A Man Spit On My Toddler And Called Her The N-Word.

You want it to be true because the black victimization culture needs constant nourishment

There were witnesses and the spitter has been charged. The man is a trifling coward to spit on a child.
I did

the lazy, copycat lib media all printed the same unverified story word-for-word

Terrence J. Skeen has been charged with one count of battery, a single count of disorderly conduct, and a single count of assault in Overland Park Municipal Court, stemming from an incident where he spit on a Black child at Hooters.

There were witnesses and the spitter has been charged. The man is a trifling coward to spit on a child.

Terrence J. Skeen has been charged with one count of battery, a single count of disorderly conduct, and a single count of assault in Overland Park Municipal Court, stemming from an incident where he spit on a Black child at Hooters.


it looks as if the incident happened - IN 2018!

Its not only old news but a pretty weak case for free shoe shines for black people

or whatever the left hopes to gain from this
First of all that HuffPo nutcase needs to use Grammerly software for her poor grammar, etc. Let me guess, if she was White HuffPo would have hired her just as readily. :laugh: Second, the HuffPo nutcase brings the infant offspring to BLM rallies? WTF? :afro: Third, the HuffPo nutcase has the Micheal Obama (and as mentioned previously AOC and Omar) type mental illness in which there is a feeling of insecurity and alienation as a result of the preferential treatment they received in college admissions, jobs, immigration, etc., and yet they cannot get over the fact that they are not attractive (despite applying bright red lipstick) and society at large does not give them preferential treatment.
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But not all

and when a black guy does it for more than just being horney
...but when a white guy does it, it's just because he's horny?

How about when a man spends 20, 30 or 40yrs in prison and he didn't do it, should the woman face a punishment for that?
First of all that HuffPo nutcase needs to use Grammerly software for her poor grammar, etc. :laugh: :dunno: Second, the HuffPo nutcase brings the infant offspring to BLM rallies? WTF? :afro:
Secondly you don't have a damn thing to say about this racist coward spitting on a child, tells alot about you. Birds of a feather.
You mean like all of the black men who have spent countless years in jail because some white woman said, "he raped me".

You can thank your fellow DemoKKKrats for those laws. And if you'd been around back then , you would have voted for every one of them.

Secondly you don't have a damn thing to say about this racist coward spitting on a child, tells alot about you. Birds of a feather.

The HuffPo author is an unreliable source who is seemingly extremely race conscious in a Europhobic way despite allegedly marrying a blonde male. In fact she is admittedly mentally ill and for all we know her motivation for marrying the blonde male was to prevent that individual from creating more Whitey folks.
The toddler's father is a white man.. The mother is Malaysian.
Why did you think the party was all blacks? The spitter is a coward.
There are two different stories here if you bother to read. First one was a the malaysian mother's 2 year old child sitting at their table being signaled out in a sea of white people at BBQ something or other to be called a n**gger and spit on by an adult man-----to which I know is a bullshit story because even if all these random white people who don't know each other all just happen to be great big kkk members, even racists (white ones) don't generally single out a baby for attack--much less in a sea of white people standing by letting it happen. Even racists know that black adults innocent or not are one thing, but 2 years old is a whole new level of evil. The others would have intervened or if wimpy libs, atleast recorded to sale the video of. Story is BS altogether no matter how you spin it.

The second story was a of 20-30 black people at Hooters having a birthday party to which they claim that somehow their black child that wound up at the white mans table doing something enough to get him to yell at 20-30 blacks to come get their brat. Something tells me that the black child and parents are also in the wrong here...either the child was out control harassing others and its parents were such trash that they let it harass others or as I have seen in 2 other occassions they had their brat out doing ummm...lets just say bad things and he got caught in the act. I want to hear from the man who yell at the trash family----this story is from 2018, what happened in the case. WHAT really happened. What made this man so mad, that he would yell anything at 20-30 blacks partying?
The HuffPo author is an unreliable source who is seemingly extremely race conscious in a Europhobic way despite allegedly marrying a blonde male. In fact she is admittedly mentally ill and for all we know her motivation for marrying the blonde male was to prevent that individual from creating more Whitey folks.

Are you crazy? You think she could change the racial demographic by having babies?
ok. We agree to disagree on the what ifs scenarios. I guess I could be gullible. I tend to feel that way when it comes to a child being spit on.
I feel the same way...everyone has the right to not like who they want to (I personally hate all people until they prove that they are likeable for some reason), but if someone attacks an innocent child I would be and have been the first to go after the asshole.

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