A media star is born - the crying Starbucks employee

This has gone viral

You can google “crying starbucks employee” and find about 20 presentations mocking this lib snowflake

This is what you get when society, particularly higher education, is out to erase masculinity.
You get a confused kid who doesn't know what he is, let alone who he is. Has no idea how to act, because has has been de - and re programmed to not be a man.
So he acts like a 12 year old girl.

This has gone viral

You can google “crying starbucks employee” and find about 20 presentations mocking this lib snowflake

My god, that comes close to being the biggest pussy I have ever seen.

I know the little shithead voted for Biden.
Seems to me that we may be closer to "Demolition Man" being a reality than we had ever imagined.

Maybe he needs to just log into Compu-Chat so he can feel better about himself.

One of my son's friends went to work at a Starbucks in Tampa.

He actually made good money for a job like that. However, he said he was the only heterosexual working at the store. Everybody else was queer.
He was made that way by the lib culture
Just think. That weak asshole has the ability to vote. My god, no wonder this country is turning into a shithole.

I remember when I was going to college studying Engineering. To get through without being in debt I worked at a gas station. Probably making a lot less money that that pussy makes at Starbucks. I would have to work three nights a week and all day Saturday and Sunday. I hardly had any free time. I didn't whine and cry about it. I just sucked it up and did it.
Just think. That weak asshole has the ability to vote. My god, no wonder this country is turning into a shithole.

I remember when I was going to college studying Engineering. To get through without being in debt I worked at a gas station. Probably making a lot less money that that pussy makes at Starbucks. I would have to work three nights a week and all day Saturday and Sunday. I hardly had any free time. I didn't whine and cry about it. I just sucked it up and did it.

There is no law that states you must go to college right out of high school. Most kids could live at home with their parents for two, three, four years, save every penny they can, then go to college and pay cash while continuing to work part-time when possible.
There is no law that states you must go to college right out of high school. Most kids could live at home with their parents for two, three, four years, save every penny they can, then go to college and pay cash while continuing to work part-time when possible.
I went in the Army before going to college. I had the GI Bill and some money saved up but I still had to work part time in order to make ends meet without going in debt.

That he.she/it needs to suck it up and stop whining.
There is no law that states you must go to college right out of high school. Most kids could live at home with their parents for two, three, four years, save every penny they can, then go to college and pay cash while continuing to work part-time when possible.
Now imagine if they live at home until 30, even 32, save work, save, work. Don't get married and surely don't have kids. Is there any downsides to this scenario?
Well, it's obvious to see why this loser couldn't get a job working somewhere else.
As far as low end part time jobs go Starbucks isn't too bad. My son's friend worked at one in Tampa. They got paid an hourly rate over minimal wage and they made quite a bit more in tips.

At the time my son was working full time with a pool screening company making minimal wage. At the end of the month his friend working part time at Starbucks was making almost twice what my son was making.

He/she/it needs to stop being such a pussy.
As far as low end part time jobs go Starbucks isn't too bad. My son's friend worked at one in Tampa. They got paid an hourly rate over minimal wage and they made quite a bit more in tips.

At the time my son was working full time with a pool screening company making minimal wage. At the end of the month his friend working part time at Starbucks was making almost twice what my son was making.

He/she/it needs to stop being such a pussy.
I've been in management for decades. I'd just do this idiot a favor by firing him so that he could get a better job somewhere else. And, I'm not just saying that either. I've fired many like this. I wouldn't pay the SOB for being a cry baby activist. I expect my employees to pay attention to their jobs. That's what I pay them for. If there are just causing trouble then they can cause trouble somewhere else.
I've been in management for decades. I'd just do this idiot a favor by firing him so that he could get a better job somewhere else. And, I'm not just saying that either. I've fired many like this. I wouldn't pay the SOB for being a cry baby activist. I expect my employees to pay attention to their jobs. That's what I pay them for. If there are just causing trouble then they can cause trouble somewhere else.
To me the Leftest pussy whining about getting an Union because the work is to hard serving coffee at Startbucks is the epitome of sorriness.

Of course that wimp being transgender or whatever is what President Potatohead is looking for in diversity in the military so he/she/it would make a great soldier nowadays.
There is a reason I tend to ridicule those on the extremes of both sides of the political spectrum. I see absolutely no difference from somebody like that than I do from somebody who goes on and on about how Trump should be President endlessly.

And if I was to hear any kind of political BS from either side, I would likely make a comment to the manager and never return. Hello, I am here for a cup of coffee, not a BS political diatribe. This is work, where such coprolite does not belong.

And I will be completely honest here, in the last decade or so I have noticed the "professionalism" of people in the service industry has taken a very sharp downward turn. I see such people for a service, I am not their friend.
I've been in management for decades. I'd just do this idiot a favor by firing him so that he could get a better job somewhere else. And, I'm not just saying that either. I've fired many like this. I wouldn't pay the SOB for being a cry baby activist. I expect my employees to pay attention to their jobs. That's what I pay them for. If there are just causing trouble then they can cause trouble somewhere else.

It's likely this is all a ruse and this kid wants the video to go viral. I doubt he even worked at Starbucks. But he is an example of how some young people do feel today.

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