A media star is born - the crying Starbucks employee

Its high pay for legitimate extremely soft "work".
You put the drink in a cup, take payment, and hand it to the customer.


A job that entails providing even menial service, to nasty, arrogant, fussy, pushy, "entitled" snobs isn't necessarily a low pressure job....although it can depend on the neighborhood somewhat.

I work in retail. I make a nice wage doing it because I'm a journeyman meatcutter with 33 years experience working in a union shop, I make some pretty nice stuff, and I serve one of the top 10 richest neighborhoods in my state. We occasionally have painfully slow days where I can almost hear the change streaming into my pocket as I struggle to find things to do. However, the people I serve are some of the most obnoxious scum I've ever dealt with in 33 years. I have worked in 3 different states for about 5 different companies in that time and in this industry. Of all of them, THIS one store is the worst social environment I've encountered in that time. . If not for the pay I would have quit here long ago to work for less, but for NICER clientele, in spite of those slow days when 5 people could easily be fighting over who gets to take the garbage out just for SOMETHING to do. These asshole customers stress us out quite alot at times and occasionally it's NOT slow, and in fact can be an utter shithouse going up in flames during the holidays. EVERYONE who has ever worked in our shop says they've never dealt with such arrogant, nasty customers ANYWHERE. Even ghetto stores aren't as bad as this one. The truth is, we get ghetto people too, from across the river. So we get the extreme upper class snobs and the extreme low class ratbags as well. The combination is quite a contrast. Busy days here, although we see less of them since the pandemic, are a SHITSHOW. Even when we aren't cutting much meat, dealing with these people begs top dollar for the stress.
A job that entails providing even menial service, to nasty, arrogant, fussy, pushy, "entitled" snobs isn't necessarily a low pressure job....although it can depend on the neighborhood somewhat.

I work in retail. I make a nice wage doing it because I'm a journeyman meatcutter with 33 years experience working in a union shop, I make some pretty nice stuff, and I serve one of the top 10 richest neighborhoods in my state. We occasionally have painfully slow days where I can almost hear the change streaming into my pocket as I struggle to find things to do. However, the people I serve are some of the most obnoxious scum I've ever dealt with in 33 years. I have worked in 3 different states for about 5 different companies in that time and in this industry. Of all of them, THIS one store is the worst social environment I've encountered in that time. . If not for the pay I would have quit here long ago to work for less, but for NICER clientele, in spite of those slow days when 5 people could easily be fighting over who gets to take the garbage out just for SOMETHING to do. These asshole customers stress us out quite alot at times and occasionally it's NOT slow, and in fact can be an utter shithouse going up in flames during the holidays. EVERYONE who has ever worked in our shop says they've never dealt with such arrogant, nasty customers ANYWHERE. Even ghetto stores aren't as bad as this one. The truth is, we get ghetto people too, from across the river. So we get the extreme upper class snobs and the extreme low class ratbags as well. The combination is quite a contrast. Busy days here, although we see less of them since the pandemic, are a SHITSHOW. Even when we aren't cutting much meat, dealing with these people begs top dollar for the stress.

I've been in retail for many years as well, when I got out of high school in 1981 and until about 1997.

The MAJOR difference between NOW and THEN, is the fact NO COMPANY initiates their new employees with orientation speeches, pamphlets, or videos............telling them what they CAN and CANNOT say to customers and other emploees, what they CAN and CANNOT do, how they CAN and CANNOT treat customers, and how to deal with OBNOXIOUS ASSHOLE customers.

Nowadays they just show you how to work the register, and THATS ALL.

Companies also do NOT punish employees for breaking company rules and WRITTEN, DOCUMENTED company "laws" they have in their handbooks. It's always the victims fault...........regardless of it being an innocent customer or another employee.
I've been in retail for many years as well, when I got out of high school in 1981 and until about 1997.

The MAJOR difference between NOW and THEN, is the fact NO COMPANY initiates their new employees with orientation speeches, pamphlets, or videos............telling them what they CAN and CANNOT say to customers and other emploees, what they CAN and CANNOT do, how they CAN and CANNOT treat customers, and how to deal with OBNOXIOUS ASSHOLE customers.

Nowadays they just show you how to work the register, and THATS ALL.

Companies also do NOT punish employees for breaking company rules and WRITTEN, DOCUMENTED company "laws" they have in their handbooks. It's always the victims fault...........regardless of it being an innocent customer or another employee.

Now a days a company is happy just to find anybody willing to do the job. They need to cater to the employees rather than the other way around like it was years ago.

Unless we get a President willing to drastically cut down on social programs forcing able bodied people to go back to work, we're going to end up with a workforce with no work ethics for a long time once the rest of us boomers retire.
Now a days a company is happy just to find anybody willing to do the job. They need to cater to the employees rather than the other way around like it was years ago.

Unless we get a President willing to drastically cut down on social programs forcing able bodied people to go back to work, we're going to end up with a workforce with no work ethics for a long time once the rest of us boomers retire.
The work ethic is more than fine. A couple of examples doesn't describe everyone. The labor pool is overflowing. If sn employer can't find people that's all on the employer. Fact.
The work ethic is more than fine. A couple of examples doesn't describe everyone. The labor pool is overflowing. If sn employer can't find people that's all on the employer. Fact.

You think their work ethic is fine because yours are just as shitty off not shittier. You make shit up like the labor pool is overflowing when every media reports the opposite. But as far as you're concerned, every media outlet is wrong but you're right with zero evidence to back up your phony lying claims.
Ironically, we see (read) MAGAts crying on this forum every day.

Oh come on, we know the commie propaganda:

When the left has an opinion, it's discussing politics. When the right has an opinion, it's crying and whining.

You've been trained like a good little puppet.
Oh come on, we know the commie propaganda:

When the left has an opinion, it's discussing politics. When the right has an opinion, it's crying and whining.

You've been trained like a good little puppet.
You can't tell the difference between having an opinion and "crying and whining"? I can.

This is an opinion...."I agree/disagree with ______________ because of A, B, and/or C.

This is crying and whining....."The media is all against us!" "The deep state is all against us!" "EVERYONE is against us!"
Truth be known, I have actually met several of these. They exist. It's a reality. It's not a Right Wing Conspiracy Theory. I don't know what it is about that company that attracts these types. One thing fer shur, it ain't Socialism. Starbucks is the higher octave of corporate capitalism.

Starbucks is woke. It attracts wokesters for employment.
You think their work ethic is fine because yours are just as shitty off not shittier. You make shit up like the labor pool is overflowing when every media reports the opposite. But as far as you're concerned, every media outlet is wrong but you're right with zero evidence to back up your phony lying claims.
The work ethic has all but disappeared in today’s youth. All “gimme, gimme, gimme”. They even put in e-sports teams in high schools and those kids act they’re doing such hard work. When most of them wouldn’t last a day in a real sport practice.
You can't tell the difference between having an opinion and "crying and whining"? I can.

This is an opinion...."I agree/disagree with ______________ because of A, B, and/or C.

This is crying and whining....."The media is all against us!" "The deep state is all against us!" "EVERYONE is against us!"

Those are facts, not whining.

Tell me why a federal investigative agency got involved in finding a 10 dollar diary to keep embarrassing information about their leader away from the public? Tell me why an anti-abortionist was arrested by five heavily armed FBI agents for pushing a pro-abortionist away from his son causing him to fall down; an event that happened a year earlier that local officials laughed at. Tell my why the FBI had social media suppress the Hunter laptop story that according to polls, changed our entire last presidential election.

That's not whining, that's discussing the deep state corruption that we have in our government right now.

So tell me this is whining and not the truth.
Yeah, when you’re running short and there’s a lot of customers, the best thing to do is to sit in the back room and cry and make a video about it.

I’m sure his(her) coworkers love working with her(him).
Starbucks pays for college tuition, the kid works 25 hours a week and gets tuition paid for. I worked my way through college, worked full time. How is Starbucks not respecting his work schedule? The kid can’t quit because they would lose the tuition, the kid has a sweet deal and is crying for no reason.
If the verbal abuse is bad enough, I believe that they have every right to lose it. I used to work with a girl who was once told by a customer to go back to Mexico. I was on my break when it happened. How did I find out about her encounter? She went into the break room and fell apart in front of me.

God bless you and the girl always!!!


P.S. In other words, money may solve a lot of problems, but money does not take care of everything.
If the verbal abuse is bad enough, I believe that they have every right to lose it. I used to work with a girl who was once told by a customer to go back to Mexico. I was on my break when it happened. How did I find out about her encounter? She went into the break room and fell apart in front of me.

God bless you and the girl always!!!


P.S. In other words, money may solve a lot of problems, but money does not take care of everything.
I have worked with customers, and it is tough, it is cold and unforgiving. In order to get the tuition benefit, they must work 25 hours a week at Starbucks. He is complaining about two 8 hour shifts, how is that not reasonable. The attack on him was wrong and no one deserves that, but why is he taking it out on Starbucks and why post a video as such? What is a union going to do to fix any of the complaints?
I have worked with customers, and it is tough, it is cold and unforgiving. In order to get the tuition benefit, they must work 25 hours a week at Starbucks. He is complaining about two 8 hour shifts, how is that not reasonable. The attack on him was wrong and no one deserves that, but why is he taking it out on Starbucks and why post a video as such? What is a union going to do to fix any of the complaints?
I could be wrong, but when the union was brought up, the kid was then talking about the managers calling in a lot and only coming into work whenever they felt like it. I am guessing that their frequently enough absences only make working there worse which I wouldn't doubt it. When customers have anything to complain about, the manager is who they should be going to, but when a manager isn't there, the "abuse" will then be directed at anyone who does decide to show up.

God bless you and the kid always!!!


P.S. If the place has a janitor/maintenance person, I wonder if the customers do any jumping on them at all?
You think their work ethic is fine because yours are just as shitty off not shittier. You make shit up like the labor pool is overflowing when every media reports the opposite. But as far as you're concerned, every media outlet is wrong but you're right with zero evidence to back up your phony lying claims.
Oh I did my time, served my sentence in the godforsaken rat race for 40 years. Been retired for over 25 years. Worked, saved, sacrificed put 3 kids thru college. I had the same thoughts as you at one time. Then my train of thought changed to slow it down and leave some effort on the work floor
Save it for the family. I don't owe my employer such a great effort. They want more they can pay more. It's basic economics.

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