A media star is born - the crying Starbucks employee

Holy crap.

Is simply true. CDS, BDS, ODS, TDS, and BDS, are all the exact same thing. Simple minded and highly partisan individuals blaming everything on the President of the other party. It has been going on for decades, and is getting worse every few years.

I find any that suffer from the various versions of it to be largely brain dead and are not able to think past "It's his fault!".
Well every media source disagrees with you.

The media is wrong.

I see it all the damned time, as I am looking for work. Companies that put in almost ridiculous requirements, and often at wages nobody would take.

There is a local job posting that has been sitting open for over 6 months. Computer hardware tech, but they wanted them to have a 4 year CS degree, multiple certifications, at a wage that was barely above minimum wage. Just because some companies have problems filling such outrageous demands, does not mean there are not people looking for work.

I am simply unwilling to work at that kind of wage, even if I had all those requirements.
To me, that person should ask the customers who have no patience or considerateness what size shirt it is that they wear. If an answer is actually given, throw them a uniform shirt that size if there is one and say, "Suit up! It's going to be legendary!" :) :) :)

God bless you and that person always!!!


P.S. That person may be coming apart, but at least they continue to work unlike way too many other people in this sick and psychotic nation.
The media is wrong.

I see it all the damned time, as I am looking for work. Companies that put in almost ridiculous requirements, and often at wages nobody would take.

There is a local job posting that has been sitting open for over 6 months. Computer hardware tech, but they wanted them to have a 4 year CS degree, multiple certifications, at a wage that was barely above minimum wage. Just because some companies have problems filling such outrageous demands, does not mean there are not people looking for work.

I am simply unwilling to work at that kind of wage, even if I had all those requirements.

Companies don't simply do without employees. They need those people to continue their operations. If nobody is willing to take the job, then they up their pay offer. If they are not upping their offer, then the job can only produce so much profit and you can't pay people more money than they can produce for a company.

The problem is expanded social programs, more people living at home with their parents, and dope. Nobody can live with no money. We all need money to at least buy food, especially as expensive as food is today. If you're not bringing in money from working, you are getting it from somewhere. If you are not getting it from somewhere, taxpayers are feeding you via SNAPs.

Now please post an ad that was for a job that requires a 4 year college degree for under $10.00 an hour. If you are in a field of work flooded with others willing to do a certain job, then you chose the wrong career. If you don't want training for a new career, then take some of the higher paying jobs out there. The Post Office is desperate for workers, a job that a lot of people wanted but you just about had to know somebody to get in. In my former trade as a truck driver, we are over 50,000 drivers short, and that number is predicted to grow as we baby boomers retire. Even UPS is looking for parcel drivers and with overtime, they can make close to 80K a year.

If you are unemployed today, it's because you don't want to work.

Companies don't simply do without employees. They need those people to continue their operations. If nobody is willing to take the job, then they up their pay offer. If they are not upping their offer, then the job can only produce so much profit and you can't pay people more money than they can produce for a company.

The problem is expanded social programs, more people living at home with their parents, and dope. Nobody can live with no money. We all need money to at least buy food, especially as expensive as food is today. If you're not bringing in money from working, you are getting it from somewhere. If you are not getting it from somewhere, taxpayers are feeding you via SNAPs.

Now please post an ad that was for a job that requires a 4 year college degree for under $10.00 an hour. If you are in a field of work flooded with others willing to do a certain job, then you chose the wrong career. If you don't want training for a new career, then take some of the higher paying jobs out there. The Post Office is desperate for workers, a job that a lot of people wanted but you just about had to know somebody to get in. In my former trade as a truck driver, we are over 50,000 drivers short, and that number is predicted to grow as we baby boomers retire. Even UPS is looking for parcel drivers and with overtime, they can make close to 80K a year.

If you are unemployed today, it's because you don't want to work.

So if someone is living at home, not collecting benefits, they owe the nation and need to be productive for the good of the nation? Ummm explain that one.
So if someone is living at home, not collecting benefits, they owe the nation and need to be productive for the good of the nation? Ummm explain that one.

People do whatever they want. I'm just pointing out the causes of the problem, not suggesting everybody must do as I say.

We didn't have labor shortages years ago. That's because if you were in the basement smoking pot with no job or even looking for one, your parents threw you out of the house. Welfare didn't pay shit, and most were too proud to even take it if offered. Today parents welcome their children to live at home as long as they want regardless of their situation in life.

If you only have to work a couple of hours to pay them some room and bored, you lost the desire to get ahead in life. That's not only bad for the workforce, it's bad for individuals to have that outlook on life itself. If you ever get in a situation where you have no choice but to support yourself, you're in for a rude awakening. That's why mother birds kick the baby birds out of the nest as soon as they learn how to fly. Momma bird won't be there forever.
Two days in a row at 8 1/2 hours a day? Oh my, so overworked! Seriously? Only four people because one called in? Full beard?

The kid is nuts.
There is no such job in Oregon at all anywhere. Minimum wage here is $13.50.

And not everybody can do those jobs you list. But whatever.

Why is that, because you can't sit on your ass and work from home; because you don't want to do any physical labor? I only listed a few careers one can get into. I'm sure there are many more.

My father that recently passed away was a bricklayer. His union would send pamphlets to their retirees asking them to find younger people willing to join the trade. They were offering $500.00 for each person they sent if they successfully worked as an apprentice for a few years.

Granted it's very hard work, but not only does it pay very well, you are off all winter because you can't lay brick below freezing or when it's raining outside. My father made a good living and a great retirement at his trade. Oh, the union does get applicants, but none that could pass a drug test. Pot is more important than learning a career with free training and guaranteed work while learning.

Unless you have a physical or mental handicap, there is no reason not to be working today. It may not be the perfect job, may require some physical labor, but those jobs are out there for just about anybody.
Two days in a row at 8 1/2 hours a day? Oh my, so overworked! Seriously? Only four people because one called in? Full beard?

The kid is nuts.
To me, what makes the kid crazy is staying at a job that doesn't respect the work schedule that they need considering the fact that the kid does go to school which is another reason why I think that the kid should be commended. Not only are they going to work, but they are also trying to further their education too unlike way too many others in this world.

God bless you and the kid always!!!


P.S. The sad thing is that if the kid were to quit and go somewhere else, how much different or better would the next place be? I have heard from different people over the past three years that all kinds of different businesses are short staffed due to those who do not want to get up and go to a job in the first place.
To me, what makes the kid crazy is staying at a job that doesn't respect the work schedule that they need considering the fact that the kid does go to school which is another reason why I think that the kid should be commended. Not only are they going to work, but they are also trying to further their education too unlike way too many others in this world.

God bless you and the kid always!!!


P.S. The sad thing is that if the kid were to quit and go somewhere else, how much different or better would the next place be? I have heard from different people over the past three years that all kinds of different businesses are short staffed due to those who do not want to get up and go to a job in the first place.
Starbucks pays for college tuition, the kid works 25 hours a week and gets tuition paid for. I worked my way through college, worked full time. How is Starbucks not respecting his work schedule? The kid can’t quit because they would lose the tuition, the kid has a sweet deal and is crying for no reason.
Starbucks pays for college tuition, the kid works 25 hours a week and gets tuition paid for. I worked my way through college, worked full time. How is Starbucks not respecting his work schedule? The kid can’t quit because they would lose the tuition, the kid has a sweet deal and is crying for no reason.

I guess, but my opinion still stands: this guy is as phony as a three dollar bill and it's all a put on.
Truth be known, I have actually met several of these. They exist. It's a reality. It's not a Right Wing Conspiracy Theory. I don't know what it is about that company that attracts these types. One thing fer shur, it ain't Socialism. Starbucks is the higher octave of corporate capitalism.

Its high pay for legitimate extremely soft "work".
You put the drink in a cup, take payment, and hand it to the customer.

These people should be fired for "outing" the companies they work for.

Many have done so.

If I were to go online and make videos about how heinously vile and corrupt the companies I have worked for are........I'd have been fired and sued the next day!

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