A Man Spit On My Toddler And Called Her The N-Word.

There are witnesses to people telling her to go home? Store employees harassing her?

T posted a link. What's your problem? People behave badly all the time. I saw a senior at Publix in Florida throw a black child's bicycle against the wall and then stomp the spokes for absolutely NO reason.
I have seen this kind of behavior in Ft Lauderdale among white seniors.

Personality characteristics of men who physically abuse ...
Men who commit domestic violence may be found among a larger pool of men with poor problem-solving skills, but in addition they appear to have borderline-antisocial personality traits, certain types of hostility, and histories of abuse as children that may predispose them to become violent with thei …
Are you saying all of those old geezers are into beatdowns. The wife beater A shirts must do a booming business there.
Because 99% of these stories end up being lies. As i said, real cases of this sort of thing are so rare that the race baiters are being forced to fake them.
I agree. But for some reason, although I am not fond of SBB, I knew immediately it was not HIS story since he is male, and he tends to overreact the role of Angry Black Man, but I still believed what he posted that someone else wrote. I took it as face value because the way the world is now, this shit happens all the time. And not just against blacks either.
Its the only thing you inbred trogs respect.
hahahhaha--ANOTHER fk up by you
you murder [ use violence ] BLACKS at FOUR times the rate.....it's one of the reasons your culture is a failure--your go to is violence
Youre assuming there is a mental problem as in they were crazy. This is typical behavior of racists. Again note this was done safely in the presence of a female. They werent crazy enough to do it while a male was there. Dont make up excuses for behavior that was applauded not to long ago.
blacks are the racists--not whites
It was at a local barbecue joint in downtown Lexington, Kentucky, when a tall man approached the table where I was sitting with my two daughters, 4 and 2. He lingered there long enough, just looking at us, that I’d begun to hatch an escape plan. I’d already broken into a full-blown sweat before I even realized what he’d just done: spit on my 2-year-old, his saliva landing on her thigh. He then walked away, muttering the N-word under his breath, oblivious to the inaccuracy of the insult.
I was born and raised in Malaysia. I am biracial, of Malay and Indian descent. I came to the United States after falling in love and marrying my blond, blue-eyed American husband. Though I am brown and my husband white, my children, born here in America ― true blue Americans ― are neither. They have an indiscernible olive skin tone, but they are not white.

My neighbors and community voiced their silent agreement, condoning such a vile act when they offered no defense, no comfort, not even acknowledgment that it happened.

The entire restaurant, all white diners from what I could see around me, had watched the incident, avoided eye contact with me, and carried on with their lunches, glancing at us from time to time, confirming what I knew to be true already: We were the others.

I’m also treated very differently when I’m with my white husband than when I’m on my own. People have yelled at me, “Go back where you came from.” Retail assistants have followed me around stores, saying, “There is nothing here for you.” A woman at a makeup counter once denied me service, glancing past me at the white woman behind me in line, telling her she was ready, as if I were invisible. But the glob of spit that hit my daughter that day was a whole new low. I could hold it in and tolerate my pain when the aggressions were directed toward me, but it burned me in a way I hadn’t felt before to see my children subject to such indignity.

What can you say?

How do you think a person should react to something like this being done to their child?
sure...sure it happened
And to add to the convo...if I were one of the people in that restaurant and saw that happen...that guy would have been limping out the doors. I don't care if I am 90 years old....I'd still attempt it.

For some reason, I feel like one of "the others" in this thread. Weird. And surprised.
No they can't.

If someone is born in the US, they are Americans now.

.. . . . . unless they are the son or daughter of a Malaysian diplomat.
Incorrect. You dont lose your citizenship in one country just because you were born in the US. There is a such thing as dual citizenship.

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