A message to America from Black America.

Well based on your attitude, I don't think blacks would do it any differently if they were the ones with all the power and money. Do you think blacks would be nice? HA! So stop crying that you don't like living in our great white society. If you want, start your own. Go to Africa and show us how you do it. Or take over Detroit and this time run it well. Don't turn it into a shit hole and then file bankruptcy. Or Chicago which is just as big of a dumb.

Whites have been very racist towards blacks. A lot of those whites have been marginalized. We gave you years of affirmative action so those white hiring managers had to hire a certain quote of blacks. I agreed with this policy and wish it was actually still being implemented. Still a lot of work to be done if we are ever going to fix the mess we call the ghetto's of America. You do know that when Americans brag in Europe how great our country is, Europeans always point to our ghettos and ask "what up with that?"? It's true. Our black ghettos are a stain on America. Now is it our fault? Did we create the mess? Yes. But what have blacks done to clean it up themselves? Do you really need our help? All you have to do is two things. Ask nicely and start fixing the things you can fix yourselves first. We aren't going to dump a bunch of money on people who speak straight out of fat albert. We aren't going to open up business' in dangerous neighborhoods. That means your schools are never going to be properly funded. Stop having kids until you can get out of the ghetto.

And realize, I'm not talking about you. Don't take this personally. You sound like a wonderful and educated person. Probably well spoken and smart too. But you refuse to acknowledge half your cultures problem is this.

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To a hammer everything looks like a nail. People of color seem to have the innate ability to accept strangers. White people are the only people that are afeared of color differences and this attitude has taken hold worldwide. Yes I think Blacks would do away with racism. Hell one of our issues is trusting whites too readily. I'm not crying about living in any great white society. The term is amusing since there is no such thing. I'm not crying about anything. I'm answering questions. So if you dont want to hear what I have to say dont ask? Simple huh? We already showed you how it was done in Africa and also in the US. Your response has always been to destroy Black success. It makes you feel insecure. Whites didnt give us "years" of affirmative action. You gave yourselves affirmative action for 400 years and counting. We may have some partial AA but white women have benefited from AA more than anyone.

Wait a minute....You admit you created the mess but you want us to clean up your mess? :laugh:

Now dont take my amusement as disagreement. Black people do need to clean up your mess because white people are sure not going to do it. Anyone that thinks this is silly in my opinion. What I have noticed though is that white people actually get angry about the Blacks that do attempt to clean up the mess. They sabotage them, discredit, and kill them. So basically what you are whining about is that we have to fight to clean up your mess. Thats pretty much the stupidest thing I think I have heard a white person say. Personally I dont want, need, or think white help is beneficial. When whites get involved shit gets fucked up. The best you can do to help is just stop being racists.

Those pictures are not the problem with Black america. Attempting to assimilate, behave, and act like white people is the problem. Black people need to get back to their roots instead of indulging in white culture. Most Black people have at best a vague notion of what it is to be Black. When you ask why you have to point the finger at the white boys that lied for centuries about history and their ongoing efforts to suppress it.
Please explain this:

What I have noticed though is that white people actually get angry about the Blacks that do attempt to clean up the mess. They sabotage them, discredit, and kill them.

Who does this? Give some examples.

I'll give you a great example. The Black Panther Party. This party was formed to protect and clean up the Black community.

...and somehow you guys couldn't even manage to do THAT right. What a shocker. Perpetual failures.

I see you just got off your shift at Carls Jr's. Did you burn the fries again?
I am still laughing at the image of a group of 'wise' jungle bunnies brainstorming on how to build a mud pyramid some place on the Congo River. Please elaborate.
To a hammer everything looks like a nail. People of color seem to have the innate ability to accept strangers. White people are the only people that are afeared of color differences and this attitude has taken hold worldwide. Yes I think Blacks would do away with racism. Hell one of our issues is trusting whites too readily. I'm not crying about living in any great white society. The term is amusing since there is no such thing. I'm not crying about anything. I'm answering questions. So if you dont want to hear what I have to say dont ask? Simple huh? We already showed you how it was done in Africa and also in the US. Your response has always been to destroy Black success. It makes you feel insecure. Whites didnt give us "years" of affirmative action. You gave yourselves affirmative action for 400 years and counting. We may have some partial AA but white women have benefited from AA more than anyone.

Wait a minute....You admit you created the mess but you want us to clean up your mess? :laugh:

Now dont take my amusement as disagreement. Black people do need to clean up your mess because white people are sure not going to do it. Anyone that thinks this is silly in my opinion. What I have noticed though is that white people actually get angry about the Blacks that do attempt to clean up the mess. They sabotage them, discredit, and kill them. So basically what you are whining about is that we have to fight to clean up your mess. Thats pretty much the stupidest thing I think I have heard a white person say. Personally I dont want, need, or think white help is beneficial. When whites get involved shit gets fucked up. The best you can do to help is just stop being racists.

Those pictures are not the problem with Black america. Attempting to assimilate, behave, and act like white people is the problem. Black people need to get back to their roots instead of indulging in white culture. Most Black people have at best a vague notion of what it is to be Black. When you ask why you have to point the finger at the white boys that lied for centuries about history and their ongoing efforts to suppress it.
Please explain this:

What I have noticed though is that white people actually get angry about the Blacks that do attempt to clean up the mess. They sabotage them, discredit, and kill them.

Who does this? Give some examples.

I'll give you a great example. The Black Panther Party. This party was formed to protect and clean up the Black community.

...and somehow you guys couldn't even manage to do THAT right. What a shocker. Perpetual failures.

I see you just got off your shift at Carls Jr's. Did you burn the fries again?
I am still laughing at the image of a group of wise 'jungle bunnies brainstorming on how to build a mud pyramid some place on the Congo River. Please elaborate.

I'm still laughing at the greeks calling you cave monkeys "savages" and then you cave monkeys turn around and claim the greeks as your first civilzation.

Please do some cave monkey mating calls for everyone. With sugar on top.
Please explain this:

What I have noticed though is that white people actually get angry about the Blacks that do attempt to clean up the mess. They sabotage them, discredit, and kill them.

Who does this? Give some examples.

I'll give you a great example. The Black Panther Party. This party was formed to protect and clean up the Black community.

...and somehow you guys couldn't even manage to do THAT right. What a shocker. Perpetual failures.

I see you just got off your shift at Carls Jr's. Did you burn the fries again?
I am still laughing at the image of a group of wise 'jungle bunnies brainstorming on how to build a mud pyramid some place on the Congo River. Please elaborate.

I'm still laughing at the greeks calling you cave monkeys "savages" and then you cave monkeys turn around and claim the greeks as your first civilzation.

Please do some cave monkey mating calls for everyone. With sugar on top.
I am Greek idiot, which is why I know that we were far superior to the those of northern Europe in antiquity and although we have failed of late, we were and still are far better than any jungle bunnies, but then I guess the rest of the world who enslaved, or is today still enslaving jungle bunnies are.

Tell us about how high and mighty the jungle bunnny pyramids are, please!
I'll give you a great example. The Black Panther Party. This party was formed to protect and clean up the Black community.
...and somehow you guys couldn't even manage to do THAT right. What a shocker. Perpetual failures.
I see you just got off your shift at Carls Jr's. Did you burn the fries again?
I am still laughing at the image of a group of wise 'jungle bunnies brainstorming on how to build a mud pyramid some place on the Congo River. Please elaborate.
I'm still laughing at the greeks calling you cave monkeys "savages" and then you cave monkeys turn around and claim the greeks as your first civilzation.

Please do some cave monkey mating calls for everyone. With sugar on top.
I am Greek idiot, which is why I know that we were far superior to the those of northern Europe in antiquity and although we have failed of late, we were and still are far better than any jungle bunnies, but than I guess the rest of the world who enslaved, or is today still enslaving them are.

Tell us about how high and mighty the jungle cnnny pyramids are, please!
So you learned directly from from Blacks how to take baths, read, and write? Thanks for admitting that. Now lets hear some more cave monkey mating calls. I'll even give you a banana.
What makes you think I concerned about what you do? I'm just pointing out the facts to my people. You wont do shit but deny your white privilege. Been there and heard that too many times to count. You missed my earlier post. Blacks can be racist. Stop whining and deflecting from my point.
Your point was stupid, because it presumes that current white folk are to blame for dead and gone white folk. Excuse me for pointing that out to you.

What's wrong with denying white privilege? Why would I want to take or use racism against my fellow man? Could I? Yes. Do I? No.

Yes, I know blacks can be racist. The point is, that is wrong.
Only someone with inferior intellect would make that presumption. How difficult is it for you to read normal words? Whites are only to blame for taking advantage of the racism while pretending it doesnt exist. You dont have to deny white privilege unless you want to prove your commitment to changing the dynamic. Why would you use racism against your fellow man? Because it benefits you. Duh.

If the point is that Blacks being racist is wrong then like so many whites you forget that whites are the biggest racists on the planet. Fix your own issues before commenting on someone elses racist attitudes. We have a valid reason for being racist. Remember reason and excuse are two different things.

Well based on your attitude, I don't think blacks would do it any differently if they were the ones with all the power and money. Do you think blacks would be nice? HA! So stop crying that you don't like living in our great white society. If you want, start your own. Go to Africa and show us how you do it. Or take over Detroit and this time run it well. Don't turn it into a shit hole and then file bankruptcy. Or Chicago which is just as big of a dumb.

Whites have been very racist towards blacks. A lot of those whites have been marginalized. We gave you years of affirmative action so those white hiring managers had to hire a certain quote of blacks. I agreed with this policy and wish it was actually still being implemented. Still a lot of work to be done if we are ever going to fix the mess we call the ghetto's of America. You do know that when Americans brag in Europe how great our country is, Europeans always point to our ghettos and ask "what up with that?"? It's true. Our black ghettos are a stain on America. Now is it our fault? Did we create the mess? Yes. But what have blacks done to clean it up themselves? Do you really need our help? All you have to do is two things. Ask nicely and start fixing the things you can fix yourselves first. We aren't going to dump a bunch of money on people who speak straight out of fat albert. We aren't going to open up business' in dangerous neighborhoods. That means your schools are never going to be properly funded. Stop having kids until you can get out of the ghetto.

And realize, I'm not talking about you. Don't take this personally. You sound like a wonderful and educated person. Probably well spoken and smart too. But you refuse to acknowledge half your cultures problem is this.

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To a hammer everything looks like a nail. People of color seem to have the innate ability to accept strangers. White people are the only people that are afeared of color differences and this attitude has taken hold worldwide. Yes I think Blacks would do away with racism. Hell one of our issues is trusting whites too readily. I'm not crying about living in any great white society. The term is amusing since there is no such thing. I'm not crying about anything. I'm answering questions. So if you dont want to hear what I have to say dont ask? Simple huh? We already showed you how it was done in Africa and also in the US. Your response has always been to destroy Black success. It makes you feel insecure. Whites didnt give us "years" of affirmative action. You gave yourselves affirmative action for 400 years and counting. We may have some partial AA but white women have benefited from AA more than anyone.

Wait a minute....You admit you created the mess but you want us to clean up your mess? :laugh:

Now dont take my amusement as disagreement. Black people do need to clean up your mess because white people are sure not going to do it. Anyone that thinks this is silly in my opinion. What I have noticed though is that white people actually get angry about the Blacks that do attempt to clean up the mess. They sabotage them, discredit, and kill them. So basically what you are whining about is that we have to fight to clean up your mess. Thats pretty much the stupidest thing I think I have heard a white person say. Personally I dont want, need, or think white help is beneficial. When whites get involved shit gets fucked up. The best you can do to help is just stop being racists.

Those pictures are not the problem with Black america. Attempting to assimilate, behave, and act like white people is the problem. Black people need to get back to their roots instead of indulging in white culture. Most Black people have at best a vague notion of what it is to be Black. When you ask why you have to point the finger at the white boys that lied for centuries about history and their ongoing efforts to suppress it.
Please explain this:

What I have noticed though is that white people actually get angry about the Blacks that do attempt to clean up the mess. They sabotage them, discredit, and kill them.

Who does this? Give some examples.

Really? I've never heard of such a thing.
You must have ducked all the Black dudes then. Sorry.
Black men may be athletic and good boxers but they do not know how to fight. Sorry, sad truth. They may be big and muscular but they don't know how to use it.

I know you will know what I'm talking about. I remember in the hood the black guys would walk around each other in circles bumping each others shoulders. I would laugh and think, "what are they waiting for?".

I'm not your typical white. I'm Greek.

I know you think this is me though.

You must have hung out with the Black guys that couldnt fight. Not all Black guys can fight obviously but we destroy people when trained in the sport. Being a Greek you arent really white. You just think you are. Greeks and Italians have more Black DNA than white people. Your ancestors called whites savages.

That's the most racist statement posted in this forum in several months. You're the biggest racist in here.
Impossible. Black people can't be racist.

Yeah they can. We just cant practice racism as a group because we dont own any significant resources. If all the Black owned stores decided not to let white people buy from them no one would care.

Sure, you'd have to be like Mugabe and take control of all the resources before you can practice racism. hahahaha . well thats where I disagree. I think racism is a state of mind and for the most part, everyone has one.

And as for no one caring? I don't know how you can say that, there are plenty of people who would be sensitive to that, unless of course you group all white people together. but thats all on you and your opinion
Black America called an they all want a one-way ticket back to Africa.
What makes you think I concerned about what you do? I'm just pointing out the facts to my people. You wont do shit but deny your white privilege. Been there and heard that too many times to count. You missed my earlier post. Blacks can be racist. Stop whining and deflecting from my point.
Your point was stupid, because it presumes that current white folk are to blame for dead and gone white folk. Excuse me for pointing that out to you.

What's wrong with denying white privilege? Why would I want to take or use racism against my fellow man? Could I? Yes. Do I? No.

Yes, I know blacks can be racist. The point is, that is wrong.
Only someone with inferior intellect would make that presumption. How difficult is it for you to read normal words? Whites are only to blame for taking advantage of the racism while pretending it doesnt exist. You dont have to deny white privilege unless you want to prove your commitment to changing the dynamic. Why would you use racism against your fellow man? Because it benefits you. Duh.

If the point is that Blacks being racist is wrong then like so many whites you forget that whites are the biggest racists on the planet. Fix your own issues before commenting on someone elses racist attitudes. We have a valid reason for being racist. Remember reason and excuse are two different things.

Well based on your attitude, I don't think blacks would do it any differently if they were the ones with all the power and money. Do you think blacks would be nice? HA! So stop crying that you don't like living in our great white society. If you want, start your own. Go to Africa and show us how you do it. Or take over Detroit and this time run it well. Don't turn it into a shit hole and then file bankruptcy. Or Chicago which is just as big of a dumb.

Whites have been very racist towards blacks. A lot of those whites have been marginalized. We gave you years of affirmative action so those white hiring managers had to hire a certain quote of blacks. I agreed with this policy and wish it was actually still being implemented. Still a lot of work to be done if we are ever going to fix the mess we call the ghetto's of America. You do know that when Americans brag in Europe how great our country is, Europeans always point to our ghettos and ask "what up with that?"? It's true. Our black ghettos are a stain on America. Now is it our fault? Did we create the mess? Yes. But what have blacks done to clean it up themselves? Do you really need our help? All you have to do is two things. Ask nicely and start fixing the things you can fix yourselves first. We aren't going to dump a bunch of money on people who speak straight out of fat albert. We aren't going to open up business' in dangerous neighborhoods. That means your schools are never going to be properly funded. Stop having kids until you can get out of the ghetto.

And realize, I'm not talking about you. Don't take this personally. You sound like a wonderful and educated person. Probably well spoken and smart too. But you refuse to acknowledge half your cultures problem is this.

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To a hammer everything looks like a nail. People of color seem to have the innate ability to accept strangers. White people are the only people that are afeared of color differences and this attitude has taken hold worldwide. Yes I think Blacks would do away with racism. Hell one of our issues is trusting whites too readily. I'm not crying about living in any great white society. The term is amusing since there is no such thing. I'm not crying about anything. I'm answering questions. So if you dont want to hear what I have to say dont ask? Simple huh? We already showed you how it was done in Africa and also in the US. Your response has always been to destroy Black success. It makes you feel insecure. Whites didnt give us "years" of affirmative action. You gave yourselves affirmative action for 400 years and counting. We may have some partial AA but white women have benefited from AA more than anyone.

Wait a minute....You admit you created the mess but you want us to clean up your mess? :laugh:

Now dont take my amusement as disagreement. Black people do need to clean up your mess because white people are sure not going to do it. Anyone that thinks this is silly in my opinion. What I have noticed though is that white people actually get angry about the Blacks that do attempt to clean up the mess. They sabotage them, discredit, and kill them. So basically what you are whining about is that we have to fight to clean up your mess. Thats pretty much the stupidest thing I think I have heard a white person say. Personally I dont want, need, or think white help is beneficial. When whites get involved shit gets fucked up. The best you can do to help is just stop being racists.

Those pictures are not the problem with Black america. Attempting to assimilate, behave, and act like white people is the problem. Black people need to get back to their roots instead of indulging in white culture. Most Black people have at best a vague notion of what it is to be Black. When you ask why you have to point the finger at the white boys that lied for centuries about history and their ongoing efforts to suppress it.
Please explain this:

What I have noticed though is that white people actually get angry about the Blacks that do attempt to clean up the mess. They sabotage them, discredit, and kill them.

Who does this? Give some examples.

LMAO..a movie as a cultural "reference"...you're a deep thinker, I can just tell...
lynchings???? Blacks kill far more whites than whites kill blacks.

That's not even remotely true.
The Uniform Crime Reports show you are living in a fantasy world, a disingenuous one at that.

incorrect...and I notice you reference these "reports", but not a hint of a link to support your baseless claim....Here's a fact; negroes commit massively disproportionate amounts of crime despite only making up 13% of the population.
Your point was stupid, because it presumes that current white folk are to blame for dead and gone white folk. Excuse me for pointing that out to you.

What's wrong with denying white privilege? Why would I want to take or use racism against my fellow man? Could I? Yes. Do I? No.

Yes, I know blacks can be racist. The point is, that is wrong.
Only someone with inferior intellect would make that presumption. How difficult is it for you to read normal words? Whites are only to blame for taking advantage of the racism while pretending it doesnt exist. You dont have to deny white privilege unless you want to prove your commitment to changing the dynamic. Why would you use racism against your fellow man? Because it benefits you. Duh.

If the point is that Blacks being racist is wrong then like so many whites you forget that whites are the biggest racists on the planet. Fix your own issues before commenting on someone elses racist attitudes. We have a valid reason for being racist. Remember reason and excuse are two different things.

Well based on your attitude, I don't think blacks would do it any differently if they were the ones with all the power and money. Do you think blacks would be nice? HA! So stop crying that you don't like living in our great white society. If you want, start your own. Go to Africa and show us how you do it. Or take over Detroit and this time run it well. Don't turn it into a shit hole and then file bankruptcy. Or Chicago which is just as big of a dumb.

Whites have been very racist towards blacks. A lot of those whites have been marginalized. We gave you years of affirmative action so those white hiring managers had to hire a certain quote of blacks. I agreed with this policy and wish it was actually still being implemented. Still a lot of work to be done if we are ever going to fix the mess we call the ghetto's of America. You do know that when Americans brag in Europe how great our country is, Europeans always point to our ghettos and ask "what up with that?"? It's true. Our black ghettos are a stain on America. Now is it our fault? Did we create the mess? Yes. But what have blacks done to clean it up themselves? Do you really need our help? All you have to do is two things. Ask nicely and start fixing the things you can fix yourselves first. We aren't going to dump a bunch of money on people who speak straight out of fat albert. We aren't going to open up business' in dangerous neighborhoods. That means your schools are never going to be properly funded. Stop having kids until you can get out of the ghetto.

And realize, I'm not talking about you. Don't take this personally. You sound like a wonderful and educated person. Probably well spoken and smart too. But you refuse to acknowledge half your cultures problem is this.

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To a hammer everything looks like a nail. People of color seem to have the innate ability to accept strangers. White people are the only people that are afeared of color differences and this attitude has taken hold worldwide. Yes I think Blacks would do away with racism. Hell one of our issues is trusting whites too readily. I'm not crying about living in any great white society. The term is amusing since there is no such thing. I'm not crying about anything. I'm answering questions. So if you dont want to hear what I have to say dont ask? Simple huh? We already showed you how it was done in Africa and also in the US. Your response has always been to destroy Black success. It makes you feel insecure. Whites didnt give us "years" of affirmative action. You gave yourselves affirmative action for 400 years and counting. We may have some partial AA but white women have benefited from AA more than anyone.

Wait a minute....You admit you created the mess but you want us to clean up your mess? :laugh:

Now dont take my amusement as disagreement. Black people do need to clean up your mess because white people are sure not going to do it. Anyone that thinks this is silly in my opinion. What I have noticed though is that white people actually get angry about the Blacks that do attempt to clean up the mess. They sabotage them, discredit, and kill them. So basically what you are whining about is that we have to fight to clean up your mess. Thats pretty much the stupidest thing I think I have heard a white person say. Personally I dont want, need, or think white help is beneficial. When whites get involved shit gets fucked up. The best you can do to help is just stop being racists.

Those pictures are not the problem with Black america. Attempting to assimilate, behave, and act like white people is the problem. Black people need to get back to their roots instead of indulging in white culture. Most Black people have at best a vague notion of what it is to be Black. When you ask why you have to point the finger at the white boys that lied for centuries about history and their ongoing efforts to suppress it.
Please explain this:

What I have noticed though is that white people actually get angry about the Blacks that do attempt to clean up the mess. They sabotage them, discredit, and kill them.

Who does this? Give some examples.

LMAO..a movie as a cultural "reference"...you're a deep thinker, I can just tell...

THe stories a culture tells tells a lot about the culture.

Now, Hollywood isn't really America, so you have to be careful, but...

Avatar for example, tells A LOT about liberal America.
Only someone with inferior intellect would make that presumption. How difficult is it for you to read normal words? Whites are only to blame for taking advantage of the racism while pretending it doesnt exist. You dont have to deny white privilege unless you want to prove your commitment to changing the dynamic. Why would you use racism against your fellow man? Because it benefits you. Duh.

If the point is that Blacks being racist is wrong then like so many whites you forget that whites are the biggest racists on the planet. Fix your own issues before commenting on someone elses racist attitudes. We have a valid reason for being racist. Remember reason and excuse are two different things.

Well based on your attitude, I don't think blacks would do it any differently if they were the ones with all the power and money. Do you think blacks would be nice? HA! So stop crying that you don't like living in our great white society. If you want, start your own. Go to Africa and show us how you do it. Or take over Detroit and this time run it well. Don't turn it into a shit hole and then file bankruptcy. Or Chicago which is just as big of a dumb.

Whites have been very racist towards blacks. A lot of those whites have been marginalized. We gave you years of affirmative action so those white hiring managers had to hire a certain quote of blacks. I agreed with this policy and wish it was actually still being implemented. Still a lot of work to be done if we are ever going to fix the mess we call the ghetto's of America. You do know that when Americans brag in Europe how great our country is, Europeans always point to our ghettos and ask "what up with that?"? It's true. Our black ghettos are a stain on America. Now is it our fault? Did we create the mess? Yes. But what have blacks done to clean it up themselves? Do you really need our help? All you have to do is two things. Ask nicely and start fixing the things you can fix yourselves first. We aren't going to dump a bunch of money on people who speak straight out of fat albert. We aren't going to open up business' in dangerous neighborhoods. That means your schools are never going to be properly funded. Stop having kids until you can get out of the ghetto.

And realize, I'm not talking about you. Don't take this personally. You sound like a wonderful and educated person. Probably well spoken and smart too. But you refuse to acknowledge half your cultures problem is this.

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To a hammer everything looks like a nail. People of color seem to have the innate ability to accept strangers. White people are the only people that are afeared of color differences and this attitude has taken hold worldwide. Yes I think Blacks would do away with racism. Hell one of our issues is trusting whites too readily. I'm not crying about living in any great white society. The term is amusing since there is no such thing. I'm not crying about anything. I'm answering questions. So if you dont want to hear what I have to say dont ask? Simple huh? We already showed you how it was done in Africa and also in the US. Your response has always been to destroy Black success. It makes you feel insecure. Whites didnt give us "years" of affirmative action. You gave yourselves affirmative action for 400 years and counting. We may have some partial AA but white women have benefited from AA more than anyone.

Wait a minute....You admit you created the mess but you want us to clean up your mess? :laugh:

Now dont take my amusement as disagreement. Black people do need to clean up your mess because white people are sure not going to do it. Anyone that thinks this is silly in my opinion. What I have noticed though is that white people actually get angry about the Blacks that do attempt to clean up the mess. They sabotage them, discredit, and kill them. So basically what you are whining about is that we have to fight to clean up your mess. Thats pretty much the stupidest thing I think I have heard a white person say. Personally I dont want, need, or think white help is beneficial. When whites get involved shit gets fucked up. The best you can do to help is just stop being racists.

Those pictures are not the problem with Black america. Attempting to assimilate, behave, and act like white people is the problem. Black people need to get back to their roots instead of indulging in white culture. Most Black people have at best a vague notion of what it is to be Black. When you ask why you have to point the finger at the white boys that lied for centuries about history and their ongoing efforts to suppress it.
Please explain this:

What I have noticed though is that white people actually get angry about the Blacks that do attempt to clean up the mess. They sabotage them, discredit, and kill them.

Who does this? Give some examples.

LMAO..a movie as a cultural "reference"...you're a deep thinker, I can just tell...

THe stories a culture tells tells a lot about the culture.

Now, Hollywood isn't really America, so you have to be careful, but...

Avatar for example, tells A LOT about liberal America.

movies, television and advertising don't reflect the culture of a place...they are all propaganda to manipulate and influence people.
movies and television are not good sources if one is interested in truth or facts.
Well based on your attitude, I don't think blacks would do it any differently if they were the ones with all the power and money. Do you think blacks would be nice? HA! So stop crying that you don't like living in our great white society. If you want, start your own. Go to Africa and show us how you do it. Or take over Detroit and this time run it well. Don't turn it into a shit hole and then file bankruptcy. Or Chicago which is just as big of a dumb.

Whites have been very racist towards blacks. A lot of those whites have been marginalized. We gave you years of affirmative action so those white hiring managers had to hire a certain quote of blacks. I agreed with this policy and wish it was actually still being implemented. Still a lot of work to be done if we are ever going to fix the mess we call the ghetto's of America. You do know that when Americans brag in Europe how great our country is, Europeans always point to our ghettos and ask "what up with that?"? It's true. Our black ghettos are a stain on America. Now is it our fault? Did we create the mess? Yes. But what have blacks done to clean it up themselves? Do you really need our help? All you have to do is two things. Ask nicely and start fixing the things you can fix yourselves first. We aren't going to dump a bunch of money on people who speak straight out of fat albert. We aren't going to open up business' in dangerous neighborhoods. That means your schools are never going to be properly funded. Stop having kids until you can get out of the ghetto.

And realize, I'm not talking about you. Don't take this personally. You sound like a wonderful and educated person. Probably well spoken and smart too. But you refuse to acknowledge half your cultures problem is this.

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To a hammer everything looks like a nail. People of color seem to have the innate ability to accept strangers. White people are the only people that are afeared of color differences and this attitude has taken hold worldwide. Yes I think Blacks would do away with racism. Hell one of our issues is trusting whites too readily. I'm not crying about living in any great white society. The term is amusing since there is no such thing. I'm not crying about anything. I'm answering questions. So if you dont want to hear what I have to say dont ask? Simple huh? We already showed you how it was done in Africa and also in the US. Your response has always been to destroy Black success. It makes you feel insecure. Whites didnt give us "years" of affirmative action. You gave yourselves affirmative action for 400 years and counting. We may have some partial AA but white women have benefited from AA more than anyone.

Wait a minute....You admit you created the mess but you want us to clean up your mess? :laugh:

Now dont take my amusement as disagreement. Black people do need to clean up your mess because white people are sure not going to do it. Anyone that thinks this is silly in my opinion. What I have noticed though is that white people actually get angry about the Blacks that do attempt to clean up the mess. They sabotage them, discredit, and kill them. So basically what you are whining about is that we have to fight to clean up your mess. Thats pretty much the stupidest thing I think I have heard a white person say. Personally I dont want, need, or think white help is beneficial. When whites get involved shit gets fucked up. The best you can do to help is just stop being racists.

Those pictures are not the problem with Black america. Attempting to assimilate, behave, and act like white people is the problem. Black people need to get back to their roots instead of indulging in white culture. Most Black people have at best a vague notion of what it is to be Black. When you ask why you have to point the finger at the white boys that lied for centuries about history and their ongoing efforts to suppress it.
Please explain this:

What I have noticed though is that white people actually get angry about the Blacks that do attempt to clean up the mess. They sabotage them, discredit, and kill them.

Who does this? Give some examples.

LMAO..a movie as a cultural "reference"...you're a deep thinker, I can just tell...

THe stories a culture tells tells a lot about the culture.

Now, Hollywood isn't really America, so you have to be careful, but...

Avatar for example, tells A LOT about liberal America.

movies, television and advertising don't reflect the culture of a place...they are all propaganda to manipulate and influence people.
movies and television are not good sources if one is interested in truth or facts.

Propaganda tells you about the agenda of the propagandist.

Avatar for example, tells you that Hollywood hates America.
To a hammer everything looks like a nail. People of color seem to have the innate ability to accept strangers. White people are the only people that are afeared of color differences and this attitude has taken hold worldwide. Yes I think Blacks would do away with racism. Hell one of our issues is trusting whites too readily. I'm not crying about living in any great white society. The term is amusing since there is no such thing. I'm not crying about anything. I'm answering questions. So if you dont want to hear what I have to say dont ask? Simple huh? We already showed you how it was done in Africa and also in the US. Your response has always been to destroy Black success. It makes you feel insecure. Whites didnt give us "years" of affirmative action. You gave yourselves affirmative action for 400 years and counting. We may have some partial AA but white women have benefited from AA more than anyone.

Wait a minute....You admit you created the mess but you want us to clean up your mess? :laugh:

Now dont take my amusement as disagreement. Black people do need to clean up your mess because white people are sure not going to do it. Anyone that thinks this is silly in my opinion. What I have noticed though is that white people actually get angry about the Blacks that do attempt to clean up the mess. They sabotage them, discredit, and kill them. So basically what you are whining about is that we have to fight to clean up your mess. Thats pretty much the stupidest thing I think I have heard a white person say. Personally I dont want, need, or think white help is beneficial. When whites get involved shit gets fucked up. The best you can do to help is just stop being racists.

Those pictures are not the problem with Black america. Attempting to assimilate, behave, and act like white people is the problem. Black people need to get back to their roots instead of indulging in white culture. Most Black people have at best a vague notion of what it is to be Black. When you ask why you have to point the finger at the white boys that lied for centuries about history and their ongoing efforts to suppress it.
Please explain this:

What I have noticed though is that white people actually get angry about the Blacks that do attempt to clean up the mess. They sabotage them, discredit, and kill them.

Who does this? Give some examples.

LMAO..a movie as a cultural "reference"...you're a deep thinker, I can just tell...

THe stories a culture tells tells a lot about the culture.

Now, Hollywood isn't really America, so you have to be careful, but...

Avatar for example, tells A LOT about liberal America.

movies, television and advertising don't reflect the culture of a place...they are all propaganda to manipulate and influence people.
movies and television are not good sources if one is interested in truth or facts.

Propaganda tells you about the agenda of the propagandist.

Avatar for example, tells you that Hollywood hates America.

and who controls most of what hollywood "produces"? jewish propagandists..
Please explain this:

What I have noticed though is that white people actually get angry about the Blacks that do attempt to clean up the mess. They sabotage them, discredit, and kill them.

Who does this? Give some examples.

LMAO..a movie as a cultural "reference"...you're a deep thinker, I can just tell...

THe stories a culture tells tells a lot about the culture.

Now, Hollywood isn't really America, so you have to be careful, but...

Avatar for example, tells A LOT about liberal America.

movies, television and advertising don't reflect the culture of a place...they are all propaganda to manipulate and influence people.
movies and television are not good sources if one is interested in truth or facts.

Propaganda tells you about the agenda of the propagandist.

Avatar for example, tells you that Hollywood hates America.

and who controls most of what hollywood "produces"? jewish propagandists..

I'll give you a great example. The Black Panther Party. This party was formed to protect and clean up the Black community.
...and somehow you guys couldn't even manage to do THAT right. What a shocker. Perpetual failures.
I see you just got off your shift at Carls Jr's. Did you burn the fries again?
I am still laughing at the image of a group of wise 'jungle bunnies brainstorming on how to build a mud pyramid some place on the Congo River. Please elaborate.
I'm still laughing at the greeks calling you cave monkeys "savages" and then you cave monkeys turn around and claim the greeks as your first civilzation.

Please do some cave monkey mating calls for everyone. With sugar on top.
I am Greek idiot, which is why I know that we were far superior to the those of northern Europe in antiquity and although we have failed of late, we were and still are far better than any jungle bunnies, but then I guess the rest of the world who enslaved, or is today still enslaving jungle bunnies are.

Tell us about how high and mighty the jungle bunnny pyramids are, please!
Tikanate? Yasu. I'm Greek too.
...and somehow you guys couldn't even manage to do THAT right. What a shocker. Perpetual failures.
I see you just got off your shift at Carls Jr's. Did you burn the fries again?
I am still laughing at the image of a group of wise 'jungle bunnies brainstorming on how to build a mud pyramid some place on the Congo River. Please elaborate.
I'm still laughing at the greeks calling you cave monkeys "savages" and then you cave monkeys turn around and claim the greeks as your first civilzation.

Please do some cave monkey mating calls for everyone. With sugar on top.
I am Greek idiot, which is why I know that we were far superior to the those of northern Europe in antiquity and although we have failed of late, we were and still are far better than any jungle bunnies, but then I guess the rest of the world who enslaved, or is today still enslaving jungle bunnies are.

Tell us about how high and mighty the jungle bunnny pyramids are, please!
Tikanate? Yasu. I'm Greek too.
To xero, ta exoume pei. Alla eisai kai likagi malakas.
Black men may be athletic and good boxers but they do not know how to fight. Sorry, sad truth. They may be big and muscular but they don't know how to use it.

I know you will know what I'm talking about. I remember in the hood the black guys would walk around each other in circles bumping each others shoulders. I would laugh and think, "what are they waiting for?".

I'm not your typical white. I'm Greek.

I know you think this is me though.

You must have hung out with the Black guys that couldnt fight. Not all Black guys can fight obviously but we destroy people when trained in the sport. Being a Greek you arent really white. You just think you are. Greeks and Italians have more Black DNA than white people. Your ancestors called whites savages.

That's the most racist statement posted in this forum in several months. You're the biggest racist in here.
Impossible. Black people can't be racist.

Yeah they can. We just cant practice racism as a group because we dont own any significant resources. If all the Black owned stores decided not to let white people buy from them no one would care.

Sure, you'd have to be like Mugabe and take control of all the resources before you can practice racism. hahahaha . well thats where I disagree. I think racism is a state of mind and for the most part, everyone has one.

And as for no one caring? I don't know how you can say that, there are plenty of people who would be sensitive to that, unless of course you group all white people together. but thats all on you and your opinion
I hate it when blacks say liberal whites are worse because we hide our racism. Bullshit I say. Of course conservative whites are right in their criticism of black culture. Us liberals can't deny that. Is is racist to see the truth?

But we do care and we do want to help fix the situation and we know its not their fault.

I'm just trying to point out to black people if they want their society to get better they're going to have to start doing some things differently. One would be stop having kids you can't afford or raise properly. Start speaking English and take school seriously.

But then immediately they get defensive and start calling us racist. Or they tell us to worry about whites who are equally as ignorant.

Fine! If your bar is to be like white trash then OK. Lol

Whites won't start a business in the hood. Too dangerous. Hell, even rich blacks won't. That is black peoples fault.
lynchings???? Blacks kill far more whites than whites kill blacks.

That's not even remotely true.
The Uniform Crime Reports show you are living in a fantasy world, a disingenuous one at that.

incorrect...and I notice you reference these "reports", but not a hint of a link to support your baseless claim....Here's a fact; negroes commit massively disproportionate amounts of crime despite only making up 13% of the population.

I am not convinced that Blacks commit massively disproportionate amounts of crime. That is not what FBI's UCR shows. It shows some Blacks are arrested disproportionally to Whites but actual convictions do not correspond with those arrests. Be careful when you use words like "commit." The UCR results are describing arrests not commissions.

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