A Man Spit On My Toddler And Called Her The N-Word.

hahahhaha--ANOTHER fk up by you
you murder [ use violence ] BLACKS at FOUR times the rate.....it's one of the reasons your culture is a failure--your go to is violence
Look at you trying to convince me not to beat your ass so you can go spit on a Black child and get away with it. :laugh:
I agree. But for some reason, although I am not fond of SBB, I knew immediately it was not HIS story since he is male, and he tends to overreact the role of Angry Black Man, but I still believed what he posted that someone else wrote. I took it as face value because the way the world is now, this shit happens all the time. And not just against blacks either.
While I agree with you, this sort of thing does happen all the time .. . that is why we need to go to motivation to seek the truth about the validity of the story.

I am on the fence about the truthfulness of this story.

Now.. . . if the mother was a nurse, a school teacher, a lawyer, etc.? And if she was completely mentally health and sane, I would say, hell yeah, legit incident.

BUT? Given she has no successful career, and she is intending to try to get a book published on the themes of social justice, and has thus far been unable to get a single thing published in the establishment press, and we all know that this race baiting, division crap sells?

Wellll....... ?? Let's say, there has been a long and storied history of race hustlers taking advantage of this sort of thing. It hasn't been a good look.

Here are the links and history of this if you want the research Gracie.

I'm not going to say it didn't happen, nor would I call her a fraud.

I think we can all agree, as a nation, we need to do better. OTH, we also need to be vigilant about folks that will seek to cause hatred and animosity between us. . .we are ONE NATION. . . we are all Americans.


Black people have special privileges?
We actually have rights now. If you want to call it special privileges that's on you. Just remember that every time you get the urge to spit on a Black child. There will be consequences that will end up with you either dead or your ass in a body cast. :laugh:
While I agree with you, this sort of thing does happen all the time .. . that is why we need to go to motivation to seek the truth about the validity of the story.

I am on the fence about the truthfulness of this story.

Now.. . . if the mother was a nurse, a school teacher, a lawyer, etc.? And if she was completely mentally health and sane, I would say, hell yeah, legit incident.

BUT? Given she has no successful career, and she is intending to try to get a book published on the themes of social justice, and has thus far been unable to get a single thing published in the establishment press, and we all know that this race baiting, division crap sells?

Wellll....... ?? Let's say, there has been a long and storied history of race hustlers taking advantage of this sort of thing. It hasn't been a good look.

Here are the links and history of this if you want the research Gracie.

I'm not going to say it didn't happen, nor would I call her a fraud.

I think we can all agree, as a nation, we need to do better. OTH, we also need to be vigilant about folks that will seek to cause hatred and animosity between us. . .we are ONE NATION. . . we are all Americans.


No, it doesn't happen "all the time"...lol
We actually have rights now. If you want to call it special privileges that's on you. Just remember that every time you get the urge to spit on a Black child. There will be consequences that will end up with you either dead or your ass in cast. :laugh:
That door swings both ways. Remember that when you hate on white folks.
Hows this for a story? And I was witness AND involved as well, so it ain't no lie.

Most of you know I live in a senior apt complex that is 95% elderly who need caregivers. There are NO BLACKS in this building. Lots of asians and europeans, though. There is ONE black caregiver that helps a lady that is completely helpless in a wheelchair. Vicious bitch, too. Evil. Anyway...this caregiver, whom I shall call K, was downstairs having a cig when I came out to have one myself. That evil bitch patient called the cops on K, said "a tall black person is trying to harm me". So cops came to see what was going on. Actually, it was the CHP since the cops here couldn't make it due to whatever reason. Maybe cuz they were fed up with evil persons bullshit since she has done such shenanigans before. CHP was not aware.

Anyway, K said when she walked into the apt after her break (this was a few days before), the cops only saw a tall black WOMAN, pulled their gun and aimed it at her, then asked evil patient if she knew who this woman was. Evil one said she wasn't sure, and when K said "Miss ######!", evil one said oh yes..that is her caregiver.

Point is...K could have been shot right then and there. K was and is still upset about it. I told her to QUIT RIGHT NOW, that that bitch would get her killed. Finally, she is beginning to listen to me but she hesitates to go because Evil Bitch has nobody that will work for her. K is the only one that has lasted this long and she almost got her face blown off.

When I saw Evil Bitch, I told her everyone here loves K, and if anything happened to her, I would personally see to it that she paid for it in some form or another. The manager also went to Evil One and said one more bullshit crap happens again..out she goes. Evicted.

Point is? THIS SHIT HAPPENS. I SAW it. Witnessed it. It happens. So yeah..I believed SBB OP.
Here you go. Some how you have the wrong URL.

March 2018? Man Allegedly with 20-30 "guests" celebrating a birthday? So was the guy found guilty or he is always going to be allegedly bs? And why would a group of 20-30 which I assume wasn't white allow a grown man to attack a child as claim?
I call K a new name now. Breonna. I said what happened to her could easily have happened again all due to a vicious, evil, bitter, nasty white woman who knew VERY WELL what that phone call would result in.
March 2018? Man Allegedly with 20-30 "guests" celebrating a birthday? So was the guy found guilty or he is always going to be allegedly bs? And why would a group of 20-30 which I assume wasn't white allow a grown man to attack a child as claim?
Why are you asking me retarded questions? I gave him a link when he had the wrong one.

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