-blown sweat before I even realized what he’d just done: spit on my 2-year-old, his saliva landing on her thigh. He then walked away, muttering the N-word under his breath, oblivious to the inaccuracy of the insult.
I was born and raised in Malaysia. I am biracial, of Malay and Indian descent. I came to the United States after falling in love and marrying my blond, blue-eyed American husband. Though I am brown and my husband white, my children, born here in America ― true blue Americans ― are neither. They have an indiscernible olive skin tone, but they are not white.

My neighbors and community voiced their silent agreement, condoning such a vile act when they offered no defense, no comfort, not even acknowledgment that it happened.

The entire restaurant, all white diners from what I could see around me, had watched the incident, avoided eye contact with me, and carried on with their lunches, glancing at us from time to time, confirming what I knew to be true already: We were the others.

I’m also treated very differently when I’m with my white husband than when I’m on my own. People have yelled at me, “Go back where you came from.” Retail assistants have followed me around stores, saying, “There is nothing here for you.” A woman at a makeup counter once denied me service, glancing past me at the white woman behind me in line, telling her she was ready, as if I were invisible. But the glob of spit that hit my daughter that day was a whole new low. I could hold it in and tolerate my pain when the aggressions were directed toward me, but it burned me in a way I hadn’t felt before to see my children subject to such indignity.

What can you say?

How do you think a person should react to something like this being done to their child?
I have a hard time thinking this would happen. If it did no matter how big or mean this ass hole was the first time his back was to me he would go down and not be getting back up. All available weapons. Anyone allowing this act is no better than the shit that did it.
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Not much anymore. I have moved away from a predominantly mixed community, to a predominantly white community.

In predominantly white communities, where whites don't feel threatened by minorities, minorities are treated much, MUCH better. In fact, whites go out of their way to treat them better than the other white folks. . . maybe to prove they aren't racists? Upper class conservatives, and rural conservatives get a good feeling from that I guess? Minorities in farming country are DEFINITELY treated much better these days, at least in most places, than they are in urban places.

But? Where the ratio of minorities to whites is closer to equal? Yeah, the lower class whites tend to have much more friction with the minorities. I think this also has to do with the perceived benefits in working with OUT-GROUPS, as the state and social offered benefits of inter-groups benefits has changed. Intelligent cost/benefits of inter-group cooperation of IN-GROUP/OUT-GROUP cooperation dynamics has changed, so inter-group cohesion in those areas has definitely increased. So? If you live in one of those areas, perhaps that is why your personal experience does not reflect that larger national trends.
This study sort of addresses that phenomenon if you are interested.
". . .Unlike previous models, we do not pre-suppose that players never cooperate with out-group members. Instead, we determine the conditions under which preferential in-group cooperation emerges and also explore situations where preferential out-group helping could evolve. Our approach is not based on explicit intergroup conflict, but instead uses evolutionary set theory. People can move between sets. Successful sets attract members and successful strategies gain imitators. Individuals can employ different strategies when interacting with in-group versus out-group members.. . . "

Evolution of in-group favoritism​

This is not to say that the minorities aren't clear of hatred, but they don't have the tacit approval of the Po-Po and the courts to back them up. . . so they have gangs to back them up.

I just had an interesting conversation with a black fellow today who was born down in the metro area, but grew up around here. . . interesting perspective. Very enlightened.

Nothing like a liberal influenced by the thinking of the Mackinaw Center.

I live in the deep south and I never see it.
Why are you fixated on this? Walmart is scumville. I will not step foot inside one. Most of the businesses I participated in as a customer were small business owners. Black, white, asian, hispanic, etc.

And now I am done discussing employees. Stay on topic. Or is this your way to deflect? Don't bother to answer. I'm done with ya.
Nice job losing the debate...lol
I know you wear the label like a badge of honor because everyone who has read your post knows you are a racist POS. Funny how you can never post anything that backs up the lies that come out of your DS mouth. You have the nerve to post a video by boot lickin Jesse Lee Peterson another vile POS.
Did you just attack the source, (the first source that popped up on my searchengine) instead of addressing the FACTS....of black men attacking white children? Hun, if you thought that you blew smoke you didn't. This incident like so many others of black men attacking white children happened. Are you trying to argue that it didn't happen.

Secondly, did you just call me a racist to try to blow smoke? Swing and miss again. I'm racist and proud--------I state facts not fairy tales and other made up bullshit that you do.
Sticks and Stones, idiot. I despise people who cave to the political correct BS over truth. If you think you can call me a name to get power over me, you are sadly mistaken. I am not a woman who responds well to emotional manipulators or really cares what others think so name calling really has never meant shit to me. I've been call all sorts of them.

But if it helps your sad little ass sleep at night. I am a racist---I am just not prejudice like you are which are two different things. There are differences between the races-----but races are no different than breeds of dogs. I just tend to like more intelligent and less whiney dogs than you are. This isn't to say that there aren't some great intelligent black people out there, you just aint one of them babe.
I live in the deep south and I never see it.
Well. .. it makes a difference whether you live in the city or the country.

You wouldn't see it if you lived in Athens.

OTH. . . You would see it if you lived in Atlanta.

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