A message to America from Black America.

Ok and you worry about yours. What do you think you should start with first?
I do worry about mine. What do you think you should do to fix the inferiority complex you white males have?
But we think/know we are better than you.
Only in winter sports are whites better than Blacks in anything. That only comes from when you were almost inbred into extinction during the ice age.
I wrestled in high school and college and never did a black ever beat me in wrestling. Sorry.
You must have ducked all the Black dudes then. Sorry.
Black men may be athletic and good boxers but they do not know how to fight. Sorry, sad truth. They may be big and muscular but they don't know how to use it.

I know you will know what I'm talking about. I remember in the hood the black guys would walk around each other in circles bumping each others shoulders. I would laugh and think, "what are they waiting for?".

I'm not your typical white. I'm Greek.

I know you think this is me though.

I do worry about mine. What do you think you should do to fix the inferiority complex you white males have?
But we think/know we are better than you.
Only in winter sports are whites better than Blacks in anything. That only comes from when you were almost inbred into extinction during the ice age.
I wrestled in high school and college and never did a black ever beat me in wrestling. Sorry.
You must have ducked all the Black dudes then. Sorry.
Black men may be athletic and good boxers but they do not know how to fight. Sorry, sad truth. They may be big and muscular but they don't know how to use it.

I know you will know what I'm talking about. I remember in the hood the black guys would walk around each other in circles bumping each others shoulders. I would laugh and think, "what are they waiting for?".

I'm not your typical white. I'm Greek.

I know you think this is me though.

You must have hung out with the Black guys that couldnt fight. Not all Black guys can fight obviously but we destroy people when trained in the sport. Being a Greek you arent really white. You just think you are. Greeks and Italians have more Black DNA than white people. Your ancestors called whites savages.
Ok and you worry about yours. What do you think you should start with first?
I do worry about mine. What do you think you should do to fix the inferiority complex you white males have?
But we think/know we are better than you.
Only in winter sports are whites better than Blacks in anything. That only comes from when you were almost inbred into extinction during the ice age.
I wrestled in high school and college and never did a black ever beat me in wrestling. Sorry.
You must have ducked all the Black dudes then. Sorry.
I know blacks only make up like 15% of the population but I don't believe 15% of the wrestlers at the Michigan state tournament were black. And I don't think 1 black won any weight class. I don't think there was 1 black in my weight class. I take that back. The guy who took 3rd the year before, I knocked him out of the tournament. He said, and I quote, "oh shit, I got to wrestle that crazy white boy again".

So I take that back. He beat me every time we ever wrestled, until the state tournament. I finally beat him! And do you know why? Because he was going to school and working at night to pay for a fucking kid he had!!! He ruined his life!!! He would have beat me, placed in the state tournament, went to college. Instead he let us whites fluff his black cock and put it in a baby mama and have a kid before he was ready to have a kid. And how do you think his kid turned out? Probably the same way. But all us smart white kids didn't get a girl pregnant and we went off to college.

Yea, it was whiteys fault he was a dumb nig.
threads about black people are useless here. as soon as you give an opinion they call you a racist anyway. so the hell with this and them too
I have to agree Stephanie. I go out of my way letting them know that I realize we put them in the shit holes they live in today. But are we forcing them to not study, to have kids they can't afford, to run from the cops, to sell drugs, to not call the police when they know a criminal lives in their neighborhood, to sleep with that loser, to be lazy at work and school.

Carson's message — and his rags-to-riches story — seems to be resonating with conservative Iowa voters. He talks of growing up in Detroit with a hard-working single mother who pushed him to earn top grades in school. For that, he told fairgoers, his classmates called him a nerd and an "Uncle Tom."

"But I would always shut them up by saying, 'Let's see what you're doing in 20 years, and let's see what I'm doing in 20 years,' " Carson said, drawing cheers and applause from the crowd.

When he graduated, Carson says his peers voted him, "Most Likely to Succeed."

"Which means they knew what was important," he said. "They were too lazy and trifling to do it themselves."
Carson interpreted it incorrectly. They knew he was most likely to give a white guy a blow job. Uncle Toms stand out from an early age. You can spot them a mile away.
Yes, I recognize the low expectations you have of yourself and yours. How are you ever going to avoid failure?

Rhetorical: you won't
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.
Yeah, Zimbabwe is and has been great place since they got rid of the whites and became blacks acting like blacks.

Have you been to Zimbabwe lately or are you just spouting what you heard some other pink racist say about the country? Zimbabwe is on the road to recovery... it may take some time but even tourism has seen a resurgence.

BTW, here is a picture of the capital city of Zimbabwe... just to keep things in perspective:


More photos of Zimbabwe:
White boys like Bridgetpat always stick their foots in their mouths and not just to pick off and eat the hair lice.

There's nothing more entertaining than a left-wing circle-jerk where they fantasize that they are winning an argument.

BTW, all the buildings in that photo look to be more than 30 years old, which means not a single new building has been constructed since blacks took over.

You are caught lying once again... Your racist obsessions totally transcend the boundaries of reality... It doesn't take much to find the truth... but you have to abandon preconceptions and look for it:
Picture 10.png
Last edited:
I do worry about mine. What do you think you should do to fix the inferiority complex you white males have?
But we think/know we are better than you.
Only in winter sports are whites better than Blacks in anything. That only comes from when you were almost inbred into extinction during the ice age.
I wrestled in high school and college and never did a black ever beat me in wrestling. Sorry.
You must have ducked all the Black dudes then. Sorry.
I know blacks only make up like 15% of the population but I don't believe 15% of the wrestlers at the Michigan state tournament were black. And I don't think 1 black won any weight class. I don't think there was 1 black in my weight class. I take that back. The guy who took 3rd the year before, I knocked him out of the tournament. He said, and I quote, "oh shit, I got to wrestle that crazy white boy again".

So I take that back. He beat me every time we ever wrestled, until the state tournament. I finally beat him! And do you know why? Because he was going to school and working at night to pay for a fucking kid he had!!! He ruined his life!!! He would have beat me, placed in the state tournament, went to college. Instead he let us whites fluff his black cock and put it in a baby mama and have a kid before he was ready to have a kid. And how do you think his kid turned out? Probably the same way. But all us smart white kids didn't get a girl pregnant and we went off to college.

Yea, it was whiteys fault he was a dumb nig.
Most Black guys will not wear that wrestling uniform. Thats how I know you didnt wrestle the best. I worked at night to pay for kid. I didnt ruin my life. No you are not going to get Black guys to stop having sex with your women by calling them dumb nigs.
Yeah she is complaining and thats why she takes advantage of AA more than any other segment of the population. I wasnt worried about her. I was just posing the same question you posed to me.

Yes the violent crime rate will rise because the white girl is on meth. Her kids will grow up to be murderers, thieves, and trailer park trash.

I am right about whites. What do you mean so what? I'm saying worry about your people and fix your culture before attempting to offer solutions for mine.
Ok and you worry about yours. What do you think you should start with first?
I do worry about mine. What do you think you should do to fix the inferiority complex you white males have?
But we think/know we are better than you.
Only in winter sports are whites better than Blacks in anything. That only comes from when you were almost inbred into extinction during the ice age.
I wrestled in high school and college and never did a black ever beat me in wrestling. Sorry.
I lied. One black guy beat me but I ended up beating him our last match ever in the state tournament. Man was he built. But so was I.
But we think/know we are better than you.
Only in winter sports are whites better than Blacks in anything. That only comes from when you were almost inbred into extinction during the ice age.
I wrestled in high school and college and never did a black ever beat me in wrestling. Sorry.
You must have ducked all the Black dudes then. Sorry.
I know blacks only make up like 15% of the population but I don't believe 15% of the wrestlers at the Michigan state tournament were black. And I don't think 1 black won any weight class. I don't think there was 1 black in my weight class. I take that back. The guy who took 3rd the year before, I knocked him out of the tournament. He said, and I quote, "oh shit, I got to wrestle that crazy white boy again".

So I take that back. He beat me every time we ever wrestled, until the state tournament. I finally beat him! And do you know why? Because he was going to school and working at night to pay for a fucking kid he had!!! He ruined his life!!! He would have beat me, placed in the state tournament, went to college. Instead he let us whites fluff his black cock and put it in a baby mama and have a kid before he was ready to have a kid. And how do you think his kid turned out? Probably the same way. But all us smart white kids didn't get a girl pregnant and we went off to college.

Yea, it was whiteys fault he was a dumb nig.
Most Black guys will not wear that wrestling uniform. Thats how I know you didnt wrestle the best. I worked at night to pay for kid. I didnt ruin my life. No you are not going to get Black people from having sex with your women by calling them dumb nigs.
Ben Carson's mom was dumb enough to be a single mom. She's lucky her kid was smart and listened to her.

I would say its worse to start out life with only one parent than it is to start out life black.
But we think/know we are better than you.
Only in winter sports are whites better than Blacks in anything. That only comes from when you were almost inbred into extinction during the ice age.
I wrestled in high school and college and never did a black ever beat me in wrestling. Sorry.
You must have ducked all the Black dudes then. Sorry.
I know blacks only make up like 15% of the population but I don't believe 15% of the wrestlers at the Michigan state tournament were black. And I don't think 1 black won any weight class. I don't think there was 1 black in my weight class. I take that back. The guy who took 3rd the year before, I knocked him out of the tournament. He said, and I quote, "oh shit, I got to wrestle that crazy white boy again".

So I take that back. He beat me every time we ever wrestled, until the state tournament. I finally beat him! And do you know why? Because he was going to school and working at night to pay for a fucking kid he had!!! He ruined his life!!! He would have beat me, placed in the state tournament, went to college. Instead he let us whites fluff his black cock and put it in a baby mama and have a kid before he was ready to have a kid. And how do you think his kid turned out? Probably the same way. But all us smart white kids didn't get a girl pregnant and we went off to college.

Yea, it was whiteys fault he was a dumb nig.
Most Black guys will not wear that wrestling uniform. Thats how I know you didnt wrestle the best. I worked at night to pay for kid. I didnt ruin my life. No you are not going to get Black guys to stop having sex with your women by calling them dumb nigs.
Who knows what other opportunities you missed because you were working at night to pay for a kid instead of you getting to go to college and live the experience.

Hey, if you think it is ideal, maybe that's why so many black kids have kids. And you don't think it is one of the main things holding you people back? Cool! Bang away. Don't use rubbers, pills or IUD's. Just know that we now cut off welfare bums after 5 years. No more life on welfare. Gotta suck for people in the hood. Now they got to live off just the drug money.
Only in winter sports are whites better than Blacks in anything. That only comes from when you were almost inbred into extinction during the ice age.
I wrestled in high school and college and never did a black ever beat me in wrestling. Sorry.
You must have ducked all the Black dudes then. Sorry.
I know blacks only make up like 15% of the population but I don't believe 15% of the wrestlers at the Michigan state tournament were black. And I don't think 1 black won any weight class. I don't think there was 1 black in my weight class. I take that back. The guy who took 3rd the year before, I knocked him out of the tournament. He said, and I quote, "oh shit, I got to wrestle that crazy white boy again".

So I take that back. He beat me every time we ever wrestled, until the state tournament. I finally beat him! And do you know why? Because he was going to school and working at night to pay for a fucking kid he had!!! He ruined his life!!! He would have beat me, placed in the state tournament, went to college. Instead he let us whites fluff his black cock and put it in a baby mama and have a kid before he was ready to have a kid. And how do you think his kid turned out? Probably the same way. But all us smart white kids didn't get a girl pregnant and we went off to college.

Yea, it was whiteys fault he was a dumb nig.
Most Black guys will not wear that wrestling uniform. Thats how I know you didnt wrestle the best. I worked at night to pay for kid. I didnt ruin my life. No you are not going to get Black people from having sex with your women by calling them dumb nigs.
Ben Carson's mom was dumb enough to be a single mom. She's lucky her kid was smart and listened to her.

I would say its worse to start out life with only one parent than it is to start out life black.
You would say a lot of things but no one would think you know what you are talking about. Of course its worse to start out with one parent. Being Black is an honor.
Only in winter sports are whites better than Blacks in anything. That only comes from when you were almost inbred into extinction during the ice age.
I wrestled in high school and college and never did a black ever beat me in wrestling. Sorry.
You must have ducked all the Black dudes then. Sorry.
I know blacks only make up like 15% of the population but I don't believe 15% of the wrestlers at the Michigan state tournament were black. And I don't think 1 black won any weight class. I don't think there was 1 black in my weight class. I take that back. The guy who took 3rd the year before, I knocked him out of the tournament. He said, and I quote, "oh shit, I got to wrestle that crazy white boy again".

So I take that back. He beat me every time we ever wrestled, until the state tournament. I finally beat him! And do you know why? Because he was going to school and working at night to pay for a fucking kid he had!!! He ruined his life!!! He would have beat me, placed in the state tournament, went to college. Instead he let us whites fluff his black cock and put it in a baby mama and have a kid before he was ready to have a kid. And how do you think his kid turned out? Probably the same way. But all us smart white kids didn't get a girl pregnant and we went off to college.

Yea, it was whiteys fault he was a dumb nig.
Most Black guys will not wear that wrestling uniform. Thats how I know you didnt wrestle the best. I worked at night to pay for kid. I didnt ruin my life. No you are not going to get Black guys to stop having sex with your women by calling them dumb nigs.
Who knows what other opportunities you missed because you were working at night to pay for a kid instead of you getting to go to college and live the experience.

Hey, if you think it is ideal, maybe that's why so many black kids have kids. And you don't think it is one of the main things holding you people back? Cool! Bang away. Don't use rubbers, pills or IUD's. Just know that we now cut off welfare bums after 5 years. No more life on welfare. Gotta suck for people in the hood. Now they got to live off just the drug money.

I dont play what if games. My path is exactly how it should have been. If I could go back and do it over I would do it exactly the same.

Your idea of ideal is for you and not anyone else. Since I was never on welfare I have no clue what you are talking about.
I do worry about mine. What do you think you should do to fix the inferiority complex you white males have?
But we think/know we are better than you.
Only in winter sports are whites better than Blacks in anything. That only comes from when you were almost inbred into extinction during the ice age.
I wrestled in high school and college and never did a black ever beat me in wrestling. Sorry.
You must have ducked all the Black dudes then. Sorry.
I know blacks only make up like 15% of the population but I don't believe 15% of the wrestlers at the Michigan state tournament were black. And I don't think 1 black won any weight class. I don't think there was 1 black in my weight class. I take that back. The guy who took 3rd the year before, I knocked him out of the tournament. He said, and I quote, "oh shit, I got to wrestle that crazy white boy again".

So I take that back. He beat me every time we ever wrestled, until the state tournament. I finally beat him! And do you know why? Because he was going to school and working at night to pay for a fucking kid he had!!! He ruined his life!!! He would have beat me, placed in the state tournament, went to college. Instead he let us whites fluff his black cock and put it in a baby mama and have a kid before he was ready to have a kid. And how do you think his kid turned out? Probably the same way. But all us smart white kids didn't get a girl pregnant and we went off to college.

Yea, it was whiteys fault he was a dumb nig.
What a dumb anecdote. You take one personal experience you had with a Black wrestler and attempt to mould it into something reflective of the entire young Black male population. You seem oblivious to black success stories where young Black males are defying White criticism and succeeding. in greater numbers than you can even imagine.
Here is food for bigoted thought...YOu may not like it:

· There are more Black Males in College[1] than in Jails, Prisons, Private Corrections, Military Jails and Institutions for the Criminally Insane combined[2] (1,236,443 in College/841,000 Incarcerates – regardless of age)

· 4 to 1: The ratio of 18-24 year old Black Males in College[3] vs. Jails, Prisons, Private Corrections, Military Jails and Institutions for the Criminally Insane[4].

(674,000 in College/164,400 Incarcerates)

32.3% (1 in 3) Black Males ages 18-24 are enrolled in College[5]
(674,000 in College/2,082,000 Total)

1.37 to 1: The ratio of 18-24 year old Black Females enrolled in College to Black Males[6].
(930,000 Black Females Enrolled/674,000 Black Males Enrolled)

6.3%: Black Males (age 18-55+) enroll in College at a higher rate by sex than White Males and Hispanic Males and are surpassed only by Asian Males[7].
(Black Males is 6.3%, White Males is 5.8%, Hispanic Males is 4.7%, and Asian Males is 9.7%)

25.1% of Black Males (age 25 or over) have either an Associates, Bachelors, Masters, Professional, or Doctoral Degree[8].
(2,519,000 with Degrees/10,018,000 Total)

82.1% of Black Males (age 18 or over) have at least a High School Diploma or GED[9] .
(9,897,000 with HS Diploma or GED/12,044,000 Total)

12.1%: The Black Male Dropout Rate[10] (ages 16-24) for 2008.
(301,000 Dropouts/2,583,000 Total)[11]

5.1%: Percent of married Black Men who marry White Women[12]
(279,000 Black Husband-White Wife/5,654,000 Married Black Men)

88.8%: Percent of Black Males earning income[13] ages 25-64 (employment)
(7,899,000 Employed/8,893,000 Total)

$23,738: Average Income for Black Males[14] 15 and older
$19,470 Average Income Black Females

1,812,000 The number of Black Men making $50,000/year or more[15]
71.6% of Black Men pay their agreed to or Court Awarded Child Support[16]
(855,000 Payers/1,194,000 Recipients)

$253 Billion: Total Income earned by Black Males[17] (15 and over)
($262 Billion earned by Black Females)

13,104,000 Total Black Men age 15 or over[18]
(15,816,000 Total Black Females age 15 or over)
Only in winter sports are whites better than Blacks in anything. That only comes from when you were almost inbred into extinction during the ice age.
I wrestled in high school and college and never did a black ever beat me in wrestling. Sorry.
You must have ducked all the Black dudes then. Sorry.
I know blacks only make up like 15% of the population but I don't believe 15% of the wrestlers at the Michigan state tournament were black. And I don't think 1 black won any weight class. I don't think there was 1 black in my weight class. I take that back. The guy who took 3rd the year before, I knocked him out of the tournament. He said, and I quote, "oh shit, I got to wrestle that crazy white boy again".

So I take that back. He beat me every time we ever wrestled, until the state tournament. I finally beat him! And do you know why? Because he was going to school and working at night to pay for a fucking kid he had!!! He ruined his life!!! He would have beat me, placed in the state tournament, went to college. Instead he let us whites fluff his black cock and put it in a baby mama and have a kid before he was ready to have a kid. And how do you think his kid turned out? Probably the same way. But all us smart white kids didn't get a girl pregnant and we went off to college.

Yea, it was whiteys fault he was a dumb nig.
Most Black guys will not wear that wrestling uniform. Thats how I know you didnt wrestle the best. I worked at night to pay for kid. I didnt ruin my life. No you are not going to get Black guys to stop having sex with your women by calling them dumb nigs.
Who knows what other opportunities you missed because you were working at night to pay for a kid instead of you getting to go to college and live the experience.

Hey, if you think it is ideal, maybe that's why so many black kids have kids. And you don't think it is one of the main things holding you people back? Cool! Bang away. Don't use rubbers, pills or IUD's. Just know that we now cut off welfare bums after 5 years. No more life on welfare. Gotta suck for people in the hood. Now they got to live off just the drug money.
Go ahead and cut welfare completely, it doesn't affect me in the least. Be forewarned, though, that a stampede of White beneficiaries will march on Washington and every state capitol in protest. Politicians will b toppled from their lofty political perches as White and Black voters retaliate with a vengeance. The USA couldn't handle the Whie Backlash of such a proposal..... Go ahead CUT WELFARE! :lol: I'd LOVE to see the repercussions unfold....
But we think/know we are better than you.
Only in winter sports are whites better than Blacks in anything. That only comes from when you were almost inbred into extinction during the ice age.
I wrestled in high school and college and never did a black ever beat me in wrestling. Sorry.
You must have ducked all the Black dudes then. Sorry.
Black men may be athletic and good boxers but they do not know how to fight. Sorry, sad truth. They may be big and muscular but they don't know how to use it.

I know you will know what I'm talking about. I remember in the hood the black guys would walk around each other in circles bumping each others shoulders. I would laugh and think, "what are they waiting for?".

I'm not your typical white. I'm Greek.

I know you think this is me though.

You must have hung out with the Black guys that couldnt fight. Not all Black guys can fight obviously but we destroy people when trained in the sport. Being a Greek you arent really white. You just think you are. Greeks and Italians have more Black DNA than white people. Your ancestors called whites savages.

DAYUM, that was DEEP.... It gave me chills....BUT it is the truth.... AMEN!
Emulating white people will always bring about failure for the Black man. When Black people cease investing in white culture they will always succeed.
Yeah, Zimbabwe is and has been great place since they got rid of the whites and became blacks acting like blacks.

Have you been to Zimbabwe lately or are you just spouting what you heard some other pink racist say about the country? Zimbabwe is on the road to recovery... it may take some time but even tourism has seen a resurgence.

BTW, here is a picture of the capital city of Zimbabwe... just to keep things in perspective:


More photos of Zimbabwe:
White boys like Bridgetpat always stick their foots in their mouths and not just to pick off and eat the hair lice.

There's nothing more entertaining than a left-wing circle-jerk where they fantasize that they are winning an argument.

BTW, all the buildings in that photo look to be more than 30 years old, which means not a single new building has been constructed since blacks took over.

You are caught lying once again... Your racist obsessions totally transcend the boundaries of reality... It doesn't take much to find the truth... but you have to abandon preconceptions and look for it:View attachment 51205

How does that prove that any of the buildings in the photo are younger than 30-years-old?
But we think/know we are better than you.
Only in winter sports are whites better than Blacks in anything. That only comes from when you were almost inbred into extinction during the ice age.
I wrestled in high school and college and never did a black ever beat me in wrestling. Sorry.
You must have ducked all the Black dudes then. Sorry.
Black men may be athletic and good boxers but they do not know how to fight. Sorry, sad truth. They may be big and muscular but they don't know how to use it.

I know you will know what I'm talking about. I remember in the hood the black guys would walk around each other in circles bumping each others shoulders. I would laugh and think, "what are they waiting for?".

I'm not your typical white. I'm Greek.

I know you think this is me though.

You must have hung out with the Black guys that couldnt fight. Not all Black guys can fight obviously but we destroy people when trained in the sport. Being a Greek you arent really white. You just think you are. Greeks and Italians have more Black DNA than white people. Your ancestors called whites savages.

That's the most racist statement posted in this forum in several months. You're the biggest racist in here.
But we think/know we are better than you.
Only in winter sports are whites better than Blacks in anything. That only comes from when you were almost inbred into extinction during the ice age.
I wrestled in high school and college and never did a black ever beat me in wrestling. Sorry.
You must have ducked all the Black dudes then. Sorry.
Black men may be athletic and good boxers but they do not know how to fight. Sorry, sad truth. They may be big and muscular but they don't know how to use it.

I know you will know what I'm talking about. I remember in the hood the black guys would walk around each other in circles bumping each others shoulders. I would laugh and think, "what are they waiting for?".

I'm not your typical white. I'm Greek.

I know you think this is me though.

You must have hung out with the Black guys that couldnt fight. Not all Black guys can fight obviously but we destroy people when trained in the sport. Being a Greek you arent really white. You just think you are. Greeks and Italians have more Black DNA than white people. Your ancestors called whites savages.
When my mom grew up in white Detroit they were the dirty Greeks in the white neighborhood. That was the 40's 50s.

Then in the late 70s we moved out of all black Detroit to the white burbs and all the whites who lost their foreign connection to a motherland, guys who'd say they're family was from Kentucky or Tennessee, not France England or Germany. Or they were muts. So I know what you mean when you say I'm not really white.

But see how well we assimilated?
Yeah, Zimbabwe is and has been great place since they got rid of the whites and became blacks acting like blacks.

Have you been to Zimbabwe lately or are you just spouting what you heard some other pink racist say about the country? Zimbabwe is on the road to recovery... it may take some time but even tourism has seen a resurgence.

BTW, here is a picture of the capital city of Zimbabwe... just to keep things in perspective:


More photos of Zimbabwe:
White boys like Bridgetpat always stick their foots in their mouths and not just to pick off and eat the hair lice.

There's nothing more entertaining than a left-wing circle-jerk where they fantasize that they are winning an argument.

BTW, all the buildings in that photo look to be more than 30 years old, which means not a single new building has been constructed since blacks took over.

You are caught lying once again... Your racist obsessions totally transcend the boundaries of reality... It doesn't take much to find the truth... but you have to abandon preconceptions and look for it:View attachment 51205

How does that prove that any of the buildings in the photo are younger than 30-years-old?
If you want proof go to Zimbabwe and find out. No one here is going to waste serious time helping your retarded ass.
Only in winter sports are whites better than Blacks in anything. That only comes from when you were almost inbred into extinction during the ice age.
I wrestled in high school and college and never did a black ever beat me in wrestling. Sorry.
You must have ducked all the Black dudes then. Sorry.
Black men may be athletic and good boxers but they do not know how to fight. Sorry, sad truth. They may be big and muscular but they don't know how to use it.

I know you will know what I'm talking about. I remember in the hood the black guys would walk around each other in circles bumping each others shoulders. I would laugh and think, "what are they waiting for?".

I'm not your typical white. I'm Greek.

I know you think this is me though.

You must have hung out with the Black guys that couldnt fight. Not all Black guys can fight obviously but we destroy people when trained in the sport. Being a Greek you arent really white. You just think you are. Greeks and Italians have more Black DNA than white people. Your ancestors called whites savages.

That's the most racist statement posted in this forum in several months. You're the biggest racist in here.
So what? Stop whining.
Only in winter sports are whites better than Blacks in anything. That only comes from when you were almost inbred into extinction during the ice age.
I wrestled in high school and college and never did a black ever beat me in wrestling. Sorry.
You must have ducked all the Black dudes then. Sorry.
Black men may be athletic and good boxers but they do not know how to fight. Sorry, sad truth. They may be big and muscular but they don't know how to use it.

I know you will know what I'm talking about. I remember in the hood the black guys would walk around each other in circles bumping each others shoulders. I would laugh and think, "what are they waiting for?".

I'm not your typical white. I'm Greek.

I know you think this is me though.

You must have hung out with the Black guys that couldnt fight. Not all Black guys can fight obviously but we destroy people when trained in the sport. Being a Greek you arent really white. You just think you are. Greeks and Italians have more Black DNA than white people. Your ancestors called whites savages.
When my mom grew up in white Detroit they were the dirty Greeks in the white neighborhood. That was the 40's 50s.

Then in the late 70s we moved out of all black Detroit to the white burbs and all the whites who lost their foreign connection to a motherland, guys who'd say they're family was from Kentucky or Tennessee, not France England or Germany. Or they were muts. So I know what you mean when you say I'm not really white.

But see how well we assimilated?
I dont plan on assimilating. I think white culture is fucked up.

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