A message to America from Black America.

You must have hung out with the Black guys that couldnt fight. Not all Black guys can fight obviously but we destroy people when trained in the sport. Being a Greek you arent really white. You just think you are. Greeks and Italians have more Black DNA than white people. Your ancestors called whites savages.

That's the most racist statement posted in this forum in several months. You're the biggest racist in here.
Impossible. Black people can't be racist.

Yeah they can. We just cant practice racism as a group because we dont own any significant resources. If all the Black owned stores decided not to let white people buy from them no one would care.

Sure, you'd have to be like Mugabe and take control of all the resources before you can practice racism. hahahaha . well thats where I disagree. I think racism is a state of mind and for the most part, everyone has one.

And as for no one caring? I don't know how you can say that, there are

plenty of people who would be sensitive to that, unless of course you group all white people together. but thats all on you and your opinion
I hate it when blacks say liberal whites are worse because we hide our racism. Bullshit I say. Of course conservative whites are right in their criticism of black culture. Us liberals can't deny that. Is is racist to see the truth?

But we do care and we do want to help fix the situation and we know its not their fault.

I'm just trying to point out to black people if they want their society to get better they're going to have to start doing some things differently. One would be stop having kids you can't afford or raise properly. Start speaking English and take school seriously.

But then immediately they get defensive and start calling us racist. Or they tell us to worry about whites who are equally as ignorant.

Fine! If your bar is to be like white trash then OK. Lol

Whites won't start a business in the hood. Too dangerous. Hell, even rich blacks won't. That is black peoples fault.

Damned if you do or damned if you don't, I guess, with some people. Of course they'll say its still your responsibility to make sure they get an education and a job, while they care less what a white man has to say.
Sure, you'd have to be like Mugabe and take control of all the resources before you can practice racism. hahahaha . well thats where I disagree. I think racism is a state of mind and for the most part, everyone has one.

And as for no one caring? I don't know how you can say that, there are plenty of people who would be sensitive to that, unless of course you group all white people together. but thats all on you and your opinion
I hate it when blacks say liberal whites are worse because we hide our racism. Bullshit I say. Of course conservative whites are right in their criticism of black culture. Us liberals can't deny that. Is is racist to see the truth?

But we do care and we do want to help fix the situation and we know its not their fault.

I'm just trying to point out to black people if they want their society to get better they're going to have to start doing some things differently. One would be stop having kids you can't afford or raise properly. Start speaking English and take school seriously.

But then immediately they get defensive and start calling us racist. Or they tell us to worry about whites who are equally as ignorant.

Fine! If your bar is to be like white trash then OK. Lol

Whites won't start a business in the hood. Too dangerous. Hell, even rich blacks won't. That is black peoples fault.
The problem with your stance is that your culture is fucked up and for no reason at all. We at least have a reason for our stuff. When you get your culture fixed then you can attempt to help with others. Otherwise no one is listening to you. :laugh:
We often immitate black culture. Pull up your pants we're sure to follow. Show us how smart you are. First by fixing your ghettos and quit blaming the man.

Ok! if the MAN gets his hands out of Black people's pockets and allow Black tax dollars to be controlled by Blacks for Black purposes... we might have a new beginning. If Blacks can me made to stop buying in White stores and, instead, support their own businesses we may see a renaissance paralleling the Black WallStreet. Cut out Welfare for ALL... Most Blacks don't need it anyway... With the suggestions I have given towards autonomy, Blacks could take care of their own like they did before welfare and before integration. Lastly, with autonomy, Blacks could then have the legal right to become vigilantes and "clean" up the criminal elements. Now, if they even entertain such measures, they face prosecution.... Got anything to add?
One of the things that make white people whiter with fury is Black success. There is a reason all those Black communities were destroyed in so called race riots. So you see whites have a history... a track record of lying and then doing everything in their power to destroy Black success. We know whites are full of shit and therefore whites have no credibility. White people have a seriously large inferiority complex that is probably genetically passed down which causes their racism. I think it comes from the inbreeding they were forced to do during the ice age. Its either that or the neanderthal genes.

Your talking about a very small percentage of whites there. I can find some You tube videos Im sure of black people acting like animals, yet I know thats not representative of the whole society. If black success makes whites furious then why have white people been working along side black people to make them successful? your problem is you can't see that some people see other people as simply humans like themselves. Your forever hung up on your own superiority
lynchings???? Blacks kill far more whites than whites kill blacks.

That's not even remotely true.
The Uniform Crime Reports show you are living in a fantasy world, a disingenuous one at that.

incorrect...and I notice you reference these "reports", but not a hint of a link to support your baseless claim....Here's a fact; negroes commit massively disproportionate amounts of crime despite only making up 13% of the population.

I am not convinced that Blacks commit massively disproportionate amounts of crime. That is not what FBI's UCR shows. It shows some Blacks are arrested disproportionally to Whites but actual convictions do not correspond with those arrests. Be careful when you use words like "commit." The UCR results are describing arrests not commissions.

Yeah, that's because the victims don't want the perps arrested if they're white.

Are you fucking kidding us?
I hate it when blacks say liberal whites are worse because we hide our racism. Bullshit I say. Of course conservative whites are right in their criticism of black culture. Us liberals can't deny that. Is is racist to see the truth?

But we do care and we do want to help fix the situation and we know its not their fault.

I'm just trying to point out to black people if they want their society to get better they're going to have to start doing some things differently. One would be stop having kids you can't afford or raise properly. Start speaking English and take school seriously.

But then immediately they get defensive and start calling us racist. Or they tell us to worry about whites who are equally as ignorant.

Fine! If your bar is to be like white trash then OK. Lol

Whites won't start a business in the hood. Too dangerous. Hell, even rich blacks won't. That is black peoples fault.
The problem with your stance is that your culture is fucked up and for no reason at all. We at least have a reason for our stuff. When you get your culture fixed then you can attempt to help with others. Otherwise no one is listening to you. :laugh:
We often immitate black culture. Pull up your pants we're sure to follow. Show us how smart you are. First by fixing your ghettos and quit blaming the man.

Ok! if the MAN gets his hands out of Black people's pockets and allow Black tax dollars to be controlled by Blacks for Black purposes... we might have a new beginning. If Blacks can me made to stop buying in White stores and, instead, support their own businesses we may see a renaissance paralleling the Black WallStreet. Cut out Welfare for ALL... Most Blacks don't need it anyway... With the suggestions I have given towards autonomy, Blacks could take care of their own like they did before welfare and before integration. Lastly, with autonomy, Blacks could then have the legal right to become vigilantes and "clean" up the criminal elements. Now, if they even entertain such measures, they face prosecution.... Got anything to add?
One of the things that make white people whiter with fury is Black success. There is a reason all those Black communities were destroyed in so called race riots. So you see whites have a history... a track record of lying and then doing everything in their power to destroy Black success. We know whites are full of shit and therefore whites have no credibility. White people have a seriously large inferiority complex that is probably genetically passed down which causes their racism. I think it comes from the inbreeding they were forced to do during the ice age. Its either that or the neanderthal genes.

Your talking about a very small percentage of whites there. I can find some You tube videos Im sure of black people acting like animals, yet I know thats not representative of the whole society. If black success makes whites furious then why have white people been working along side black people to make them successful? your problem is you can't see that some people see other people as simply humans like themselves. Your forever hung up on your own superiority

he's not even a negro...just a white agitator trolling...
The problem with your stance is that your culture is fucked up and for no reason at all. We at least have a reason for our stuff. When you get your culture fixed then you can attempt to help with others. Otherwise no one is listening to you. :laugh:
We often immitate black culture. Pull up your pants we're sure to follow. Show us how smart you are. First by fixing your ghettos and quit blaming the man.

Ok! if the MAN gets his hands out of Black people's pockets and allow Black tax dollars to be controlled by Blacks for Black purposes... we might have a new beginning. If Blacks can me made to stop buying in White stores and, instead, support their own businesses we may see a renaissance paralleling the Black WallStreet. Cut out Welfare for ALL... Most Blacks don't need it anyway... With the suggestions I have given towards autonomy, Blacks could take care of their own like they did before welfare and before integration. Lastly, with autonomy, Blacks could then have the legal right to become vigilantes and "clean" up the criminal elements. Now, if they even entertain such measures, they face prosecution.... Got anything to add?
One of the things that make white people whiter with fury is Black success. There is a reason all those Black communities were destroyed in so called race riots. So you see whites have a history... a track record of lying and then doing everything in their power to destroy Black success. We know whites are full of shit and therefore whites have no credibility. White people have a seriously large inferiority complex that is probably genetically passed down which causes their racism. I think it comes from the inbreeding they were forced to do during the ice age. Its either that or the neanderthal genes.

Your talking about a very small percentage of whites there. I can find some You tube videos Im sure of black people acting like animals, yet I know thats not representative of the whole society. If black success makes whites furious then why have white people been working along side black people to make them successful? your problem is you can't see that some people see other people as simply humans like themselves. Your forever hung up on your own superiority

he's not even a negro...just a white agitator trolling...

What makes you think that?
We often immitate black culture. Pull up your pants we're sure to follow. Show us how smart you are. First by fixing your ghettos and quit blaming the man.

Ok! if the MAN gets his hands out of Black people's pockets and allow Black tax dollars to be controlled by Blacks for Black purposes... we might have a new beginning. If Blacks can me made to stop buying in White stores and, instead, support their own businesses we may see a renaissance paralleling the Black WallStreet. Cut out Welfare for ALL... Most Blacks don't need it anyway... With the suggestions I have given towards autonomy, Blacks could take care of their own like they did before welfare and before integration. Lastly, with autonomy, Blacks could then have the legal right to become vigilantes and "clean" up the criminal elements. Now, if they even entertain such measures, they face prosecution.... Got anything to add?
One of the things that make white people whiter with fury is Black success. There is a reason all those Black communities were destroyed in so called race riots. So you see whites have a history... a track record of lying and then doing everything in their power to destroy Black success. We know whites are full of shit and therefore whites have no credibility. White people have a seriously large inferiority complex that is probably genetically passed down which causes their racism. I think it comes from the inbreeding they were forced to do during the ice age. Its either that or the neanderthal genes.

Your talking about a very small percentage of whites there. I can find some You tube videos Im sure of black people acting like animals, yet I know thats not representative of the whole society. If black success makes whites furious then why have white people been working along side black people to make them successful? your problem is you can't see that some people see other people as simply humans like themselves. Your forever hung up on your own superiority

he's not even a negro...just a white agitator trolling...

What makes you think that?

real negroes aren't as obnoxious and inflammatory. he revels in it...he's a fake..
Ok! if the MAN gets his hands out of Black people's pockets and allow Black tax dollars to be controlled by Blacks for Black purposes... we might have a new beginning. If Blacks can me made to stop buying in White stores and, instead, support their own businesses we may see a renaissance paralleling the Black WallStreet. Cut out Welfare for ALL... Most Blacks don't need it anyway... With the suggestions I have given towards autonomy, Blacks could take care of their own like they did before welfare and before integration. Lastly, with autonomy, Blacks could then have the legal right to become vigilantes and "clean" up the criminal elements. Now, if they even entertain such measures, they face prosecution.... Got anything to add?
One of the things that make white people whiter with fury is Black success. There is a reason all those Black communities were destroyed in so called race riots. So you see whites have a history... a track record of lying and then doing everything in their power to destroy Black success. We know whites are full of shit and therefore whites have no credibility. White people have a seriously large inferiority complex that is probably genetically passed down which causes their racism. I think it comes from the inbreeding they were forced to do during the ice age. Its either that or the neanderthal genes.

Your talking about a very small percentage of whites there. I can find some You tube videos Im sure of black people acting like animals, yet I know thats not representative of the whole society. If black success makes whites furious then why have white people been working along side black people to make them successful? your problem is you can't see that some people see other people as simply humans like themselves. Your forever hung up on your own superiority

he's not even a negro...just a white agitator trolling...

What makes you think that?

real negroes aren't as obnoxious and inflammatory. he revels in it...he's a fake..

Him and I are neighbors, he lives in Oakland and I live in Richmond. Id gladly invite him for a beer or a coffee. Could put it all to rest.
One of the things that make white people whiter with fury is Black success. There is a reason all those Black communities were destroyed in so called race riots. So you see whites have a history... a track record of lying and then doing everything in their power to destroy Black success. We know whites are full of shit and therefore whites have no credibility. White people have a seriously large inferiority complex that is probably genetically passed down which causes their racism. I think it comes from the inbreeding they were forced to do during the ice age. Its either that or the neanderthal genes.

Your talking about a very small percentage of whites there. I can find some You tube videos Im sure of black people acting like animals, yet I know thats not representative of the whole society. If black success makes whites furious then why have white people been working along side black people to make them successful? your problem is you can't see that some people see other people as simply humans like themselves. Your forever hung up on your own superiority

he's not even a negro...just a white agitator trolling...

What makes you think that?

real negroes aren't as obnoxious and inflammatory. he revels in it...he's a fake..

Him and I are neighbors, he lives in Oakland and I live in Richmond. Id gladly invite him for a beer or a coffee. Could put it all to rest.

couldn't really care less...his only purpose is to post anti white comments and agitate...weak and transparent..
One of the things that make white people whiter with fury is Black success. There is a reason all those Black communities were destroyed in so called race riots. So you see whites have a history... a track record of lying and then doing everything in their power to destroy Black success. We know whites are full of shit and therefore whites have no credibility. White people have a seriously large inferiority complex that is probably genetically passed down which causes their racism. I think it comes from the inbreeding they were forced to do during the ice age. Its either that or the neanderthal genes.

Your talking about a very small percentage of whites there. I can find some You tube videos Im sure of black people acting like animals, yet I know thats not representative of the whole society. If black success makes whites furious then why have white people been working along side black people to make them successful? your problem is you can't see that some people see other people as simply humans like themselves. Your forever hung up on your own superiority

he's not even a negro...just a white agitator trolling...

What makes you think that?

real negroes aren't as obnoxious and inflammatory. he revels in it...he's a fake..


Him and I are neighbors, he lives in Oakland and I live in Richmond. Id gladly invite him for a beer or a coffee. Could put it all to rest.

It would be good to know.

IMO the white fantasist scenario is a real possibility.

Be careful though. If he is half of much of a violent unthinking brute as he presents himself, he would be dangerous to be around.
Your talking about a very small percentage of whites there. I can find some You tube videos Im sure of black people acting like animals, yet I know thats not representative of the whole society. If black success makes whites furious then why have white people been working along side black people to make them successful? your problem is you can't see that some people see other people as simply humans like themselves. Your forever hung up on your own superiority

he's not even a negro...just a white agitator trolling...

What makes you think that?

real negroes aren't as obnoxious and inflammatory. he revels in it...he's a fake..


Him and I are neighbors, he lives in Oakland and I live in Richmond. Id gladly invite him for a beer or a coffee. Could put it all to rest.

It would be good to know.

IMO the white fantasist scenario is a real possibility.

Be careful though. If he is half of much of a violent unthinking brute as he presents himself, he would be dangerous to be around.

LMAO.. a 150 lb. white "pajama boy" beta male is how I read him..
Your talking about a very small percentage of whites there. I can find some You tube videos Im sure of black people acting like animals, yet I know thats not representative of the whole society. If black success makes whites furious then why have white people been working along side black people to make them successful? your problem is you can't see that some people see other people as simply humans like themselves. Your forever hung up on your own superiority

he's not even a negro...just a white agitator trolling...

What makes you think that?

real negroes aren't as obnoxious and inflammatory. he revels in it...he's a fake..


Him and I are neighbors, he lives in Oakland and I live in Richmond. Id gladly invite him for a beer or a coffee. Could put it all to rest.

It would be good to know.

IMO the white fantasist scenario is a real possibility.

Be careful though. If he is half of much of a violent unthinking brute as he presents himself, he would be dangerous to be around.

Im not afraid of that, It would be friendly anyways, haha however he did say MOST white guys are afraid to look him in the EYE, so I wouldn't mind confirming if he's truly a baddass or a fake.

Anytime Asclepias.
I hate it when blacks say liberal whites are worse because we hide our racism. Bullshit I say. Of course conservative whites are right in their criticism of black culture. Us liberals can't deny that. Is is racist to see the truth?

But we do care and we do want to help fix the situation and we know its not their fault.

I'm just trying to point out to black people if they want their society to get better they're going to have to start doing some things differently. One would be stop having kids you can't afford or raise properly. Start speaking English and take school seriously.

But then immediately they get defensive and start calling us racist. Or they tell us to worry about whites who are equally as ignorant.

Fine! If your bar is to be like white trash then OK. Lol

Whites won't start a business in the hood. Too dangerous. Hell, even rich blacks won't. That is black peoples fault.
The problem with your stance is that your culture is fucked up and for no reason at all. We at least have a reason for our stuff. When you get your culture fixed then you can attempt to help with others. Otherwise no one is listening to you. :laugh:
We often immitate black culture. Pull up your pants we're sure to follow. Show us how smart you are. First by fixing your ghettos and quit blaming the man.

Ok! if the MAN gets his hands out of Black people's pockets and allow Black tax dollars to be controlled by Blacks for Black purposes... we might have a new beginning. If Blacks can me made to stop buying in White stores and, instead, support their own businesses we may see a renaissance paralleling the Black WallStreet. Cut out Welfare for ALL... Most Blacks don't need it anyway... With the suggestions I have given towards autonomy, Blacks could take care of their own like they did before welfare and before integration. Lastly, with autonomy, Blacks could then have the legal right to become vigilantes and "clean" up the criminal elements. Now, if they even entertain such measures, they face prosecution.... Got anything to add?
One of the things that make white people whiter with fury is Black success. There is a reason all those Black communities were destroyed in so called race riots. So you see whites have a history... a track record of lying and then doing everything in their power to destroy Black success. We know whites are full of shit and therefore whites have no credibility. White people have a seriously large inferiority complex that is probably genetically passed down which causes their racism. I think it comes from the inbreeding they were forced to do during the ice age. Its either that or the neanderthal genes.

Your talking about a very small percentage of whites there. I can find some You tube videos Im sure of black people acting like animals, yet I know thats not representative of the whole society. If black success makes whites furious then why have white people been working along side black people to make them successful? your problem is you can't see that some people see other people as simply humans like themselves. Your forever hung up on your own superiority
No I'm not talking about a small percentage. I'm talking about the majority of white males. Just like you can find you tube videos of Black people acting like animals, I can find the same with white boys acting like animals and some even having sex with animals. Of course thats not all whites because plenty of white women seem to understand how fucked up white men are and have abandoned you. There is no of to it. White males cant take Black men being successful. Again you have a track record thats documented. It may not be as well known as slavery but it actually is more damaging to the Black communities ability to take you seriously. If Blacks had simply been freed my bet is that things would have been different. However poor whites have been led around by the nose by wealthy whites to believe that successful Blacks threaten you. Again its your inferiority complex.
he's not even a negro...just a white agitator trolling...

What makes you think that?

real negroes aren't as obnoxious and inflammatory. he revels in it...he's a fake..


Him and I are neighbors, he lives in Oakland and I live in Richmond. Id gladly invite him for a beer or a coffee. Could put it all to rest.

It would be good to know.

IMO the white fantasist scenario is a real possibility.

Be careful though. If he is half of much of a violent unthinking brute as he presents himself, he would be dangerous to be around.

Im not afraid of that, It would be friendly anyways, haha however he did say MOST white guys are afraid to look him in the EYE, so I wouldn't mind confirming if he's truly a baddass or a fake.

Anytime Asclepias.
Anytime what? Are you claiming you want to find out if I am bad ass but hedging it by saying it would be friendly? Your passive aggressive semi challenge is kind of weak. I'm from Oakland but I dont live there anymore. However, you can PM me your number and I will call you the next time I am down there.
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Your talking about a very small percentage of whites there. I can find some You tube videos Im sure of black people acting like animals, yet I know thats not representative of the whole society. If black success makes whites furious then why have white people been working along side black people to make them successful? your problem is you can't see that some people see other people as simply humans like themselves. Your forever hung up on your own superiority

he's not even a negro...just a white agitator trolling...

What makes you think that?

real negroes aren't as obnoxious and inflammatory. he revels in it...he's a fake..


Him and I are neighbors, he lives in Oakland and I live in Richmond. Id gladly invite him for a beer or a coffee. Could put it all to rest.

It would be good to know.

IMO the white fantasist scenario is a real possibility.

Be careful though. If he is half of much of a violent unthinking brute as he presents himself, he would be dangerous to be around.
See what I mean Yarddog? This one is afraid and timid for you. :laugh:
lynchings???? Blacks kill far more whites than whites kill blacks.

That's not even remotely true.
The Uniform Crime Reports show you are living in a fantasy world, a disingenuous one at that.

incorrect...and I notice you reference these "reports", but not a hint of a link to support your baseless claim....Here's a fact; negroes commit massively disproportionate amounts of crime despite only making up 13% of the population.

I am not convinced that Blacks commit massively disproportionate amounts of crime. That is not what FBI's UCR shows. It shows some Blacks are arrested disproportionally to Whites but actual convictions do not correspond with those arrests. Be careful when you use words like "commit." The UCR results are describing arrests not commissions.

Yeah, that's because the victims don't want the perps arrested if they're white.

Are you fucking kidding us?

That is YOUR conclusion, not mine!
Your talking about a very small percentage of whites there. I can find some You tube videos Im sure of black people acting like animals, yet I know thats not representative of the whole society. If black success makes whites furious then why have white people been working along side black people to make them successful? your problem is you can't see that some people see other people as simply humans like themselves. Your forever hung up on your own superiority

he's not even a negro...just a white agitator trolling...

What makes you think that?

real negroes aren't as obnoxious and inflammatory. he revels in it...he's a fake..

Him and I are neighbors, he lives in Oakland and I live in Richmond. Id gladly invite him for a beer or a coffee. Could put it all to rest.

couldn't really care less...his only purpose is to post anti white comments and agitate...weak and transparent..

Well.dayum, SOMEONE has to speak up to counter the overwhelming number of White bigots on USMB.
he's not even a negro...just a white agitator trolling...

What makes you think that?

real negroes aren't as obnoxious and inflammatory. he revels in it...he's a fake..


Him and I are neighbors, he lives in Oakland and I live in Richmond. Id gladly invite him for a beer or a coffee. Could put it all to rest.

It would be good to know.

IMO the white fantasist scenario is a real possibility.

Be careful though. If he is half of much of a violent unthinking brute as he presents himself, he would be dangerous to be around.
See what I mean Yarddog? This one is afraid and timid for you. :laugh:

PUtting yourself in a dangerous situation without considering the danger is the act of a fool.

If you are half the unthinking violent brute you present yourself to be, there is no way of predicting what will set you off.
he's not even a negro...just a white agitator trolling...

What makes you think that?

real negroes aren't as obnoxious and inflammatory. he revels in it...he's a fake..

Him and I are neighbors, he lives in Oakland and I live in Richmond. Id gladly invite him for a beer or a coffee. Could put it all to rest.

couldn't really care less...his only purpose is to post anti white comments and agitate...weak and transparent..

Well.dayum, SOMEONE has to speak up to counter the overwhelming number of White bigots on USMB.

Just because we call you on your bullshit does not make us bigots.

Sorry that your little feelings feel otherwise.
"My last name doesn't even belong to me. Let that sink in." - Powerful.

Watch the whole thing before commenting.


A message to America from Black America.
I did not know Black America spoke with one voice.

With all the poverty and killings in black neighborhoods I think there are more important things the black voice shouts about

Poverty has historical roots.

Same as wealth.

It doesn't really happen over night.

And people inherit the past.

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