A Man Spit On My Toddler And Called Her The N-Word.

omg. SERIOUSLY????

This story...whether recent or back in 1950 is THE SAME. It happens. Often. Often enough to where it is "oh well, SSDD" mentality.

If anything, this thread proves it with all the doubts.
No Gracie, it isn't.

First story---loan woman with two children has one of her small children attacked by an evil white man who has singled them out for no reason and all of the other white people allowed it to happened.

Second story, a group of 20-30 black people are having a party and not watching or caring what their kids are doing as one of them went up and was harassing a white guy/group eating. White guy loses his temper and tells the rude black family to come get their out of control child spitting on him supposedly. I don't know if he sprays when he talks of if the the out of control not being watched child did something while the guy was eating causing him to spit when he normally wouldn't of. In this case, I want to hear the guy being accused side of the story.........it isn't like he got up to attack a loan mother and her children....this is guy that was yelling for the 20-30 black people to behave and to get their child under control. (I don't care if he called them N*ggers or not btw---if they were being obnoxious and not watching their own kids who were causing troule, I'd think that they were black assholes too.) There is a huge difference in the two stories...........
You came 1700 miles (if youre telling the truth) but was so frightened you pissed yourself and wouldn't dare come another 20 due to your freeze, flight or fight response immobilizing you. :laugh:

Whatever you need to tell yourself Buck Wheat. You folks never confront anyone alone, you just couldn't get your crew together to make the trip, I get you all drink too much.
It was at a local barbecue joint in downtown Lexington, Kentucky, when a tall man approached the table where I was sitting with my two daughters, 4 and 2. He lingered there long enough, just looking at us, that I’d begun to hatch an escape plan. I’d already broken into a full-blown sweat before I even realized what he’d just done: spit on my 2-year-old, his saliva landing on her thigh. He then walked away, muttering the N-word under his breath, oblivious to the inaccuracy of the insult.
I was born and raised in Malaysia. I am biracial, of Malay and Indian descent. I came to the United States after falling in love and marrying my blond, blue-eyed American husband. Though I am brown and my husband white, my children, born here in America ― true blue Americans ― are neither. They have an indiscernible olive skin tone, but they are not white.

My neighbors and community voiced their silent agreement, condoning such a vile act when they offered no defense, no comfort, not even acknowledgment that it happened.

The entire restaurant, all white diners from what I could see around me, had watched the incident, avoided eye contact with me, and carried on with their lunches, glancing at us from time to time, confirming what I knew to be true already: We were the others.

I’m also treated very differently when I’m with my white husband than when I’m on my own. People have yelled at me, “Go back where you came from.” Retail assistants have followed me around stores, saying, “There is nothing here for you.” A woman at a makeup counter once denied me service, glancing past me at the white woman behind me in line, telling her she was ready, as if I were invisible. But the glob of spit that hit my daughter that day was a whole new low. I could hold it in and tolerate my pain when the aggressions were directed toward me, but it burned me in a way I hadn’t felt before to see my children subject to such indignity.

What can you say?

How do you think a person should react to something like this being done to their child?
I can say you are not very good at making stories up.
On the REALLY outside chance you are actually telling the truth... really outside chance... obviously he is a piece of shit.
As for other diners, anyone crazy ass enough to spit on someone's child in front of everyone is probably also crazy enough to go batshit if confronted. I wouldn't have confronted him either.
Why didn't you?
No Gracie, it isn't.

First story---loan woman with two children has one of her small children attacked by an evil white man who has singled them out for no reason and all of the other white people allowed it to happened.

Second story, a group of 20-30 black people are having a party and not watching or caring what their kids are doing as one of them went up and was harassing a white guy/group eating. White guy loses his temper and tells the rude black family to come get their out of control child spitting on him supposedly. I don't know if he sprays when he talks of if the the out of control not being watched child did something while the guy was eating causing him to spit when he normally wouldn't of. In this case, I want to hear the guy being accused side of the story.........it isn't like he got up to attack a loan mother and her children....this is guy that was yelling for the 20-30 black people to behave and to get their child under control. (I don't care if he called them N*ggers or not btw---if they were being obnoxious and not watching their own kids who were causing troule, I'd think that they were black assholes too.) There is a huge difference in the two stories...........

The toddler's father is a white man.. The mother is Malaysian.
Why did you think the party was all blacks? The spitter is a coward.
No Gracie, it isn't.

First story---loan woman with two children has one of her small children attacked by an evil white man who has singled them out for no reason and all of the other white people allowed it to happened.

Second story, a group of 20-30 black people are having a party and not watching or caring what their kids are doing as one of them went up and was harassing a white guy/group eating. White guy loses his temper and tells the rude black family to come get their out of control child spitting on him supposedly. I don't know if he sprays when he talks of if the the out of control not being watched child did something while the guy was eating causing him to spit when he normally wouldn't of. In this case, I want to hear the guy being accused side of the story.........it isn't like he got up to attack a loan mother and her children....this is guy that was yelling for the 20-30 black people to behave and to get their child under control. (I don't care if he called them N*ggers or not btw---if they were being obnoxious and not watching their own kids who were causing troule, I'd think that they were black assholes too.) There is a huge difference in the two stories...........
ok. We agree to disagree on the what ifs scenarios. I guess I could be gullible. I tend to feel that way when it comes to a child being spit on.
Is that you, Jussie?
Probably one of your coward ass cousins.
Did you just attack the source, (the first source that popped up on my searchengine) instead of addressing the FACTS....of black men attacking white children? Hun, if you thought that you blew smoke you didn't. This incident like so many others of black men attacking white children happened. Are you trying to argue that it didn't happen.
Come on Turtleshit, get your head out your ass. The first source that popped in your search engine was a boot lickin, ass clown like Jesse Lee Peterson. You are a joke.
Secondly, did you just call me a racist to try to blow smoke? Swing and miss again. I'm racist and proud--------I state facts not fairy tales and other made up bullshit that you do.
I stated the fact that you are a racist POS and you just proudly admitted it. Now let us move on.
Sticks and Stones, idiot. I despise people who cave to the political correct BS over truth. If you think you can call me a name to get power over me, you are sadly mistaken. I am not a woman who responds well to emotional manipulators or really cares what others think so name calling really has never meant shit to me. I've been call all sorts of them.
I hear you Turtleshit, you have admitted that you are a racist POS. So how am I trying to gain power over you?
But if it helps your sad little ass sleep at night. I am a racist---I am just not prejudice like you are which are two different things.
Hmmm, that makes about as much sense as you do.
There are differences between the races-----but races are no different than breeds of dogs. I just tend to like more intelligent and less whiney dogs than you are. This isn't to say that there aren't some great intelligent black people out there, you just aint one of them babe.
So first we are dogs and less intelligent, but there are some good negras that you like though. Would that be the ones who smile every time they see you are drop their head or dance when they don't hear music or laugh when nothing is funny. Are those the negras you are speaking of, I know you hate a strong black man like me, see because I don't do none of the above when I see your pasty, racist ass.
I can say you are not very good at making stories up.
On the REALLY outside chance you are actually telling the truth... really outside chance... obviously he is a piece of shit.
As for other diners, anyone crazy ass enough to spit on someone's child in front of everyone is probably also crazy enough to go batshit if confronted. I wouldn't have confronted him either.
Why didn't you?
Kind of hard for me to confront him Shithead, when this happened in Kentucky and I am in Georgia. I am pretty sure your coward ass wouldn't have done nothing if you saw this happening in front of you, you would have fit right in with the cowards who were sitting there.
I never see stuff like this and I bet I'm out in public more than you are. The fact that I never see it is why I think her story is bullshit.

Unfortunately for me, I'm the person that gets called when this sort of stuff happens. They aren't always racial in nature (at least they don't begin that way) but there typically is a racial vilification component.

In fact, I've seen so many that I can categorize them.

1. The most frequent are done by mentally ill people (typically homeless or in non-compulsory care) who frequently harass people in public. You can't really arrest a mentally ill person for this. All you can do is break it up and move them on. Charging them with a crime is a pointless gesture because they won't show up for court or pay any fines. If you can reasonably suspect them to be a physical danger to others, you can forcibly take them to hospital, where you will wait with them for hours before they are seen by a psych assessor, then immediately released. While they are waiting, the hospital will feed them and give them a comfortable place to get out of the cold or heat.

2. Drunks and the drug affected. Less common than mentally ill. These guys you can arrest and place in jail until they are sober. When they do sober up, they will find a huge fine and typically a summons to court for other charges as well.

3. Groups of young people (typically boys but also girls) of any ethnicity who feel emboldened enough by their superior numbers to pick on or taunt or assault a convenient target. Typically, by the time police arrive, the cowards have all fled leaving little in the way of evidence and little to help identify them. When you can identify them and if you managedto get them into court, judges usually go hard on them.

4. One on one racial attacks ... these are (in my experience) the most rare and typically didn't start out as a racial vilification, but are a by-product of another incident.

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