A Media Meltdown of Epic Proportions


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May 1, 2012
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A Media Meltdown of Epic Proportions

by Arnold Ahlert
Oct 5th, 2012

To be blunt, Mitt Romney cleaned President Obama’s clock in the presidential debate Wednesday night. It was such a lopsided victory that 67 percent of debate watchers questioned in a CNN poll gave it to the Republican challenger. But it gets worse for the incumbent Democrat. “No presidential candidate has topped 60% in that question since it was first asked in 1984,” said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland. Yet as bad as the president was, the freak-out by leftists and their media enablers was the stuff of legend. More subtly, the media establishment is busy softening Obama’s failure via absurd excuses and anemic acknowledgement of Romney’s victory, studiously avoiding utterance of terms like “defeat” or “loss.”

Taking the lead was the seismic tantrum of MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, who apparently no longer feels the same thrill up his leg he once felt over the president several years ago. ”I don’t know what he was doing out there,” said Matthews. “He had his head down, he was enduring the debate rather than fighting it. I don’t know how he let Romney get away with the crap he threw out tonight.” Yet Matthews’ most remarkable quote of the night was the inadvertent admission that MSNBC’s lineup of hosts are little more than shills for the Democratic party. ”Where was Obama tonight?! He should watch, well not just Hardball, Rachel [Maddow], he should watch you, he should watch the Reverend Al [Sharpton], he should watch Lawrence [O'Donnell]. He would learn something about this debate,” said Matthews. These folks had their “knives out” for the president’s left-wing policies.

Uncharacteristically, Matthews left it up to MSNBC colleague Ed Schultz to play the race card. “It was just very frustrating to watch a guy lie to the American people and not be counter-punched because we’re afraid he’s going to be called an angry black man,” said Schultz. Schultz was backed up by yet another hack at MSNBC. “Obama has just been subject to the Fox News treatment of Angry Black Man, again,” said “Now with Alex Wagner” panelist Michael Eric Dyson during the next viewing hour.


In short, being in-the-tank lapdogs for their Messiah has suddenly acquired a terrifying aspect for the leftist media — one that could get a lot more terrifying in the days leading up to the next debates, and onward to the election. Most people know that an animal is most dangerous when it is wounded. The president and his sycophants were wounded Wednesday night. What they all do going forward to put this president across the finish line in November could be unprecedented in its nastiness as a result.

A Media Meltdown of Epic Proportions | FrontPage Magazine




I have to admit the actor who appeared as Mitt Romney was very good. They may want to keep him around, but what happens to the real Mitt whose policies do not match the actor's values or policies? It was certainly an interesting switch and a Etch-A-Sketch of major portion. Any one know where Mitt was during the play?
Almost nothing is more entertaining than watching those MSNBC slimeballs self-destruct because their hero laid a ginormous egg.

Screw 'em. We're taking our country back and they can go suck exhaust pipes for all I care.
The whining chorus was deafening, no doubt. Everything to Gore's "high altitude" to someone saying that Obama was trying to stay classy, Romney's lying and so on. It truly compounded obvious defeat into a parody of pathos.
Some assclown black pundit said Obie did not want to come off as the 'angry black man'.

Instead, Obie came off as the 'listless black man'.

Whachya' gonna do?!?

Matthews Meltdown Mirrors Mainstream Media Panic

Posted 10/04/2012

Bias: Their ideological champion having been verbally undressed by a competent challenger, the tingles that used to run up the legs of the mainstream media have been replaced by the mother of all anxiety attacks.

Perhaps Clint Eastwood's chair would have given a better and less-wooden debate performance than President Obama did Wednesday in Denver, site of his coronation in 2008 amid faux Greek columns and with a full set of TelePrompters loaded with slogans on hope and change.

As GOP challenger Mitt Romney masterfully and relentlessly pummeled an emperor revealed to have no clothes with incontrovertible facts and figures on the most dismal four-year record in presidential history, no greater evidence of buyer's remorse was found than in the studios of MSNBC and in the person of Chris Matthews.


Read More At IBD: MSNBC host Chris Matthews Was Apoplectic At Romney Debate Win - Investors.com

Can an Imaginary Man Debate?

By Jim O'Sullivan
October 9, 2012

Put yourself at one of the initial meetings between Mitt Romney and his advisers prior to preparing for the debates. At some point during the discussion, a member of his staff may have said, "How do you debate a fairytale, a myth, a fiction, a make-believe person created by the media...and Obama himself?"

Another member may have raised a similar concern with the query, "Even if we win, how do we deal with a media that will trumpet Obama as the true victor? Because they not only created the fantasy; they have diligently protected it for almost four years."

Their conclusion may well have been: "We must overwhelmingly defeat Obama to succeed and to blunt the predictable post-debate media narrative...so let's focus on that as our goal."


The debate was a pivot point in this election. Millions of Americans watched the unmasking of President Obama and his ideology. More importantly, they were exposed to an unfiltered Gov. Mitt Romney. Based on post-debate snap polls, potential voters were persuaded to consider him a legitimate and strong candidate. But most significantly, the tide and momentum have turned...Romney is not just back in this race; he may well be in the lead.

Read more: Articles: Can an Imaginary Man Debate?

Obama Campaign Co-Chair Eva Longoria Gets Schooled

October 19, 2012
By Michelle Malkin

Liberal celebrities want all of the adoration that social media engagement has to offer — but none of the accountability that actual engagement requires. For the Hollywood elite, it’s “do as they say, not as they tweet.” But actress and outspoken Obama campaign co-chair Eva Longoria learned a hard lesson this week on Twitter:

Conservatives online are mad as hell and aren’t taking it anymore.

On Tuesday night after the second presidential debate, Longoria shared a “retweet” from one of her 4.4-plus million followers on the micro-blogging network. “I have no idea why any woman/minority can vote for Romney,” the message read. “You have to be stupid to vote for such a racist/misogynistic tw*t.” (I’m editing the vulgarity for family newspapers, but the tweet’s foul reference to a woman’s reproductive organs was neither censored nor disavowed by Longoria on her Twitter timeline.)

On Wednesday morning, the editors at Twitchy.com, my Twitter curation/aggregation site, captured and saved Longoria’s retweet for posterity. Conservative minorities and women raised their voices. A representative sample:

Wrote Diana Yellow (@navajochic): “I don’t appreciate u call’n me stupid. Ur ignorant, selfish and stupid urself! I’m a Romney/Ryan voter, I’m female and a minority.”


Obama Campaign Co-Chair Eva Longoria Gets Schooled
This slut gave a lot of head and pussy so she could play house while being filmed and become popular.
Now she wants to help the 60 plus year Hollywood Communist movement.. I say she's quite the twat.

Hopefully she falls off a ladder soon.
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