A message from a Mexican to The USA

A permanent resident is a citizen
Wrong, a permanent resident is just that, a legal "resident", they are not a citizen. In order for an LPR to become a citizen, they must apply to do so and pass a basic history test.

No, he's right.

Yeah, I'm right. It's not worth arguing over. You've said what you believe and you're wrong.
You are FACTUALLY wrong, whether you like it or not.

No, I am not. ....
Your insistence cannot alter reality. It is a FACT that permanent residency is NOT the same thing as citizenship. Why would this simple FACT make you so defensive?

A permanent resident is a citizen
Permanent resident status (you know, the "green card") is NOT the same as citizenship. You are mistaken.
You get a green card because you want to be a citizen. ...
Not necessarily.

Post what percentage of people get a green card and do not become citizens versus those who do. Please give links to your sources.
Don't try to move your own goal post now. It's far too late for that. YOU claimed that permanent residency was the SAME as citizenship. That is not correct. Why is it so hard for you to simply admit you were wrong?

A permanent resident is a citizen
Permanent resident status (you know, the "green card") is NOT the same as citizenship. You are mistaken.
You get a green card because you want to be a citizen. ...
Not necessarily.

Post what percentage of people get a green card and do not become citizens versus those who do. Please give links to your sources.
What does percentages have to do with anything here? A green card does not grant citizenship. If some apply for and get citizenship, so what. If some don't apply for citizenship and stay as an LPR, so what. At no point do you get a green card because you want to be a US Citizen, you get a green card because you want to live here beyond the length of time that a visa allows.

I don't think I addressed you here.

A permanent resident is a citizen
Permanent resident status (you know, the "green card") is NOT the same as citizenship. You are mistaken.
You get a green card because you want to be a citizen. ...
Not necessarily.

Post what percentage of people get a green card and do not become citizens versus those who do. Please give links to your sources.
Don't try to move your own goal post now. It's far too late for that. YOU claimed that permanent residency was the SAME as citizenship. That is not correct. Why is it so hard for you to simply admit you were wrong?

There you go, lying. I ASKED why people would get a green card if not for citizenship. The onus is on you to prove your assertion. If 100,000 people apply for a green card and 90,000 of those end up becoming citizens, then my premise would be correct for the most part.

A permanent resident is a citizen
Permanent resident status (you know, the "green card") is NOT the same as citizenship. You are mistaken.
You get a green card because you want to be a citizen. ...
Not necessarily.

Post what percentage of people get a green card and do not become citizens versus those who do. Please give links to your sources.
Don't try to move your own goal post now. It's far too late for that. YOU claimed that permanent residency was the SAME as citizenship. That is not correct. Why is it so hard for you to simply admit you were wrong?

Have YOU ever admitted YOU were wrong? Ever? You like to pretend that you are a beaming paragon of human virtue, but you are fallible just like every swinging dick on the face of this earth. Here's the deal unk, I spent many years studying and working in this field because, as a militia leader, the members were always telling me they didn't care whether or not someone were foreigners as long as they were "legal," so I did something proactive and began working with a Latino organization to get people their papers. I figured if we did something proactive, the public would be more receptive to the idea that civilian militias were defending Liberty. Was I wrong! You want an admission of wrong?

Studying immigration and learning it has been nothing but a fucking curse. I see the erroneous thinking in the proposed solutions of the MAGA crowd. I've never denied that an issue exists. It's that the proposed solutions will not address the real problem AND they end up denying to each of us our unalienable Rights. That's not opinion; that is a fact. As one proof that I KNOW what I'm talking about, I accurately predicted YEARS ago that the United States Supreme Court would not deport DACA kids. Do you think I have a critic, including you, that would acknowledge that?

The reality is, you like to be an asshole on the Internet because you lack the balls to say the shit you do to people face to face. But, you're a rank fucking amateur. Wait until you have a constant shadow like I have. Here's a piece of shit that (if he did not do the deeds, caused them to happen) killed my cat and strung it over a tree branch, shot through my kitchen window one time while I was at home and has tried himself doxxing me for YEARS now to try and silence me. Just in the past two months leading up to this week, that same mother fucker tried to steal money off my credit card which caused me to have to shut down my credit card and get another one at a different company. Then he tried to steal money off me via paypal. I was forced to shut down my bank account and get another bank after being at the same one for 28 years. Then he sent an e mail to the church I belong to saying that he had hacked the site and is going to shut it down and ruin my reputation unless the church pays him a sum of money in bitcoin. What is ironic is that guy is going to back you up and the cocksucker is just like you. He don't have the guts to stand up to me like a man. He hacks my computer on a regular basis and he's good.

One day his luck and yours will run out. Karma is a bitch. But was I wrong? I'd be better off NOT knowing this shit, but I do. I know immigration law good enough that lawyers farm their work out to me rather than screw with it. But, I paid the price only to learn that the issue is not about immigration. The problem is non-whites want to take over and ARE taking over. The white people simply lack the balls to stand up for themselves for fear of being labeled a racist. Whether they are or not is immaterial. I have my own personal views about race. At the same time I've worked with and for non-whites. They have been satisfied with my work and we've had long standing relationships. Still I know the difference between citizenship and the concept of unalienable Rights - Rights that are above the reach of government that protect all of us. If I could go back and unlearn what I know so that I could blindly worship the orange man whose narcissism, socialist solutions, and stupid rhetoric have destroyed the constitutionalists, I'd damn well be tempted. I regret having studied and worked in immigration law. I was wrong and I pay a hefty price for it. But, I rest assured knowing that people like you and that other cancer on the face of humanity will have something very bad befall you. One day, you will lie in bed and pray to God for the evil you've visited on others. So will that other POS. So, yeah, I've been wrong. But, you fuck with people because their misery gives you pleasure... just like my shadow does. But, both of you are sick fucks and you're wrong. So, now you can quit trying to pretend you wear a halo.
There you go, lying. I ASKED why people would get a green card if not for citizenship. ...

YOU made the initial assertion this entire discussion is based upon when YOU claimed that permanent residency was the same as citizenship. It is not.

What a clumsy attempt at misdirection.
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To summarize:

Permanent resident status is NOT the same thing as citizenship

There is no "official" language of The United States, and there never will be

English is, and will remain, the dominant language of The United States
To summarize:

Permanent resident status is NOT the same thing as citizenship

There is no "official" language of The United States, and there never will be

English is, and will remain, the dominant language of The United States

Irrelevant and careful dodge to my question

Irrelevant, but English should be the official language

In 25 years, Spanish will be the dominant language of the United States
To give unkotare an analogy, there is road near me that goes between two major thoroughfares. Most people use that side road as a short-cut, so it's usually common to hear residents say "everybody uses that road as a shortcut." Technically, that isn't true. There are over 50 houses on that road. So is everybody that uses the language I said a liar? That's what unkotare wants to argue about. So, forgive me when I go back to telling that mindless idiot that he needs some new material.

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