A new line of law

The Conservative Treehouse is a bullshit website.

The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) – Bias and Credibility​



Detailed Report​

Reasoning: Poor Sourcing, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Lack of Transparency, Fake News, False Claims
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

The website lacks transparency as it does not cite authors or disclose authors, ownership, or location.

Analysis / Bias

In general, the Conservative TreeHouse promotes strongly right-biased propaganda and is often not factual.
Overall, we rate The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) as far-right biased and questionable based on the use of poor sources, promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, a complete lack of transparency, and numerous failed fact checks.

The Conservative Treehouse is a bullshit website.

The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) – Bias and Credibility​

View attachment 953074

Detailed Report​

Reasoning: Poor Sourcing, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Lack of Transparency, Fake News, False Claims
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

The website lacks transparency as it does not cite authors or disclose authors, ownership, or location.

Analysis / Bias

In general, the Conservative TreeHouse promotes strongly right-biased propaganda and is often not factual.
Overall, we rate The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) as far-right biased and questionable based on the use of poor sources, promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, a complete lack of transparency, and numerous failed fact checks.

The Conservative Treehouse is a bullshit website.

The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) – Bias and Credibility​

View attachment 953074

Detailed Report​

Reasoning: Poor Sourcing, Propaganda, Conspiracy, Lack of Transparency, Fake News, False Claims
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

The website lacks transparency as it does not cite authors or disclose authors, ownership, or location.

Analysis / Bias

In general, the Conservative TreeHouse promotes strongly right-biased propaganda and is often not factual.
Overall, we rate The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) as far-right biased and questionable based on the use of poor sources, promotion of propaganda and conspiracy theories, a complete lack of transparency, and numerous failed fact checks.

Punked again.....llmmaaaooo

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