A movie about Clarence Thomas "Created Equal"

Not funny at all. Hill came forward BECAUSE he was being considered for one of the most important jobs in the nation. His behavior was sleazy and crass. No, she didn't complain when it happened. Women didn't back then, hardly ever. He didn't rape her.

Hill followed Thomas across the country for the opportunity to work with him.

But she sold out for the $Millions she made in the Anti-American speaking tour.

Balsey Ford was a cheap whore only getting $800,00.00 for her lies.

Uncle T was a recipient of AA.

So you are against Affirmative Action. Good to know.


Then what difference does it make that Thomas benefited from AA? Is it because he is the wrong kind of black?

Thomas denied all accusations against him, and no proof was offered of his guilt in those matters beyond her word.
What kind of "proof" do you think there would have been? It was his word against her word and the Senate Judiciary Committee's all male members believed him. Big shocker, right?

The justice system needs more evidence than just one person to find one guilty. So you believe that in a he said she said, the woman's side should be considered the truth?
For a lot of reasons, I believe she was telling the truth. None of the conservatives wanting Thomas on the SC cared. Just like Kavanaugh, who made his strong antipathy for Democrats clear as he cried about how mean the investigation had been. No one cared that he was being appointed to a job that has always prided itself on being nonpartisan.

And of course by non-partisan you mean "progressive"

Dems made the process more partisan than it was ever when they Borked Bork.

Thomas denied all accusations against him, and no proof was offered of his guilt in those matters beyond her word.
What kind of "proof" do you think there would have been? It was his word against her word and the Senate Judiciary Committee's all male members believed him. Big shocker, right?

The justice system needs more evidence than just one person to find one guilty. So you believe that in a he said she said, the woman's side should be considered the truth?
For a lot of reasons, I believe she was telling the truth. None of the conservatives wanting Thomas on the SC cared. Just like Kavanaugh, who made his strong antipathy for Democrats clear as he cried about how mean the investigation had been. No one cared that he was being appointed to a job that has always prided itself on being nonpartisan.

You believe? That isn't evidence, that is what you would need. That is why Thomas and Kavanaugh couldn't be excluded. No evidence.

No one, not Ginsberg, not Thomas, not Kennedy or any other Supreme Court Judge is non-partisan, they all have bias and all are partisan to some degree.

Ford had no corroborated story. No evidence, none, nothing. Just her story of not knowing when or where and the people she claimed were there did not recall any of it. Even her best friend at the time could not remember. You can't exclude a person because of an uncorroborated story and no other evidence, that is not justice, that is mob rule.
Anita Hill.

Thomas denied all accusations against him, and no proof was offered of his guilt in those matters beyond her word.
What kind of "proof" do you think there would have been? It was his word against her word and the Senate Judiciary Committee's all male members believed him. Big shocker, right?

The justice system needs more evidence than just one person to find one guilty. So you believe that in a he said she said, the woman's side should be considered the truth?
For a lot of reasons, I believe she was telling the truth. None of the conservatives wanting Thomas on the SC cared. Just like Kavanaugh, who made his strong antipathy for Democrats clear as he cried about how mean the investigation had been. No one cared that he was being appointed to a job that has always prided itself on being nonpartisan.

And of course by non-partisan you mean "progressive"

Dems made the process more partisan than it was ever when they Borked Bork.
No, I mean nonpartisan. The Founding Fathers knew the appointments would be political, but as much as possible they wanted the judges to demonstrate nonpartisanship. Look up the word "fairness" in case you've never heard of it.
Anita Hill.

Thomas denied all accusations against him, and no proof was offered of his guilt in those matters beyond her word.
What kind of "proof" do you think there would have been? It was his word against her word and the Senate Judiciary Committee's all male members believed him. Big shocker, right?

The justice system needs more evidence than just one person to find one guilty. So you believe that in a he said she said, the woman's side should be considered the truth?
For a lot of reasons, I believe she was telling the truth. None of the conservatives wanting Thomas on the SC cared. Just like Kavanaugh, who made his strong antipathy for Democrats clear as he cried about how mean the investigation had been. No one cared that he was being appointed to a job that has always prided itself on being nonpartisan.

You believe? That isn't evidence, that is what you would need. That is why Thomas and Kavanaugh couldn't be excluded. No evidence.

No one, not Ginsberg, not Thomas, not Kennedy or any other Supreme Court Judge is non-partisan, they all have bias and all are partisan to some degree.

Ford had no corroborated story. No evidence, none, nothing. Just her story of not knowing when or where and the people she claimed were there did not recall any of it. Even her best friend at the time could not remember. You can't exclude a person because of an uncorroborated story and no other evidence, that is not justice, that is mob rule.
What did I say my objection to Kavanaugh was? Did it have anything to do with his behavior as a teenager? No? Try reading my post.
Thomas denied all accusations against him, and no proof was offered of his guilt in those matters beyond her word.
What kind of "proof" do you think there would have been? It was his word against her word and the Senate Judiciary Committee's all male members believed him. Big shocker, right?

The justice system needs more evidence than just one person to find one guilty. So you believe that in a he said she said, the woman's side should be considered the truth?
For a lot of reasons, I believe she was telling the truth. None of the conservatives wanting Thomas on the SC cared. Just like Kavanaugh, who made his strong antipathy for Democrats clear as he cried about how mean the investigation had been. No one cared that he was being appointed to a job that has always prided itself on being nonpartisan.

And of course by non-partisan you mean "progressive"

Dems made the process more partisan than it was ever when they Borked Bork.
No, I mean nonpartisan. The Founding Fathers knew the appointments would be political, but as much as possible they wanted the judges to demonstrate nonpartisanship. Look up the word "fairness" in case you've never heard of it.

So you probably think Ruth Bader Ginsberg makes her mind up in a "non-partisan" nature, right?

It really is a shame how democrats trash conservative blacks like Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson. In fact, EVERY black that is ideologically opposed to the Left in any way is tarred and feathered and is an absolute disgrace. At such times, the racist roots of the democrat party that established slavery and fought to defend it, and established the KKK, are for all to behold.

Movies like this help remind us of how the Left, and their stooge media, are one in the same as I'm sure none of you have heard of this movie, and odds are if it is playing near you it will be hard to find.

And you are worse than any of them. Nobody can criticize Thomas the unqualified, incompetent judge, because you will throw the race card. How ironic.

They don't care about Uncle Thomas, he is just there token to parade out front to hide their racism.
Will the movie get into how Thomas benefitted from affirmative action programs targeted to poor blacks and then voted against those programs when he became a Justice?
Thomas never used Affirmative Action. Period.

You're just triggered at a Black Man that doesn't feel inferior to Whites.

It really is a shame how democrats trash conservative blacks like Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson. In fact, EVERY black that is ideologically opposed to the Left in any way is tarred and feathered and is an absolute disgrace. At such times, the racist roots of the democrat party that established slavery and fought to defend it, and established the KKK, are for all to behold.

Movies like this help remind us of how the Left, and their stooge media, are one in the same as I'm sure none of you have heard of this movie, and odds are if it is playing near you it will be hard to find.

And you are worse than any of them. Nobody can criticize Thomas the unqualified, incompetent judge, because you will throw the race card. How ironic.

They don't care about Uncle Thomas, he is just there token to parade out front to hide their racism.

So a man who overcame poverty and reached the Supreme Court should not be celebrated as a success, rather, just a sell out?


Are there any "conservatives" who are black and not a sell out in your opinion?
Witnesses? Other people accusing him of the same behavior?
Anita Hill Testimony: The Witness Not Called

Anita Hill - Wikipedia
Four female witnesses reportedly waited in the wings to support Hill's credibility, but they were not called,[14][17] due to what the Los Angeles Times described as a private, compromise deal between Republicans and the Senate Judiciary Committee Chair, Democrat Joe Biden.[18]

Hill agreed to take a polygraph test. While senators and other authorities noted that polygraph results cannot be relied upon and are inadmissible in courts, Hill's results did support her statements.[19] Thomas did not take a polygraph test.
Really funny timing. Why no complaints when it allegedly happened?
Not funny at all. Hill came forward BECAUSE he was being considered for one of the most important jobs in the nation. His behavior was sleazy and crass. No, she didn't complain when it happened. Women didn't back then, hardly ever. He didn't rape her.
The timing was convenient. Phony!
There was no "timing!" She came forward because he was being vetted. Am I wrong?
If someone assaults me I don’t wait until they’re being vetted for a government job before alerting authorities.
Well if it wasn't for affirmative action, Obama would be serving coffee to the Clinton's. Ole Bill stated that just a few years ago, he would be serving us coffee. Lol

The difference is the American people elected Pres. Obama TWICE, whereas Uncle Thomas was appointed as a token.

Typical response from a racist. It’s sad how black men see another black man who gets educated, and wants to better himself and claim he’s a race traitor, he wants to be white, he’s not being true to the streets he came from, etc......How dare a black man think for himself and not vote Democrat.......

Typical response from a moron racist. There are plenty of educated black men in this country who are not boot lickers.

And this moron proves my point. Immediately screaming racist and deeming educated Conservative black men boot lickers. Thanks for proving me right.

Make up your mind Shithead, first it was educated black men. Now it's conservative, educated men.

Well you racist uneducated thug, YOU don’t call black Dimbocraps boot lickers, so there’s that. You only insult conservative, educated black men, so there’s that. Yet more proof.

It really is a shame how democrats trash conservative blacks like Clarence Thomas and Ben Carson. In fact, EVERY black that is ideologically opposed to the Left in any way is tarred and feathered and is an absolute disgrace. At such times, the racist roots of the democrat party that established slavery and fought to defend it, and established the KKK, are for all to behold.

Movies like this help remind us of how the Left, and their stooge media, are one in the same as I'm sure none of you have heard of this movie, and odds are if it is playing near you it will be hard to find.

And you are worse than any of them. Nobody can criticize Thomas the unqualified, incompetent judge, because you will throw the race card. How ironic.

They don't care about Uncle Thomas, he is just there token to parade out front to hide their racism.

So a man who overcame poverty and reached the Supreme Court should not be celebrated as a success, rather, just a sell out?


Are there any "conservatives" who are black and not a sell out in your opinion?

There are plenty of black men who overcame poverty, racism and many other obstacles and became successful and they didn't turn into boot licking Toms.
There are plenty of black men who overcame poverty, racism and many other obstacles and became successful and they didn't turn into boot licking Toms.
Bootlicking Tom's kneel before Democrats for Affirmative Action because theyve been brainwashed into feeling that they're not equal to White trash without it

Clarence Thomas earned his way with hard work and intelligence like a man, which is the cause of your jealous hatred.
There are plenty of black men who overcame poverty, racism and many other obstacles and became successful and they didn't turn into boot licking Toms.
Bootlicking Tom's kneel before Democrats for Affirmative Action because theyve been brainwashed into feeling that they're not equal to White trash without it

Give me some examples of those bootlicking Toms who are kneeling before Democrats.

Clarence Thomas earned his way with hard work and intelligence like a man, which is the cause of your jealous hatred.

Clarence Thomas had a lot easier road than Thurgood Marshall did, Thomas went to Yale Law School on a AA program. Now he wants to destroy the very road that helped him reach the plateau of his career.
Give me some examples of those bootlicking Toms who are kneeling before Democrats.

You, IM2, Congressional Black Caucus.

You need more?

Clarence Thomas had a lot easier road than Thurgood Marshall did, Thomas went to Yale Law School on a AA program. Now he wants to destroy the very road that helped him reach the plateau of his career.

Thomas qualified without AA.

You're thinking of Pocahontas.
What kind of "proof" do you think there would have been? It was his word against her word and the Senate Judiciary Committee's all male members believed him. Big shocker, right?

The justice system needs more evidence than just one person to find one guilty. So you believe that in a he said she said, the woman's side should be considered the truth?
For a lot of reasons, I believe she was telling the truth. None of the conservatives wanting Thomas on the SC cared. Just like Kavanaugh, who made his strong antipathy for Democrats clear as he cried about how mean the investigation had been. No one cared that he was being appointed to a job that has always prided itself on being nonpartisan.

And of course by non-partisan you mean "progressive"

Dems made the process more partisan than it was ever when they Borked Bork.
No, I mean nonpartisan. The Founding Fathers knew the appointments would be political, but as much as possible they wanted the judges to demonstrate nonpartisanship. Look up the word "fairness" in case you've never heard of it.

So you probably think Ruth Bader Ginsberg makes her mind up in a "non-partisan" nature, right?
I never said the Supreme Court Justices were anything other than human. And yes, I believe they ALL do their level best to leave their personal opinions behind them when they make their decisions on the Court.
I believe that. Probably Kavanaugh tries as well, but that well is poisoned and he told us so out loud and no one seemed to listen.
There are plenty of black men who overcame poverty, racism and many other obstacles and became successful and they didn't turn into boot licking Toms.
Bootlicking Tom's kneel before Democrats for Affirmative Action because theyve been brainwashed into feeling that they're not equal to White trash without it

Clarence Thomas earned his way with hard work and intelligence like a man, which is the cause of your jealous hatred.
Affirmative Action does nothing but get people in the door, give them a chance. If they don't perform, they still fail. All people who graduate college or excel in their fields did it because they earned it, regardless if they got in the door because of an AA policy.
Affirmative Action does nothing but get people in the door, give them a chance. If they don't perform, they still fail. All people who graduate college or excel in their fields did it because they earned it, regardless if they got in the door because of an AA policy.
Affirmative Action laws don't mention the word "poor".

Barrack Obama's children can steal the chance a poor barefoot trailer trash white kid earns by hard work because Obama's kids are Black.

White Supremacists say Blacks are inferior and need Affirmative Action to be equal to Whites.

You apparently agree.
Affirmative Action does nothing but get people in the door, give them a chance. If they don't perform, they still fail. All people who graduate college or excel in their fields did it because they earned it, regardless if they got in the door because of an AA policy.
Affirmative Action laws don't mention the word "poor".

Barrack Obama's children can steal the chance a poor barefoot trailer trash white kid earns by hard work because Obama's kids are Black.

White Supremacists say Blacks are inferior and need Affirmative Action to be equal to Whites.

You apparently agree.

Yep, you said that earlier MAWA Man

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